Chapter 15

Chapter 15

As Blight kissed her, she went on to caress his thing, and Blight went on to caressing her breasts again as he lightly pinched her nipples. Blight just watched Nora moan for a while from playing with her breasts, he then asked her "So, do you wanna feel better than last time?" and she said "Oh do whatever…., oh my ….Oof, you want.., oh..., but before we start, can I at least get your name" and Blight thought of something fun as he said "You wanna know my name? I thought this was just gonna be a one-time thing again" and Nora said weirdly "I um..., do you want that?"

Blight as he moved behind her, moved his head closer to her ear as whispered: "It's not what I want, it's what you want?" , Nora said " I.. don't want this to be a one-time thing" Blight put his little bros head at her hole as he said, "And why's that?" Nora said somewhat greedily "Stop with the teasing already, I want you and I don't want this to be a one-time thing"

Blight smiled as he said "Blight, my names Blight" and he soundproofed the room as he entered her roughly and as she moaned louder, he increased his pace, Nora said as he kept ramming her "Slow..ah down AH... let me get used to it first, ah Blight stop, I'm cuming" and Blight did stop as he said playfully "Here's the thing, I don't like stopping Nora, so what will it be? Me rocking your world or me stopping during sex and by the way, if you chose the second option, this will be the last time we do this"

Nora grabbed the edge of the table hard and said "You cocky ass mother fucker, let's go, you only live once right" Blight laughed as he said "Now that's the spirit" and also said "Let's make this something you won't be forgetting" so Blight went for it, but he started slowly as he wanted to see how many thrusts it would take for her to cum, and as he was on his 2nd thrust, she came, so he decreased her sensitivity to 4 times, and found out she would have an orgasm on either his 3rd of 4th thrust, Nora, on the other hand, thought "Mhm, at least he's nice, as he's starting to slow down...Oof, I gotta get used to his, but how's he making me like this so easily….Ooooof, or we that compatible? Shit, he's going faster...Ah mmmhm"

Blight started to increase his pace as he put her sensitivity back at 5 times the normal and as he went for it, he started increasing her sensitivity by 1x after ever 5 thrusts, Blight smiled as he thought on the thought of how easy it is to play people, and so he wanted to see how she would act around him after today as he increased his pace even more, he started pulling her hair back so he could go in deeper, and in return, he got louder moans, and as Nora reached 10 times her normal sensitivity, she started shaking after every thrust while panting hard, Blight just kept at 10 times as he thought she couldn't handle more if he increased her sensitivity and went at it for around another 25 minutes and asked her "How's this compared to last time?" and Nora that was moaning like an animal didn't respond so Blight took that as his answer, Soon Blight felt like he was going to cum soon, so after a few more thrusts, he took it out and let it all out on her back.

Blight then watched her having this weird twitch every few seconds, and so Blight stood up and sat on a chair as he grabbed his stuff, he took out his phone and took a few pictures and after that, he opened his chip bag and ate as he waited till she got herself under control, he got bored, so he went on his phone as he kept snacking on his chips, Blight saw there we're no messages from Allison, but there were some from Abigail, he responded to her question that she was asking, she asked if he needed his needs taken care of today, so Blight replied with "You're not my only girl, so no need at ask about that and when I want you, I'll have you" and then let Abigail play with weird imagination that she has, and as Blight expected, she was wondering what was her rank, as the Villains in her books have their women ranked, she thought of asking Blight, but then thought it would be better to ask in person, so she texted back "I'm free whenever you need me" and Blight just read her reply and looked back at Nora and thought about her story with her husband and had an idea about how why her husband made that agreement with her, and if he was right....Blight just smiled creepily.

Nora who was using the tabled to help her say stable, started twitching less, and as she looked like she was trying to stand without the table, Blight said "Come here" and as Nora heard this, she said "G-give me a minute" and Blight smirked as he said "You sure you wanna make me wait?" and Nora didn't respond, as she turned around and went to Blight while walking weirdly, and as she reached him, she stood in front of him while her body twitched every now and then, Blight told Nora "How about a thank you, you know, for all my hard work" and Nora was questioning herself "Why him?" as she said "What kind of thank you?" Blight said as he pointed at his little bro "How about you use your mouth" and Nora looked at him, then at his dick, she then slowly got her knees, Blight told her he was going to take a picture of her and Nora said "No, I don't want any pictures taken" Blight laughed as he said "I want you to show these pictures to your husband" and Nora looked at him weirdly as she started stroking his penis to get him hard and asked "Why?".

Blight looked at her as he rested his chin on his hand and said "I bet your husband tells you about his nights with his neighbor friend, doesn't he?" and Nora looked a bit shocked as she said, "How do you know that?" Blight smiled as he thought he was right and responded "You see, he's trying to make you feel less about yourself, so he could feel better and make you more obedient, I don't think he just did your neighbor friend, as you said, you've never had an orgasm with him, so he probably felt pathetic and sad when he was with you, so how could this all start? I think he had an affair before the arrangement and as he got either he or she off and found out nothing was wrong with him, so he thought highly of himself, and that you were the problem, so he got you into that arrangement, and would tell you all about his fun, but he would probably laugh at you on the inside or when he was with his other, you see he blames you for how he felt, so he loathes you" and as Blight saw her fully focused on him, he continued with "Let me ask you this, the day after the arrangement he started telling you about it his day with the supposed neighbor, and soon he started showing you pictures and acting all high and mighty, I bet he orders you around now as well, doesn't he?"

