Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Blight looked at Melissa and said "From now on" and stopped as he didn't know and wanted to think a bit more and told Melissa "Blow me off while I think" and so she did.

Blight looked at her and smiled as he thought and took out his phone to look at the time as well as taking a few pictures, and as he did, he took a few more, naturally for a better picture, Blight even asked her to give a peace sign while he took a few more and thought "Oh how cruel of me...., said no one ever" and as he came in her mouth, he said "From now on you will feel a strong sexual attraction to me and have a small spark of love that will grow slowly for me, and you will only feel this way next time you see me, even if it's a glance, and my previous order and everything we did now, you will forget it all" Blight then lifted her up and patted her cheek as he said "You can carry along now"

Melissa swallowed and said "Alright" and with that, she left. Blight thought the chances of them meeting again will be soon, so he couldn't wait for it, and with that he teleported home and put some new condoms in his wallet and then teleported to the front door and went in and ate dinner, Blight thought of getting some more research done on the monsters of this world as he found a few interesting ones and one he wanted to capture as a pet, but he decided against it, for now, and thought of sleeping to see what would happen and also thought tonight was the birthday party, where Scott has some teen drama to deal with and scoffed at the notion of even going. Blight thought "Watching a Mut think he's someone, laughable" and just went to sleep after putting his alarm on.

As Blight tried to sleep, and as he did succeed to sleep, but he appeared to be awake, and all he saw was swirling darkness all around him and thought "This is my dream? what a boring dream" and started to look around and soon he saw a woman wearing a black dress with brown hair sitting down, staring at the darkness that was just swirling around.

As he saw her, he thought "No way, Why her? Actually….the question should be, how?" said as he slowly walked up to her, Blight thought she was an apparition, of the power he seeks, and so he wanted to play her, and so he did as he started with "Oh to appear in my dream, you must be the destined one I've been searching for, I looked afar, but in the end, you were here all along" and smiled as he joked around and thought "what a weird dream, the hell is she doing here, but in the end this will be practice, hopefully this lady is the same as the original, maybe this is a gift, to practice with" and as he saw the women stand up and look at him in shock and Blight thought "Hm...was it because I wanted her powers? Well, she looks shocked? That's a good sign, she might be a copy of the original" and he walked up to her as she didn't move, he grabbed her chin and said "My, aren't you all sad my destined one" and snapped his finger, and as he did, the scenery changed to a forest with animals and a waterfall, and some patio chairs and a table with food on it, and this was all situated on a hilltop, Blight grabbed the shell shocked woman's hand and took her to sit down.

Blight looked at Amara and smiled and grabbed a drink as he sat on the patio chair and indicated her to sit as well, but Amara didn't and kept looking around and after a few moments of looked around, she started to stare at Blight and said "How are you doing this? How are you even here? Who are you?" Blight looked at Amara and thought "Wow she is good, those reaction's, she could have fooled me but the other world is in pause mode and she's trapped, and even if this was real, how could I use my power's in her trapped realm that's made to block her full strength, but there is a loophole in my wishes stating "that nothing new should be in the show, 'but' if I'm the cause, then, that's that apparently still within the wishes, but still I think this is just me having a dream to prepare me for when I meet her, but my focus was never her, and I don't think I would have tried to court her, I'm more interested in battling her, and now she, the copy? Well whatever she is, she's my new playmate and I get to play the destined card as she did on Dean, wait, this could be my surprise gift from God, since I wanted Amara's power , he thought I was in love with her, and gave me my own dream women, that would legit appear in my dream, that is if I'm correct, but I could have picked better person really, well...I can, can't I? Well that's for later"

Blight finally responded to her with a bright smile saying "We are destined to be, you and I, Ever since I was born into this world, I've searched for you, and now that I finally slept, the only place I haven't looked, and here you are, do you understand what this means, you're my destiny"

Amara looked at Blight saying "Destined? You and I, true I feel a sort of attraction to you and grows stronger and stronger, but to become one? Will you devour me or I devour you so we can live together forever inside either one of us"

Blight stood up and grabbed her chin as he said "Not to devour and not to live inside each other, but to stand side by side for eternity, to love one another" and as he said this, he was about to kiss her but heard an alarm going off and thought it was time to get up, Blight said with a sad smile "I must go now, I have math class in a few hours, so I must go. but I'll be back soon Amara, and I won't leave you in the dark anymore" and as he thought of leaving, he left the setting of the forest but he added a few things as a huge flat screen t.v as well as all the romance movies he ever watched with his ex's and showed her how to play the next movie and left her plenty of food and drinks to last her, well for months and said "Be back soon love" and left her watching the notebook, but till Blight left she never stopped looking at him and saw him fade away and Amara got lost in thought.

Blight woke up and went to school, and as he finished his classes, he then went home and did his homework till late at night, he didn't sleep tonight as he continued on his research as he was almost done with the bestiary and this went on for a few days, him going to school and going straight home to the bestiary, and Blight never slept, since he felt like he wasn't in the mood to keep playing with the whole destiny crap for now, and tonight he didn't plan on sleeping either, due to his playmate coming into town today.

He was waiting near the area where Kate Argent will stop to load her gun with a special bullet used to shoot Derek, and soon saw she almost hit a car, then he saw the Peter in his werewolf fourm, jump on her car , then he got shot, then run away, and her shooting in the air saying "Come on" and as she was getting her rifle ready, he started to use hypnosis through mental thoughts on her as he tested it on Allison, and it worked on the Argents, but he only asked her for personal information people wouldn't give to others, and as he focused he sent his thoughts "You will fall deeply in love with me, and you'll think it was love at first sight, and that we are destined for some odd reason, and this will all happen after you see me for the first time" and thought "Wow meeting the copy or dream Amara made me want to play the destined card, now that's just trolling" and he teleported away and continued his daily life of going to school and going home, studying the bestiary as he was two thirds done with those thousands of pages, and during the parent teacher conference, none of the teachers said much since he grades we're all A's and other than the mountain lion incident, he's life continued on, but during that incident he forgot Melissa was there and didn't notice that she saw him, but that didn't matter to him even if he noticed, Blight ignored everything about Scott and the whole issue, since he didn't care about much of the teen wolf drama.

Today, the day after the whole incident off Scott and his crew being stuck at school at night, Blight was running a bit late due to experimenting with his abilities, and he was almost done with the monster information that he reviewed before going down and as he went to school, he saw Allison get out of the car and smiled since he saw Kate, he then walked in front of the car to get to school as it was about to move on and walked in its way on purpose, Chris immediately stopped and Blight looked at Chris and said "It's a school zone, be careful man" Chris got the window down and said "Sorry, didn't see you there" and saw Kate staring at him, he winked at her and walked away.

To Be Continued.