Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Blight kept reading and as he noticed his next class was about to start, he stayed since he sensed the ginger girl coming, and he kept reading until she appeared next to him, he glanced at her before going back to reading and as she saw him just glance at her, she went and sat beside him, as she said "You know, you could look at me, what are you shy?" and Blight glanced at her and smirked, he then went back to reading and the ginger said with a laugh "Yeah, having your looks, you've probably been getting some for hotties, right? But like I said, help me and you can do whatever you want me with for the rest of that night…., and maybe some more, depending on how it goes" and Blight, as he kept reading, said "That's easy, but shouldn't you give me something for now? Who knows, I may not come at all" and as the ginger girl heard this, she said "That's not part of the deal…, but fine and you better not screw up for tomorrow" and the ginger got up a bit and kissed Blight, and as she kissed him, she had some tongue action with Blight and as she separated, she bit her lip seductively as she looked at Blight face to face and said "We good now?" and Blight said as he licked his lips "That's not what I wanted, you think I can't get a kiss from anybody in this room right now? And by the way, that kiss was cute" and as the girl heard this, she said as she appeared a bit angry "So you wanna do it now? This is not part of the deal" and Blight chuckled at her as he laid the book down a bit and said "Deal? It was mostly you talking and me saying maybe, you told me you'd come after your appointment with your guidance counselor so we continue this conversation, so let me ask you this? What deal are you talking about? You sure you got the right person?" and she looked a bit pissed as she heard this, she thought "Fuck this shit, if he wasn't who I needed to make them jealous, I would have walked off after sticking that book up his ass…, but I need him, as I can't use Jake for revenge..., he's just a pussy and it has to be this guy now, but he's a dick..., anyways I'll just make him cum quick and that will put him in his place, and If he's small, I'll laugh at him..or not.., maybe I shouldn't, I need him for tomorrow and if he chickens out, then I got no one else" and so she said "Fine, there's a place where we can go at it in the school, just follow me" and Blight who was thinking "Ironically, I just wanted her name, but I get this instead as I played with my words...? It seems she really wants revenge, oh I do love me some revenge drama, especially when I get offered to be in it" and so he stood up and put away his book and looked at the girl and saw she was waiting for him, he then walked up to her and followed as she walked and lead the way.

The girl took Blight to a door in an area he's never been at and after looking left and right, she saw nobody and entered with Blight following her and as he saw the stairs leading down, he then thought "It's the boiler room" and he smiled as she lead him downstairs after telling him to close the door, she then took him inside to a corner of the room that had a table and a chair, The girl then said "You better be there tomorrow and not screw up or I'll screw you over big time" and she started taking off her shirt, Blight looked at her as he smiled, he then said "I'll be there, but I still need something else from you" and as the girl who was taking off her bra heard this, she stopped and looked at Blight, she then looked even more pissed off as she said "What? You want even more from me now? Do you want money? I... don't have much" and as Blight heard this, he had his finger reach for her neck, he then said "No, all I need is a name" and had his finger slowly going down from her neck to her breasts, then he grabbed her bra that was already detached and put it where she had her shirt at, and as the girl heard what he said, she didn't stop him as she said "You want his name? It's Tom..." and Blight shook his head as he stood closer in front of her "You've overthinking or you're a bit nervous, calm down, What I'm asking for is your name, like I gave you mine, but you never gave me your's even after you got my number" and as the girl heard this, she looked a bit confused as she asked "You don't know how I am?" and Blight said weirdly "Should I?"

The girl didn't respond for a bit as she looked at Blight, she then asked "Do you know Lydia?" and Blight said "Lydia, Yeah I do, she keeps annoying me, she even asked me to the formal, but I said no, like, I know it was a free one night stand, but I'm not really intrested in her" and as she heard this, she looked at him weirdly thinking "He rejected her?....actually fuck that, he knows her, but not me.., I know she's an attention freak, always having her parties and shit, but he doesn't even know me" she then told Blight "My name's Jennifer, but you can call me Jen…, and do you know about the swim team?" and Blight looked confused again as he said "Should I?" , and the girl looked at him with a bit of a sad expression as she said "I'm the co-captain of the swim team" and as Blight heard this, he thought "Oh yeah, we have that too" and he said to her "That's nice....and?" and as the girl heard this, she, with an even sadder expression said "You don't care do you?" and Blight straight up said for the third time "Should I?".