Nora was starting to slow down as she heard him say all this and as he asked her the question, she stopped stroking his dick as she looked at Blight, she said " you know that" Blight said "You're just too dull to see it" Nora's eyes were starting to get teary but she didn't cry as she continued stroking his dick, while Blight thought "I didn't ask for a hand-job though…, HM.., maybe I could do something about this issue of her's, this could be fun" and so Blight asked "Are you mad?" and Nora said while her voice started to break "No..., it was my fault, I let him feel that way"

Blight stopped her hand, as he slowly made her sit on his lap, Blight brushed her hair aside saying "No it was his fault, he's pathetic because he could have just left you, but he didn't, he wanted you to feel what he felt, he wanted revenge" and as Nora heard this, she said "But why, I thought he loved me" Blight said "Hatred, as it grows can dim even love itself, this all probably started anyway with his sad self-pity" and as she heard this, Nora's tear started to fall as she asked "What should I do then?"

Blight smiled turned creepy again as he had his chin on her head as she rested her on him, he said "Get revenge" and Nora didn't immediately respond and Blight just played her hair as he waited, Blight thought of a question though and that was "Why did the husband even marry and stay with her in the first place?" Blight planned to find that out later, and he heard Nora say "How?" Blight turned her to face him as he said "You make him feel that it was all his fault, make him feel less of himself, that he was the problem not you, and this will only be the start and don't worry, it will feel good, hehe trust me" and as Blight said that he kissed her and Nora hugged Blight as she kissed back.

After she separated from this kiss, she asked: "Will you help me?" Blight gave her a sweet smile as he said "That's the plan" and as he saw her caressing his chest, he knew the answer to this question, but he had to ask so he could tell her what to do, so he asked "Did you tell him about last time, how I made you cum?" and Nora said "No I didn't, I'm not sure why, maybe because I didn't feel that I was good enough to tell him…, I never thought he affected me this much, you know, after you pointed out a few things, I'm starting to understand a lot of the things he's been doing around the time of the arrangement…..Blight, I want revenge, I want him to pay" and as she faced Blight, she asked, "How do I start?"

Blight smile grew as he grabbed her even closer, he said "He started with pictures didn't he, so let's do that" and as Nora heard this, she smiled back at Blight as she kissed him and grabbed his dick.


An hour later, Blight and Nora we're at the door entrance and Blight said "Remember, tell him how you felt and show off all those picture's we've taken" and Nora nodded her head as she was grabbing Blights arm, she said "Yes" then asked "Blight, am I going to see you again" Blight said "We just exchanged numbers when I sent you all those pictures, so you have my number and I'm not going anywhere" and Nora said as she looked at him "Yeah but you could just have me blocked or not respond" Blight smirked as he said "Didn't I tell you, your gonna tell your husband that I'm your boyfriend when you show him those pictures, and don't forget, you can't sleep on the same bed as him and you gotta start ignoring him too as you mock him in being useless, this way it will hurt more" and Nora said "So the boyfriend thing wasn't just for show, just to make know I have someone now?" and Blight smiled as he said "Well, If you want us to be"

Nora asked Blight awkwardly "You don't have somebody in your life?" and Blight said "I do, a couple at that actually" and Nora looked somewhat down as she said "I kinda expected that with how good you are at sex, and with how I'm the one coming onto you, how could you not have someone, and I shouldn't be talking as I'm married" Blight then asked playfully "So is that a no for us?" and Nora said "No, I want there to be us, so you better make time for me and our revenge" and Nora went to kiss him as she said "How many do you have by the way" and Blight responded with "For now, including you 3 as the 4th is efy, not really sure about her yet" and Nora asked "You said, for now?" and Blight said "What jealous?" and Nora smacked his arm as she said "Your cocky as fuck, you know that" and Blight grabbed her into a hug as he said "Oh, you'll be soon getting used to it" and went and kissed her.

Blight after the kiss was getting ready to leave as he asked "Was it ok to have this store close for almost two hours" and Nora said as she laughed "It's fine as the store doesn't really get customers around this time and it doesn't matter since the camera doesn't work, we're still getting it fixed" and Blight as he already told her what to do to her husband during the whole fiasco in the back as they were taking pictures, was about to leave, so he said "I gotta go" and Nora said "Wait, when will we.., meet again" and Blight said "Soon, and how about next time we meet, I'll take you out on that date you wanted" and Nora said as she smiled "Date…huh, I would like that a lot" and as she said that she gave Blight a kiss goodbye before he left.

Blight smiled as he thought of ideas for Nora and as he got home,.....

To Be Continued