Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Jennifer who was frightened watched as Blight got on her bed and covered himself, and she said "You really are a devil? I'm not going crazy right?" And Blight who got himself comfortable said "Well it was your choice calling me that or an angel remember" and he went and unlocked his phone as he kept reading his book, and Jennifer asked "Then what I did yesterday…, it wasn't a dream" and Blight laughed as he said "Come here" and she looked at Blight that was tapping the spot next to him, and she slowly sat next to him, he then started playing a video, in that video, you could see Jennifer asking questions like "Why?" "How long?" "What do you mean since the beginning?" "Why?" "Were you with her on my last birthday that you were late to?" "And that Valentine's, when you said you were broke, why were you broke?" "You were able to hide it this whole time...., was me catching you planned that day, as you kept fucking her as I watched and cried?" " ever love me?" "N-no?" "Did you ever think how would I have felt if I found out?" "Did you know you broke my heart that day?" "Did you know that I loved you a lot?" And in the video, she started smashing Tom with a bat as she screamed "Why" "You fucker" "You pencil dick cheater" "Imma kill you" and as Jennifer watched this she looked at Blight saying in disbelief "I couldn't have done that" and Blight laughed as he said: "Didn't you have something else planned, even before you met me, searching secretly on how to cut someone's cars breaker fuel?" And as Blight grabbed her closer to him, he whispered: "Didn't you already have your own plan?" And she got even more nervous as she said: "...H-how did yo..." And she stopped as she looked at Blight and as if she understood, she just kept quiet as she stared at him, while Blight lied down again as he went on his phone, putting away the video and got on his book he was reading, and as he read, he got asked by Jennifer "So do you want my soul? My body?" And Blight looked her weirdly asking "Why? You wanna make a deal?" And she looked back at him weirdly as she said "You have a video of me killing Tom…." and Blight smiled as he said "That's just for me and the whole soul thing, I don't really need them" and as she heard this, she said "So you do take souls" and looked a bit fascinated. Blight said "Yeah? Why not? There there aren't they?" and as she heard this, she asked, "Did you take their souls?" And Blight smiled as he said "I took Lisa's soul, not Toms" and as she heard this, she said while showing a dissatisfied look "Why her? Why only Lisa?" And Blight replied "Well because she's a female soul and I have none of those" and as she heard this, she was about to say something else but Blight grabbed her by her collar and pulled her closer, he then said, "You know you made a deal with me right?" And as she heard this, she said nervously "Deal?" And Blight smiled as he said "My part was to help you get revenge and I did, splendidly at that, but your part was that I would have you for the rest of the night" and as she heard this, she stopped looking nervous as she said confused "Yeah I remember?" and Blight said "I never got my part of the deal" and as she heard this she said "Oh…right" And she got closer to Blight as she kissed him, then she said "You can have me for the whole day in return then" and so she started talking off her clothes as she got on top of him, Blight smiled as he had his hands on her hips and said "You know you're acting is cute right" and she looked at him, and smiled as she said "I don't know what you're talking about" and Blight went and grabbed her neck and pulled her closer until they were face to face, and he said "Trying to act like a frightened girl, it's cute and all, but it won't work on me" and her smile grew as she looked at him, she went and licked his lips, Blight thought as she did this "As I thought, she liked it a bit too much yesterday, she's an animal, and acting around me when I can read emotions and facial expressions even without my abilities, she's the rebellious sort" and Blight gripped her neck harder as he said "You know you shouldn't play with the devil right?" And she smiled as she said "I just wanted to see if you could tell that I was lying, and you should be able to tell if I'm lying about this can't you?" and Blights smile grew creepy as he said "Why do you think you're still breathing" and her smile turned a bit perverted as she heard that and he pulled her closer and said in her ear, "Tell me how you felt after you woke up, remembering everything that happened" and as he moved her back to look at her face, and she said with that perverted look " I felt so good, like I was alive and I felt all warm inside"

Blight let go of her neck as his hand slowly went down her body and her stomach, he then said "Isn't revenge the best feeling? Especially when it's done by your own hands?" And she started to rub her lower body on top of him as she said "Reeeaaallyhhhh good" and had one of her hands on his crotch.