Blight saw her look down and stay quiet and so he thought about something, his eyes flashed with purple light as he looked in her memories and as he saw them, he thought "No wonder she could just take me here and offer me sex so easily for revenge, that guy did her bad, real bad, and she chose me because Tom, the captain of the swim team got jealous as her ex-best friend who Tom cheated with and Jen talked about cute guys and her ex-best friend said she saw me and thought I was really hot and she was kinda into me and Tom who was there with them looked jealous as her ex-best friend said that, but at the time she didn't understand why he got jealous as they were together, and apparently Jake, her good friend didn't wanna help her out anymore so he backed out on her yesterday as he didn't want any bad rumors about him spreading and he didn't wanna mess with Tom as he was in the swim team as well..., Damn I was guessing this whole time that Tom cheated on her and she just wanted revenge, but he did it with her best friend at the time and even after she found out as she caught them, he just dumped her during the act and started dating her best friend while talking shit about her behind her back and her now ex-best friend stopped talking to her as she started to ignore her while doing the same as Tom, talking shit behind her back, it's easy to guess the ex-best friend wants the co-captain position and wants to get Jennifer to quit the team as Tom is graduating this year and the coach said that the captain position will be taken by who ever is the co-captain and if she gets it, then it will look good on her college resume when she goes for a scholarship as she has a bad financial situation at home and she needed Jennifer to quit as she wasn't good as her and couldn't take the position from her with her own ability" and as he read her mind, he looked at her and said "Anyways, I could care less about sports, I didn't even know lacrosse existed till I came to this school and swimming, well I forgot they had team competitions, but leaving that aside, I'm guessing your boyfriend who you talked about cheating on you and who you wanted revenge on, is on the swim team as well, and you probably want this revenge so badly that you offered me sex after the formal as a reward, is because he cheated on you with a girl on the swim team, and with you going this far with me just means the girl was important to you…, was it your best friend?" and Jennifer looked at Blight with a surprised as she said "How do you know that? He...., They made rumors about me cheating on him..., and that I was a whore and easy..., funny thing is, I only slept with him" and Blight said "Its not that hard, with what you told me, and how far you're willing to go for it, it's easy to guess that it should be something along those lines" and Blight went to sit down at a table that was nearby but as he walked to the table, he put his phone on record as he made it float nearby with his power, Jennifer didn't notice anything unusual as his phone was invisible and she was facing his back.

Jennifer appeared somewhat frantic as she said with her eyes tearing "You're gonna chicken out on me now, aren't you..., but I...understand" and Blight saw her body shaking a bit, he thought "Knowing one's secrets can make them vulnerable, it also makes things so much easier" and so he said as he smiled "Now why would I do that?" and her body stopped shaking as she said "You won't? if you go with me, there'll be bad rumors spreading about you and the whole swim team will be against you as they singled me out" and Blight said "So?" as he looked bored and as Jennifer looked at his expression as she thought "Does he really not care?" and Blight then stretched his hands up as he said "You think I'll pussy out from just rumors, and a group of people, no I love to play around, and I don't care much about the consequences, so I'll help you…, now come here" and Blight patted his legs as he said this.

