Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Blight checked the time as he was bored watching the man beat her up, and after a few more hits here and there, he could finally hear the women scream as she said crying "Please stop, please no more" and with that the man taking off his belt as he started breathing roughly, he started then pulling down the women's skirt and as Blight saw this he thought "Finally, such a dumb man with such retarded tactics, it hurt watching that" and started walking up to the man and before the man was able to insert his tool into the women, he was grabbed from the back of his neck and he felt a something entering his back in a weird way, and the pain that came with it was unimaginable.

Blight used his left hand to grab the man and his right hand to search for the soul in the man's body, he ignored the man's screams, as he pushed his hands deeper, he soon felt a small power resisting him and grabbed it, then pulled it out, and as he did that, the man stopped screaming and became unconscious. Blight looked at his right hand, in his palm was an orb of light was glowing, he looked at it a bit, then squeezed it, and saw nothing happen, so he slowly put it on his chest area like most villains do in movie and saw it get absorbed into him, Blight thought "Now that's interesting".

As Blight did this, he felt no change but smiled as he could still hear the man's heartbeat, he then thought "He's still alive even without a soul, so is he's without emotions? well no matter, the test worked, and he's of no use to me now" and with that, the man started burning into ashes in his sleep, Blight then looked at the women crying and still saying "Stop please, no more pain, It hurts, please no more" and he crouched down and saw her legs wide open, shivering, and her panties that were ripped off, he got closer to her and put his finger on her forehead, as Blight wanted to test his healing powers as well.

As Blight touched her hand and thought of healing her, she was healed instantly, and soon enough, the lady stopped crying, she thought she was dead, or something happened, so she didn't move for a bit, and as there was nothing but silence, she stopped covering her eyes, and the first thing she saw was Blight, and due to the location of the light that was falling down on him, from the light in the alleyway, he looked as if he was shining compared to everything else.

Blight slowly fixed her hair as he said " I'm here now, don't be afraid alright, and I took care of the other guy, and yours healed now, so don't be afraid alright…., I got class tomorrow, so I kinda gotta go, need anything, like a cab, or some cab fare, or both?", the women didn't understand what was going on and just stared at the man who looked as he was a holy being, she then looked around, then at her own hands, specifically her nails, she saw her supposed ripped nails still intact, she could still remember the pain of them being ripped off and broken as she fought her attacker, she then took out a mirror from her purse and looked at her own reflection and saw nothing, no wounds, no bruises, just her face and not even her own tears were there, she then looked back at Blight stupefied, while Blight looked at the women at pointed at her nude lower half that was still wide open and said "Lady I'm flattered but your not my type" and as the women saw what he was pointing at, she didn't seem to mind as she looked back at him and asked "Are you an angel or my guardian angel?", while Blight smiled and said "I know right, I'm that handsome, but no, and you're thinking way too highly of yourself", She just questioned again "What happened,.... to that man Mr. Angel"

Blight replied to her "Him? He was burnt into ashes, so to answer your question, you could say he's here, and there, and probably over there, and I think I'm kinda stepping on him, so yeah"

The women looked at the ashes that was spread around but ignored it as she got up to his knees and latched onto them, crying as she said: "I was so scared, thank you, thank you so much" and repeated that over and over, while wiping her face on his jeans. Blight thought "Ew, that's nasty, unhygienic".

Blight then thought of leaving her, but then realized he could use her for a test, to see what will happen when rumors of an angel or a savior being in Beacon Hills would cause, or is she even going to talk about it, like keep it a secret, her own secret, humans are greedy after all.

Blight looked down at the half nude women and thought of giving her his hoodie, but then thought how he only owned two and struggled with the thought, he then started patting her head as if he pampering a baby to be quiet, the half-nude women soon stopped crying and Blight looked at her and said with a bright smile that didn't match his words " So yea, I gotta go to school tomorrow, so how about you get off me, so I can go", the women said "That's not how you treat a lady, Mr. Angel" and Blight then answered with "Sweety, I'm not trying to hit you up, I legit got better things to do, it's just the way of life" and with that the women stood up and looked at Blight and told him "That's ironic coming from you, you know that right, but do you mind taking me home, my place is nearby and my skirts ripped and my panties are destroyed, and I'm....I'm afraid", she then shakily pulled back on her ripped skirt and picked up her underwear and put it in her purse and as he saw her purse, he thought "That dude probably had cash on him, shit I even burned that too, such a waste,..... well doesn't matter, he's dead now, and money isn't a real issue for me"

Blight started walking towards the end of the alleyway and the women followed after him, as he got to the end of the alleyway, he looked at her and saw her just staring at him, Blight then said "Um, lead the way?", and as she finally figured it out, she started to walk to her left, and as they walked for a few minutes in silence, they reached their destination, and as the lady turned to Blight, she said "Um Mr. Angel" and before she could continue, Blight touched her forehead, making her remember his old lives face as the savior, since she lived in Beacon Hills and this way, it's much safer, since she won't recognize him, and as he did that, he turned around walking away.

