Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Blight smiled as he thought of ideas for Nora and as he got home, he noticed it was around midnight, and as he got in, he sensed around and saw Jessica and Arnold sleeping upstairs but he sensed Olivia in his room and smirked at that, he then went by the kitchen and grabbed a snack to eat, he made himself a turkey sandwich and ate it as he went to his room and as he got in his room, he saw Olivia on her phone, and as Olivia saw him, she said "Hey there…, I was waiting for you"

Blight looked at her and closed the door as he ate the remaining piece of his sandwich and took off his sweater, he grabbed a towel and went for the bathroom, but before he entered, he looked back at Olivia and asked "You coming?" and before she could respond, he went it. Blight got in the bathroom and threw the towel at the hanger, and started taking off his clothes, and after that, he went and turned on the valves for the shower, making it hot, but not too hot, and he noticed since he was stripping his clothes, Olivia was at the door watching, and without turning back, he asked "So you gonna stay dressed?" and Olivia smiled as she started to remove her clothes.

Blight entered the shower and soundproofed the room, as usual, he then saw Olivia entering, he smiled as she stood in front of him, and Olivia smiled back as well, he then raised his right hand and caressed her cheek, he had his hand move to the back of her head and push her closer for a kiss, and as they kissed, Blight moved his hand away as he went to lift her up, as shower sex was annoying since one stays cold, so he carried her onto him and she wrapped her arms around his neck as she kept kissing him, Blight made the water around his little bro turn into a lubricant, as water was annoying as hell during shower sex as well, and as he entered her, she started moaning. Blight noticed Olivia seemed to like kissing him as she wouldn't stop the kiss even in between moans.

The shower sex lasted for 28 minutes and Blight just made her twice as sensitive, so she was just a little tired after sex, Blight then dried himself off, and did Olivia as well, as she was hugging him, Olivia looked at him and kept smiling as she held him and got dried by him, Blight gave her a smile, and asked "Wanna continue this on the bed?" and Olivia said "I'm tired, and I shouldn't be late waking up again, if they notice something, then that could be really bad, we can't let anyone know about this"

Blight smiled as he said "Even if they did, it would be alright and are you just gonna leave me like this, I didn't cum yet" and Olivia who looked at him said "Well how about I use my mouth? We can continue this tomorrow alright." and Blight said "Alright", so she went down and started giving him a blow-job.

Blight heard his phone vibrate and as he reached and got his phone from his jeans, he saw he got a message from Nora, she messaged him, asking if he got home safe, Blight thought "Aww that's so cute, she actually thinks she's my girl" and responded "Yeah, I'm home, safe and sound, you still at work?" and so they started chatting until he was about to cum in Olivia's mouth, he told Nora he was about to sleep and told her goodnight, while he got a reply, he looked at it and saw it was just goodnight back text and grabbed Olivia's head as he released it inside her.

Olivia, as she got his thing out and swallowed said "Give me a head's up next time Blight, I don't mind in swallowing it, so just let me prepare mentally" and Blight said back to her playfully "Alright" and as she got up, she started brushing her teeth and Blight went out and got on his bed to do his homework, and as Olivia finished brushing her teeth, she passed by Blight who was using his laptop and gave him a kiss before she left to sleep.

Blight thought of sleeping and meeting Amara but then thought that he should give her time to learn from the romance and educational shows he left her, so then he stayed up just working on writing his paper that was due in a few days.

As it became morning, Blight got up from his bed and already made plans based on what day it was from what he remembered from the show, he smiled as he thought "Time for a new toy" so he got up and freshened up, and as he got changed, he chose to wear a tank top and gym shorts.

Blight went down to eat with the others and as he ate, he told Olivia that he had to go, she asked "Where?" and he replied "Just jogging around for a while" and as he noticed Jessica and Arnold were watching T.v, he gave her a kiss before he left, Olivia who got kissed quickly turned and looked at the Jessica and Arnold, and as she saw they weren't looking, she smiled as she looked at Blights back as he left through the door. Blight who went on Jogging for a while made it to where he wanted to be, Scott's house.

