Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Blight went to his classes and as he finished them, he spotted Scott and Lydia and thought about there supposed kissing scene and smiled as he had a plan, and it was to cause a real anomaly in the story, the first true anomaly. Blight didn't plan this in general but thought of it as he saw them and remembered kiss scene and recently he has gotten bored with learning the bestiary, so he wanted to play with the term 'Scott x Allison" as it was such a failure in the beginning and always was.

Blight watched as Lydia and Scott got into the coach's office, he waited and when they were about to kiss, he took a video of them making out and left without them noticing and went to find his target, soon after, Blight found Allison eating outside and sat next to her after exchanging greetings, Blight said to her after a few chats about random things "You kinda seemed lost in thought today, and even the teacher embarrassed you by asking you to answer that series question, wanna review with me for math, I can help you with that problem you couldn't solve on the board in math class, like that sucked" and she looked at Blight and said "Yeah that did suck, and that was so embarrassing,... and please, I would appreciate the help and the company"

Blight then taught Allison how to answer the question and the general understanding of it for around thirty minutes, till she got it and after, she thanked him, and seemed like she was getting ready to leave, Blight thought "Its time, but to have fun, I gotta start slow, or how else would this be any fun, some could say 'use mind control, or hypnosis' but that's dull and unmistakably boring, Hypnosis should be used to make small influences on the mind to the main prey, but full on mind control or hypnosis should be used on the others, because watching true human emotions makes it so much better, especially after breaking them" and said to Allison with a sad look "There's something thing that I don't know if I should tell you and I may seem out of my place saying this, so I'm not sure if I should tell you"

Allison who already stood up, sat back down again and as she looked at Blight, she said: "It's ok, I won't be offended or anything, what's wrong?" Blight took out his phone and showed her the video while saying "This is why I don't talk with Lydia, she uses those who are useful, and she's kinda whore-ish to those who are better than what she's got at the time, like your boyfriend, and how he took the captain position from Jackson, and now that she thinks he's useless, she's going for Scott. I know I'm being noisy, but he's your boyfriend right? I hate seeing betrayal, and your kinda the only person I talk to, and I consider us friends so I just wanted you to know" and as Allison saw the video, she started tearing up while Blight inwardly smiled as he thought "Need to start a spark or a flame of hatred, since her love for him is strong"

Blight then used a mental hypnosis command on Allison "You will start to question if you Scott was even worth it this whole time, you will have a small thought of you thinking that Scott was playing you, you will feel anger and a little hatred at this betrayal that is mostly aimed at Scott and you feel somewhat good around me, as being around me makes you feel better, and as it will be alright" and as he sent her this mental command, he got next to her and started caressing her back saying "It's alright, I'm here, I know it hurts, I've been through this before" and as her tears started to fall, she looked at Blight and weirdly grabbed him as she hid her face on his shoulder, after a while of crassing and saying "It's ok" to her did she finally say something "You know everyone's lying to me, my family, my friends, and now even my ex and apparently my best friend" and she looked at Blight, Blight acted surprised as he said "Wait, You broke up?, When? And now I kinda feel less bad, but still, I felt really bad for you, so I had to tell you and what do you mean your family is lying to you, I can help if you want, unless you want me to stop bothering you, I could go", Allison looked at Blight said "No, no please don't go, you're not bothering me, and yeah… know, I'm just tired of all the lying, maybe that's why Scotts been acting weird, he was cheating on me with Lydia and trying to hide it from me and my family's been keeping secrets from me, and you know that rumor about the school last night, yeah I was there and I don't know what exactly happened, but someone was there and it wasn't Derek" Blight thought "Not the route I was expecting, but it's working in my favor, now to play"

Blight said "I know what was there, I even saw him,.....well 'it' I guess?", Allison looked at him weirdly as she said "You said 'it', why do you mean by it? "Blight said " Well it wasn't exactly human" and he made his stomach growl, to make it seemed he was hungry and said "Haha, I'm hungry, ima go get something to eat, talk to you later, alright" and as he stood up and started walking away after grabbing his bag. Allison soon followed after grabbing her stuff and said "You were there? When? And what do you mean he wasn't human?" but Blight said with an awkward face"Um can I tell you like later, I've been really hungry since this morning, and there's this really good Diner near us, just a five minute walk away, by the way, they sell this really good Chicken Philly cheese steak with fries, but their coleslaw isn't that good, but that's normal and they even got my milkshake" and with that he kept walking while smiling on the inside thinking "Oh how curiosity caught the monkey"

Allison said "Blight, I really gotta know, can I join you, I really need to know, please, I got to, it's bugging me" Blight then stopped as he said "I never said you couldn't, hell I could meet you after and tell you, if you wanted, like I could tell you right now, but you wouldn't understand, and you'd overthink it, just follow me and let's get some food"

During the walk, Allison called her aunt, saying that she will be late for her training session and they both soon got to Pot's Diner and as they went in, Blight chose an empty corner area. Blight then ordered his sandwich with a Vanilla banana milkshake, Allison just got herself a strawberry milkshake.

Allison couldn't wait, and she couldn't understand how Blight could be so calm, he even just started doing his homework in front of her like there was nothing wrong with it all, but for some reason, she liked this scene, but she snapped out of it and said "Please can you just tell me now" and with that, Blight's pen never stopped moving as he said "I saw an animal, as huge as a car that could stand on both its legs, it attacked Derek and entered the school, right after, I called the cops, but apparently there was a heads up about a prank? But then I saw Derek who looked like he should have been dead, get back up, I legit thought he died, but apparently not" Allison said "Wait did you just.." and before she could finish, the food came and as the waiter, gave them their food, he left after asking if they needed anything else, which Allison hurriedly said "No".

