"Phew…" Owen wiped off the sweat on his forehead after finishing the new money allocations with his team. "All that's left is to give these out. Don't worry about it guys. I'll go and do it myself."
As shady as it sounds, Owen took all the money and ran. As soon as he took one step out of the room, his phone rang.
"What's up?" He said answering only to be shouted at by Ethan on the other end.
"Oh that," Owen replied to the spit voiced Ethan on the other side. "It's in the music room. It's a CD on the side. I did do it so don't worry,"
Beep beep beep.
"He hung up on me," Owen said as he started his journey to go around to the 50+ classrooms to hand out their additional finances.
# # #
"Alright, where to next!" Kaylee said stealing Ethan's clipboard and reading herself.
"We need to check the engineering rooms, their booth allows people to get a custom made cutout of their face to use as a key ring. The amount of paperwork that we had to fill out just to make sure that it was safe was unbearable. Without a team, it would have been impossible…"
Ethan sank to the floor as he dragged himself up the stairs.
"At least you're nearly done," Kaylee said trying to lift the mood.
"Not yet, we won't be done until Friday night. Then we need to clean up… OH, WHAT A PAIN!"
Ethan screamed thinking it will never come to an end. "Why can't things be easier for me?"
"How did you even get in this position?"
"I wanted to give it a go but was asked because I was free and not doing anything with my life. The head students ran away and left it all to us… I understand Owen's pain for the system."
Outside the engineering rooms, Ethan stood reading a sign that he could just understand. It was crudely made and there was faint arguing going on from the inside.
"What is happening?" Ethan said only to walk in on the Engineering class argue with the art class.
"These guys said they would have our banner done by now." An engineering student said.
"We said we can't do it!" An art student replied. "We don't have time!"
Ethan listened in as his teeth started to hurt from the added workload that was about to be forced onto him.
"Alright…" Ethan said. "Give me a second."
"Strange for you to call me?" Ruby said on the other end of Ethan's phone call.
"I need a favour…" he said defeated at the idea.
"Oh?" Ruby said aware of all the possibilities. "Why should I help you?"
Ethan was aware of this and had already planned accordingly. If he needed to ask a favour from someone, he had appropriate trades at his disposal.
"I can make sure Owen makes it to your performance and even has time left over for you two to go around together…"
"Deal!" Ruby screamed without hearing what she had to do.
"You're good at this," Kaylee said.
"Well, someone has to do it. It's tiring and I keep telling myself it'll be fine but I can't say for certain."
"Heehee," Kaylee laughed and poked Ethan's face. "You are a hard worker. I'm sure it'll turn out exactly how you want it to."
"Thanks," Ethan said, "hopefully it all goes well,"
# # #
At the base of the school, where all the students were preparing for the upcoming festival. Two people sat, resting after setting up their booths for their class. They had an easy-ish job of blowing up 200 balloons between the two of them.
"That was hard," Claire said catching her breath.
"You ok?" Simon asked handing her a cold drink.
"Thanks! I'm fine and ready to continue!"
"I'm not," Simon said hoping to use all the time he had during his break.
"Alright… We will wait."
They both waited together for the remainder of their hour break. They sat next to each other with kids running about, placing decorations, hanging banners and smiling whilst making new friends.
"Hey…" Simon said starting a conversation. "D-do you want to go around the festival together on one of the days?"
Claire looked at Simon who she thought wouldn't ask. She was expecting to be the one to initiate the conversation and accepted with speeds that would rival light.
"Hmmm… I'm busy the first two days helping with the politics booth but we can go around on the final day."
Simon sat and nodded hoping he would come off as cool in Claire's mind.
The festival brought out the best in people. From the hard-working students to the ones that just looked forward to the end results. It was full of characters that made it enjoyable for everyone. It was the last festival for the Year 13s and it was about to begin.