Chapter 20

Chapter 20

As the morning came, and Blight got up and went to freshen up, he then went downstairs and saw Jessica and Olivia happily talking, it seemed they're talking about the formal and how her date is a member from the lacrosse team and as Blight heard this, he just ignored the two as he ate, but he got a compliment from Jessica about his hairdo, and he just nodded to her as he ate, she then asked if he was going to the formal and who is his date is and he just said "Jennifer" and she asked him to describe her, but all he said was "She's the co-captain of the swim team" and as Jessica heard this, she immediately said "Blight, you can't, there's some nasty rum.." and before she could continue, Blight said "I know" And then Jessica told him, "Bad rumors are gonna spread about you if you go with her" and as he heard this, Blight said "And?" And he continued to eat as he said "Just focus on you, I can take care of myself" and she wanted to say more, but kept quiet as it wasn't really her business and she heard other rumors about Jennifer, that she was just being bullied, so she didn't stay on that topic as she ate and chatted with Blight, but she did say that she didn't need the car and he could have it and Blight said he had his own for tonight.

Jessica left and she took Olivia with her and Olivia took Arnold, and Blight after eating went by the hospital as Melissa wanted to meet him for a date soon, so he implemented memories of them having a lunch date at the hospital, and had some fun with her before he left, as he got home, and saw it was empty, he sat down and watched Supernatural for a while and as he did, time passed and soon the family came back and as they did, Blight saw it was time to get ready, so he went and showered and got dressed in his new suit, and as he went down, he saw a new face, he thought "Was he in the show?" and Blight, as he got his name, was actually surprised, it was 'Greenberg' and as Blight saw him, he looked at Jessica feeling amazed on how badly she screwed up, Blight chatted with the guy that never appeared in the show and left to go pick up his date for the night, Blight drove and parked in front of the house, he got the address from Jennifer yesterday and as he saw the house, he thought it was a bit run down and he went and knocked at the door, a man opened the door, and Blight entered after the man told him to come in, he then said out loud "Jennifer, He's here" and a voice came from upstairs, replying "Just give me 5 minutes" and the man took Blight to sit down, he asked about his day and after a little chat, he thanked Blight, he told Bligh how recently his daughter has been sad and distant, but since yesterday, she's been happy, and as the conversation got to here, Jennifer came down and as she saw Blight, she said as she smiled "Hey Blight..., I like the hair" and Blight told her as he saw her "You look beautiful" and took her hand, he then said bye to the man and took Jennifer to his car, and she was surprised by it, and Blight told her he rented it while thinking "Gotta play perfect date…, the boring part of the play" and she smiled as she got in, Blight turned and saw the father looking at them, and he smiled and waved at the man and got a wave back, Blight got in the car and started driving to the formal, and Blight timed his arrival to be there when Jackson brought Allison, and he then parked and got out, and made himself look surprised as he saw Allison, he then waved at her, and she smiled and waved back, and as she looked back at Jackson, she looked ikred and Blight smiled inwardly as Jeniffer led him inside to the dance.

Blight as he walked inside, used his ability to look at Allison's facial expression when she saw Lydia and apparently she smiled as she saw her with Stiles and Blight could tell that smile was a bit dark, Blight thought "This new Allison is much more interesting, and with how she looks at the two, it seems she's acting now, but apparently she hanged out with Lydia yesterday and still met Stiles.., did she plan this, instead of it being random last time? It's like she is soon going to become the new antagonist of the story, or something else..., now ain't that something" and Blight went in with Jennifer, she appeared to be looking around and as Blight saw this, he told her "Imma go get us some drinks" and she said "Sure" and he left, and after walking a bit, he noticed Tom and her ex-best friend, Lisa walking up to Jennifer after he left, and he continued to go get them drinks, and took his time and as he saw Allison, he saw her sitting down this time, not dancing and he started heading back as he got Jennifer her drink and his own, and as he got there, he saw them talking and heard Tom laughing as he said "Yea and who did you come with? And don't say, Jake, he wouldn't"