Blight smiled as he held her hand, he then muted the room for some fun…., and as she smiled back at him, but then Blight grabbed her forefinger and *Crack* broke it, and Jennifer, well it took a second for her to notice and start screaming as she held her hand looking at her broken finger, then she looked up at Blight and saw him smiling at her even more creepily than her own smile and was horrified as his eyes turned black, Blight, as he used his thumb to crack his forefinger, said while his voice turned demonic "You know what you due to wild animals own? You tame them, but what do you due to rebellious ones you ask? Well, you gotta use pain to tame them, so that they remember it, and I plan on taking our end of the agreement, that is..., owning you for today" and his smile grew even more as he went and grabbed her middle finger on her other hand, he then stared at her eye's and said "As I said, you shouldn't play with the devil..., well, just me in general" and broke another finger and watched as she screamed again in pain. Blight smiled as he watched her and thought "To much love crap these days, and I've been getting bored of it, so I'll indulge my self today in something much more fun" so he started taking off his clothes as he continued saying after increasing her pleasure sensitivity to 15 times "Now, Imma let you experience both pain and pleasure, let's see how I break you in shall we?"

Blight, from 9 am to 3 pm trained her as he didn't let her pass out from either pain or pleasure, his training consisted of breaking her bones, while fucking her with 15 times the sensitivity to pleasure, and after breaking all her fingers, he healed them back up and repeated the process over and over again, for the whole 6 hours. Blight planted a hypnosis command after he was done, but it was one that wouldn't affect her feelings as he planned to train her without it, his command was "If you're about to tell anyone about me, you will first tell me by calling me and telling me about it on the phone and if I do not respond, you will not tell anyone until you meet me and tell me what you're about to do" and Blight used this method for a few reasons, and one reason was that he used "About to" instead of "Thinking of" since most people think of it but rarely do the action of what they're thinking about, and with how he has that video, she wouldn't.

Blight looked at Jennifer's expression, it showed pain and perversity while her body kept twitching and moving non-stop and Blight already healed any complication her body showed and thought "Now that was a bit satisfying, I wonder what she'll do the next time she sees me? Well, time to go now" and so he teleported to his room, and started to head for the shower, and after the shower he thought of Jackson and teleported to his home after sensing around looking for it, and as he got there, he met Jackson's parents for a 'talk' and left soon after the 'talk'.

Blight then went downstairs as he returned home and thought "I've been here for 43 days, and today should be the day Kate gets reported on the newspaper for the Hale family fire that she caused 6 years ago, amd Season 2 officially starts on Monday, you would think it's been years with how Scott's looks different in the show, but it was only a two day gap in the show" and as Blight got downstairs, he looked around and saw Olivia cooking and went and sat down to watch some TV and ate as Olivia gave him a plate of food and sat next to him, and she told Blight "Yesterday was just perfect Blight" and she gave him a kiss on the cheek and sat next to him as she ate as well, Blight glanced at her and continued to eat as he watched TV, he then told Olivia he was going for Jog as he went upstairs to change, he then left after giving her a kiss goodbye, he then started jogging to the supermarket and bought some drinks as well as deer meat, and a bowl and after he bought those, he went somewhere secluded and teleported after sensing around and finding where she was at.

Blight teleported to the forest and started walking towards a cave, but he didn't teleport to close to the cave as to not startle her, and as he walked near the cave, he heard a growl and saw a coyote coming out of it.

