Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Blight as he fought her thought "Damn this is sad…., she's got no technique, no rhythm, and it's kinda pathetic" and as he easily dropped her to the ground, he said "That's it? So what happens if they get up close to you? Archery isn't the only thing you should be focusing on, and no, I won't show you how to fight, I just want you to focus on dodging, as you can already aim, but to do that, you need to survive if you miss you first shot, because if you do miss it, then it could be your only way of surviving, so you need to learn how to dodge" and with that Allison got up with Blights help as he lent a hand, and he started saying "I'll punch, you dodge, simple right?" and Blight went for it slowly and picked up the pace after seeing her dodging correctly, but soon enough he started almost landing punches, as in, he stopped before he hit her , and as he saw her bitting down her lips in frustration, Blight said "How about this, I'll keep going slow till you get how it works, just watch my shoulders and arms ok, you'll understand, and let's talk, tell me about what happened with your aunt, this way you'll be cool and calm as you learn, it's better this way"

Allison watched his body movements as he punched slowly and she dogged and as she did, she talked about how Kate showed her what Derek was again but continued talking about him being a beta and told him about their ranks in their groups, and Blight said to her "So we know of two beta's but not the alpha, so the big guy I saw at the school was the alpha? Well she is right, the alpha is bigger" and as Allison nodded to his answer, she watched him move before dodging again, Blight inwardly smirked at the thought of all this bullshit training that he was making her do, as it couldn't help for shit, and he questioned her as he said "Did you tell your aunt about Scott being the second beta?" and as Allison slowed down a bit, she said "...I'm not sure if it's him yet, I don't want anything bad to happen to him because of a random guess or even if it is him" and Blight retorted with "Well I'm sure about him being the other beta, like common he hangs out with Derek, and he's the only one who does so, isn't that like the biggest sign you could get? And that's with everything that we learned till now...., they will find out Allison, as it's all there, they just gotta put it together" and as Allison heard his response, she stopped responding and focused on dodging.

Soon 25 minutes passed and Allison was panting hard on the ground, while Blight looked at her with sympathy as he remembered her pathetic display at dodging and said " Yeah...let's stop, you don't seem to be getting better at this, so let's work with what you're already good at, and focus on your shooting skills, but at a further distance alright? It's funny though, watching you dodge, was almost the saddest thing I've ever seen, and that says a lot" and as Blight reached out his hand to help Allison up again, she grabbed, and he noticed her leg coming in to drop him and thought "Oh, it seems she's going in for a cheap shot..., I'll give it to her because she needs something to make her feel more confident, and in this way, her confidence will increase and make her feel better" and so Blight didn't dodge and let her drop kick him, and as Blight fell to the floor, he looked at Allison and asked "Happy?" and Allison that was lying next to him said "Not all of us can dodge everything Blight, not even you" and so she got on top of him, she laughed and looked into his eyes, she slowly went for a kiss, but Blight moved his head away as he sat up.

Allison asked "What is something wrong?....or are you mad about the kick?" and Blight looked at her as he said "I don't want to be a rebound for you, so just don't" and Allison quickly responded as she grabbed him "You're not a rebound, why would you say that?" and Blight who was dusting off his hands said to her "I can tell by how you talked about Scott, you still have feelings for him, and I let you get away with it last time, but not this time, I'm not interested in having that type of relationship ever again...., sorry" and Blight got himself up and free from her, while Allison said in a sad tone "I...I still do have feelings for Scott, but with you, my feelings are much more than what they are for Scott, please...please don't do this, I really like you.."

Blight looked at her after patting off any dirt on his clothes and said "When you get it all straightened out, come talk to me, alright" and with that, he left Allison as he walked home, but first he wanted to get some snacks, so he went to the store where he bought his Flash drives at, as it was on his way back home, and as he got there, he saw the cashier lady he met when he first came here, and as the cashier lady saw him, she looked surprised as she quickly went to the back room, Blight just glanced at the her going to the back room before he went to pick out some chips and a drink, and as he got to the cashier, he saw the lady again, but this time with her hair fixed up, and some light makeup on and a few buttons, unbuttoned, Blight just took out a 10 and left it there as he took his stuff and walked away, he inwardly thought "She was just an experiment to see if I can induce lust from just touching, and it did work, strongly so, if I may say so myself, and I left her with her memories to see what would happen after words but...,I forgot about it" and as the cashier lady saw him leave she said "Wait" and so he did, Blight turned and responded with "Yeah?" and the lady asked "Are we not gonna talk about it?" and Blight questioned her by saying "About what?"