Blight went and walked up to Jennifer and gave her, her drink and said "You gotta see their snack bar, they have a recess ice cream cake, I've never had that before, let's go get some" and as Blight looked at Tom and Lisa, he asked Jennifer "Do you know them?" and she said "Blight, this is Tom and Lisa" and as Blight heard this, he said "Oh, your ex and your other ex, that's nice..., so wanna get some cake?" and Blight heard Tom say "You know you're dating a whore right, she even cheated on me, you sure you wanna stay with her" and as he heard this, he heard Jennifer say "I never cheated on you, you son of a bitch" and Tom just laughed as he looked at Blight saying "You'll find out soon she's just a liar and a cheat"

Blight laughed as he said "I know she's a whore after last night, Oof you should have seen her asking me for more and more, and she was so nice and tight down there, I couldn't stop myself and went all night with her, but thanks for the heads up, I'll keep her in check...all night that is" and Blight held her hand as he continued saying to Tom "I heard you lost your letter of recommendation, and that you're going to get expelled soon and you as well Lisa....,anyways I gotta take my date for some cake, then a dance and I gotta rail her all night tonight again, so we gotta go, later" and Blight pulled Jennifer who appeared embarrassed, happy, and confused and then he saw Tom following and saying "Wait, what do you mean by that? What do you mean about getting expelled?" and Blight pointed at the corner as he said, "Ask your coach" and went to get some cake from the snack bar.

As he reached the snack bar, he grabbed himself a slice and ate, Jennifer who was quiet but looked happy and cheerful said "You called me a whore" and Blight after eating a piece of his cake said "Well, you will be after I'm done with you tonight" and Blight started laughing and he got playfully punched by her but got thanked as well, she then asked about them getting expelled and Blight said "It's my formal gift to you" and she asked confused "How did you do it?" and Blight didn't respond her but he asked "Wanna dance?" as held his out hand out to her, and as he held his hand with a smile, as they went to the dance for and started dancing.


Tom and Lisa went and talked to their coach about what Blight told them and the coach said "Some kid found drugs in your locker and reported it to me to take action and he even took pictures…., I can't help you…, but I haven't reported it yet, I tried to get him off your backs, but he said If I don't take action soon, then he'll report it to the authorities, and I don't want to get in trouble because of you guys and your stupidity and shit Tom, your 18, you're no longer a minor, this is bad" and Tom said "But we even gave you some" and as the coach heard this, he said angrily as he looked around "You shut your mouth, there's no proof of that and don't tell anyone about this…., just take care of the kid, and no one gets in trouble.., there's a metal baseball bat in the locker room...…"

Tom and the coach started discussing while Lisa just listened and appeared worried, but she was worried about her expulsion as she took some drugs from Tom recently and what would her family do and think of her if she was found out, and she was jealous that Jennifer was with Blight.


Blight saw the whole fiasco of Scott getting chased by Coach Finstock and as he saw Tom and Lisa looking at them, he told Jennifer who looked really happy, "You wanna go have some fun in the woods with me, my little whore?" and Jennifer smiled as she said "Don't call me that" and Blight said "I'll stop if we go" and she smiled as she lead the way, and as they left, he noticed both of them following and smiled, he also saw Scott and Allison get together, but he also saw Allison glancing at him and he winked at her as he left with Jennifer.

As Blight saw the direction she was going, he then told her to go another way, as she was heading to where some people might prevent the play, so he started to lead the way and as they got to the forest, he found a large stone and sat on it and pulled her closer for a kiss, and as they kissed, he said to her "I know this is gonna ruin the moment, but I gotta pee, can you give me like 2 minutes" and she laughed as she said "You really gotta pee, like right now?" and Blight said "Yeah, just two minutes" and before he left, he muted the are around them and smiled as he left, and after walking a bit, he heard a scream, and then he started walking back and as he did, he saw Tom holding a bat as well as Lisa who was holding Jennifer, and Jennifer was on the ground and her head was Bleeding, and as Tom saw Blight he started walking up to him as he said "Give me your phone" and Lisa just glanced at Blight before she went back to pulling Jennifers hair and Blight said in a bored tone "Nope" as he started walking up to him as well, and as Tom got close, he raised the bat and swung it at Blight, and as it was about to hit him, Blight grabbed it and used a little force as he kicked Toms' knee, and as he saw it bend the wrong way, Tom started screaming as he let got off the bat and fell down screaming, and Lisa who was grabbing Jennifer's hair, looked up for a second as she heard Tom's screams and all she saw was a metal bat coming for her face before her face was pulverized into nothing and Blight looked at the blood in the air as he thought "Neat"

