Chapter 12

Chapter 12

As Blight returned to his seat, Chris asked him "Was it something important?" and Blight responded "Nope, just a meet up for later" and with that, they continued to eat but he noticed Kate was gone and he didn't bother to sense where she was at or question it either.

Blight finished eating as did they, he told Allison he had to go, and said to Victoria "Ma'am the food was great, and it nice to meet you and you as well Sir, thanks for the meal, and oh Allison, I finished the last question of our math homework, see you soon" and with that, Blight was about to leave but was stopped and asked by Chris if he needed someone to drive him home and he thought "Finally someone asked me, people have been rude to me these days and I know that I don't need it, but the thought counts" and responded with a smile saying "No thanks, I gotta walk off all this good food, and the person I gotta meet is not far from here, but thank you though" and with that he finally left after waving goodbye.

As he left and walked a few blocks away, he noticed Kate behind him, stalking him, and as he saw this, he couldn't help but smile as he turned and went to the small hills area that was nearby, Blight hid patiently behind a tree, as he waited till she appeared and she did, creeping about silently, Blight said "Oh, so you're the one following me, I thought Allison wanted another make-out session", Kate, on the other hand, was on guard and didn't jump at the noise Blight gave out as he appeared next to her, but as she saw him doing nothing but stare at her weirdly, she slowly walked up to him and quickly grabbed him when she was within reach of him, as she held a knife to his throat, he thought "This is…? " and stopped thinking as she interrupted his thoughts by saying "You know I get off torturing a specific kind of people, your kind of people, and with how I feel for you, I can't be wrong and damn do you smell good" Blight thought as he heard her say that "Ohhhhh, so she's messed up in the head..,Well, it's not surprising but this is gonna be fun"

Blight said to her as he chuckled inwardly "My people? Do you mean tall people? Handsome men? Young men? Or do you mean all of the above? Lady, I'm more of a dom than a sub, but I like the way you're looking at me, it's kinda getting me off" and she replied in a scoffing tone "Oh, don't wanna reveal what you are, don't worry cutie, I'll show you right now" and he saw her bringing out a flask from her back pocket and thought after sensing what's in it "Wolfs-bane huh, but it's mixed with something else, is that mountain ash? She never did this in the show.., actually she wasn't really there much, and what I did to her, making her feel the way she does…, this actually does make sense" and replied in a troll type of way "Oh, you wanna roofie me? Sweetheart, you could have just asked for sex" Kate started smiling even more at his taunts and pushed the knife closer to his neck, while Blight responded while smiling back at the crazy women "We can start with a kiss, no need to be so rough" and with that she pulled her head closer to his neck and licked him as she said "You have balls kiddo, I'll give you that, but aren't you with my adorable niece Allison?" while Blight said as in a mocking tone "We aren't even dating, nor have we even talked about that, and why do you care? Not only do you wanna roofie me for sex, but you also wanna keep me? Now aren't you the cougar"

Kate smirked as she shoved the vial in to his mouth and held his mouth closed so he didn't spit anything out, Blight laughed at the thought of spitting it out as he drank it, and Kate held the blade really close to his carotid artery, as she watched for any changes or any signs of rejection from his body.

After a few minutes Kate gave out a weird look, but she was patient and decided to give it a few more minutes but even after that, nothing still happened, she saw Blight staring down at her, bored, so she slowly lowered her weapon.

Blight who got bored, was thinking of what he should do for tomorrow and as he noticed the knife not on his neck anymore, he said "So..., is the roofie supposed to take effect now? I ain't feeling it, to be honest, like your not bad yourself, but this isn't how you get men" she looked like she couldn't understand why it didn't work as she thought he was the beta and he was sent to spy on them and with how she felt about him..., she couldn't understand, so she asked "What do you know of Derek Hale?" and Blight responded with "Oh, so he's your type, was I just target practice? Well he and Scott hang out with each other a lot and that's about it, So…, you like bad boys huh, I can be a bad boy in bed, if you know what I mean" and raised both his eyebrows at her so she could get the meaning of it.

Kate put away her knife down slowly as she looked at him, confused at what to do now, but she did glance a few times at his lips, as they were still close to each other, while Blight moved his head even closer, that there were face to face and said "So you wanna start off with a kiss or should..." and Blight was kissed by her, as Kate did not let him finish what he was about to say to her.

Kate went for that kiss as she grabbed the back of his head pushing him even closer and it wasn't just a simple kiss, she went all for it and it lasted a few minutes before Blight grabbed her lower body, lifting her up as she wrapped her legs around him after being lifted up by him.

