Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Blight just glanced at her and put on his headphones and walked away not interested in conversing with her or the group, as he walked away, Lydia looked at him then back at Jackson and Allison while saying "Did he just ignore me, how dare he!" and then she asked Allison "Do you know him" and Allison replied to Lydia "Yea, he's in my English" which Lydia replied with an " Thats why the , because I would have remembered if I saw someone as cute as him, but he seems rude" which she got a look from Jackson and her response to him was "Don't be jealous, who knows, he might be gay, and you know, well he might be gay because he ignored me, no one ignores me, I do the ignoring"

Jackson shrugged it off and continued talking with Allison about lacrosse.

Blight went ahead to the library as he did not want to watch lacrosse or even play that sport that he never knew existed till he watched teen wolf, even then he would just think, why not basketball, but then he just googled the actors "Heights" and understood why.

As Blight entered the library, he started to think of this universe, as he browsed and picked up a history book, he then thought about the situation with food"It seems I'm not mortal since I don't feel hunger, but I can taste food, in supernatural unless the Angel's we're mortal, they couldn't taste food, and demons don't eat, but my demon bloodline is a human/demon bloodline, 'the antichrist' from Jesse Turner apparently and he could eat and taste, so maybe that's why" and as he was lost in thought, he sat down at an empty table as most were packed and as he read, he saw a girl sit at the other end of the table and saw it was Erica and smiled at her thinking "Oh I got me some free prey, but not now though, her appearance ruins it for me, I need the hotter version, but let's leave her with new memories for now, and see how she will act open them, when she gets turned by Derek, now how fun would that be" and as she looked at him and saw him smiling at her, she looked nervous and gave a quick rise of the hand 'Hi' and stared back at her book and Blight sent a thought command "Your crush is now me the new handsome transfer student, and when no one helped you that day in the classroom where you had a seizure, I did and that's why, and you fell for me but don't know how to act upon it, as you think you're not attractive enough, but if you ever do, you'll go for it" and his smile widened, he looked back at his book thinking of how this was gonna play out later.

As time passed and going through the history books, it would seem, that this world is identical to his own past world with a few variations, but not much, and with that, he thought " I should see if I can find myself of this version of this world, now that would be interesting, wouldn't it? And what kind of high school has no wifi or computers for free period, I legit had to open a book, I gotta get me some 4g later for my phone" and a smile started to appear on Blight's face as he thought of the issue of money "Rob the Hale family, like it's directly under me as of this moment, there should be a hundred million in bonds, or I could mind control a rich person, or rob a bank, or just use money instead of a soul when I make a deal, well there are so many choices, but for now, I'll let it be till I finish the old me's money, still got more than two thousand, so that will do for now"

Blight got up and started putting back at the books and as he glanced at Erica and saw that she glanced at him again, he smiled, while she acted like she was focused on her book, he took out his phone and saw the time and started to head home, but no before going to a phone provider, getting 4g, as he headed out, he saw Lydia walking up to him at the entrance saying "I'm having a birthday party, and everyone that's a somebody is coming, you're invited, My address is.."Before she got to finish, Blight just said "I'm good" and walked away, and as he walked away, Lydia caught up to him and  grabbed his arm as she said " You can stop playing hard to get, I asked you twice, like do think I, Lydia would ask someone twice, you got my attention hot stuff, so no need to play hard to get"

Blight looked at her, then back to her hand the was grabbing his arm and then back at her again, as if to tell her to let go and she did, Blight continued on his way ignoring the fool, while Lydia stamped her feet, but didn't move as she watched Blight's ass as he walked away.

Blight thought " The only reason I chose this TV show was to kill everyone from the main cast terribly, I hated this show, I hated its ideology with Scott, bring a true alpha while he was so weak, it's pathetic Actually, and from what I learned from the monster info from the Hale family, there a few peculiar monsters that I would love to experiment with and understand, but first I'm a play this slowly, I wish to have my fun while understanding the capabilities of my abilities, and ruining this show, the will all fall, as for I am Inevitable"

Blight got home after dealing with his phone provider and paid a few hundred, while signing a new contract after using some of his abilities, since he needed an adult, since he was a minor, and as he got home, he saw Olivia waiting by the door a little dressed up, and as Olivia saw Blight, she walked to him and put her hands over his shoulders asking "How was your first day? Did anyone bully you? Was anything hard?" and Blight replied with "It was fine, but Olivia, you're looking beautiful today" and as Olivia heard this she smiled while caressing his shoulders saying "My, My what a charmer we have here, alright lunch is already, so go put your stuff down and go eat lunch"

Blight gave her a smirk looking up and down at her and did as she asked while, Olivia looked at Blight, specifically his ass, as he went upstairs and bit her lips, she then slight lifter her hands and sniffed it a little, before going back to the kitchen.

