[Sunday, Afternoon]
On a wonderfully cheerful Sunday afternoon, filled with relaxation as if one was on a holiday. I find myself looking at my phone reading a rather simple message.
"Hey, Owen… I need your help…"
It was a rather cryptic message and came from an unknown number. I didn't want to reply as I was worried they would hack into my phone and view all my personal information. That was about 2 hours ago. I'm still in bed and later received a similar message from Ethan.
"We are in trouble. I need your help…" It said.
I read it over about 10 times making sure that it was correct. I couldn't see properly in the morning and it was difficult for me to get the energy to reply.
Ding dong.
The doorbell went as my weekend was ruined.
"What is it?" I said opening to door to Ethan who was being attacked by the devil dressed as a small child. I'm not one to judge his kinks.
"We need to help her."
I looked at Ethan who had Charley with him. It wasn't a pairing I was expecting. I wasn't expecting any pairing. I'd much rather just not have either of them and not have this conversation. In my eyes, this chapter shouldn't even be happening.
"No," I said as I slowly closed the door only for Charley to full roundhouse kick it into me.
"I'm coming in." She said as she stepped over my collapsed body.
"So what do you want?" I said as we all sat around a table with a bunch of books and paper in front of us.
"Guess," She said as if I was the problem in this situation.
"We have to help her study," Ethan said going along with everything. How did they even end up meeting? Why is this the group?
"Whatever, What are you studying?" I said forgetting that she told me a few chapters back.
"English Language, photography and history."
"Right!" I said ready to use all of my brains to help her. "How are we meant to help you with this? We don't do those subjects."
"I already asked," Ethan said. "She just said-"
In her sudden outburst, she decided to unload all her feelings on each of us. She went around each character and gave them her opinions without holding anything back. She was simple to most just saying they were awkward but when it got to me… I had quite a few 'improvements.'
"You are awkward. You are rude to people. You don't know how to be nice. You think you are better than everyone whilst thinking you are the worst person in the world. You are too depressing to be around and annoy me every time you open your mouth…"
This went on for a while, so we'll skip ahead.
# # #
"Alright," I said shutting her up. "We'll try our best. We can't say we will be perfect but it's better than nothing."
Charley's face lit up as she threw all these complicated words and questions at us. I knew some of the English Language stuff as I was doing Media but Ethan looked as if he was going to throw up from being the dumbest person in the room.
We went through about 10 questions with her. Trying to figure out how people mark an English exam. I didn't understand any of it and struggled, even more, when I had to read her History essays.
"This is too much," Ethan said passing out on the table. "I need to rest…"
He was right. But what was worse was that Charley was smart and didn't actually need our help. She was here for no reason. She could pass all her exams easily without our help. It's not like we are giving her any good advice.
"I just feel nervous." She said when I questioned why she was here. "I guess I want someone to reassure me that I'm going to pass,"
"Oh, Charley…" I said. "That's what parents are for. Go annoy them, Goodbye," I said receiving a swift blow to the stomach, joining Ethan passed out on the table.
"Don't worry," I said. "You'll be fine. Just do what you've been doing this whole time. If you made it into Sixth form you can make it out. Just believe in yourself a bit more."
Charley looked at me in a way that made me assume she was regretting her earlier actions of hitting me and breaking my door. I didn't notice that what it actually was is that she was just trying not to hit me again.
"T-thanks…" She said picking up her things. "I'll try my best,"
"Hmmm?" I said watching her as she quickly wanted to exit. "You don't have to leave… you've only been here for an hour or two. If you want you can stay."
Instantly, I regretted saying that. She sat back down and kept writing and reading essays to us. She was a computer that couldn't stop, she seemed to be unable to rest and relax. Ethan had died and moved on to the next life a while ago. It was about time I joined him.