As Lisa's body fell down, Blight played with bat thinking "Not bad" and he went and helped the crying Jennifer after kicking Lisa's dead body to the side, he went and healed her as he said "It's ok, I'm here now" and as Jennifer saw Blight, she went and held him as she cried, it would have looked nice, if it wasn't for Tom screaming in the background, and as she cried for a bit, she looked at Tom, and then at Lisa, and as she saw Lisa, she was freaked out, but she didn't let go of Blight, she asked "D-did you do that?" and Blight said "Yup, looks cool right, you only ever get to see this in the movies, there was even blood in the air for a bit, but that's gone now" and Jennifer appeared frightened, and then she looked back at Tom, Blight helped her up as he said "Who ever hit you on the head wanted to kill you, there was a small dent there, but I healed you, so you're fine now" and as she heard this, she looked back at Blight and asked "Healed me?" and Blight said "Touch your head" and so he did with shaky hands and as she felt it, she started using her other hand, feeling all over and she looked at Blight confused and he said "I'm a bit special" and then he heard a roar, and thought "Peter should be taking Stiles now" and went back to looking at the situation.

Blight walked up to the screaming Tom with Jennifer as he said "So what you wanna do?" and she grabbed Blight hand as she said "We need to leave, you killed Lisa, we have to run before the police find out" and Blight said as he laughed and pointed at Tom "They won't know if we kill him" and thought "Well she said 'we' and hasn't run yet from me" and as she heard this, she didn't speak but looked at Tom, Blight smiled as he handed her the Bat and got her to let go of him as he said "You do it, he was the one to hit you wasn't he, I don't this Lisa had the strength for that" and she said " You're special right…., I wanna ask him something, can you do something about that?" and Blight thought "Interesting" and so he looked at Tom who was begging them and his eyes flashed purple and said to her "Done, ask what you want, and he'll answer" and he went to sit on the nearby stone and watch.

Blight heard her asking questions about why, how long, and about specific things, then more whys before she screamed and smashed the bat on his body, and she kept at it, and Blight just watched her as he took out his phone to record the whole drama, and then used his ability to see where Scott and Allison where, and saw them at the bus having the scene where she sees Scott's Wolf forum, and then Scott running away, and as he left, Allison just looked where he ran to and then looked at her father, and as she got out of the bus, she looked fine as she started talking to her dad saying "Can you start telling me everything, about our family"

As Blight saw this, he smiled and then he went back to watching Jennifer screaming words and smashing him at Toms private area while laughing and he started thinking "Is it her time of the month? How long she gonna keep going at it and why would you go for there when he's been dead for a while now? she should have started from there" and then he saw her stop and start to breathe roughly and as he saw this, he was about to say something, but saw her going for Lisa this time screaming more words, and kept at it and Blight thought "..." as he just kept recording.

Blight stopped recording and went to lie down on the rock and started looking at the moon and thought "Well, at least the weathers nice today" and then he looked at Toms body as he sensed something and soon a reaper appeared near Toms body and took his soul and the reaper appeared a bit confused and looked at Jennifer still smashing Lisa's dead body and Blight watched as the reaper took Lisa's soul as well, he then looked at Blight and Blight smiled as he waved at him, and as the reaper saw this, he looked behind him, then back at Blight, and started walking up to Blight, Blight smiled grew as he saw the reaper walking to him, and as the reaper got close, he looked at Blight and asked "You can see me?" and Blight nodded as he smiled and as the reaper saw this, he questioned again, asking "Then are you the cause of these two's untimely deaths?" and Blight said playfully "Maybe" and the reaper said "You're messing with the natural order, with Destiny" and Blight replied as he laughed "I don't believe in Destiny, I just do what interests me" and as the reaper heard this, he looked at Blight while saying "Do you even understand what you're saying?" and Blight smiled as he said "I would like to meet death, can you make that happen? Or is he locked away?" and the reaper said "Death, you think you can meet death, and who are you for him to be even interested in meeting you and why would he be locked away?" and as Blight heard this, he stood up as his smile grew creepy, Blights hand went and grabbed the reaper by the throat and lifted him up as he said "Well, tell him this, 'Do you see me?', I think that would interest him.., now run along and send my message and don't tarry along the way" and as he let go of the reaper, he took Lisa's soul from him as he said "I'm keeping this" and he saw him rub his neck and glancing at the soul being held in Blight's hand before disappearing and as the reaper did, Blight smiled and sat down as absorbed the new soul he just got.

