Chapter 3

Chapter 3.

Blight woke up, he looked to his left, then to his right, then back to the ceiling, Blight slowly sorted out his thoughts, as well as his new memories. Blight got up and started to look around his room, as he saw a mirror, he went and stood in front of it, as he looked in the mirror, he said "Not bad" as he saw he was Caucasian like his previous life, and noticed his 6 foot 1 inch height, Emerald green eyes, brown hair, a sleek jaw line, a face with no blemishes to the skin, and as he opened his trousers and looked at his little bro, Blight said, "Heh not bad at all" and as he stared at himself in the mirror, he sorted out his memories, and destroyed any emotions that came from the memories of "him' of this world, because those emotions could cause change, and only a fool would keep them and value them.

Blight opened his phone and looked at the date, as he put on his shoes on. Blight grabbed his money and put it in his pocket and smiled as he looked at the attic window and saw it could not be opened, but as he stared at the ground through the window, he thought of being there and as he opened his eyes, he looked around and saw he was outside as he looked back at the attic window smiling, soon he started wandering around for a good twenty minutes and found a 24 hour store and walked in, as he walked in his smiled at the lady cashier and walked up to her, saying "Hey do you guys sell Flash Drives here" and with that the somewhat pretty lady smiled and pointed at the corner of the store, with that he walked to it and looked for the largest capacity and saw only a 256gb flash drive for a few hundred bucks and picked that and looked around and found condoms and picked a bunch for his size as well, he then placed it on the cashier desk and smiled saying "All of these please", the cashier lady looked at the 10+ condoms pack that said 'XXL Size' and looked back at him saying "Congratulations" and proceeded to scan with the bill tallying up to 389.93 dollars and with that Blight payed the lady while looking around for any cameras and when he saw the only camera in the store he snapped his finger and the wire cut as it's red light dimmed.

Blight took his change and opened one box of condoms and looked at the lady and touched her hand saying "How about we have some fun" and with that, he left the store a few hours later with a box of empty condoms, as he looked at it, he threw it in the garbage nearby.

Blight started walking fast towards the direction the lady told him about, it was to the Hale family house, and around forty minutes later, he saw the house on the hill from afar and teleported thereafter sensing if anybody was in the vicinity, and as he saw nobody in a 2 mile radius, he teleported.

Blight got in the burned down house, he went straight for the stairs and removed a wooden tile and took out the laptop, as he plugged it in, he opened the laptop and soon found what he was looking for, he found the Hales family bestiary, and as he saw all the files about monsters and a few other secrets, he saw that it was all around a 100+ gb so he put in his flash drive and started copying everything, but as I'd said it would take hours to finish he speeded up the area around the laptop by a few hours and then took out his flash drive and put back the laptop to where it was hidden and then teleported away back to his room and with that he noticed he didn't have a laptop or a computer in the house so he teleported back to the area near the store he recently bought his Flash Drive and as he looked around and saw a computer store that was closed, he turned himself invisible and teleported into the store and cut all the cameras wires that he found with a snap of his fingers.

Blight picked up a laptop at the edge of the store and teleported back home, as he got home, he sat on his bed and opened the laptop and and put it in charge as he destroyed the boxes remains and put his flash drive in to review the information, about the monsters and started to research the bestiary.

Time passed and Blight heard a knock on the door with Olivia entering without a confirmation, as Olivia saw him on the laptop, she said "It seems your up, did you sleep well" and Belight replied "Like a baby" and Olivia smiled at that comment saying " Well breakfast is ready, I made pancakes so come down, and I need to introduce you to the others" and with that he said "I'll be right down" and took out his flash drive and stored it away as he got up and went downstairs after a quick look in the mirror.

As Blight got downstairs, he saw a child and a teenage girl, and then glanced at the Olivia who was setting up the food and plates for everyone, the girl looked at Blight as well as the boy, but the boy soon looked back at his food and Blight looked at the girl that was staring him down while giving her a smile and said " Morning, the names Blight " with she replied to "Same, and then the names Jessica and the kids Arnold"

As Blight looked at the girl, he gave her a five out of ten in looks and thought "Meh, I'm good" as he looked at her slight red cheeks, but as he saw Olivia, he gave her a solid seven and a half out of ten in looks wise and sat down at the seat she was gesturing at, as he sat down, she passed him the maple syrup and he ate his pancakes, as he chatted with them, learning about them with a smile.

