Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Blight replied as he smiled "Well not just that, I have you for the rest of night right? I want you to look good for me too" and as she heard this, she didn't reply but appeared shy at his response, and Blight thought "Maybe you might be...., no, first she has to pass the test, and for that, I gotta setup the enactment for it" and as he looked at her, they stared at each other an in silence, then Jennifer finally got off his lap after giving him a smile, and as she got off, Blight did the same and started to stretch, he then saw her looking at him, so he said "You ready?" and she smiled as she grabbed his hand and led him upstairs and she opened the door slightly and as she saw the halls empty, she got out with Blight and closed the door, she then walked a bit before she let go of his hand, she then turned around to face him saying "School is about to end, so I gotta go grab my stuff, and I gotta do some shopping for later, I'll see you tomorrow alright"

Blight smiled as he looked at Jeniffer and he moved his head a bit closer to her, and she thought he was about to kiss her, so she got ready for it but she didn't get kissed, instead, she heard him whisper in her ear "Don't forget to text me, since you got my number and I didn't get yours" and as she heard this, she said "Y-yeah" awkwardly, Blight as he heard her tone, moved his head away from her ear to face her, he then gave her a quick kiss and smiled at her, he then moved back, saying "I'll see you later alright" and she replied, as she moved her hair behind her ear while appearing happy "Yeah…, I'll see you later Blight and I'll text you right now" and Blight went and gave her forehead a kiss before saying "Later" as he walked away.

Jennifer looked at Blights back as she said "Later" as well, and she had a smile on her face as she watched Blight walk away, she then licked her lips as she saw him disappear and her smile got wider as she left to go grab her stuff. Blight went to start the setting for her test, he then sensed for the Tom guy that he saw in Jennifer's memories, and as he found him, he read his memories and smiled as he thought "Everyone has secrets, and those secrets are what makes this so much more fun and easier" and so he went to the swim teams locker room, and as he entered and saw their swim team coach sorting papers, he said as his eyes lighted up purple, and a creepy smile appeared on his face "Hi there coach, I need you to do me something….."

Blight soon left the school after having a 'talk' with the coach and as he did, he opened his wallet and took out his license, he looked at it a bit before putting away as he thought "It was the first thing the old me did as he turned 16, sad, he never got to use it" and so he left school and went to a car rental agency that rented cars, he found it while looking online, he then showed his license as he tried to rent a Black Dodge charger, but the guy Blight was dealing with didn't really seem to want that, even though he passed all the requirements that this lax agency had, the man wanted Blight to rent an older car since the car Blight was trying to rent was new car, the 2011 Dodge Charger that just came out, and Blight got bored and used his mind control powers on the man, and rented it for the week and made the guy pay the bill, he even made the man think they were long time friends and that he was helping him out.

Blight took the rented car out the same day and went for a drive as he thought "Now I need a suit…,the Armani suit I had in 2017 when I went to my best friend's wedding was nice, I'll go with that" and Blight thought of the suit and pictured it on his body right now and soon Blight saw he was wearing a suit that looked exactly as he remembered it and thought "I could have done the same for the car but questions could be asked, and I left a record of having this car for a week by signing those contracts... and I need it the data about me renting this car and not having a fake one for future consequences.., but the question is, should I start conjuring money now?... Nah, robbing feels so much more right"

Blight then drove back home, he found a parking and parked the car, he then switched back into the clothes that he left with and had the suit on a hanger with him carrying it as he used his abilities to make this so, and as he glanced at his sneakers, he forgot about the dress shoes and then he conjured them before getting out of the car and he headed inside the house, he didn't see anyone home as he got in, but he sensed around and saw Olivia in the bathroom, so he went upstairs and put his stuff on the bed, he then looked at the mirror and as he saw his long hair, an so he snapped his fingers and gave himself an undercut type haircut, and as he saw this, he thought "Well, someones getting laid soon" and was amused by his new look, he then heard someone knocking at his door, he turned his head and saw Olivia walking in and as she did, she saw Blights new look and said "You got a haircut Blight..., you look good with it, really good" and Blight said "Thanks" as he looked back at the mirror.

