Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Blight went to the same store where he bought his flash drive but didn't see the same lady cashier but a man and shrugged it off going to look at the toys section and found what he was looking for, a buff man with the head of a lion, more of a knockoff version of Thundercat, just more buff, as he picked it up, he also picked up an old fashion looking vampire action figure, as well as a werewolf that standing on both his feet looking buff, kinda looked like the werewolves from underworld but with a bigger tail and upper body, as he looked around, he found no more good monster but saw a Barbie doll saying Beverly Hills fashion mom on the plastic case, for little children and picked that up as well and went to pay for it, as he paid for it, he got some looks from the cashier, but Blight ignored him and left after paying.

Blight teleported to an area in the forest that he explored yesterday, but started walking to another direction from the Hale family house, where he sensed nobody, it appeared the cops left after finding the body.

Blight found an empty cave and as he entered it, he made orbs of light around himself and grabbed the man looking lion and set it down in front of him on a stone, and looked at it, he then closed his eyes and focused on it, Blight used his abilities and made it be "Alive and loyal, and to understand who, Blight is to it" seconds later he could hear another heartbeat in the cave.

Blight opened his eyes, his naturally clear emerald green eyes reflected a huge man that had the head of a beast, it stood six feet, six inches tall looking down upon him.

Blight asked "What's your name", the beast looked at Blight, and responded with a deep gruff voice " I don't have one, Great one?", with that Blight looked at the best and started to think, and as he did, he thought of why and his eyes started changing into his black sclera eyes, with his iris glowing bright purple, and as the beast saw this, he kneeled on the ground shaking.

Blight started at the beast as his eyes glowed brighter and after a moment, he said "It appears you have no soul, stand, I did not ask you to kneel, your name will be Theo, is that understood"

Theo looked back at blight and as he stood up and said fearfully "Thank you, my lord, for bestowing me a name, and yes I have understood"

Blight walked up to Theo, and walked around him, Blight then touched his skin, and as he did, Blight could see Theo's body shaking and so he asked: "It seems you feel fear, intriguing, but can you feel hunger" and he got a "Yes" from Theo.

"It's alive with no soul, and it does not seem to be made of plastic, it's so real, warping reality, such an overpowered ability it would seem, maybe I should find a hulk action figure, now that would be fun" Blight thought and continued to ask questions " What are your abilities?, and what am I to you?"

The big responded with "You're my creator, an almighty being my lord, you've brought me life, I'm to serve all your wishes, my strengths are, super strength, super speed, durability, and my Vitality" Blight questioned him saying "Nothing else?" and Theo responded with " The stronger my rage becomes the bigger and stronger I become" and with that Blight replied with "Is that so, alright then, stand behind me now, I need to awaken the rest"

As Theo moved behind Blight, Blight already placed the two action figures and the Barbie doll down and walked a few steps back and looked at the three figures and did the same thing and as he opened his eyes and saw a pale looking man with a weird hairdo, a werewolf that was around six feet, five inches tall and the last was a hot middle age blonde that was around five feet, eight inches tall.

Blight looked at the three and as his eyes changed and as they saw this they kneeled and started to shiver and when Blight noticed this he asked Theo "Why does this keep happening, why do you fear my eyes?" and noticed as he looked at Theo, Theo shivered but didn't kneel, Theo responded with " My lord, your eyes pierce through our bodies and cause us to feel fear, and terror, so we are afraid, and we can feel something else, that we would return to being nothing, if you so wish so.", Blight eyes started to revert back while responding with "Is that so" and told the three to stand up.

As the three stood, they looked at Blight and Blight looked back at them, and said " Vampire, your name will be Vlad, Werewolf your's is Warren, and you, your's will be Ava, is that understood" and the three responded with "Yes my lord".

Blight asked about their powers, Warren basically had the same abilities as Theo, but was able to revert back to human form and was at his strongest on a full moon, Vlad had super strength, but weaker compared to Theo and Warren but was faster, he can also drink blood for food or to regenerate faster than what he can naturally do, but is weak during the day, but does not burn while the sun shines upon him, Ava answered to him "fashion sense", so basically she was useless for dealing with supernatural situations, but Blight thought "She could still be used, whether sexually or to adopt him and get him out of the foster home, but till then, money and the timing aren't good at the moment, and since my experiment with Olivia has just begun, I can't just leave, I would miss out on all the fun, and my data, well let's keep her alive for now and see what the future holds for me"

Blight looked at his phone and saw it was around 3 am and thought to himself "Haven't slept for a day and I'm still fine, appears I don't need any sleep for now, still, I will keep myself awake to see if it's truly needed or not" and looked at the three in front of him and snapped his finger, they all reverted back to their original forms, and then snapped his fingers again and asked "Do you still remember?" and they replied with a "Yes" and told the four he will revert them back to their original forms and will be called upon when needed, the 4 kneeled and responded with a "Yes, my lord".

Blight looked at the three kneeling action figures and one doll, and thought " So when I revert them back, they don't keep their original positions" and picked them up and used his powers to make them smaller and stored them in his pocket and teleported back to his room. Blight went and picked up his laptop and continued doing research on the bestiary and the understanding of monsters and their abilities of this world.

Hours passed, and his the door got knocked on, Olivia entered wearing a robe and as she walked in, she opened it a little more and looked at Blight and said "Good morning sweetie, breakfast is ready, and today's a big day, you gotta get ready for your classes today" and with that Blight got up and showered, freshened up, packed his school bag, and as he finished, he headed down for a quick bite after saying "Good morning" to the rest of the group, as he ate and said his goodbyes, he left with Jessica and as they walked and talked, and as they got to school, Jessica took Blight where his supposed to wait for a guy to pick Blight up to go to his class and she left to get to her own class.

After a few minutes of waiting a man in a brownish, olive suit came up to Blight and said "You must be Blight, can you wait here for a second, I gotta go get the other transfer student alright, be right back, it will just take a second" and before Blight got to reply, he already got out to pick up Allison.

Blight just watched the guy leave, and Blight took out his phone as he waited, soon the man in the suit came back with Allison, he walked up to Blight and said "Let's go", and as they walked, Allison asked Blight "Hey there, sorry my names Allison, and I forgot to bring a pen, do you mind"

Blight gave her a pen without saying much other than "The names Blight" and as they got into the classroom, they were introduced and sat down, Allison sat behind Scott while Blight sat on her right side, she looked at Blight and smiled while Blight smiled back at her while Scott looked back at both Blight and Allison, Blight smiled and gave Scott a "Hi" gesture, before looking over the class syllabus.

Blight went to and took all his classes, and as he went to his locker to store his books, he saw on his left Allison at her locker, that was 2 lockers away and said nothing as he just closed his locker, Allison said "Hey.." and couldn't say anything due to being interrupted by Lydia, Lydia asked about Allison's jacket and as Blight was setting his lock to zero and making sure it was closed, Jackson came and started talking to Lydia, while Lydia saw Jackson, she went in for a kiss and as she kissed him, she saw Blight and winked at him while asking "You must be new here?".

To Be Continued.