As he finished eating, Olivia told him that she would be taking him around town, to show him around and the direction towards his school for tomorrow and apparently since its and twenty minute walk, he'll have to walk there since Arnold's preschool time is much earlier and its location is in the opposite direction.

Blight was talking to Jessica, and as Olivia took Arnold to the living room, he looked at Jessica and used his mind control abilities and said "You won't notice anything weird in this house, and you will not notice if anyone is acting strange, but think it's normal, you will see me as average looking as well, and don't waste my time if it isn't important" and as he said this he saw Olivia come back in, he smiled and drank his juice as he saw Olivia talk to Jessica.

After Olivia told Jessica somethings about lunch and Arnold, they headed out to go explore Beacon Hills in the car, while Olivia had to pass by the school to make sure of everything was fine, she then showed Blight around the area and warned him about the area around the hale family and that there were coyotes and mountain lions around that area, and that he should only follow the path that was indicated by the signs shown in the forest, soon after, they got some food and then went home and time passed by, till it got to night time.

Olivia entered Blight room after knocking on his door, she saw he was on his laptop again and wasn't downstairs with the rest of the kids, so she said" So how was today for you Blight" and with that he replied "Good, I guess" and before he could say anything more, she started to walk in and close the door behind her and started to sit next to Belight and as Belight saw this, he put the laptop to the side as it was a different language, so she couldn't read it, and looked at her and thought " What does she want"

Olivia sat down next to him but not to close and said "I know this might be hard for you with the whole 'new family thing', were all strangers to you but if you need anything please tell me"and continued on with " I know this might sound strange but, do you have any interests or hobbies so I can get to know something about you, you don't have to tell me now, if you feel like you don't trust me, we have all the time and when you feel like you're ready, you can tell me"

Blight smiled saying " I don't mind telling you about my interests Olivia" Olivia replied with a cheerful smile "Great, so what is your interest, bugs, games, animals, oh your at the age, so it must be girls" she said with a smile, Blight kept smiling as he replied "The human mind" and she looked at him with a weird expression and said "The human mind?" and he replied "Yes understanding the human mind", she then asked "Do you want to be a psychologist or something like that"

Belight replied with "Yes, something like that, well, I love to experiment as well, and I even got a new test subject that I would love to experiment with" Olivia looked at him weirdly, before she was able to say something, she saw his eyes glowing purple and looked at him with a shocked expression before returning back to normal, Belight thought "Let's play with Hypnotism, due to mind control being a little less controlling that hypnotism, since Hypnotism even controls the subconscious mind, bringing more to the table" and said to the hypnotized Olivia "You will start to fall in love with me, and every day your love for me will grow stronger, but you will never act open it and try to keep it hidden while trying to seduce me, you will be able to let it all out when I come on to you and you will not remember this conversation or anything unusual that happened and what you will remember was me talking about baseball being my hobby, is that understood" which Olivia replied with "Yes" and with that confirmation, Blights eyes stopped glowing and Olivia snapped back out of it and looked at Belight and gave a sweet smile saying "Good talk and you must be tierd, get some rest sweety" and with that, she walked out, but as she reached for the door, she looked back at him one last time before leaving.

Blight thought "Middle age blond with green eyes and a decent body, she's gonna hopelessly fall for me soon, let's see how much it will grow before she would have to either seduce me enough that I would act upon it or her love for me would be too strong that she breaks the Hypnosis and acts upon it herself, Truly, an intriguing experiment, is it not?"

Blight continued on with his learning of monsters from the bestiary he got from the Hale family and soon he heard a howl and thought "Scott's gonna get bit soon" and with that he went downstairs to get some food and came back to his room, he then played some music and continued reading and deciphering/translating words that he doesn't understand from the text in the bestiary, and as it hit midnight, Blight got ready to play around thinking "Scott should be home by now" and got up as he looked out the window smiling.

To Be Continued.