The women said "I know I came onto you that day randomly, but you don't gotta treat me as an awkward one night stand" Blight laughed inwardly as he thought of her words "She thinks she came onto me huh, well she's not wrong, all I did was touch her while releasing my lust-inducing touch ability and she was all over me"

Blight walked back as he said "Then what do you want from me?" and he glanced at her wedding ring and as the lady heard this, she said " How about a date, I get off in a few hours?" and Blight asked as he pointed at her hand "Aren't you married and why do you want me?" The woman glanced at the ring and looked back at Blight saying "We have an arrangement of sorts, he can have fun with our neighbor, while I can see other people and sweety, those two hours of sex were the best I ever had in my life"

Blight smiled as he said "So you let your husband sleep with another woman, and you want to have fun with little old me" and she smiled as she seductively said "I wouldn't call you little…at all after what I saw…, and our neighbor is a man" Blight looked at her and thought "Man? Now that's just sad, her man turned gay, I would feel awful if I was her, but looks wise, there's nothing wrong, a bit chubby yes but nice tits and looks good without makeup on" and as she saw him being quiet, she said "He said to me that he was finding himself when we talked about the arrangement" and Blight smirked as he said "Well, how about I find myself in you right now?" and as the lady heard this, she laughed as she said "Sweety, that may have been the best sex I've had, but I'm not that easy…, that time was a one time thing and I don't know what came over me but I don't regret it, so how about we start things off with a date?"

Blight smiled as he moved his head closer as he playfully said "As you said, it was a one time thing, so you take care now" and he started walking away again, the lady seemed surprised by his reaction as she said "Wait, I was just playing with you, come back" and but Blight thought about it and tried something as he said "Beg me too" and as she heard this she said in disbelief "The hell are you on? Beg you? Are you joking with me?" and Blight at that started walking away for the third time, and as he left the store, he heard behind him the doors opening and the woman saying "Alright you win, please can we have sex now" and Blight smiled as he stopped again and said "I need a little more than that" and the lady said in a questionable tone "Pretty please?"

Blight laughed as he said "That's cute, but since I got time, I'll take it" and walked up to the woman again and glanced at her name tag while saying "So, shall we go back inside Nora?" and the women lead the way, and as Blight entered, Nora locked the door and took out a "Be back soon sign" from behind the register and put it at the door, and after she did this, she leaded Blight to the back, As Blight followed her he thought of why she would go that far for him, and as they entered, Blight found a seat and sat down, he then put his bag down at the side and looked at Nora, he said "How about a striptease?" and as Nora looked at him, she inwardly thought "What a cocky bastard" but did as he asked.

As she finished her striptease, Blight said " Do you want me to make you feel even better compared to last time?" and she laughed as she said "Sweety, if you can do that, I'll start taking whatever your on and play how you want me to play" and Blight smiled at that as he stood up next to her and said "This is just 100% pure me, I'm not on anything, other than my own self-ego'" and increased her sensitivity to 5 times normal as he went and grabbed her big pair of tits, Blight played with her nipples as he asked "So, why did you call me back? You were acting all high and mighty a while ago" and Nora moaned and couldn't believe with him just playing with her breasts, that it could feel this good, she thought he was just skilled at it and replied "I haven't cared about my arraignment with my husband, I never felt pleasure while having sex, and I had sex with a few different men so don't get me wrong, and that was during our arrangement, so don't get me wrong on that as well, I'm not a cheater..., but you're the first whoever made me Orgasm, and you didn't do it once but again and again....., I want that, I want to feel that again, even if it was just one more time but you haven't appeared back here in a while and I don't know where to look for you, and now that you finally came back, I gotta do what I can to feel that one more time, even if I have to deal with your cocky attitude"

Blight laughed as he said "Oh, what's wrong with being confident though?" and grabbed a bit rougher and as Nora moaned, she replied " all, my goodness...Ahhhhh" and Blight saw her grabbing his arm and start shaking a bit.

As Nora orgasmed, she said, as she was a bit of breath "I, that...felt good..., you're good with your hands you know that, I...I didn't think I could have an orgasm with you just playing with my breasts"

Blight wanted to play with her as he asked while playing with her clitoris "Why don't you just leave your husband, you could be free of him, why stay?" and she started moving around a lot as she said "B-be-because of our daughter" and Blight told her "Go on" while he increased the pace of his fingers and she struggled with the pleasure she was getting, she said "She was in an accident last year..., she got paralyzed from the waist under and had her face....scarred, and if we stay together, our taxes are lessened, so we can gather more money to pay off her medical bills, but we're almost done paying it as I started working here and the insurance paying half if it."

Blight, as he listened, let her go, as she was having another orgasm, he started taking off his clothes as he said "How old is your daughter, that's rough for a child?" and Nora who was panting from just having an orgasm said "22" and at that response, Blight stopped as he looked at Nora asking "You have a 22-year-old daughter? How old are you?" and Nora replied, "38 and yes I know, I had her with my husband when we were 16" Blight jeered as he said, "Now wasn't that a fun thing to tell the parents" and took down his pants.

Nora as she got herself back under control said "You have no idea" and looked at Blight and saw him standing in front of her naked and thought "If he wasn't so cocky, he would actually be perfect, damn he's fit" and as she looked down, she thought "2 times his size, I think?" Blight wondered how old does she think he was, so he asked "How old do you think I am?" and got a response of "21" as she saw staring at his body, Blight asked "Like what you see" and got a "Yes" from her, Blight thought of something for later about her response about his age, and as he got closer to her, he grabbed her hair and pulled it back and as her head was faced up to him, he went for a kiss.

As Blight kissed her, she went on to caress his…..

To Be Continued