Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Blight told Abigail as his eyes reverted back to normal "What if I'm worse than the villains in your books?" Abigail quickly responded with "Are you? I'm not sure if you read *********** and *** **********, oh and there's ********, because the most badass villain in each of those stories stole the best-portrayed women in looks wise and made them there's, even if by force, and if your worse than them, then that means I'm the hot chick being stolen away in this story by an even worse villain and that makes me superior..., and they were always portrayed as beautiful, strong, and independent women…I was kinda jealous of that fact…, as I was stuck with him, being trapped, and doing nothing about it" Blight momentarily thought about the books she talked about but had no clue what they were, but he did say smiling, "I am worse than them, do you know why?" Abigail seemed excited to answer him as she said "Is it Because you're more, Badass? Stronger? Evil? Manipulative? Handsome? "

Blight smile twisted a bit as he heard this, and continued saying "How could I say no to those, however they weren't what I was going for, the reason I'm worse than they are…. Is because I'm real and there not" and as he said this, Blight gripped her throat and said in a deep voice as his eyes turned pitch black again "I'm no book, I'm worse, as I'm reality" and Abigail who looked at him had her smile turned perverse as she said "This is Scary and...awesome...., I think I peed myself a little.." and as Blight heard this…..well he thought of snapping her neck as he was already grabbing her neck and it was just a slight turn or just a little pressure to her neck and was stopped at that thought as he heard a phone go off, it appeared to be Abigail's phone, Blight released her, and as he did, she grabbed her neck as she breathed roughly while looking at Blight, with a look of pure fanaticism and perversity, Blight said "Answer it" to her and as she did, but she kept her eyes on him, Blight was weirded out at the fact that his first contractor was a fanatic, but he noticed after the phone call, Abigail seemed even happier as she said "Bennie is being released tomorrow, That's good...everything's good" and started tearing up, and soon started weeping and then crying as she kept wiping her eyes with her hand as her head faced downwards to hide her face.

Blight watched this, as he thought "She's good, like holy shit, I feel it's beneath me now to kill her but in the end, it's just a feeling, let's be done with it" and as Blight reached for her neck, his phone ringed, so he stopped reaching for her neck and took out his phone, he then saw a text from Olivia it appeared that she was worried about him and asking him where he was, and if anything was wrong...between them, he responded to Olivia that he was at friends house doing lab work and that he will be home a bit late and there was nothing wrong between them.

Blight who just put away his phone after sending that text, looked at Abigail again, and glanced at her neck, he raised his hand again, but a noise stopped him, it was his phone, Blight took out his phone as he tilted his head in annoyance, but saw it was a long text from Allison and as he read it, he thought "Allison messaged me that Kate caught Derek, this...this is good because now that she showed Allison, she's can be 100% sure about Scott now, and with how I made her feel, with that being betrayed by Lydia and Jackson, she has no one she can trust other than me…. and the crazy bitch, but now this version of Allison is completely unknown with her emotions and feelings" and as Blight saw another text appear, he continued thinking "Now she's asking if we could meet at an abandoned factory, this address..., Its by the location Derek was shot by Kate…, I should go, this will build more of her emotions to me, and I can manipulate her better this way without using my abilities" Blight replied he'll be there in 30 minutes and put away his phone, Blight chose 30 minutes before being there so he can decide what to do with the fanatic.

Blight sat down and decided to see how obedient she was as he said "I want you to strip Abigail" and Abigail who finally stopped crying looked at Blight, she looked and saw him sitting down while resting his chin on his fist and as she saw this pose, she thought "Looks badass, even acts badass" and started to undress her self by moving down the zipper at her back, and as her dress fell down, she immediately took off her underwear and looked at Blight for confirmation while Blight himself thought " No questions asked? Good", he the said to Abigail "Crawl to me" and Abigail's eyes widen a bit as she smiled, she then got on all fours and started to crawl to him, and as she reached him, Blight thought "Pros, she's obedient, and got a nice body as well as solid looks, apparently reveres me, and is already falling for me without me doing my thing, and right, she's also my first contractor but that doesn't count, so let's go with piggy bank, so that's 5 for Pros" and then thought as he patted her head "Now the Cons, She didn't let me do my thing, reveres me way too much, She's a fanatic and has this romantic crap about me, oh and let's not forget her books that messed my thing, my act, my passion…, and 5 for Cons, so it's 5 for 5, a draw,"