Blight went to Scott's house to play with the emotional Melissa that should be crying in her car soon after failing to get Peter on the phone, and as he waited for Melissa to come, he sensed that Scott and Stiles we're home looking for Scotts lost phone and thought "She should be here soon, need to get them out of the way", so he used his abilities to make them leave and to search Derek's house for Scott's phone, and after they left by a few minutes, did his new toy come.

Melissa made the call to Peter and after started crying after giving out that sad voice mail, Blight smiled as he thought "Such fragile beings, well, there what makes this so much fun for me, hahaha..., uughh I can't wait to play her, let's see how my previous hypnosis will help me in my endeavor with her" and as Blight slowly walked up to her car and he said "Miss? You alright in there" and with that Melissa was a little jump startled, she then looked at who it was and as she saw Blight, she looked very surprised and told him "I-I-I'm fine, just give me a minute" and Blight smiled as he took a step back, and used his arm to wipe the sweat he made appear his forehead, and she saw that she looked at her rear-view mirror and tried to fix herself as fast as she could before getting out of the car.

Blight looked hesitant as he said "Umm, I couldn't help but notice you were crying, is everything ok", and Melissa replied a little bit nervously "No no no, I'm fine, everything's alright" Blight then said "If everything's alright then, I won't bother you then" and as Blight smiled at her, he turned around getting ready to jog away, and Melissa said quickly "You're not a bother and thank you for asking if I was ok" and as Blight heard this, he looked back at her and smiled and as Melissa saw this, she looked at him wiping his sweat, she then asked "Would you like to come in? I have a towel, you can wipe yourself before you go back jogging"

Blight laughed as he smiled and said "That would be great, I would like that if you don't mind" and as Melissa gestured him to follow as she said "I don't mind at all, please come in" and Blights smiled turned a bit more creepy as he saw her turn and lead him in, he thought "If you didn't invite me in, I would have had to use the boring method, hypnosis, and with all that fake wiping I did, it would have been embarrassing if it didn't work" and as Melissa entered her home, she gestured and told Blight to come in, and as Blight entered, Melissa started walking and told him to follow, and she then led him to the kitchen, as she then opened one of the closets by the kitchen and took out a towel, she then asked as she handed him the towel "Would you like anything to drink?" and Blight smiled as he grabbed the towel, he replied "Water would be nice" and Melissa got him some water from the fridge, and Blight then used the towel to wipe the made-up sweat he created all over him, he then saw Melissa looking at him, holding up the drink, he then grabbed it from her as he smiled and said his thanks to her, Melissa appeared drawn by his smile, as she smiled back and appeared a little shy.

Melissa told Blight to sit if he would like, and he said "Sure" as he did, Blight and Melissa introduced each other and talked a bit about random topics before Blight asked "So do you wanna talk about it?" and Melissa didn't know what he meant by it, she thought he noticed her staring at him, so she asked "I-It?" kinda nervously and Blight said "You know, crying in the car" and Melissa said "O-oh that, it wasn't anything important" and Blight smiled again as he said "Are you sure? I won't judge" and Melissa, as she saw him smile again, was drawn into it, so she started telling him about her failed date, and as Blight heard the story, he said "Well, you shouldn't feel sad about that, it's his loss missing out on someone as beautiful as you" and Melissa said as she moved her hair back behind her ear "Well aren't you a flirt, but it is what it is, and thank you"

Blight said "But this all about him not calling you back right, then do you wanna grab some coffee with me, like right now?" and Melissa smiled as she said "I'm a lot older than you, and you seem to be a bit too young, it's inappropriate, but you're really sweet dear, thank you" and as he heard this, Blight started using hypnosis on her, he made her not focus on the age aspect with him and to follow her feelings, and so he said "Are you sure?" and he heard Melissa say "You know what, why not? Where do you wanna go?" and as she stood up, Blight did as well as he thought "Well, let's just say, we already came back", as he used his ability again to make her remember that they just came back from a great coffee date, and in that coffee date, she kissed him and they had a moment, like a really good moment.

