Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Abigail said as she looked at Blight "Mr.devil…., thank you for helping Bennie…,and answering my call, I was planning of screwing that bastard over and donating everything to charity after Bennie…. Passed away..., then taking my own life, but you came, and I got to talk to my baby boy again" and as she got to here, she smiled brightly, and then continued saying "So thank you and yes I'll be there as soon as possible, and...I understand" Blight snapped his fingers and a card came out between his fingers, he handed it over to Abigail as he said " Call me when you're about to meet your husband about the divorce, I don't want anything to happen to you, I just got you and it would be such a waste to lose you after all.. and by the way, my name's Blight", she took the card and smiled and as Blight saw that there were no cameras in the room, he thought "Well no need to find the security room to have the data deleted" and as the Doctor and Nurses we're taking the boy on the hospital bed to do some tests while leaving the room, Abigail went to follow, but she turned to see what Blight would say, but she saw him smile and wave at her, before he disappeared, and as she saw him disappear, she gripped the card and moved it closer to herself and after a few seconds of looking at where he disappeared from, she then turned around as she walked out, following the group of doctors and nurses who were taking Bennie for some tests.

As Blight got home, he went to shower and wasn't surprised as he saw Olivia in a revealing nightgown on his bed as he returned, he had already sensed this as he finished his shower, Olivia said as she saw Blight get back to his room" Everyone's asleep and I can't stop thinking about you, no matter how many times I masturbate, I can't stop myself...anymore from wanting you, and I know how you look at me, so you don't mind having sex with me right? We can do it quietly and all night if you like and I'm clean so you don't have to worry about anything, we can keep this as our little secret" Blight smiled to her as he closed the door and thought " She lasted a few weeks, was expecting a week more, to be honest, but that's fine, I'm having a great day today, and just got some results from her, but she saw me lusting after her? Was it when I was complimenting on what she was wearing or was it when I looked at her ass a few times? Maybe she noticed that" Blight formed a sound barrier in the room, preventing the sound from leaving the room and made her understand with his power that the room was soundproof and she could be as loud as she wanted, and this was all within the norms, and there was nothing wrong about it, and went on the bed after removing his clothes, as Olivia watched him do so.

Blight smiled as he caressed her cheek before going in for a kiss, and as he kissed her, Blight used his hand to go down and rub her Clit, she then let out a small moan, and after a few minutes of foreplay, Blight got her to put on a condom for him as he went for it.


During the time that Allison texted Blight when he was at the hospital, little did he know, Instead of the usual, Allison waking up from a wet dream of Scott kissing her neck, it was Blight that was kissing her neck, and that's what brought her to text Blight when he was at the hospital a while ago, Blight didn't think of the possibility when he used hypnosis on her, that if you make a small flame where everything is just dark or when someone feels abandoned, then someone will go for that small flame with all they got, and with how he made Allison feel betrayed by her friends, her ex, and how she already felt being left out from her family and there secrets, Allison's feelings for him began to grow, and it wasn't stopping, and this was mainly due to his manipulation, but he didn't think something so small would cause this, as he planned to have Allison be more against Scott and see how the show would change based of off that..... and a few other things.


As the morning came, he had stopped his little bro from moving inside Olivia due to his alarm, but seeing that Olivia was unconscious from having too many orgasms, as he played around with her sensitivity using his mind control and lust ability to make her 10 times more sensitive down there and having non-stop sex with her all night, Blight teleported her back to her room with her being tucked in, he then went downstairs to the dining table and snapped his fingers and made pancakes, with apple slices and orange juice appear.

Blight used his abilities to create breakfast for the kid's as Olivia was supposed to make them breakfast but as she couldn't due to what he did to her all night, Blight did it for her, with his abilities of course, since he was too lazy to make it and he had to go down soon.

Blight went back upstairs to shower, as today he was going to meet Allison at a specific location that they texted about yesterday and today for them is a weekend, and as he finished his shower and got dressed, he went down and saw the other's and said "Olivia was doing paperwork all night, and she just cooked breakfast for us, and now she finally got some sleep, so let her sleep in and oh, I already ate and got something to do today, so later", and got an "OK" from Jessica before he left to meet Allison.

Blight soon met Allison in the forest, she showed him the arrow head and then she said she was going to test it, and she did as she pulled the bows string and hit the tree and as it hit the tree, it made a flash bang type of reaction with the tree having a small fire where the arrow hit, Blight told her "It might be for there heightened senses, I don't think it's made to hit them, but to temporarily blind them for enough time to capture them or what ever you guys do, but a flash bang arrow head huh, neat" and as they discussed the arrow head, they heard a sound and Allison said she wanted to check it out but Blight told her to wait as he took out his phone and wrote something, after writing it, he showed it to her and it said "I saw who it was, he was behind a tree, it was your ex, I would say it out-loud but you know, super hearing and all, Ima go now and you go have your chat with him, hit me up with how it goes later, alright" and with that he started to walk away thinking "Now how will things go, an anomaly has already been made, this will be the second depending on her choice of words or how she acts" but Allison didn't go to meet Scott as he expected but rather she left with Blight instead, and Blight who was expecting her and him to have a talk thought " There are now two ways of this happening…., and it's going for the unexpected route, this…. is interesting, let's play along for now" and as Blight wanted to understand a bit more, he wrote on his phone and showed her "He's in the opposite direction, I'm going home, what are you doing?, don't you wanna make up, I saw the gun taser in your bag, so go use it on him, revenge and making up, everyone ends up happy no?" but she just shook her head and continued to follow Blight, Blight as he saw this said to her but not on his phone so Scott could hear him "Well now, we can work on our math homework at least, and get some food, I'm hungry" and got a happy reply from Allison saying "Yeah let's go back to my place and you can eat there after our homework " and as he heard this, Blight quickly said "How about Pots Diner instead?", Allison said, "No, I want you to meet my family, and my mom's cooking is really good and we can do both there" Blight thought "That's my point, I don't want to..., but might as well meet Kate, it's gonna be fun watching what she does" and he got in her car as she drove him there and after a few minutes, they got there with Blight entering her home and seeing the Argent family.

