Believe In Me

*Jisoo's POV*

Today's mission is to get Sunni to come see Jin. I haven't heard or seen neither Sunni or Taehyung ever since the day of the car accident. I didn't want to find out either since I know I might go berserk and just murder the two for being so cruel to Jin.

After Jin has fallen asleep, I left the hospital and went to Sunni's apartment. Once I arrived outside her door, I brought my hand up to ring her doorbell, but I stopped myself. I had a bad feeling that I shouldn't be here right now. With all my encounter with her and the guys she was with, I was afraid that she might be with a different guy this time.

I let out a long breath and rung the doorbell while waiting for her to open the door. I bit my lips nervously hoping that she would be alone. I still had a tiny bit of hope that maybe she does love Jin and she had just been feeling guilty about how she has been treating Jin.

The door soon opened, but it wasn't Sunni who opened it. My eye widens as tears slowly started to form in my eyes. Tears of hurt and anger at the male. He was half naked with only his pants on. He looked shocked to see me standing there for a split second before his facial expression turned back into an evil grin.

"Jisoo, what are you doing here?"

The smirk that was plastered on his face slowly started to fade when he saw that my tears had left my eyes. I really didn't want to believe that it was him of all people.


His voice was soft, almost comforting me. But it was all lies.

"I'm here to see Sunni, not you. Where is she Taehyung?"

"Taehyungie, who is it?" Sunni called out as she made her way to the door. She let out a scoffed laugh when she saw me and rolled her eyes at me.

"What are you doing here Jisoo? Why are you always ruining my moments?"

I grimaced in disgust at what the two was probably doing before I came here.

"I came to ask you to go see Jin at the hospital. He's been asking for you nonstop. He really misses you, but I can clearly see you no longer care about him."

I met gaze with Taehyung who looked hurt by what I had just said. Sunni just laughed out loud at me.

"If you can clearly see, then get lost. Stop bothering us."

"I will, but I need you to go see Jin with me. Just one last time for him. You need to end the relationship between the two of you if you are choosing Taehyung. Cut him out of your life properly first so he will stop waiting for you."

"Oh sweetie. No one will want a blind and broke man. Let him hang on to the memories of us and think that someone still cares about him."

"I care for him," my voice was barely a whisper. The tears wouldn't stop flowing.

"So go and end your relationship with him so he can finally move on from you Sunni. Stop it now before he finds out about you two and hurt even more."

I probably looked like a crying mess now, but I just wanted them both out of his life. They don't deserve Jin's love. I must have hit a soft spot in the two. They both looked at me painfully with regret in their eyes for a second before Sunni replied.

"Then just tell him the truth. Tell him I'm with Taehyungie and that I no longer want him. Break his heart so that he can move on from me. With me out of the picture, you can mend his broken heart."

I didn't want Jin to find out about Taehyung and Sunni. It will just break him even more than he is already. I could see that I wasn't going to get through to these two so I just turned around and left. I didn't need to waste any more of my tears and breath on them.

I don't know what lies I'm going to tell Jin this time, but I need to come up with something quick. My slow brain couldn't think of anything and I hit myself in the head to help think of something while making my way towards the elevator. I pressed the down arrow and leaned my forehead against the elevator door and closed my eyes. I lightly kept banging my head on the metal door while waiting for the elevator.


What am I going to do?


What do I tell Jin?


Should I just tell him the truth?


I didn't hit the cold metal door this time but instead something soft and warm. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a hand in between my forehead and the door. I turned around and saw Taehyung standing next to me with such a sad and broken look on his face. He was still half naked so I assumed he must have run after me shortly after I left. His deep voice was shaky as if holding back tears as he whispered lightly to me.

"Hyungsu-nim. Nal mideo... jebal."

(Sister in law. Believe in me... please.)


*Taehyung's POV*

I had always known about Sunni cheating on Jin Hyung. I first found out when she told Hyung that she had to meet with a male client of Hyung's. I was suspicious because why would a secretary be needed to meet a client that deals with Hyung only. Apparently, there were some documents that he needed Sunni to bring to Hyung. Hyung trusting Sunni in everything she does, just lets her go with no suspicion. I couldn't trust her so I followed her that day. Instead of meeting up at the company, they met at a hotel and she didn't come back out until 2 hours later. Who takes 2 hours to pick up some documents? This happened for about a week. The two would just randomly meet at the same hotel and she would always be leaving hours later.

I did some background check on the male client and turns out he was already married with 2 children, so I threaten to tell his wife and family if he didn't break it off with Sunni. He eventually stopped but she didn't. She found another guy soon after. I was angry and told Hyung, but he said I didn't have proof so he never believed me. He just thought it was because I liked her too. He was in too deep. She got him wrapped around her fingers.

I hated her so much. First, she takes Hyung away from me and now she doesn't even love Hyung and is playing him. It made my blood boiled with rage as I thought of how she plays with Hyung's heart. So I thought up a plan for revenge. If I can get her to fall in love with me and then I leave her, break her, play her, just like how she has been doing to my Hyung. I don't care what Hyung thinks of me. He can hate me or do whatever he wants with me. I just want Sunni out of Hyung's life.

I want Sunni to hurt. I want her to feel pain. That's why I have been trying so hard to get her to be alone with me, but she was always with Hyung. And when she wasn't with him, she was with another guy trying to get money out from him too. She never looked my way and it just made me angrier. But I knew why she wouldn't come to me. It's because I wasn't the heir. I would always be second to Hyung.

My mother was no different from Sunni and I really didn't want her to be that way. Sunni was enough for me to deal with already, but my mom pressured me every day to learn from Hyung so I can take the company away from him. I hated it so much, but I always said yes so she would leave me alone. I have no intention of taking over the company. I don't even know the first thing about running a company. I just want to hang out with Hyung like how we use to in the past.

Then, she came along. Min Jisoo. I remember our first meeting at the elevator. I could see her stealing glances at me and she was so cute. Too adorably cute that it made my heart flutter. I was on my way to see Hyung and turn out she was going the same way I was. I happily led her along with me to the main meeting room. I soon found out that she was Sunni's new assistant.

Sunni had never needed an assistant before in the past so why did she suddenly hire one? Whatever her reason was, I was delighted. I wanted to get to know Jisoo better. I wanted to be her friend. I wanted to be the one for her. But I saw the three together often. She was always following Sunni and Hyung around and doing little task for them. Her gaze towards Jin Hyung had suddenly changed. She had those lovey-dovey eyes towards Hyung. Then I noticed how she started having a hard time breathing every time Hyung was near her. As much as I wanted to deny it, I knew that she had fallen in love with Hyung.

When we saw her at the bar, I so was happy to see her. But she had been caught in a tight situation with Hyung. He caught her smoking, but I know it wasn't Jisoo's. Sunni must have been the one smoking because I know she smokes behind Hyung's back. I saw how Sunni lied and the sad look on Jisoo's face as Hyung tells her to call him 'Mr. Kim' from now on. Her face scrunched in pain as the tears left her eyes after Hyung and Sunni had left.

Her tears made me decided to help her. I want her to be happy. I want her to be loved and I want it to be Jin Hyung who will love her. I will make her my Hyungsu-nim.

To Be Continued...