Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Blight drove and parked a mile away from the Hail family house and he knew he was early for the fiasco, so he reclined his chair back a bit and started to read his book as he made a plate of recess cake appear and ate as he read, soon time passed and he saw Jacksons Porsche coming and thought "It's been that long? Well, time to go…, still I should finish this page first" and Blight kept reading and as he finished the page, he sensed and saw Peter burning on fire, he then teleported in the Hale family house as he erased his presence, he then looked at the dead Kate and teleported her into the back of his trunk after taking out anything she had in her pockets, then he made an exact Kate look alike and had her at the same position the real Kate was just a second ago and put all her stuff onto the fake Kate, he then glanced outside and saw the end, where Peter is burning to death and saw Scott protecting Allison, but Allison moving a bit away from him, he then glanced at every other person there, before teleporting back to his car, then glanced at the back of the car and said "Lovely weather no?" and started the car and drove home.

As Blight drove home, he got out of the car and went inside and sensed around, he then saw Arnold sleeping and Jessica not here, and Olivia was watching some tv and Olivia, as she saw Blight, she said "I wasn't expecting you home today…, or did you bring her here?" and Blight said "Nope, she fell asleep and I sent her home" and he implemented some memories in here before making her sleep and teleporting her to her own room, he then looked down at the floor and then with his abilities, he looked even below that, he looked at the earth beneath the house and he started to fortify the earth at specific locations and created a house based on the memories he saw in Kate's head, her house when she was a child, as this house has a big part on his plans to manipulate Kate without hypnosis.

Blight then teleported in the house and as he saw the light's working, he started walking around, looking at the pictures and exploring it and as he finished exploring it, he went and opened the front door and saw earth and dirt covering the front door and windows and he knocked and it and felt it was solidified as if it was hard as stone, and as he saw the place was complete, he did something to the windows before he teleported Kate to her old bed, he then glanced at her, before leaving with a cruel smile on his face.

As Blight got to his room, he was about to undress before he heard his phone ringing and as he looked at the Caller ID, he smiled as he answered and said "Hey Allison, what's up?" and he heard her reply, "Hey Blight…., You home? Or are you with that….girl, we can talk later if you're busy" and Blight said "I dropped her home after the party, so I am home right now, so what you wanna talk about?" and the line got quiet until she said "Can….we meet?" and Blight said "Sure, where you at, or do you wanna come to my place?" and she said "Can you?" and Blight told her his address as he thought "It seems she ditched Scott" and she said she would be there soon and ended the call, Blight then smiled as he thought of something, and went to take a shower and around 8 minutes later, she texted Blight she was here and Blight went and opened the door and in just shorts and a towel around his neck, and as she saw him, she looked shy and kept her head facing up at Blight, but she kept glancing at his body.

Blight, as he saw her said "Just got out of the shower, come on in" and as she looked at his body, she got in and Blight continued saying after closing the door "Everyone's asleep, let's go to my room" and Blight lead her as he held her hand and as they got to his room, he said "Nice dress, by the way, you look really pretty in it" and she smiled as she said that he looked really good at the dance and that she liked his new hairdo, and Blight smiled and went to his closet and grabbed a shirt and put it on as she watched.

Blight put on the shirt and checked his phone real quick and put it on charge before he sat on the bed and said "So what's up" and she appeared teary eyed as she explained her aunts death and everything that happened, Blight then went next to her and held her in a hug saying "Everything's gonna be alright, you killed the Alpha and got revenge for your aunt, she would be proud of you if she knew and you should be proud of yourself as well, you killed one of their strongest kind, that means you proved yourself that you're strong, so you don't have to feel weak anymore" and Blight got hugged back by Allison as she cried, and as they lied down, Blight just caressed her back as she cried silently, but soon enough, she asked "So what happened with you and that girl" and Blight replied, "Nothing much, we danced so much, she got tired and I drove her home as she slept in the car" and as she heard this, she smiled as her face was hidden from Blight, but Blight could tell she was smiling.

Allison looked up at Blight and said "Can you do me a favor Blight?" and Blight said "Depends, what is it?" and she said "Don't reject me this time" and he got kissed by Allison, and as Blight saw this, he inwardly smirked and kissed her back and as the action got more, Blight removed her dress as she removed his shirt, and they kept kissing as she had her hands rubbing his thing through his shorts, she then pulled his shorts down and as she saw his bro, she smiled and started to give him a handjob as she continued to kiss him, Blight then went and reached for his drawer and grabbed a few condoms, and she smiled as she put it on for him, and after, she got on top of him, and she told him "Don't move alright, let me get used to you're size first" and she went in slowly, Blight had his hands behind his head as he watched her, he then smirked as he increased her sensitivity to 5 times as she got his little bro in, he, of course, muted the room first as he planned for some all night fun, and as he saw her shaking as she had an orgasm only at half way in, he smirked as he put one hand on her ass and pushed it down and heard her say "B-blight wa..Ah oh mhm" and he then raised his body a bit as he grabbed her hair and pulled it back, he kissed her neck as he said to her "Imma show you what real sex is, and don't worry, I'll make you forget about everything for tonight" and so Blight turned her around as he got on top and started going at it and Allison moaned at each of his every thrust.