After Blight put his stuff away and went to eat, after he went back to his room and worked on his research of the monsters of this world, he did this for a few hours, until he saw the time was around midnight, he checked his phone on google maps for the nearest bar, and as he found one, he looked at the pictures around the area and wanted to try something, he tried to teleport to the area in the pictures and he did teleported on his first try, he made sure it was at a corner, and when he appeared there he looked around and saw nobody, Blight smiled knowing his abilities are very useful.

Blight then looked and saw the bar, as he arrived at the bar, he looked around and sat at a table, as Blight sat down, a waitress came with a menu and as he looked over it, he ordered a coke and a chicken Philly cheese steak, and as he looked at the waitress he smiled saying "Thanks luv".

The waitress took his order with a smile and gave him a wink, with a flirty walk, while Blight just ignored her and looked around, he was looking for any poor saps, and soon enough he found one drinking himself to death, Blight could sense sadness and grief, but Blight was patient as he waited till the man left but as he soon got his food and ate it, the man was still drinking, so after asking the waitress for the check, he walked up to the man and sat next to him, asking "Hey pal you okay" with his iris glowing a little purple, the man straightened up a bit and told his story of the accident, with how his wife died and his daughter being in coma and soon to be dead due to brain failure, Blight then asked if he had any other family and apparently both the wife's parents and his parents are coming in tomorrow.

Blight eyes stopped glowing and as he looked at the man, he asked "Would you like to trade your soul, for your daughter's life ?" as his eyes turned full black without any purple glow. he wanted to show the man he was a demon, and as the man looked at Blight, he was frightened and got up, Blight then changed his eyes back and said " You have 10 seconds to answer me", The man looked at Blight and said "May I ask how long I get to keep it my soul, is it after I die naturally or do I have time limit", Blight replied "I'll give you two days to spend with your daughter and to settle your things, so we have a deal?" and as belight said this he thought "I don't want to wait ten years, like the demons usually do, I need to see how a soul can power me if it can, or of I can eat it, and what would happen if I ate or absorbed one, but if I let a him survive for a while, rumors can get out about a demon making deals, what would happen then?, and making this poor sap think he'll die after I take his soul is fun, but still, would he die? This world should follow different rules, interesting isn't it, I must find out, either with him or another"

Blight then looked at the man waiting for his response, the man said "Can I have more time please" Blight looked at the man and responded "For an extra fifty thousand, I'll give you an extra 2 days", the man stopped to think while blight paid his receipt and gave a nice tip, but as she was about to take the tip, she gestured at the receipt before walking away, Blight looked and saw a number and what time she got out today on the back of the receipt, Blight just ignored it for now as he was playing with a potential experimental subject.

The man asked " Can you bring my wife back to life?", Blight looked at the man and smirked "Yes that's easy, but this isn't a two for one deal" and as he said that, the man looked like he was about to cry, and drank more from his bottle, Blight said "Your starting to bore me, what is your choice"

The man responded "To sell my soul is a sin, no? And to be honest, I don't I want to take you on your offer, it's not fair, and I don't believe you", Blight was about to leave but before he did, he said "A life for another,  the basics of alchemy, equivalent exchange is only ever fair. Take care now" and with that, Blight walked out and as he did he thought " What a waste of time, now where to get mugged or something along those lines, need to get me my first soul, that guy was the only poor sap here, how boring"

Blight started searching for anyone dangerous looking and gave up after a while as he thought "Well, let's just kill the poor sap and take his soul, his daughter's gonna die anyway, I'm actually helping her, he didn't even want to save her, so me taking his soul, will never let them meet again, oh how nice I am, I surprise myself sometimes " and just as he was about to walk back in the bar, he saw a man, looking left and right, then started stalking a women, and as Blight saw this he smiled.

Blight walked behind the man while keeping himself hidden with his abilities, and he soon saw the lady turn into an alleyway, and with that, the man ran after and soon enough, he could hear screams and then muffled sounds, Blight appeared around the area and was able to see the man attacking her and as he saw this he laid his back on the wall, waiting, since the more desperate, afraid, sad, and in pain a person is, the more grateful the person will be once you save them, so Blight watched as the man beat her up, while covering her mouth.

To Be Continued.