Blight teleported her onto his lap, as he said "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you" and Abigail who was amazed at the teleportation, tried to recall the feeling, but was shocked by his question as she thought "He's giving me the 'You're nothing to me, give me a good reason to keep you' part from the books ….., Oh My Goddddd, his everything like the others were portrayed in the books but better" and she didn't hesitate to answer as she said "Because I belong to you, every last bit of me" and Blight who was expecting another reaction and reason was a bit speechless at her response, as he thought "Such a simple response? That's it? That's all you got?" And as he was about to say something, Abigail started to kiss his neck while saying "I don't think I need a few days anymore, let's do it"

Blight could care less about her no more but he wanted to test something before he was about to kill her, and as his eyes turned to his pitch black again, his iris were glowing bright purple, as he was using his original eyes, he was about to say something, but Abigail interrupted him, saying "No way, purple is my favorite color..., there so beautiful" while she thought inwardly "He went from 100 out of 10 to just being perfect, I'm….I'm in love, and he did it like in the books, he stole my heart Instantly without saying anything romantic to me, but just staring at me….., I want him, I want his babies, I want everything"

Blight who wanted to see how a human would react to these eyes before killing them didn't know what to say, but he thought "Her favorite color is purple…, I never knew my eyes were gonna be purple, but when I saw them myself, I fell in love with them as I love purple, and she doesn't seem to be afraid of my main eyes, was it because they were my creations that they were afraid of my eyes? Need to test this out later, but anyways, for liking purple, that goes into the Pros section…, so it's 6 for 5…, no... liking purple is something special to me so it should count as 1.5 instead of 1 point, so it's 6.5 for 5, lucky you, .....the color purple is how it all began, with me being Sadistic and all, its why I'm even like this in the first place..., but enough of that, I need to tell my fanatic her new orders"

Blight looked at the women who was lost in thought smiling, and said as he patted her cheek "Next time I appear, I want to see you wearing a dog collar with a name tag named Lucky alright, so I can remember you as the lucky one, as you truly are…, a lucky girl today, and oh, make sure it's dark purple" and the perverse fanatic thought "He made me his pet as they did with their women as well, but unlike them, mine gave me a name, Lucky…, and my mans better, screw them for having such cool men in their lives, and with Blight being much cooler and me belonging to him, they can all rot in jealousy for all I care..., I'm not trapped any more by that fucker, I'm free and my man, unlike there's is real, he's real" and Blight who looked at the happy woman still lost in her thoughts, thought of what was going on in her head, and he even thought of taking a look, but he remembered he had to go play with his other toy now, so he increased her sensitivity down there by 20x like he did with Kate and went to pinch her clitoris, and Abigail who was lost, daydreaming about Blight being real and there future together got pinched down there, and as she got her Clitoris pinched, her eyes turned to the back of her head as she passed out instantly from all that pleasure gathered up, and as Blight saw this, he thought "It's more fun with the crazy bitch" and so he lifted the fainted Abigail who was having an apparent intense orgasm onto the couch, Blight looked at her and then looked around, as he saw no sheets, he thought of making one but then thought against it as he left his sweater instead ontop of her, he wondered what she would do with sweater and so he's experimenting with it due to curiosity, as he thought of many possibilities she would do with it.

Blight teleported to the address Allison sent him, and soon enough, he saw Allison shooting crossbows at a Derek Hale wanted poster, and as he saw the third one shot, he sneaked up behind Allison and said "Boo" out loud next to her, Allison screamed as she aimed the empty bow at Blight, and she saw who it was, she said "Don't do that, you scared the hell out of me, and I could have shot you if it was loaded" Blight scoffed at her as he said "As you said, if it was loaded, I'm not blind" and then he pointed at the Derek Hale wanted poster and continued with as he gave her a serious look "What if I was him? Do you think I would have just scared you? No I wouldn't, and if you don't understand, my point is, if you couldn't even tell that I was right here next to you, then what's good about shooting at a immobile poster ever gonna do for you?" and as Allison wanted to retort, she couldn't find the words, while Blight just said "Well, that's the point of me spooking you....., you said you wanted to be strong, you think just shooting at a picture will make you stronger, it really won't, especially since it's immobile" and Allison looked down at her bow as she said to him "At least I'm trying something, and this is the only way I know of"

Blight stretched a bit in front of her as he walked a few steps away, he then put his hands up, as he said to Allison "Show me what you got, I know how to fight and shoot a gun, I learned to fight from the streets and a few cool people and shooting, well from the redneck family" Allison said "I'm not gonna fight you Blight" and Blight smiled as he said in a sarcastic tone "Are you scared tough guy?" while Allison looked at him with an annoyed look, but she saw him open one hand and do a 'Bring it on' gesture and so she went for it.

To Be Continued.