Jennifer looked at Blight and just watched his facial expression to see if he was lying and as she couldn't tell, she thought "If he lies to me..., I'll kill him...and them too while I'm at it" and she slowly started to walk up to him, and as she stood in front of him, she slowly got up onto Blights lap with his help, she then asked as she faced him "When you said you wanted something else in the library, did you mean my name this whole time?" and Blight said "Yup" as he had his hands going around her smooth stomach and then she said "Why didn't you tell me?" and Blight smiled as he said "Because I wanted to see if you would really do it and if you did, then that means my guess was right about the whole cheating thing" and Blight went and increased her sensitivity to 2 times as he pinched her nipples, he then said "What, you don't want to do it anymore?" and Jennifer let out a small moan as she said "N-no, we can still do it, and this way, it won't be weird for later"

Blight said as he played around with her breasts "You wanna try giving me a better kiss now? and no seductive crap while you're it" Jennifer moaned a bit and went for the kiss as he heard him say this, Blight then felt her hands going down from his chest, too his jeans, but she didn't unbutton it, rather, she went to feel his thing, and as she felt it, she thought "No wonder he's cocky, shit, his much bigger than Tom…., is this gonna hurt?…, shit... I just came a little, he's good with his hands"

Blight as he saw her expression, had his hands leave her breasts as he went to lift up her skirt instead, he then stood up as he lifter her, and turned around and sat her on the table, Blight let go of this kiss, as he reached and grabbed a condom from his back pocket, he then went pulled down his pants a little, and she just watched and looked his junk with a nervous expression thinking "Shit....,It shouldn't hurt that much right?" and Blight, as he put on the condom, looked at Jennifer and saw her reaction looking at his junk, and so he said "Don't worry, it won't hurt, let's just say, I know what I'm doing" and Blight went and pushed aside her panties as he put his little bro at her hole, he then said "Ready?" and Jennifer said "Mhm" and so Blight went in slowly and as he went in slowly, he stretched her after going in a few inches, and as he went in most of the way, Jennifer's legs wrapped around him holding him in place as she had an orgasm from him just putting it in, and Blight, as he looked at the expression she had as she orgasmed, grabbed her head and moved it closer to him, he then went next to her ear and whispered " I bet earlier you were thinking you were gonna make me cum, then take control right? I'm gonna make this something you'll remember Jen" and then he used one hand to move one of her legs to the side so she couldn't grab him anymore and went at it, Blight turned off her pain receptors and increased her sensitivity to 5 times while he muted the room, and with every few thrusts with her already 5 times more sensitive vagina, she orgasmed and she begged Blight to slow down or stop, but he didn't, he rather increased his pace as he went deeper.

Blight went at it for a while and loved it as he listened to her beginnings turn into weird moans, and as he felt the resistance from the only leg that was holding onto him, fade away, he pushed her up the table a bit and he got on top of her as he continued doing his thing, he then used both his hands to grab her hair and pull back as he kissed her and he used his ability to stabilize the table since it creaked with his every movement now.

Blight as he kissed her, felt he was about to cum, and as he saw her facial expression, he increased his pace before he cumed and as he did cum, he got off her after his little bro finished doing it's thing and got up and out of her, he then went to take off his condom, and he glanced at her since she was making some noise, but she was saying something that wasn't understandable but he heard his name in between, but as he couldn't understand it, he ignored her as he looked around for a trash bin and as he saw nothing, he saw Jennifer wasn't looking at him and so he burned the condom into nothing, Blight then started grabbing his stuff until he heard what Jennifer said in actual words this time, she said "Blight...more,... one more time, one...more" and as Blight heard this, he looked at her and thought "Oh" and went and grabbed another condom and he put it on, he then went to position himself on top of her, but this time as he got on top of her and went in, she grabbed his head and pulled him closer as she started kissing him, Blight thought "She's like an animal now...., and if she wants more then that's what I'll give her" he then increased her sensitivity to 6 times instead of 5.

Blight, as he kept at it, heard her say stuff like "Shit it's so good", "I'm cuming again", "I fuckin love this" and some inaudible words and Blight found this amusing, but she then started saying one word repeatedly and that was "More", and so his smile turned a bit creepy as he increased her sensitivity to 10 all of the sudden and her words just became weird after that, and she stopped giving him random kisses as she started panting like a wild animal, and her hands that were trying to dig into his back, let go and went and grabbed the edge table as her eyes started rolling upwards, and as Blight saw this, he smirked as he went faster and as he did that, her eyes went a little more upwards before she passed out and as he saw this, he went a little faster as he came inside her with the condom on, and as he got off her, he took it off and burned the condom again and went and got his pants back on.

