Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Blight started jogging back, and as he jogged for 24 minutes, he saw Stiles Jeep by the forest area and looked away as he jogged back home, and as he got back home, he saw Olivia cooking lunch in the kitchen and Arnold was watching TV while sitting at the kitchen area, and as he couldn't sense Jessica in the house, he thought "Time to see how far I can go with her, but I've been going at it a lot recently, and it's only going to keep increasing with how messed up I am" and so he went and said "Hi" to Arnold, but he saw that he was too focused on the cartoon that he was watching, that he didn't notice him, and as he saw this, he smiled.

Blight walked up to Olivia who was cooking in the kitchen and Olivia smiled as she saw him. Blight went and stood behind her, and started to grab her ass, and as he licked her behind her ear, he said to her "Ready for some fun?" but Olivia moved her head away with a playful laugh as she said "Blight, not now ok, we can do it at night, and Arnold's here" and Blight ignored her words as he went up her blouse and started to touch her through her panties and Olivia was trying to hold her moans as she told Blight to stop again, but Blight whispered in her ear "If we don't do it now, then it's a no go for tonight or any night, hehe so what will it be?" and Olivia got quiet for a few seconds and said in a low voice to Blight "Be quick alright and don't make to much noise or Arnold will notice".

Blight smiled as he lifted her blouse and moved her panties to the side, and Olivia didn't know that Blight muted the sound around there area so Arnold couldn't hear them and he wouldn't be able to see them due to the kitchens lower cabinets that were tall, even Jessica wouldn't be able to see what they were doing, but he didn't tell her this so he could see her reaction, and as Blight went inside her after taking down his pants a little, he noticed Olivia was wetter than usual, so he smirked as he said near her ear "You're wetter than usual, heh, look whos the pervert now, you're getting off with me fucking you right when Arnold's here aren't you, you little pervert " and as Blight got no response, he bit her ear as he said "Tell me you wanted it or I'll stop"

As Olivia didn't respond, Blight got slower and slower till Olivia said "Ok, I wanted it, but…. I'm always aroused when I'm around you, and with someone being here while you play around with me does make me hornier, in the end, you made me like this Blight" and as she said that, Blight started going back to his regular pace as he said in her ear "You don't like this?" as he increased her sensitivity by 3 times and increased his pace, Blight didn't hear Olivia respond again so he said "So?" and Olivia said "No, I like this a lot" and saw her turn her head to the side, facing him, so he went for the kiss she was trying to give him but she couldn't reach him,

Blight thought as he kissed her "I was thinking of leaving recently, but rather, why should I leave and not them? Jessica will leave at the end of this semester, but Arnold..., well he's easy to get rid off" Blight noticed after Olivia had a few orgasms, she was starting to get out of breath, and Blight told her "I'm about cum, finish me off with your mouth" and she said "Ok" as he got out of her and she went down and started sucking him off till he came inside her mouth.

Blight, as he released it in her mouth and saw her swallow it, and so he smiled as he patted her head and said "Good girl" and he used hypnosis ability on her, to make her feel gratified and aroused whenever he tells her that she's a "Good girl" and while he was at it, Blight used his hypnosis to make it whenever she falls asleep, to imagine that he was with other women while she was watching and masturbating as she was getting off from that and that she felt so satisfied and alive from it.

Blight planned to turn her into a pervert as an experiment, since all he could have done is make her ok with other women with hypnosis, but this way to him is much more fun and appealing than a simple 'You like that I'm with other women and you should share me as sharing is caring and some bullshit like that', he then said to Olivia "Who's a good girl?" and Olivia who was still kneeling said "I am" and Blight said "Yes you are" as he patted her head, Blight then said "Ima leave you alone now to shower, call me if you need anything" and as he put back his shorts, he went upstairs and as he was on his way upstairs, he heard Olivia say "Food will ready in half an hour Blight" and he said "Ok" and went to shower, and as he showered, he saw messages on his phone from Nora, Abigail, and Melissa, and responded to Melissa first telling her he got home safe, then to Abigail who was asking if she could keep his sweater or if he wanted it back, he told her she could keep it and lastly he responded back to Nora, who was telling him how her husband couldn't believe it till he saw the pictures, and he got all quiet, and that she felt exhilarated at his reactions, Blight then told her what to do next, but she was more interested in when he would take her out on a date, she then told him that she missed him, Blight replied that he would meet her tomorrow night, he told her where they would meet and put away his phone as he dried himself and wore a clean set of clothes.

Blight went down and ate, and Olivia who finally finished feeding Arnold his share of food left him to continue watching his cartoon, she then went and sat down next to Blight and he noticed Olivia had her chair really close to him, Blight looked at her and saw that she glanced at Arnold and as she saw that he was watching as he ate, she then looked back at him with a smile, he saw her going for a kiss and after the kiss she said "I can't wait for tonight" and went back to eating, Blight glanced at her and went to continue to eat and after he ate, he saw she was still eating and he told Olivia he was going back to his room and got a wink from her as he left, Blight went back to his room and started doing some of his school work that was due for tomorrow, and he did this till it was late, and as it got to night, he saw Olivia come to his room and close the door, Blight smiled as he saw her.

