Flashback Pt. 1

(This chapter will be a flashback chapter but from Taehyung's POV. Heads up, it's going to be a looooooooong chapter with a lot, I quote "A LOT" of repeated scenes from all the previous chapters. So you may or may not need a refresher by re-reading the chapters. I hope you enjoy this chapter from Taehyung's POV.)

*Chapter 5 - Leave Me Alone*

"I believe you."

She quickly wiped away her tears and turned towards me. I knew why she was having a hard time breathing. Only Hyung that could make her wheeze heavily in that way.

"A smoker wouldn't be having trouble breathing when smoking so I believe you when you said you don't smoke."

"Thank you Taehyung."

"Call me Taehyung Oppa."

"Taehyung Oppa?"

"Ne. I'm still older than you by a year. I would like to be friends with you. You're a really interesting girl, you know that?"

"Thanks, but I'll no longer be working for Kim's Corporation. I'm putting in my letter of resignation on Monday. Have a good night sir."

She started to head towards the door and pulled it open and I hurried after her pushing the door to close it shut. She turned around and I realized we were inches apart. She was so beautiful in front of me. She cutely tries to escape from me but I caught her by her arm and pulled her back. I pinned her to the door and I was going insane on the inside. I wanted to attack her lips. I wanted to taste her. How sweet would her kiss be? How soft would those lips feel? But I fought off the urge.

"You know, a lot of girls would die to be in your position right now. Are you telling me that you don't want to be friends with me?"

"I don't want anything to do with you Kim brothers or Sunni. So just leave me alone."

She was in denial. So I played a little game with her. I wanted to see how much she liked Hyung. I moved in close to her.

"You like my Hyung, don't you?"

Just the mentioned of Jin Hyung and she started breathing heavily again. I let out a small laugh.

"I knew it. I've seen the way you stare at Jin Hyung. I can see the envy in your eyes. You want him just as much as I want Sunni. We can be of help to one another. How about it?"

She must think I'm a disgusting person to be wanting my brother's girlfriend. I only want her so I can break her. I'm not at all attracted to Sunni. Jisoo pushed me hard and I back up away from her.

"You're wrong. I don't like your Hyung. I never did and I never will. I only took on this job because I needed the money, but no amount of money would keep me here working for your messed up family."

And she left. I stayed behind and a sad broken smile falls on my face.

"Hyungsu-nim, I can't fall in love with you... Otherwise, our family would really become a messed up family."


*Chapter 6 - Don't Cry*

The elevator door almost closed shut on me but I caught it before it completely closed. I walked in and noticed that Hyung and Jisoo were both in the elevator. Jisoo was in the back of the elevator. I immediately squeezed through and stood next to her.

"Good morning Jisoo," I called out to her.

She nodded back to answer me. I knew Hyung was listening to us so I purposely said even louder to get his attention.

"Aren't you going to say 'good morning' to your Oppa?"

"I will not call you Oppa, Mr. Kim Taehyung," she silently said through clenched teeth back at me. She was so cute. I couldn't help but tease her some more.

"Why not? We were supposed to help each other, right?"

"I never said I was going to help you."

"Never say never. I want to be your Oppa. Soon, you'll be calling me Oppa and you'll be helping me. I'll wait until that day arrives Jisoo."

I winked at her and grinned widely at her.

The door soon opens and all 3 of us stepped out of the elevator.

"I'm heading in this direction Jisoo. Oppa will go now. I'll see you around," I called out to her as I head in the opposite direction.

I didn't walk too far before stopping and turning back around to watch her speed quickly past Hyung. Hyung called her into his office and a small smile made it's way to my lips before I turned back around and walked away.


*Chapter 9 - Tomorrow*

"Jisoo-ah! You had me and Jin Hyung worried sick about you yesterday!"

How could she just disappeared like that?! I went crazy looking all over the company for her when Hyung came back alone yesterday.

"I was looking for you to eat together with me and I couldn't find you at all. Jin Hyung came back from signing the contract alone. We both went insane for a while just looking for you. Don't worry us like that anymore," I pouted to Jisoo.

She cutely smiles at me and pinched my cheeks before replying back to me.

"I was feeling a bit under the weather after we went to see Sunni so I went home first. I didn't inform Jin that I had left. Sorry, Taehyung. I didn't mean to worry the two of you."

Once I heard that they went to see Sunni, I immediately felt my blood rushing.

"You went to see Sunni?"

"She left early yesterday because she wasn't feeling well either. Jin was worried and we stopped at her apartment to visit her after the contract signing."

I clenched my jaw hard as I try hard not to let it affect me. Whenever she leaves work early, she was with another man. I didn't want Jisoo to worry so I quickly asked her to join me for lunch to change the subject.

"Jisoo-ah, Oppa will buy you lunch today. I want to treat you. Don't reject me, okay?"

She agreed and I asked her to meet me at the entrance so we can both go to lunch together. When lunchtime arrived and I went down to the entrance to wait for Jisoo. Soon I saw her walking towards me. I smiled as I called out to her.

"Jisoo-ah! Over he-"

I saw Jin Hyung walking alongside her. Was he coming with us too? I instantly smiled widely.

"Hyung," I moved quickly towards him and hugged him. I've missed him so much. Yesterday, we both got caught up with Jisoo missing so we parted right after he told me that Jisoo didn't come back with him to look for her.

"How did you get Hyung to eat lunch with us? I've been asking him nonstop to have lunch with me for the longest time."

I didn't know how she did it. But I was extremely happy. It's been so long. Too long since I could break him away from Sunni. I couldn't help but pull her into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Jisoo. You don't know how happy I am right now."

"Taehyung, let her go. We are still at the company," Hyung said while pulling me away from her.

"I like you Jisoo."

Her expression soon turned into confusion. I wanted so badly to tell her then, how I felt. How she made me the happiest man alive right now, but she will soon belong to Hyung.

"Thank you for being my friend and getting Hyung to finally hang out with me. I never get to spend time with him anymore."

We went to eat lunch together and Hyung and I had a great time together. I missed him. He's never around anymore. He only works and concentrates on Sunni now so I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity. He promised to hang out with me this weekend, just the two of us. Just like in the past before Sunni came along. We ate our food and we left back to the company shortly after.

The next day, when I got to work, I went looking for Jisoo at her desk. When I got there, all her belongings were missing. There was nothing on her desk but her badge. I grabbed her badge and ran towards Sunni's office. I push open the door and she wasn't in her office. I ran to Hyung's office and she was in there with him.

"Where did she go?!!" I screamed at Sunni. They both looked shocked before Sunni replied.

"Who are you talking about Taehyungie?"

"Jisoo! Where did she go? Why is her desk empty?!"

"Oh, Jisoo. She just quit earlier."

My heart felt heavy and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Why did she quit?" Hyung asked before I could. He looked just as shocked as I was hearing this news.

"I don't know. She walked into my office and just told me that she quit. She didn't give me a reason why."

"O-oh. I would have liked to say goodbye to her at least," Hyung said. He looked a little sad. She had a tiny effect on Hyung. He's not going to admit it, but I can see it.

Something must have happened for her to quit. I needed to find her, but I didn't have her number or her address. Sunni probably already got rid of her things and I just lost my last hope in saving Hyung from Sunni.

To Be Continued...