Blight glanced at Jennifer who had this twitch every now and then as she was unconscious and he went to grab his phone and as he did, he stopped the recording but kept it in his hands, he then went and fixed her skirt and dried off the table, her body, and her clothes from all the water she squirted out apparently with his ability, he then dressed her as he put back on her bra and shirt, he then moved the table to the wall area and got on it and sat down and as he laid his back on the wall, he then put her head on his lap and when he touched her as he put her clothes back on, he felt that she was somewhat dehydrated, so he fixed that issue right now and restored her sensitivity and pain like he always does at the end of sex and went on his phone and looked at the video he just recorded and as he watched it a bit, he then got off it and went to read a book he has on his phone about 'The Logic Behind Moral Ethics' as he played with her hair, he then read it for about an hour, before he started getting texts from Nora asking what time they would meet and how he was, he then started texting her and before he knew it, he got some movement from Jennifer, and he ignored it, but he kept playing with her hair as it was a habit as he used to read and pet his cat's fluffy fur as he read his books in his old life.


Jennifer woke up as he felt someone playing with her hair, she looked up and thought "Tommy?" but she then saw it was Blight who was looking at his phone, she then saw that she was on his lap and that he was petting her hair, she then moved her head a bit to feel more comfortable on his lap as she looked at Blight. Jennifer started remembering what happened and just thought about how good that felt and that she liked how he played with her hair, she then said "Hey Blight?" and Blight said "Yeah?", she asked for the time, and he told her and after that, she just stayed quiet as she moved her head a bit again, but kept it on his lap while looking at Blight thinking "He could have just left, even done something weird...but he didn't, that means I can trust him for tomorrow…, that's good... and the sex... was amazing…, it felt so good, Tom only made me cum once during sex, but he made me cum over and over again, I can't believe I asked for more…., and looking at him read, I thought he was a nerd because of that, but he just looks hot right now...., he really does look good..., and is his back okay? I think I scratched it badly…, let's not ask... and he did a good job putting my bra back on" and Jennifer rubbed her head on his lap again and as she sniffed, she continued thinking "He smells good" and then she saw him putting his phone down


Blight, who was texting Nora, saw that Jennifer, was awake watching him after fixing herself on his lap, he finished making plans with Nora for later today, he then felt Jennifer rubbing her head on his lap again but still stayed there and she asked him for the time and as he answered her, she became quiet again and so he went his phone back on his phone, and got on the book he was reading and bookmarked the page before closing it, he then felt her rubbing her head on his lap again, so he put his phone down as he asked her "You wanna sleep some more?" and she shook her head on his lap and said "I gotta go back and get ready for tomorrow" Blight then asked "So how do you wanna meet for tomorrow?" and as she heard this, she smiled as they started to make plans about how they'll meet, and at the end, she learned he didn't have a car so she said "I'll pick you up alright? and don't laugh at the car.., my family's not well off" and Blight said "Nah, I'll pick you up at 8 pm, I can get a nice car for tomorrow, just make sure you got your dress" and she asked Blight "You sure?" and Blight said "Don't worry about it, just make sure that you look your best" and she replied "I know, I gotta make him feel regret" and Blight replied as he smiled "Well not just that, I have you for the rest of night right? I want you to look good for me too" and as she heard this, she didn't reply but appeared shy at his response, and Blight thought "Maybe you might be....."

To Be Continued.

More on Authors note, and it's because it only allows 500 characters and I gotta say more, so yeah.

(I will no longer respond to any annoying comments, it's for the people who act childish for the things that are not going there ways, but thing is, people just don't read the whole thing and understand it, there's a reason for everything, I try to reply to any comments and I read most of the comments to see you're views on my story, and I reply as soon as I got time, but common, I will destroy Scott in the most... well, let's just leave it at that, and I need Allison for that and if you read the rest of my Authors Note down below, you'll understand and btw this is a long ass chapter 3972 words..., I'm tired, see your comments when I wake up.....)