Before Allison could say anything again else after the waiter left, Blight said "Yup and you wanna know something else, he got up and left and about the beast, as the beast left the school, it turned into something else in the forest, I watched this all behind a tree and saw something amazing" Allison was so focused and asked "Turn? Turn into what" and then she saw Blight taking a bite from his sandwich and got a little annoyed, while Blight himself was thinking "They make them so well, this is really a good spot" and said after he swallowed the bite he ate "It turned into a person, Legit I even saw it or him use a cellphone straight after, to be honest, it was kinda funny" and as he said this he just started eating again since he had a chance, as Allison was lost in thought, and as he finished his meal and said "You don't get it, do you" and with that she looked at him and he continued with "Werewolf" and tried to finish the rest of his drink, he called for the check, Allison started saying " You know, you told me, about Scott and Lydia and here I was thinking you were an honest guy, a good friend, but now you're just messing with me, just like them, your just like everyone else" Blight didn't bother looking at her as he tried finishing his last fries while saying "You said your family's been lying to you right, that there keeping secrets, I probably know why, what do you think Argent means in French " Allison just said "It means silver, what does that have to do with anything" Blight paid the bill and looked at her saying " Yea, I'm not that type of guy, I'm more chill as you can see, I don't know much about your family, but they deal with weapons right, your dad shot that mountain lion the other day, just check your family members car, look in the back, usually it's hidden underneath. You told me a few days ago your aunt came for a visit right, look in her bags or the back of her car when she's not around, just think about it, it's all there and your just not seeing it, I gotta go, later Allison, drinks are on me, and oh, as Derek got up, his eyes glowed a bright blue color"

Blight got up and left and as he left, he heard Allison say "Wait" from behind him, but he continued walking away, because he planned this due to Kate, Allison's aunt car came to pick up Allison, and Blight thought "Sensed you coming, great timing" and saw Kate staring at him, but he ignored her as he kept walking away till he hit a corner, and turned stopped, he used his abilities as he sensed Allison and Kate, he saw Allison get in the car and got asked some questions before they left, and as he saw nobody around, he teleported home.


Allison who was about to chase, gave up as she saw her aunt, and got in the car. Allison was asked questions about Blight and apparently specific questions like "where did he live", and about his last name, and Allison couldn't respond as she didn't know. Allison started to realize that she didn't know much about Blight, she started to think she, herself wasn't a good friend since she actually doesn't know much about him, even though he was always kind to her and so she started gather what she knew about the situation and talk to Blight tomorrow, since she didn't have his number.


Blight, as he got in his room, thought "I must have played that teen drama shit good, and Kate, I wonder how she will deal with those feelings of hers to yours truly, well I'll find out soon enough" and as he finally finished the bestiary, that he 'got' from the Hale family, he felt good and thought of sleeping, and meeting his own dream girl twin/copy thingy"

So as soon as Blight feel asleep, he woke up in his dream world and saw Amara watching t.v and saw none of the food he left was touched, he grabbed a few cookies and cream ice cream cake slices and transformed the chair she was sitting on to a couch and sat next to her, Amara looked at the new couch that she was sitting on, then back at Blight, then back to the t.v, Blight did nothing but eat while watching, and sometimes he glanced at her, he thought "Women, am I right" because she was apparently was watching the Titanic movie and thought "ugh" as he finished his cake and lied down with his head on her lap and said "Are you lonely? Here all by yourself", Amara just looked at him and touched his face while saying "Yes….but now…, I'm not sure"

Blight turned his head from the t.v to look at her and said "I know right, a handsome devil like me, who wouldn't be lonely, one way or another, I could make things lively" and Blight grabbed her face and brought it closer for a kiss, Amara didn't stop this and got kissed by him, she understood it was a romantic gesture from the movies she watched and they kissed for a while, until she pulled away, asking "I don't understand this, how can this all be real, in this trapped realm"

Blight got up and sat closer to her and pointed at her heart while looking at her eyes, saying " Follow your heart, and feel what you feel, and besides, I'm here right aren't I. For you this maybe a Trapped dark realm, but for me, Its my beginning" and continued with the kiss from before, but soon heard his alarm before he got touchy and thought "What timing, still, gotta nurse this woman's mentality before I move onto the next level with her, and well, I love playing around with acting, it gets me off playing with other's feelings, and I have to deal with Allison today, let's see how my pet Allison does today with me and her teen drama" and stopped the kiss, he then kissed her forehead and said "I gotta go luv, I can't sleep forever, I have things, I must do" and she said "Why?" and Blight replied with "Everything happens for a reason, and well, this way I can give you time to think, and learn " and he pointed at the TV while saying this, and before he left she gave him a kiss on his lips on her own, and he gave her a heartwarming smile before he disappeared, she looked around and just looked down for a while, then continued watching her movie while smiling, with a small tear falling down her right eye, as she believed this was all fake.

Blight got up and saw Olivia knocking on his door and she 'apparently' came in to make sure he was awake with her robes open a bit, showing off some skin and some sexy underwear that were hidden underneath those robes, and as Blight saw this, he thought "Oh, so it's grown to this, might not last much longer huh, my little pet, but I too much things on my mind, like how, did the anomaly I created in the timeline affect everything, did Allison meet Jackson? what happened with the whole teen drama with Scott? and where did he go with his anger during the full moon? " Blight shook off these thoughts as they were good to know, but had nothing to do with him for now, Blight got up and said to Olivia with a smile"Like I said, looking good" and got ready to go to school for some teen drama.

To Be Continued