Chapter 23

Blight caressed Olivia's hair as he watched TV, he then looked down as he sensed something and saw Kate awake, he smiled as he teleported the sleeping Olivia to her bed and had his clothes change to the time when he met her as he visited Allison's place, he then teleported underground and sat down, he then smiled as he thought "Let the games begin"


Kate woke up and looked around and as she saw the door to the room closed, she got up and started looking around the room carefully for anything useful while trying not to make any noise, but she first looked outside the door as she opened it slowly and as she saw nobody after taking a quick look left and right, she closed it again and she started searching the room, but she noticed it was somewhat familiar to her as she searched for something to use, but then she started hearing some noise outside, so she headed to the door and opened it slowly again and she started sneaking to where she heard the noise, she then headed down stairs and saw a shadow and she quickly hid behind the wall and took a glance while hiding behind the door and as she saw Blight, she looked confused, but then she looked surprised as she saw him teleporting and grabbing stuff to look at, she then paused as she thought of getting a weapon, and she then heard "You don't need to hide or be afraid, were the only ones her after all and I will cause you no harm" and as she heard this, she looked even more surprised, but she stayed hidden and didn't move or respond.

Kate, as she took another glance, looking behind the door saw Blight wasn't there no more, but she then heard from right next to her "Hello Kate" and as she heard this, she turned and tried to punch him, but her punch phased through him, and as she tried again, she saw Blight fold his arms as the second punch just went right through him, she then heard him say "Like I said, you don't have to worry, I won't hurt you, after all, we are one" and Kate who was in a fighting stance and gave a confused look as she said "What do you mean by that?" and Blight smirked as he said "Well, doesn't this place seem familiar to you.., this is where you felt the safest after all…, but it's been along time since you felt safe and the passage of time makes everyone forget…., this is your old home Kate" and Blight pointed to a picture and as she saw it, she said "That's not possible, it burned down" and Blight smiled as he disappeared saying "Well, you're now still in a coma going through a transition, basically, I'm saying that were in your head, so it is possible, and this is you're safe place" and as she saw him disappear, she looked around and saw nobody her and so she went and picked up the picture and started to look around for a bit, then she heard some noise from upstairs, so she headed for it and as she saw the room he was in, she noticed it was the one she just left, and she slowed down as she opened the door slowly and she saw Blight holding a teddy bear saying "His name was butters…, do you remember him?" and she saw him turning the teddy bear to her, he then threw it to her, and as she caught it, she looked at it and back at Blight who grabbed another stuffed animal, she then looked back at the teddy bear but couldn't remember anything about it and just focused on Blight as she said "If were in my head, than why are you here Blight" and she saw Blight smile as he played with a different stuffed animal in front of her and he said "I'm you but not you and I'm also Blight but not Blight, you see, you can think of me as your subconscious, and you're subconscious usually takes over as whoever you trust or love the most and that's why I look like this, but I gotta say" and Blight who put the stuffed animal on the bed, made a mirror appear in front of him and continued saying "You got good taste" and then he dropped the mirror and as it hit the floor, faded away, and Kate looked at where the mirror hit and faded and the looked back at the smiling Blight.

Blight said "Remember our mother? One of your happiest days when she would sing us lullabies before bed, wasn't it?" and made an Illusion of that memory, and played it in front of her, and Kate saw two people appearing on the bed, she first looked at the little girl, but as she looked at the lady, she couldn't help but stare at her, shocked, and she saw the lady start to sing a lullaby to the child and Kate watched as the lady sang to the young girl and as the song ended, they both faded away and Kate had her hand reach out and touch the fading lights from the lady who sang the lullaby.

