It was a busy time of year. Most of the sixth formers were running around prepping for something both mentally and physically. Ethan stood in front of a crowd of people that sat in formation around him. They all listened in with their hands filled with paper and pens. Staring him down with intense looks. Owen, who was also in that room, looked at Ethan as he sweated enough to drown himself. He wanted to get up and help him but knew that he couldn't as it was Ethan's job.
"A-alright…" Ethan said. "Shall we start the meeting for the festival?"
The school was preparing for a festival. Not a music festival, although there will be music, it was a festival similar to one it had in the past. Parents and students from other schools were expected to come in and enjoy themselves with student prepared booths. At the head of this, was Ethan and his trusted festival committee. He was the one in charge of planning and had been meeting with this current group of people for a few weeks now. Originally, the festival was meant to be one day long, but with Ethan who was ambitious and wanted to leave a legacy behind, he decided to run it for three days. And with the first day of the festival approaching, he had to make sure it was perfect.
"H-how is the budget?" Ethan asked looking at Owen who was in charge of the money.
"Right!" Owen said standing up as it was his turn to speak. "Thanks to previous measures taken by the school and additional funding being found, thanks to the head students, we are expecting to be left with more than we thought. It is recommended that we give an extra bit to each class to get additional supplies if they need. The geography department has already come to us with a request for an increase as they spent too much on ingredients for their pizza ingredients."
"I see…" Ethan said pondering what to the correct course of action was, even if it was obvious. "Well let's do that then," He said. "The accounting team should distribute the funds whilst the rest of us go back to our classes and help them with whatever they need. I'll do one check of every class to make sure everyone is doing ok and help out where needed. We need to make this the best festival they have ever seen. Some of us in this room will be graduating in a few months. Let's make it enjoyable for everyone."
The room clapped as Ethan awkwardly bowed and quickly ran out of the room. Owen was left inside with the money so he and his little team had to divide it and give them to each class. It would last three days, from Wednesday to Friday. The commitment from the students helping their classes was enough to get anyone fired up, Ethan and his team were committed behind the scenes to make it perfect in hopes to create a festival everyone can remember.
# # #
"Let's see…" Ethan said rapidly running around the school checking up on everything. "The English department seems fine… Seems like Lily is helping out so that makes my life easier. The geography department was complaining but I told them they'll get their money soon… Where is Owen? He needs to hurry up with that… Oh shit… the drama department."
Ethan ran to the drama department anticipating something to have gone wrong. In typical cliche for something like this, either an actor would have broken a bone, lost a costume, or destroyed the set.
"WHAT!?" Ethan screamed as he was told about the situation. "What do you mean? What are you missing?"
"We were told that we would have the backing track and music by now…" Kaylee said trying not to worry Ethan anymore than he already was.
"Who told you that?" He asked in a blind rage.
"O-Owen…" She replied, trying to hide her answer behind her hoodie. "He said the music department would do it for us…"
"THAT IDIOT!" Ethan said taking his phone in his pocket and tumbling it next to his ear.
"What's up?" Owen said on the other side of the phone.
"WHERE IS THE MUSIC FOR THE DRAMA PERFORMANCE?!" Ethan screamed to which Owen was sure he felt spit on the other side of the phone.
"Oh that, it's in the music room. It's a CD on the side. I did do it so don't worry."
"Good," Ethan replied calming down from 100 to 0 and ending the call with Owen not caring about the situation of the additional money.
"It's in the music department," He said to Kaylee. "I'll go get it so just wait here…"
"N-no," Kaylee said determinedly. "I'll go with you… I'm not needed much here so I'll help you out."
"R-right, thanks."
# # #
"Welcome to my neck of the woods!" Ruby said as she welcomed Kaylee and Ethan from the music stage.
"Please tell me everything is fine on your end?" Ethan said hoping he could rip his ears out so he didn't have to listen to the issue.
"Yup!" Ruby said cheerfully. "We are all good! Once I remind Owen he has to perform it will be all good!"
"What?" Ethan said looking at the schedule for who is on duty during the three days. "OWEN HAS TO BE ON DUTY FOR THE FESTIVAL! HE CAN'T PERFORM! DID HE KNOW ABOUT THIS?"
"Oh… Whoops!" Ruby said acting cute and pretending to hit herself in the head. "I guess I'll have to think of something else."
"No," Ethan said. "It's fine… Owen can take a quick 20 minutes to perform… I'll just have to make sure to cover his section as well…"
Ethan became more and more distressed at each class he visited. No class was without its problems and the main cause for the smaller classes was lack of money. Ethan was fine to rely on Owen as he had trust in him. But after this and lack of money in people's hands, his trust was slowly fading.