Blight played with Olivia for a few hours till she passed out, he then took her back to her room, and as he got back to his own room, he started to practice with some of his peculiar powers and sensing capabilities till it was morning, and as he heard his alarm, he stopped playing with what seemed to be a black hole in a sphere that was floating above on his palm and made it vanish, he then went to freshen up as he got ready for school, and as he got ready, he went down and ate with everyone and left with Jessica to school, after getting a wink from Olivia.

As Blight chatted with Jessica, he found out she was out yesterday with her boyfriend, and as they got to school, they separated as Blight had to go to his class.

Soon his class ended and the next class he had was with Allison, he didn't look at her while they were in class but she would sometimes glance at him, and as the class ended and he went and left to go to his other class and this kept going until is was his lunch break, and he didn't go to the cafeteria, but instead he went to the library and as he did, he grabbed a book about "Philosophy Of Reality' and sat down to read it, and a while later, he thought "It should be around now" and so he sensed around the locker room and saw Scott forcing Jackson to ask Allison out to the formal, as Scott couldn't go with how low his grades are, and a little bit later, he saw Allison getting asked by Jackson to the formal, but she rejected him in a subtle way, she said that she wasn't sure if she was going yet and told him that she would reply to him later, and Scott who was watching from afar looked at the scene weirdly, he then saw Jackson acting weird about it as well and Allison said she had to go, and she walked off, and after walking for a bit, he saw Allison hesitating before she took out her phone and typed something and then he heard his phone ring.

Blight saw it was a text from Allison asking where he was at, and if they could talk, Blight looked at it for a while before he replied "Library" then went back to reading his book, but as he went back to reading his book, some girl came to talk to him, and as he saw this, he thought "Again? She's gonna be the 9th one today, but this one's not bad at all though".


Allison waited for Blights response, but as she saw no reply, she started to walk away while feeling sad, but then she felt her phone vibrate and as she saw the text from Blight saying where he was at, she started heading to the library and as she got there, she saw Blight talking to a beautiful girl and so she hid behind a bookshelf, and she tried to overhear their conversation, and as she did, she heard the girl apparently asking Blight to the formal, and as Blight rejected her, Allison smiled, but the girl asked if he was going with someone else, and she heard Blight say "Nope", she then asked why, and he replied "Just not really interested, sorry" and went back to reading his book, but the pretty girl just looked at him and sat down next to him, she saw the girl whispering something to Blight for a while, and as Blight replied to her, the girl smiled and wrote something on her phone before she left, Allison got out of her hiding spot and had a bad feeling as she started walking to Blight.


Blight already noticed Allison, so he looked up from his book, but he thought about his weird encounter with the hot ginger with big boobs and laughed inwardly at how weird the situation was, and as Allison sat next to Blight she said "Hey Blight... um…., what was that about, with the girl with red hair?" and Blight said in a bored tone "Her? She just asked me out to the formal, she's like around the 8th or 9th to ask me out to the formal" and as Allison heard this, she got a bad feeling about that girl's happy smile, the one she had before she left, so she asked "And what did you say?" and Blight said as he looked at her "At first I said no, but then I said yes after hearing her story, it seemed fun to me, so I said yes" and as Allison heard this, she felt sad, but she knew they weren't a thing and he had no obligations to her.

Blight looked at her and could sense her emotions, so he thought "I only needed you to meet the family, but it was more along the lines of just meeting Kate more, I was going to go with you to the formal and maybe throw a dog treat at the sulking Scott, but I'd rather play teen revenge drama with the hot ginger than some sad romance drama with you and Scott" and so Blight used hypnosis on her to remove any feelings of love she had for him and told her to go and accept Jackson's invitation to the formal, and he restored any love that she lost from hating Scott..., her pure pathetic love, and he thought "What would happen if she were to die earlier than she should, like while she's still together with Scott...., wouldn't that be interesting?....., but I need to wait…., I need to wait for him to grow...ughhhh patience, I need to be patient, it's no fun destroying something before it's fully grown, only when somethings fully grown does it feel better to destroy..."

Blight then changed her memories about her coming here, he changed it to her coming to him to apologize since she knew that she was still love with Scott and that she treated him like a rebound, and Allison who was out of it for a second, looked at Blight with a sorry look as she said "I'm sorry again Blight, for treating you that way, Please don't hate me, I really want to stay friends" and Blight replied with "Hey, it's cool, nothing really happened between us and we can still be friends, I'm not mad or anything, if you ever need help, hit me up alright" and Allison looked happier as she said "You're so sweet and nice Blight, thank you and sorry again, and good luck with her at the formal, I'll see you there" and Allison left while trying to call someone.

Blight planned to go out to the formal with Allison and to play around with Scott emotions more and to see how they would find out Scott was a werewolf when he was with her but then that ginger came with an even more fun situation than that, so he changed his mind. Blight thought of what the ginger said and smiled as he thought she was interesting and he continued to read his book, Blight planned to read a few more books till the ginger girl comes back to talk about the plan, and with that, Blight smiled as he continued reading.

To Be Continued.