Olivia who was looking at Blights new look, noticed something on his bed, it was a suit and dress shoes and so she asked "Your going to the formal tomorrow like Jessica?" and Blight said "Yeah I am" and she looked a bit awkward at his response as she asked "You're going with a friend?" and Blight said "Well, I just met her today, so yeah" and Oliva walked upto the bed, and sat down near his suit and went and looked closer at suit, she then asked "Is she pretty?" and Blight who was looking at the mirror but not at his own reflection but rather her facial expression, replied "Yeah, really pretty actually" and as she heard this, she appeared….fine, Blight thought "Not the reaction of was thinking of..", he then said "I gotta go down in a bit to meet someone, do you need anything from outside?" and Olivia went back to normal as she said "No, I already bought the groceries…., Blight do you like this girl?" and Blight turned around, and stood in front of her, and he said "No, and why?" and she then said "Well, I know I can't keep you, and I don't want to lose you, so if you have another person in your life.., all I ask is that you don't leave me" and she gave him a loving smile tha cheerful but a little sad, but Blight thought " Was expecting some drama and me playing around more, but instead I get this...?" and so he went and read her memories and emotions, and sfter he did that, he thought "So love can keep growing? I thought there was a limit, but it's still growing, I wanted a pervert, but I got this, her love turned pure, too pure in fact..., so much so that it makes her have this reaction about me maybe having another girl…., Should I change this? I'll leave this for later...., this is a good finding for my next experiment"

Blight smiled as he held her hands and pulled her up slowly, "I won't're ok with me being with other women?" and Oliva, as she looked at him smiling, said "As long as you don't leave me" and Blight thought "Need to test this, I'll try this." and so Blight said "What happens if I bring a girl home and want you to join in" and she said as she appeared nervous "No, we can't, they can't learn of us, if they do, I would get in trouble if anyone finds out and we would be seperated" and Blight just said "Let's just say, she's in the same boat as you, what would you do?" and She looked at him as she said "I would do whatever you like, Blight, I don't mind if you're with me" and as Blight heard this, he thought "My plans to train her slowly is pointless now…, she isn't the pervert I wanted, but she's obedient and gave me an unexpected result…, I shouldn't be mad, this is a new finding, after all, things like this happen..., even if you didn't plan anamoly, but this one has no consequences, rather it just gives me new results"

Blight kissed her as he said "I love you" to Olivia and Olivia hugged him after they separated from kissing and a tear fell out of her eyes as she said "I love you too Blight" and Blight then made her sleep, and as he did that, he made her remember that they went on to have some passionate sex, and to talk about their love for each other and as he laid down the sleeping Olivia on his bed, he teleported her into her room and thought about her issue "I could keep watching the results of her love that apparently keeps growing, or I could reset her to try another experiment on her..., I wonder how the hypnosis command that is 'Love me more than anything', would work on a person..., but this is all for later"

Blight then went to meet Nora at her job, and as he drove his car, he went and parked the car by her store and got out, he then went inside the store and as he got in, he saw Nora, dressed in regular clothing and giving her co-worker a key before saying goodbye, and as she turned and saw Blight, she smiled as she went him to him and said "Hey Blight, you're here" and she talked about his new hair and after a small chat, she said bye one more time to her co-worker before going with Blight to his car, Nora looked surprised as she saw the car, and as he went after telling her to get in, she got in and as she got in, he had his date with her and when he meant date, he meant making her remember that they just had their dinner date and she had a nice time and had a talk with Blight about how things were going with her husband, and talking about there relationshiop and wanting to have sex for later tonight and they just left the restaurant and now they were going to a motel for some fun time, and naturally he did all this with his abilities and as Blight started driving to a nearby motel, Nora who looked out of it for a few seconds, went back to normal ss she looked at Blight with a smile as she said "Today was nice Blight, thank you for the date, it's been a while since I had one..." and Blight smiled back to her as he thought "This is much more efficient, but less control over what happened or what she thinks hapoened, but she isn't important, so it doesn't matter" and he said "Anytime, and so you ready for all night fun?" and Nora said "Yea, I can't wait actually" and as Blight drove, he continued thinking "Well, it works fine, even with Melissa's results, I need to test this more though and it just makes everything faster" and Blight drove to the motel and let Nora go get a room for them, while he replied to Jennifer and Melissa's texts, and as he saw Nora come back with keys in her hand, he then went with her to the room and had sex with her till it was late at night, he then drove her back home and got a long kiss from her before she got out and said goodbye.

Blight drove back home and sensed everyone was asleep instead of Olivia, she appeared to be in his room, waiting for him, so he had sex with her as well and for real this time before she passed out from to much pleasure as he increased her sensitivity to 30 times, since he wanted to test out how long she could last, but she only lasted a few minutes, and as he thought of it, he teleported her back to her room, Blight then thought of Amara and continued thinking "I'll meet her after the formal, that should be enough time, but I wonder how it's going in there…" and Blight sat down and started planning on how to deal with the last 2 episodes of Teen Wolf season 1 that are on the same night, he then thought of Kate, and as he did, he smiled as he thought of her death that is going to happen tomorrow, and thought of the new implications it might cause"

Blight then thought of Jennifer and the play he would be enacting tomorrow, and then he thought of Jackson as he was the focal point of Teen Wolf season 2, and said "So many choices can be made about Jackson, but what path shall I take…." and Blight, as he thought about it, continued reading his book on his phone for the rest of the night.

To Be Continued