Chapter 9

Chapter 9

As Blight got to school, he went to his first class of the day, Economics, with his favorite teacher, Cupcake. Blight already knew he would meet Allison today either after or before her gym class, since he has his lunch break before her gym class and math class after her gym class, but he wondered, would she still sit with Lydia and Jackson or not, and then he thought of Jackson and as he did, he smiled as he remembered something that was supposed to happen today so he thought "Now let's use Jackson, as that idiot can be useful" and as his class ended, it became his lunch break, he went to the cafeteria for a look-see, and as he got there, he saw Lydia, Jackson, and Allison, all talking to each other and laughing but whenever Allison looks at Lydia, it appeared as there was nothing wrong, as if they were really good friends but Blight could sense a bit of sadness and hatred, so he thought "Faking it huh, so a fake friend now? Well, whatever works for her."

Blight smiled on the inside as he saw Jackson getting up and started talking from afar after guessing Scott's super hearing ability, he talked about Allison and about Scott's abilities, and how he will use Allison against Scott if he doesn't give him what he wants, Blight amplified the sound waves to his area during all this and made it loud and clear as he recorded the conversation with his phone and thought "This idiot is making it too easy" and as they stopped talking, he ended the recording and stopped amplifying the sound waves as he left the cafeteria and he planned to show it to Allison after they're math class.

Blight was now was thinking whether on how he should act out his play when he showed this to Allison, but he didn't notice that Allison caught a glance of him as he was leaving and chased after him since Jackson left and she didn't want to stay with Lydia.

Allison who left the cafeteria, caught up and grabbed Blight's arm, Blight who was being grabbed, was still thinking up of a method to play Allison and was kinda surprised as he saw who was the one bothering him, so he thought "Well, the sooner the better I suppose, but she won't have that moment with Jackson and this will hurt less, this isn't what I planned but looking at her now, might as well. To play with weak little girl ain't gonna be that much fun if I break her to fast, so I should tell her now, but my plans…., all that planning for nothing, such a waste"

Blight smiled at Allison as he said "Oh, hey Allison, what's up", Allison asked "Could we go somewhere private to talk, like right now?", Blight took out his phone to look at the time and said to her "Now? Can it be after our next class, or after school", Allison just said "Please" as she gave Blight a serious look, Blight responded with a helpless smile as he said "Lead the way then" and was dragged by her as she took him by his hand and lead the way, Blight noted Scott was still in the cafeteria, thinking "Good, now stay there little pup, I don't want you to see me manipulating your first love, but you probably wouldn't remember if I did it in front of you, heh."

Soon they got to a quiet area outside the school by the bleachers and sat down, the first thing she asked surprised him, what she asked about first was his phone number as well as his last name, which Blight told them to her, and after she got what she wanted, she asked about werewolves and told him about how she found weapons in her aunt's bag and that there were bullets in a weird box ,she even brought one of the bullets, Blight smiled as he opened the bullet encasing in front of her and said after pouring out its contents "This must be what kills them or poisons them, a normal bullet wouldn't need this, so my theory about your family is right and I already saw a real werewolf, this just proves it, but it seems like the myth about silver being needed to kill a werewolf was a lie" and made a joke saying "Now my whole life's a lie now", which he got no response from Allison, she just grabbed some powder and smelled it, and as she had no clue what it was, she asked Blight what he thought it could be, Blight told her that he didn't know but said there's a plant called Wolfsbane and it might be that.

Allison and Blight kept talking about the issue till school ended, and as she got a call from her dad, that he was here to pick her up, she told Chris that she was gonna stay and do some lab work at school with a friend and after the call ended, Blight said to her "You got schoolwork to do with someone? Need me to leave?"

Allison looked at Blight and laughed saying "I said that so I could stay with you and chat, you wanna get something to eat, let's go to that Diner place again, I wanna grab something to eat this time"

Blight and Allison went on they're way as they chatted about werewolves and her family, but as soon as they got there and ordered, Allison started asking questions about him and asking him about his family which he answered, and as she learned about his sad story, she started to be a bit awkward and had a sympathetic face as she felt bad for Blight, while Blight was thinking "This was not planned as well, but the drama is good, this is good actually, and she's already late to overhear Chris and Scott talking about her, about how he was trying to save them by locking them in that room and whatever random love crap he spewed out in the show" and as he thought of this, his hand was grabbed and as he looked at it, he saw it was Allison.

Allison got up and sat by his side and as she looked into his eyes and said "You know with my family drama and with Scott and Lydia, you were there when I couldn't understand what was going on, even with your own problems, you were there for me" and Blight looked at her and thought "Oh, no way, this…..was it the hypnosis that influenced her this much" and she got closer to him, she kissed him, but as they were kissing, he thought he could do play that good friend crappy card and so he did, he pushed her back a bit and said "Before you say anything, It's not you, but today, I overheard Jackson and recorded this, take a look" and as Allison heard the voice recording, she first looked confused and started to tear up again, Blight was laughing on the inside, while on the outside he looked sympathetic like she did for him and tapped her back saying "Its alright, It's Jackson, no one really likes him except for Danny, and Lydia...,I think?" and thought "By the way, wheres Scott, his was supposed to look in her bag today, too look for her necklace, maybe he went straight to her house after school" and as Allison raised her head to look at Blight, she said, "Jackson was asked if Scott could hear him, were they not next to each other" Blight explained the situation and that Scott might be a werewolf and that it was ironic that his first girl was from a family of werewolf hunters and how Jackson wants to use her to get Scott to turn him into one, and soon they got their food and ate, but Allison didn't eat much but Blight just said "You gonna eat that?" And took her food and ate it as she said no, and thought "Such a waste, especially since I'm paying, and well about Scott.., he should have left by now, after talking to Allison's dad", and said to Allison "So yea, now you see Scott was trying to help you,...I think? And if you wanted, you could get back with Scott, and I'm good, no need to worry about me, I won't be hurt or anything" and then called the waiter, asking for the check.

Allison didn't respond about Scott but she did say " You know…, I hate feeling weak, I want to feel powerful" Blight just said as he looked at her weirdly "Your family is a family of hunters, there's your strength, go get it, just talk to your dad about it, one on one or from what you told me, about how your aunt has been leaving you hints, I don't think she will mind as long as you ask"

Allison asked Blight if he was going to go to the game tonight and he said "Nope, lacrosse ain't really my type of sport you see, but have fun alright, you do you, and don't let anyone take away your smile, because your living your life for yourself, and not for anyone else…., that's what I learned" and gave a bright smile.

Allison did the same as well, she smiled but she kept glancing at his lips as she appeared to want to kiss him again, and as she got closer, the waiter came with the check and so she stopped herself, Blight noticed this and thought "People would say he had bad timing and screwed me over, but in my book, it was great timing, because the more she thinks about everything, the more she'll have her thoughts straightened out and the unknown result will be interesting, would it not? And I truly wanna see if she will get back with Scott, either way, breaking one or both will bring me great pleasure because I'll do both in the end, one way or another" and as he paid the bill, he thought about his money, he knew he had a little more than one thousand left and needed to get more soon, he then he remembered about how Peter's nurse is gonna die soon, and that he might as well take all her money.

Soon Kate came to pick her up while she just looked at Blight for a while then kissed his cheek as she said goodbye and left with her aunt, but Kate stared at Blight again, as if she was thinking about something and all Blight did was smile and wave at her as he left on his own, but he started thinking " I never got offered a ride home yet, people are just rude nowadays, and how is Kate dealing with her profound new love for me, I made it so, that she should feel strongly for me, but I'm getting nothing but stares, hopefully, this psychotic women will do something interesting soon"

To Be Continued