Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Blight went the hospital by teleporting and found the nurse, he also saw Peter still acting sick, until tonight that is. Blight used mind control on her, to make her get all her money and give it to him within the next thirty minutes, the nurse started to put away her files that she was carrying and left to go to the bank with her purse, the bank she went to was a few blocks away and 25 minutes later, she came out, and met Blight at a secluded section in the parking lot and handed him three big envelopes, Blight thought that the banks around here were pretty lax and then told her to forget everything that happened and to continue on, and as she heard this, she turned around and went back to the hospital.

Blight teleported back home and counted the money, it was around eighteen thousand dollars, and thought "It will do for now" and took some for his wallet and left the rest hidden in a hole he made behind his mattress.

Soon the day ended, and he thought of sleeping and got ready for that, but before he could sleep, he heard someone, it was a prayer from a woman, praying for anything or anyone to save her son, and as he heard this, he thought "How could I hear a prayer, while I'm not trying to....or am I? Or was someone that desperate enough or close by, that I could hear it. Maybe because she praying to anything and that's why? Or Can it be something else….? Curious, might as well take a look" and as he teleported to the person who was praying for a miracle, he found himself in a hospital, with a woman crying as she prayed, in front of her was a small child that was on life support, apparently he was very sick, and as Blight looked closely with his ability, he then thought of the disease "Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia" and continued thinking "Probably a high stage one at that, and he's so young, his body can't handel it, he won't survive much longer, and so it's a desperate one huh, well let's get me my first deal", so he looked at the woman and after sitting down, he said "So your the one calling", and as woman heard Blight, she got frightened as she jumped and looked behind her at Blight, but soon she regained her calm as she said "This is a private room, how did you even get in here, I'll call for security if you don't leave now" and before she could grab the phone in a threatening manner, she appeared sitting on a chair sitting across from Blight, and as she looked around confused, she then looked at Blight with fear, Blight said with a somewhat annoyed look "You prayed that you'd do anything, and for "anything" to heal your son right, so I'm here, now let's talk" and as he said this, he got a good look at her as he thought "A solid nine out of ten right here, nice ass, big tits, she's even a red head, not bad at all."

The woman looked at him in disbelief as she said "You.., you can heal my son?",Blight said "Yes, but the question is, what can you offer me" The woman looked at him as she put her left hand on her chest and said "Everything and anything you want, just please save him" and as she said this, Blight looked at her smiled and thought to have a little fun with her and see what exactly everything means, and said "Define everything" she did not hesitate as she said "Me, Money, My soul, anything you want, you can have it as long as my son lives, he's...the only thing I'm living for" and she started to tear up as she said this.

Blight wanted to play a little more as he said "Oh, but I can see a ring no? You should be married?" and her response was "That son of a bitch is probably fucking his secretary right now while our son is in the hospital dying, he even knocked her up, so why would he care, he's got another one coming, and I can't do much because if I divorce him, I won't be able to pay for my child's Medical Bills while we go through the divorce as I got no money, and I still gotta get proof that the baby his secretary is carrying is his so I can get everything and screw him over in the divorce for what he did to me and Bennie, and he never cared for Ben, so I could give a rat's ass about him" Blight smiled and said "Are you sure? I am a demon you know, you can't go back after making a deal with a demon, and your offering your everything to me as well to me" and thought "Human emotions can make anyone do anything, now let me hear your answer, you fragile being" but the timing was unexpected to Blight as the boy started to cough in his unconscious state.

The woman looked at her child worriedly as she said in a hurried tone "I don't care what you are, you're the one who answered, so please heal him" Blight smiled as he eyes turned pitch black"Then I'll take everything you have to offer, do we have a deal? To accept it you must kiss me on your own and state your wish" she looked surprised at his eyes and even frightened but immediately went up to him as she said, "I wish for you to save my son" and kissed him.

Blight felt heat soaring through his body and could see words that he could understand all over the woman's body, he knew it was the contract that was being established between the two of them and as she stopped the kiss, his eyes turned back to normal as he said with a cruel smile "You know you should really state your wish better, you said 'to save him' and that could mean anything, as I could just keep him alive without him ever waking up, like he is now, but without dying at any minute part, It's funny isn't it, reality is such a cruel thing" she looked at him and started to tear up as she couldn't believe him, she said in an angry but grief tone "You cruel son of a bitch, why, WHY, I just want my Bennie, he never did anything wrong.....Bennie..., Mommies sorry.." and slumped to the ground crying as she gripped her hands into a fist.

Blight just smiled as he looked at the woman, he crouched down and grabbed her by the chin as he said "Oh, why the tears? I just said you should be careful, Don't worry, your my first contractor, I won't play that card on you, but I don't want to use my power to force you to follow the contract, so I want absolute obedience from you, is that understood, and if you try to run away, or kill yourself, Lets just say, I'll leave little something in Bennie when I heal him alright" She looked up at Blight in tears as she nodded weakly and said "Please..., just please heal my baby".

Blight walked up to Bennies bed and placed his right hand on his forehead, the mother stood up and watched from the side weakly, Blight's hand started glowing, as well as Bennies forehead and after a few seconds of glowing hands, he removed his hand as he thought "I could have just snapped my fingers and cure him, but more of a dramatic effect right there, this will leave a stronger impression on her and will bring her more fear, which will lead to better control over all" and said as he looked at the woman "It's done, your Bennies fine now" and even though he played her a bit, she still walked up to him unsteadily and grabbed his hand as she said "Thank you" over and over again while crying and Blight just thought "Not again, these clothes just got cleaned" but instead of wiping herself on Blight, she went up to her son and touched his face and asked while tears fell down onto Bennies face "When will he wake up?"

Blight replied with "Whenever you want" and as he pushed the nurse call button, he asked "What's your name", she replied " Abigail Hens.., No….its Abigail Miller, no need to tell you his last name, I will have it changed after the divorce, but you said whenever I want..., does that mean I can wake him up? He's been in a coma for the past three weeks, I really want to talk to him…,I miss him so much" Blight just said "Yup, call out to him, he should wake up just fine" and he went to sit down since he got nothing better to do but watch the show.

Blight felt his phone vibrate, and as he got on his phone, he saw it was from Allison and he started to reply to Allison's texts about what he was doing, He replied "Me? I'm playing a game at the moment, I'm playing as a healer, how about you?" Allison then asked about the game, and Blight told her about the game that he actually plays on his phone, and started telling her about it, soon Blight changed the subject asking her if she went today to watch the game and who won and as they chatted about random things, she changed the subject to werewolves and how she found something that her aunt left in the garage and wanted to test it out in the forest tomorrow morning, Allison wanted Blight to be there since he was the only person she could trust, he replied "Ok, I'll be there" and after that text, he said he had to go as he wanted to watch the situation as the nurse came in and the child, Bennie who woke up, smiling weakly to his mother, the nurse left and soon after, a few doctors came in and Abigail moved away and stood by Blights side as she watched the doctors take out the tube from Bennies mouth with tears falling down her face, and little did Blight know, Abigail was stealing glances at him, but she kept watch over the general situation with Bennie.

Blight asked "How close are we from Beacon Hills by the way", Abigail response was "Were the next town over, so it should be around three hours away," Blight told her "When you divorce your husband, you will move there to live, is that understood. I was just gonna heal your son, and take your soul and leave you for dead, but you offered everything to me, so it would be such a waste to not use it and to be honest with you, you intrigue me, so I won't kill you, and you wanna live with little Bennie right? So I'm being a little charitable today, but just a word of advice, Don't ever and I mean EVER test my patience"

To Be Continued