Blight went at it with Allison for a few hours till she passed out and Blight smirked at that and he put an alarm on his phone and locked it, he then went back on his bed and put Allison's head on his arm as he covered himself and her before going to sleep, and as he slept, he woke up in his dream and saw that it was a mess, the trees, the flowers, and the animals were either dead or withering away, and he looked sad at the Oreo ice cream cake on the floor and thought "Well just gotta more I guess, but first, I gotta see what's up with Amara" as he saw Amara, he walked up to her, Amara noticed something and looked behind her, and as she saw Blight, she looked like she was about to attack him, but then stopped as she appeared hesitant and Blight didn't stop walking and soon he stood by her side and looked at her, and as he saw her messy hair, he slowly raised his hand, at the cautious Amara and fixed her hair slowly with his hands, and as he looked around, he snapped his fingers and fixed everything, as if nothing happened ever happened.

Blight walked up to the new table of food, and grabbed some Oreo ice cream cake as he took a few slices on a two plates and went back to Amara, and as he walked back again to Amara, he made a couch appear and sat down, and indicated her to sit down next to him, she looked at him for a bit, before sitting down, Blight gave her a plate and said "Eat" and started to eat his, she started to eat, but stopped after one bite and stared at Blight, and Blight just casually ate his food, and asked after a few bites "So you mind telling me what happened"

Amara asked "Are you real?" to Blight, Blight casually said "Are you real huh? Do you know, I appear here every time I sleep, and I don't even need sleep, so the of question of me being real? It's yes, I am real, real as I can be, and have you ever met someone like me" and after a brief pause, he said "The question you should have asked is, 'is this all real?' because even I don't know that, maybe I'm just in a dream? But I do know this Amara, life's complicated no matter how you look at it."

Amara took in his words for a bit and said: "We're you sent by him?" Blight said "Who?" and she said "God, my brother" Blight responded with a smile and said, "I've never met him, so no and if he did, why would he?"

Amara then asked "Then are you my a figment of my imagination? Have I gone insane being here all this time." Blight laughed as he said "Well, If I was just a figment of your imagination, then I gotta say, you got good taste in men, but no, I'm not…., here I'll show you something" and with that Blight thought of something fun as he used his ability to do something, and Blight stood up and took off his shirt, and showed her the Mark Of Cain on the right side of his chest.

Amara looked at it and she then looked at her own, and Blight touched her's, that was on the left side of her chest and used his power to make them resonate, and he was gladly surprised that he could make her's resonate with his and he thought "Well this is my world, I can do whatever I want"

Blight, as he saw the resonance getting stronger thought to keep playing this bullshit play he just thought of, and with that, he noticed that both their marks were sending warmth to each other.

Amara touched her mark and Blights hand as she closed her eyes and just felt the warmth that she forgot even existed, Blight did nothing but watch, but as it took a while and she did nothing but stay still with her eyes closed, Blight got bored and said "I will find the mark that holds you here, the first curse.., you know, my birth was an omen and our meeting was destined…., I don't know why, but one thing I know, is you belong to me…, I won't let you be trapped her for much longer, but as you're too far from me, it will take me some time, and for that, I'll try to sleep as much as I can, so I can meet you here more often so you don't feel lonely" and he had his hand grab her closer, and as she opened her eyes and looked at Blight, she smiled and Blight smiled back as he kissed her, and she kissed him back as well, and she seemed to not want to let go and so he didn't stop the kiss either. Blight held her even closer as they kissed and the mark glowed brighter and brighter as they stayed together and this seemed to be effecting Amara as she got even more passionate, with Blight and soon enough, Blight heard Allison walking him up and thought, "Well there goes this" and he stopped the kiss, but it seems Amara didn't want to stop as she went and kissed him again, and as Blight saw this, he stopped the kiss again and turned her around as he grabbed her in a hug, Blight then said "I have to go again but don't worry, I'll be back soon Amara…, can I ask you to wait for me?" and he felt there marks resonating even stronger after that kiss and thought "Interesting…, it was just a random thing I came up with, but to think it would have this much of an effect on her, this is making it much easier" and he heard Amara say "I will…, Blight" and he gave her a kiss on the check before he left.

Blight woke up and saw Allison looking at him as she said "Morning" while fixing her hair, he said "Morning" then he turned and grabbed his phone to look at the time, and as he saw his alarm was about to go off in 5 minutes, he turned it off and looked at Allison asking "Why're you up?" And she told him her dad called and she had to go and Blight sensed and saw everyone still asleep, he then got up and got dressed, as did she, then he went and opened the door and walked out and Allison looked at him weirdly before looking out the room left and right before she followed Blight, Blight led her to door and said "Be safe driving alright" and she said "Yeah" as she gave him a quick kiss before saying thanks and goodbye.

Blight then went back to his room to shower and as he got naked, he looked at the mirror for a second and stopped, he saw something in the mirror, as he saw his own reflection, the mark of Cain on his upper right chest and as he saw this, he looked down and touched it, he then thought "What the hell?" Blight tried to remove it with his powers, but nothing worked and so he ripped off the skin around there, and as the skin healed, it appeared again and so he thought "A bullshit play made this permanent? matter, this will make it easier to deal with Amara" and after touching it a bit more, he went and showered and left the issue for later.

Blight went back on his bed and started reading and soon he got a call from Jennifer, he answered and she went on about asking if yesterday was real and that she just woke up, Blight asked: "Is anyone home with you?" And she said "No, my dad's at work" and so he teleported to her, and as he appeared right next to her, she freaked out and jumped, Blight smiled at her as he got on her bed, and laid down, he then said "Well this should prove it" and got on his phone again.