Blight said hello to the family and as Kate saw Blight who came with Allison, she smiled and sat next to him, she apparently was really chatty with him and Blight answered to any questions they asked him, and due to it being an hour before the food was ready, Allison took him to her room so they can start doing their homework, and since he didn't bring his bag, he said he would take a picture of the answers and copy it when he gets home, and as they got to almost finishing the problems that were assigned, she kissed Blight out of the blue, Blight wanted to stay in character, playing the good friend card and said "Hey, can you stop that, aren't we supposed to get you together with Scott? What's with the kissing?" Allison said "I don't even trust Scott, why would you even think I want to get back with him? Even though it felt so right at the time, it doesn't anymore. The thing he does, the way he does them, I'm done with all that, why couldn't he be honest with me from the start, and he even made out with Lydia behind my back, and... I'm kissing you because I want to and... I like you…., you don't like it….or is it me?"

Blight said to Allison, as he looked at her eyes " Let me ask you this if you were a werewolf or suddenly became one, would you tell anyone? But well, I think Stiles knows about Scott, so my question is kinda rhetorical" Allison started getting a little mad as she said to Blight "Why do you keep defending him" Blight used his left hand to put the strand of hair that fell down, back behind her ear while saying "Because you still love him, don't you" and with that, she saw him getting up and grabbing his stuff, but before he could say his goodbye's, she grabbed him and pushed him on her bed and started making out with him. Blight thought "Should I just roll with it? If I keep backing out, I'd look like a pussy, and I'm playing the good friend card, not the pussy card" and just let her do whatever, but he grabbed her at a few places as he got in the mood.

Blight sensed where her family was at, and saw her mother Victoria, was coming upstairs and then he looked at the kitchen and saw that the food was ready and he asked Allison after getting out of the kiss "Is the door locked?" Allison said "Yea, it is, so focus on me" and she went back to the kiss, Blight thought "She planned this huh" and went with the flow as he thought of the method of how this turned out this way, how she came to like this much, Blight had a few guesses but left it for now as he could re-experiment with someone else at a later time .

Blight laughed at the thought of stealing Scott's first girlfriend thinking "I'm stealing the poor puppies first girlfriend by accident, now isn't that sad, it wasn't my plan to do so, but at the same time, life cannot be planned, you act on what happens at the moment it does happen, that's how life goes" and with that he acted like he didn't know Victoria was almost here and his hands went under her shirt for a few more grabs on her small breasts.

Victoria came and knocked on the door, and Allison separated from Blight and told him to sit on the chair quickly and so he did. Allison went to open the door and opened it and as she did, her mother looked into the room and saw Blight was writing something on the table, and then she saw Blight look at her and say "Hi" as he smiled at her. Victoria smiled back and said, "Foods ready, come down you two". Allison looked at him and gave him a cheeky happy smile before going down, and Blight soon followed after finishing the problem while knowing who was waiting for him, and as he was about to go down the stairs, he was grabbed from behind and heard a sniff from his back, as Kate said "You smell good..., did you do anything with Allison in there" Blight turned and smiled and said "Jealous much" as he smirked at her and went down the stairs, while Kate's smile was getting wider in a creepy way as she watched him go down the stairs.

Blight sat with the family and ate, and answered any questions that were asked of him that were mostly from Kate, like how he knew of Allison, and somethings about himself and if they were together, they were kinda weirded out since they thought Scott was Allison's boyfriend since they still didn't know he was a werewolf yet, Blight response was, he was her math helper and classmate, while Allison said that she wasn't dating Scott anymore and she was about to say something else while looking at Blight but decided against it, her parents were weirded out even more as she said this and how she looked at Blight, but they seemed to have a basic understanding of the situation.

Blight thought of asking a troll question to liven up the family of hunters and so he did, he looked at Chris and said "Have you ever hunted wolves before?" and with that, the whole family stopped eating and Allison was giving Blight a confused look, while Blight himself just continued eating acting as if this was a normal question, he even looked at Victoria and said "This is really good, and the garlic chicken is amazing by the way" which in turn got a smile from her.

Chris responded with "I've never hunted a wolf before" and Blight immediately responded after swallowing his food "You seem like the type, and your family name means Silver in French no? That's why I'm asking, I know there are no wolves in California, but you haven't stayed here your whole life, right" Chris at that smiled, as he and the family continued to eat as they understood why he asked that, he said "You know your French, but yes I've never hunted a wolf before, but I did hunt a Deer a few days back, hahaha" and with that Blight felt like he wanted to play a little more as he continued with "Well I guess you'll be able to hunt one soon, since there have been a few wolves howls lately if you noticed, and oh can you pass me the soup ma'am"

Chris started to think of the meaning of Blights words while he ate slowly, Victoria passed him some soup with a smile, and while Blight drank some of it, he got a text from Allison saying "What the hell are you doing" and he looked up at her and texted back "Dude, when did you even text that, I didn't even notice" and continued to eat until he got a phone call, Blight excused himself to answer the phone call, it was from Abigail, she thanked him after finding out her son's test results, and said she was going to divorce that bastard this week as she got her proof that she needed and that she was gonna confront him about it tonight, in a few hours, Blight said to Abigail "Text me when you're there, and I'll be there" and the call turned quiet for a bit till she said one more "Thank you" before ending the call.

To Be Continued