Blight looked at the moon and the heard the smashing stop, he then looked and saw Jennifer turn around and start walking to him with blood all over her dress and the Bat being a bit out of shape, and he thought "As I thought, she's like a wild animal and with all the hatred she's been holding in and being able to release it on who she hated, this should change her, and for others it may be for the worse, but for me, it's for the better" and Blight stayed seated as Jennifer walked up to him, and as she did, she went and sat next to him and laid her head on his shoulder while saying "I'm tired" and as he heard this he said "Well, you did have...a very long stress relief session after all" and Blight touched her hand as he made light appear and he healed her, and as she saw this and felt she wasn't tired anymore, she asked "Can you tell me what you are? or is it a secret?" and Blight smiled as he said "Well, you call me a devil or an angel, which would you like?" and she said after thinking for a bit "...Devil, they sound much cooler" and Blight said "Well, if you chose angel, and with what you just did, I would have thought you're a weirdo or have a messed up understanding of what an angel is" and Jennifer just laughed at that, she then appeared sad while saying "Don't you think I'm messed up, I just killed someone and I'm fine with it, I even feel better" and Blight said "Well your asking a devil, like you shouldn't really do that and..., Should I?" and as Jennifer heard this, she just grabbed his as she rubbed her head on his shoulder saying "You know, I hate it when you say 'Should I", but I like it as well" and Blight then asked randomly "You think they still got cake?" and Jennifer took a second to understand what he meant, and then she said as she laughed "Nope, but we could go to a Baskin Robbins, there is one 24/7 nearby" and Blight said "I meant the recess cake" and she didn't respond as she looked at the moon lying her head on his shoulder.

Blight thought "I was expecting a change, but this much change is quite intriguing, I have yet to give her a hypnosis command" and so he asked "How did you feel today went?" and she said as she looked at the dead bodies "Not bad to be honest, ruined my dress, but other than that, I feel good, even got to learn about a few things" and as Blight heard this, he snapped his fingers and her dress was clean again and so he said "How about now?" and she as she looked at her dress, she said "Better now" and as she got up and looked at her dress, she asked "What are we gonna do with them?" and Blight just snapped his fingers and they started to disapper into ashes, as well as all the blood and the bat, and as Jennifer saw this, she looked around and said "That'" and Blight said "I would have said convenient" and after a pause he asked "Aren't you afraid of me?" and she said "Should I?" and Blight smiled as he laughed it off, but inwardly he thought "Very afraid" and then he heard a howl and soon after heard another one and thought "Well, Derek's been found" and said "So, anything you wanna do?" and Jennifer, as she looked at her dress said "I wanna dance"

Blight held out his hand saying "Let's go dance then" and started head back to school to dance, and he got there and danced with her for a while, and soon they got bored and they left, but Blight found some cake still left and took a plate before they left.

Blight went to the car and got in with Jennifer and started to finish up his cake, he then heard Jennifer say in a tired tone "You know, I've been thinking of revenge this whole time, and even killing them, but I think this all just a dream, and when I wake up, I gotta get ready and meet you for the formal" and Blight who was eating said "Well, at least you think you're dreaming of me" and he got a small laugh from her before she fell asleep.

Blight glanced at her and drove the car to her place and as he got there, he parked and woke her up and helped her as she was very tired apparently and he got help from her father as they reached the door and Blight said bye to the man before he left but was offered a drink and a chat, but he said that he had a curfew before waving at the man and leaving, he then started driving around and used his abilities to sense around the hospital and saw the scene of Allison looking at Lydia that was unconscious on the hospital bed, and as he saw her dark and happy facial expression, he smiled.

Blight drove and parked a mile away from the Hail family house and he knew he was early for the fiasco, so he reclined his chair back a bit and started to read his book as he made a plate of recess cake appear and ate as he read.

To Be Continued