Blight went and pressed her back against the tree, as he got one of his hands to undress her lower body and was thankful that she was wasn't wearing skinny jeans, as that would have been much harder to remove with just one hand. Blight stopped the kiss as he said "Well then Miss. Cougar, Ima get myself a little revenge for the harassment you just gave me, you think you can handle it" and took out his little bro from his zipper, and as she saw it, she smiled and said " You wanna break me with that big guy, well you can try, but don't hurt yourself kiddo " and before Blight entered her, he said "With pleasure" as he went for it after increasing her sensitivity to 20x, she gave out a scream as she wasn't expecting the amount of pleasure being given from him just from entering, Blight soundproofed the area as her moans got louder and louder, and after a few thrusts, she asked Blight to stop as she was having an Orgasm, Blight whispered in her ear as he licked her earlobe "Oh, but were just getting started and don't worry, I won't hurt myself" and increased his pace, going deeper and deeper which each thrust, she grabbed onto him tightly as to stop him from moving, but it didn't do much as Blight kept going for it, soon her begging sounds turned into louder moans, and Kate started biting his shoulder as hard as she could, she was trying to gain some control over the situation, but Blight used one hand to forcefully pull her head off from his shoulder and as he looked at her, he smirked and went for an intense make-out session with Kate, as he went roughly with the kiss, and so did she apparently, as she even bit his lips.

After a while of sex, Blight could feel her nails trying to dig into his skin, and felt how tight she was wrapping her legs around him, Blight counted 17 Orgasms that she had within 10 minutes of them having sex and as he felt his phone vibrate, he increased his pace even more before he took out his bro and dropped her to the ground as he let it out all over her face, he then took out his phone and saw it was a text from Abigail, he then put his phone on camera mode.

Blight said to Kate who was biting her lips hard while holding her legs trying to gain control of herself "I have to go now, it's sucks, I really wanted to break you" and the crazy bitch just spread her shaky legs open as she said "I'm right here, go for it, I Dare You" Blight crouched down as his smile turned twisted, as he said to her "I gotta meet some other cougar, so can't, bad timing I guess and I know, it sucks being as good as I am" and as Kate heard this, she looked at him as she couldn't believe what he just said to her and watched him fix his zipper, Blight looked at Kate who was giving him an angry look, so he crouched down and said "Aw, look at you" while he reached down and pinched her Clitrous that was still 20x more sensitive than normal, she moaned as her body twitched like crazy.

Blight said "You don't give me that look bitch" and pinched it even harder as he said "Now be a good little bitch and thank me for giving you such a good time" Blight heard her make a weird sound as she laughed weirdly while saying "Fu….c..k y..o.u" to him.

Blight smile turned even more twisted as he put a finger inside her as rubbed and poked her G-spot, while pinching her Clit harder, he said "Well, how about now?" and he just got moans from her, as apparently, she was on her 23rd orgasm within 12 minutes, Blight said in a louder and deeper voice "So, what do you say?" and Kate who was struggling with all the pleasure he was giving her, finally said " yo..u"

Blight laughed as he said to her "Now who's a good little bitch" as he removed his finger from inside her and patted her head, he moved closer to her ear as he whispered, "You are".

Blight stood up and walked away after taking a few pictures for some nice 'Memories', and as Blight sensed he was far enough from her and as he already read the text from Abigail and knew she was waiting for him, he sensed nobody was around before teleporting where he could Abigail was at.


As Kate saw Blight leave, at first she was gritting her teeth at what he did to her, but the feeling her body gave her was unrealistic, as she felt pleasure all over, and she licked her lips again, but as she did, she tasted something new and noticed it was his semen, at first she thought about spitting it out, until the after-taste of it came to her, and she couldn't believe that his semen could taste so good, so she swallowed it. Kate stared at the direction Blight left in, as she touched the semen on her face, she looked at it before sniffing it and swallowing it, and as she did that, her smile turned creepy, really creepy.