Blight stopped and opened the bag as he took out the deer meat in the plastic foil plate, he then put the bag that had his drinks down and ripped the plastic the covered the meat and sat down as he put the meat next to him, he then said while using his ability "Don't be afraid girl, come here and eat, I'm not gonna hurt you" and as she was influenced, she seemed to trust him as she walked up to him slowly, she then started smelling the meat as she looked at Blight and started to eat, and as Blight saw this, he said "Who's a good girl" and started petting her. At first, she stopped eating as he petted her, but after a few sittings of being petted, she started to eat again.

Blight opened the bag he brought and he took out a drink and started to drink it, he then took out some water put it in the bowl that he brought as well and put it next to her and continued to pet her as he drank his drink.

As Malia finished the meat, she started drinking the water, and after finishing her drink, she looked at Blight who was on his phone reading, she then slowly walked up next to him and started sniffing his feet and his legs and Blight glanced at her and continued reading and Malia, after sniffing, went and sat by Blight, and as she did, Blight went and started petting her again as he read and as he petted her, she seemed to sniff his hands as she licked it and he started rubbing her head as he said "Good girl" and Blight stayed with her for a while before he thought he should go and so he opened the other bags of meat and put it near her, before petting her again, saying "I have to go now, girl, and I gotta go buy more meat as well as you ate all mine and I was supposed to bring it home, but I'll pass by again soon with more" and Blight put the rest of the water in the bowl and rubbed her head again and started walking away, he heard her bark at him and he waved at her as he left, Malia watched him until she couldn't see him again, then she started smelling the meat before looking where he left again and then started eating.

Blight jogged back home after dusting off his clothes and as he got home, he looked at Kate with his abilities and saw her still asleep, he then went inside and saw Jessica was back and he then said "Hey" to her and went to eat, and as he was done eating, Blight went and took another shower and after the shower, he stayed in his room.

Blight had fun with Olivia at night time as she came in late at night and as she passed out from pleasure again, he practiced with some abilities all night after teleporting her to her room, and as it got to morning, he looked at Kate and saw her still sleeping, and saw her neck fully healed with her claws showing, he then went and watched Tv until it got around 2 pm, and he heard the doorbell ringing, 3 people came and talked to Olivia, it was Jackson's parents and a social worker, they came to adopt Arnold, and got Olivia to sign some papers and with Jackson's father's connections, they were able to take him on the same day, and Blight used hypnosis on Arnold, to not be afraid and before he left, Jackson's dad gave Olivia a small suitcase and Olivia looked at the suitcase confused, as she was just confused at this whole situation in general about how that man was able to take Arnold and what's up with the suitcase.

Blight got up and grabbed the suitcase from her and opened it, they both looked inside and saw money, and Blight said "I was guessing 30k, but he gave us 50k, what a nice guy" and as Olivia heard him, she asked, "Do you know about this?" And Blight replied as he looked at the money "I had some dirt on him and saw that their family was well off and he could adopt Arnold as they had another kid, and I know you're having money issues right, so I thought I might as well use him and so here we are" and Blight then pushed the suitcase near her and went to watch TV again, and as Olivia looked at the money for a bit, she closed the suitcase and went to talk to Blight asking about how he knew her money issues, and Blight told her he overheard it from the old family that was taking care of him, and Blight thought "She shouldn't be sad much about Arnold leaving right? He's only been here for around 5 months before me" and as she looked confused, Blight put his hand around her and pulled her closer and lied his head on hers and continued to watch TV, but he felt his hand being grabbed by her as she watched TV with him.

As they watched TV for a bit, Blight felt her soon starting to touch his body as she kissed his neck, Blight sensed Jessica was in her room and as she kissed his neck, he pushed her head closer to it, and her hand started going down as she licked his neck, and as she reached his bro under his shorts, she started to stroke it as she moved his boxers a bit, she then took out something from her pocket, it was one of his condoms and so she put it on, she then went on top of him as she started to kiss him. Blight let her do her thing and just watched as he went slow with her but increased her sensitivity a little and went at with her for a while till she got tired and kissed him before she went to sleep on his lap.

To Be Continued