Blight stood up in front of her as he said "I had a really good time Melissa" and Melissa looked out of it for a second before she looked at Blight, and smiled as she said "Me too Blight" and she went for a kiss, Blight kissed her back as he thought "This is so much easier and faster" and Blight felt her touch his body and continued thinking "Is this because of the good moment I made her think we had, how does she remember that good moment? It should be whatever she thinks a good moment would be because I didn't fill in the blanks about that, so her subconscious should have filled in the blanks for me, it's quite neat actually, this was all in theory, but it worked, and this…, isn't this…., fascinating, I needed to test this out more, but for now, I gotta play with my new toy?" but before he did he read her memories about the date and smiled as he was amazed at how the mind worked to fill in what wasn't there and saw how good their moment was and thought she was a little perverted for her mind to do that.

Blight started touching her as well after looking in her mind, he increased her lust and her desire for him, he then felt her going for his jeans and unbutton it and with that, he smirked inwardly as he took off his shirt, Melissa moved his pants down as well as his boxer's and as she saw his bro, she looked surprised at it as she said "Your gonna have to start slow with me with this guy, I never had one this big before" and Blight said "That can be done" as he moved her on top of the kitchen table, he took down her pants, and she asked him if he had a condom on him and Blight said "Yeah" as he got one from his jeans, while he did that, she took off her panties. Blight put on the condom as he went for it slowly, and slowly he did as he started stretching her to fit him while thinking "She's a bit tight, probably been a while since she got some" and Blight increased her sensitivity for pleasure too 2 times her regular sensitivity.

Melissa moaned as she said "Slower ah, Blight that feels good...Ah" and so he did, he planned to make it somewhat romantic with her, since he had plans for Melissa, one that he thinks is kinda fun in a messed up way, so he went slowly as he lifted her head and kissed her, Blight after a few minutes of going slow, went a little deeper with each thrust, and started increasing his pace a little, and whenever she came, Blight went slow again. Blight kept at while kissing her, he had his hand behind her as he teleported his phone to it, he then put on record and made it invisible as he made it float in the air recording them, Blight had a plan for the recording if he needed it and so he started increasing his pace, while her moans got louder from it, Blight soon got the feeling of cuming so he started increasing his pace and cumed soon after.

Blight pretended to be somewhat out of breath as he had his mouth near hers like she was doing with him, but she was a little more out of breath and she told him "Don't move, stay a bit, just give me a minute" and so he stayed inside her as he kissed her a few times, Blight got hard again as he said "Ready for round 2?" and Melissa said "Really, again? J-just give me a second" and so he did while he got out of her slowly and changed condoms, he then heard her say that she was good to go, so he went at it again.

30 minutes later, Blight cumed again and Melissa appeared tired, so they made out as the laid down on the table, Blight then got up and asked if she needed help, she said she was good, and then she remembered Scott could be here any second and started getting dressed, Blight got dressed as well, but he took his time, and Blight looked at the time and said he had to go, Melissa asked "Will we meet again?" and Blight said "Give me your number" and he took out his phone and put in the numbers she told him, he then texted her "Blight" and told her "I texted you my name, so you have my number now, so whenever you wanna meet, just hit me up and don't worry, I won't let you go to voicemail unless I'm busy" and he got a laugh from her and another kiss, Blight started heading for the door, but he snapped his fingers and got rid of his scent in the house and on her, and as he got to the door, he said goodbye and he gave her a kiss before he left.

Blight started jogging back, and as he jogged around for a while, he saw Stiles Jeep by the forest area and looked away as he jogged back home, and as he got back home…..

To Be Continued