Blight appeared in a room with only Abigail in it and said "Not bad, are you dressed for me?" as he saw Abigail wearing a dress that showed off her curvy figure, and as Abigail saw Blight, she stopped pacing and smiled as she walked up to him, but as she stood in front of him, she appeared lost at what to do, but Blight smiled as he grabbed her chin and raised it, he then looked down at her for a bit before going for a kiss, the kiss lasted for a few seconds before he said "So?" and Abigail who licked her lips smiled while looking up at Blight saying "He's in the next room"

Blight smiled at her as he watched her lick her lips, she didn't seem to mind as she did so even more, but Blight wanted to end this small problem fast, so he went to the next room and a saw the man, but as soon as Abigail came in after Blight, the man asked about Blight and they started to argue, Blight watched the drama and felt saddened by the thought of no popcorn, but then he remembered what he able to do and made popcorn appear and started to eat while sitting down, and the two who were having their argument didn't notice this at all, and soon enough, when Blight got bored, the man turned to Blight saying "So your her boy toy, well you think you and this bitch are gonna walk away with my money.." but was stopped by Blight, as Blight pointed at him.

Blight didn't want to hear his speech, so he used his abilities to make the man not be able to speak or move, and as the man stood still and turned quite, Blight tapped at the armchair slowly but with a rhythm as it became the only sound in the room, Blight watched at as the man eyes widen with fear, Blight thought he would have screamed if he could speak, he then looked at Abigail who was afraid and just looking at her immobile husband, and as she looked at him, Blight gestured her to come to him, and so she did after a moments of hesitation.

As Abigail reached Blight, Blight said to her "Have you ever seen a soul before?" and she responded nervously with "N-no" Blight then snapped his fingers as the man teleported in front of him, Abigail was frightened but didn't move, Blight then said "Well, there's a first for everything" and had his hand go through the mans chest, Blight grabbed his soul and tore it out, the man looked in serious pain, as tears, snout, and saliva was pouring out from him and it looked weird since he couldn't move or speak, and as Blight took out his soul, he showed it to Abigail as he stated "This is a soul" as he opened his palm in front of her, Abigail didn't even look at the man, as she was fascinated by the soul, she looked at it, then at Blight, as she slowly asked "Can…can I touch it?"

Blight smiled as he said " Sure", he watched her as she nervously tries to poke it, and as she did, she gained even more courage and felt it, she said to Blight "It feels so warm…., but it belongs to that bastard" Blight said to her "All souls are equal, till they are judged" and closed his hand as he moved it away from her, Abigail, as she saw this, questioned him with "What are you gonna do with it..., I mean him?" Blight smiled as he put in near his mouth to try a eat it, and he succeeded and after swallowing the soul, but he felt nothing different and was disappointed about there being no after taste from eating the soul, but as he looked inside of himself, he saw another soul orb but ignored it as he looked at the first soul he absorbed, it appeared Bigger and dimed out than it originally was, Blight planned to research this later on.

Abigail, as she watched him devour the soul, shivered but was apparently fascinated by it as well, as she didn't scream or run, but rather looked closely at Blight, to see if anything would happen. Blight told the man using his mental abilities to sign all the papers Abigail has for the divorce and then to kill himself after the divorce was completed and not to cause any trouble or talk about this matter to anyone, Blight then told Abigail to bring the papers and so she did, and she watched as the man signed everything before he left without saying anything, Abigail then looked to her left as she saw Blight playing with his nails as he waited and went to stand beside him, while shaking, either from fear or excitement. Blight glanced at her as he could sense her fear, but there was also reverence and adoration for him as well.

Blight stood up and placed his finger on her cheek and moved slowly down to her neck, then to her chest and asked as his eyes turned pitch black "Are you afraid?" and as he said this, Abigail said "N-no" fearfully, while he responded with "Oh really.." and before he could finish, she said out loud, nervously "I am afraid…., but I'm also fascinated by what you are..., like you're amazing, and you can do all this. I've always stayed home due to him being a jealous jackass, but I always read books about the supernatural when I had the time and when you came to my life, I couldn't believe it, You're actually real..., I'm sorry if me being afraid bugs you out, but please just give me a few days, I really like you, like a lot…, you're like everything I've read about being demonic and handsome…., I kinda liked the villains in the books I've read…, they would always come and steal the main girl away…, and I always wanted to be stolen away...and here you are, right here, taking me, owning me, and me belonging to you, it's just like in the books" and Abigail gave him a happy smile with tears coming out as she held his hand looking at him.

Blight was feeling awkward at the moment as he looked at her, he thought "She..she just made it weird for me now…., I was supposed to scare her a bit, then have fun with her, and now she's giving me this romance crap..., she….she ruined it for me., and it took her less than two minutes to do that….., my god does she have talent. This... is a first…, Ironic is it not?, I just gave her, her first too." but he didn't show it as he looked at her with his usual face while he continued thinking "Ima go for a Nun next, now that sounds fun"

Blight told Abigail…..

To Be Continued