The women said out loud "Could I at least get your name?" and continued with "You can stay the night if you want"

Blight waved at her from behind and then teleported back to his room, he thought, "If only she was prettier, I might have, but she was like a 5.5 out of 10, not worth it" and as he thought of this, he went and got his stuff ready for school that's in a few hours, he went on his phone and started downloading music, while watching the news on his laptop for anything weird, and for anything different as well, about this world, but after a few hours of watching, he saw nothing much different, a few things here and there, but nothing much of significance, and as meant by significance, it meant what would affect him in general, and before anyone woke up, he started getting bored and stood in front of a mirror.

Blight wanted to see the color of his eyes, he then saw he could change them, and so he started changing his eyes and found out he could change it to a few different ones, he could change it to his own unique one, The usual full black Sclera with bright purple iris, as well as Jack Kline's bright glowing orange, and he could add a black sclera, he could do the same for Lucifer's eyes, but with Michael's bright blue angel eyes, he couldn't add any black sclera as he tried a few times, he also had just plain fully black eyes, like average demon, and apparently all purple or just the iris being purple, and the last one he has never seen before, like his own unique one, fully black sclera, like a demon but the iris was white that glowed brightly, Blight looked at it and thought "Not bad", and with a little control, he could choose any of these eye types and thought since he will portray a demon, he will roll with the normal demon eyes or Lucifer eyes till he goes to supernatural world, depending on this situation, he may change his eye from those two choices as well as his own unique one with purple iris and black sclera.

Blight finished playing around with his eyes and ate breakfast as he noticed Olivia downstairs cooking, he then proceeded to go to school early without Jessica, and as he got to school, he finished all his classes, and other than saying "Hi" to Allison and getting his pen back, nothing happened and as he left to go home, while ignoring Lydia who came up to him to invite him again, and he could sense that she was biting her lip behind him and thought "A thot, like expected, ain't even worth my time, well for now that is."

Blight soon got home and started play with the soul he got, apparently the soul now appeared much dimmer than it was, with a little black tint in it, but was twice bigger than it was before, and thought "I'll leave it for now", Blight went and told Olivia he was going to explore and he got was an "Okay" and a wink from her, Blight left and started to wander around and as he saw the hospital, he thought of something and entered it, as he got there, he started to look for any reaper, since he didn't see any yesterday as he killed the man, but that may have been since it wasn't his supposed time and Blight caused an anomaly, but was it an anomaly? or not? that's the question he wished to find out since technically he existed and destiny should have changed, and there would be no point of a reaper being there when he was gonna take the soul anyway.

As Blight was walking around, he looked around and found a man apparently flatlining and kept watching, to see if anything appears, and after a few minutes, he saw the doctors say time of death and a reaper appear, but not in a suit, but a cloak, it just pulled out the dead man's soul from his body, but as the reaper was about to leave, he glanced at Blight and stopped for a moment, before going on his way, As Blight saw this, he did nothing but watch, then he started exploring the hospital, as he saw Scott's mom, he tried his hypnosis on her without talking, but using a mental thought, and wanted to see if it would work, and gave her a thought command "From now on, no matter what I say, you will follow it without question, you will think that's how it supposed to be, and nothing is wrong it" and as Blight gave the mental command, he saw nothing change in her reactions, so he walked up to her, as he saw no cameras in the area or people, he said "What color is the bra you're wearing today" and as he said this, Melissa looked at him and said with a smile "Purple" and looked like it was just a normal question being asked, as if was nothing and Blight wanted to test it further as he asked "What do you think of me" and she responded "I think your a very handsome young man, and if I was younger and didn't have responsibilities, I would have asked you out"

Blight looked at Melissa, that was doing the patient's room charts in the hallway and then looked at the time and said "Is there somewhere private enough for a quick fuck and are you free right now", Melissa replied with a smile and said "The rooftop and I'm not exactly free but I can be", Blight said "Meet me on the rooftop for a quick fuck, you got one minute" and with that she left, Blight looked at his wallet and saw around four condoms and thought it was enough and teleported to the rooftop and thirty seconds later she came.

Blight told her to strip and she did, Blight then proceeded and grabbed her hair and pull her up to him, he then started off with a kiss, and proceeded to make her feel lustful with his abilities, Blight then turned her around and went in after putting on a condom, Blight didn't go as rough as he wanted to, and just thought "Soon" and ended it after a few hours, due to running out of condoms and then he asked her the same question "What do you think of me" and she gave Blight the same response as before, Blight thought "Even with us having had sex, she doesn't appear to think we did anything abnormal, interesting, and I'm still a nobody to her. Should I change that, she doesn't really interest me that much, I just have to much free time, till my playmate comes and ruining Scott's mom will feel good"

Blight looked at Melissa and said, "From now on..."

To Be Continued