Kate, after looking at where the lady faded for a bit, looked at Blight, she then said: "You said earlier, I'm in a coma, what do you mean by that?" And Blight said "Meet me by the front door" and disappeared and as she saw him disappear, she looked back at the bed, at the spot where the lady sat at for a bit, before going to the front door, and as she got there, she saw Blight sitting down and watching a movie she's recently watched with Allison, and she then heard Blight say without even looking at her, "Open the door" and Kate looked at him and then at the door, she went and opened the door and as she did, she saw a wall of earth covering the door, she looked at it weirdly and she tried touching it, and as she did, she felt it was as hard as stone, she then looked at the window next to her that showed the sun and the neighborhood she somewhat remembers, and opened it, and as she opened it, she saw the scenery change, it was that earth wall again, she then moved her head back and saw through the window from the side, and it showed that same scenery again and as she looked out side without the window, she saw the earth wall, she then stopped looking at it, as she turned to Blight and said "How is this all possible?" and Blight who was watching TV said "Where in your subconscious, anything is possible, it's confusing yes, but lets say, where in a place that is meant to protect you right now" and Kate looked confused at his remarks, she then went to stand next to him, as she tried to touch him, but her hand went through him again, and she kept her hand in his head, Blight then turned his head to face her as he said "You could also say I am you, while I'm not you, when you're conscious, your brain uses around 5% of its capabilities, I am the other 95%, the subconscious part of you, I see what you cannot, I understand what you do not" and Blight stood up and played a memory that changed the room interior, into the garage of her fathers, Gerard from when she was 14 and living in another house. Gerard was teaching her about a gun, and as they watched, she heard Blight say "Our father, all he ever did was manipulate us after our mother died, he showed us, fake love, as he put on a show with that fake smile of his. Gerard wanted to make use of us but he failed, we started to change and became something that he couldn't control, so he sent us away"

Kate looked at Blight who was focused on watching the memory and talking to her and after getting to the end of the story, Kate saw the room change again, it was the Hale family house that she died in, he showed her, her death and said "Although it's rare, but even you know you could turn from a scratch, if it was deep enough" and then he turned the room into complete darkness, where there only stood a mirror in it and it was infront of her and Blight triggered her change with his abilities, and said "Now you've become one of them, the very thing he told us to hunt, what he made us hate" and as she saw her face, she touched it, while looking at her own reflection, she then looked down at her claws and as she looked up, to look at the mirror again, she saw Blight standing in front of her instead and she saw as his face started transforming into a werejaguar and heard him say "We've become the very thing he made us hate..., but why? We're stronger, faster, superior, we didn't even become a werewolf, we become something far stronger, they need a pack to be strong, while we do not, we are unique, unlike those common dogs" and she saw Blight reach and grab her chin as he said "All we need is ourselves..., is what I would have said if I was your own reflection, but I am not, we feel love for this face, this Blight..., so make him yours, and our the power we have will be even stronger," and she then felt him let go of her chin and start to fade away, but she heard him say as he faded, "I'll leave you for a bit, to give you time to think and understand" and little did Kate know, that there was another figure in that room the whole time, and as the whole thing ended with Blight fading away, the figure smiled as his eyes flashed purple before disappearing.


Blight as he teleported upstairs, looked down at the house and slowed down time around the area, he then looked at the window and saw it was night time, he then checked his phone and saw the time, and as he looked at the time, he saw a few messages, from Melissa, Nora, and Abigail, so he teleported to the first two and planted memories of them meeting and having a date that day, and with Abigail, she texted Blight about her divorce and that it was almost done, so he texted her "Where are you right now?" and she replied almost instantly saying she was in her bedroom, and Blight who was about to teleport, heard a scream and thought "Lydia…., well, it's the start of season 2" and he smiled as he teleported to her.

Blight, as he got there, saw that she was on her phone, and there was a book on her lap, and Abigail, as she heard something, looked away from her phone and as she saw it was Blight, she was at first shocked, but quickly stood up in front of Blight nervously, Blight smiled as he touched her around her neck and looked at the collar she was wearing, he then read 'Lucky' on it and said "Good girl" and she smiled at that, he then went to her bed and read the title of the book she was reading, and as he read "How to please your dark master, special edition" he put down the book and said "You're lucky you're endearing" and he sat on the bed and gestured her to come, and she did immediately, he then told her to sit on him, facing him, and as she did, he said "Imma break you tonight, you think you can handle it?" and she noded at him as she looked ecstatic and he smiled as he pointed at his lips, she then kissed him as she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him. Blight had to admit, that out off all the women he's slept with, Abigail was by far the most beautiful and she had to body to go with it, but he was somewhat repulsed by her personality, but he didn't want to change her due to it being somewhat interesting and new to him and as they kissed, she took off her dress and started kissing him again, and after a while, before they started to have sex, she told Blight that he could cum inside as she belonged to him and she would birth all his children that she is blessed with from him, and Blight thought "Yeah....., no" then thought of just saying no to her, but then thought of something even more fun as he remembered the book and so he said "That's funny, why would I let a dog give birth to my children, it was cute that you said that but I do what I want, is that understood?" and Abigail felt euphoric on the inside as she heard those words and she said "Yes master"

Blight then put on a condom with his abilities and fucked her as he increased her sensitivity to 5 times since he never had sex with her, and doesn't know her limit yet, and with every one to two thrusts, she had an Orgasm and she moaned non-stop as he fucked her, Blight sensed a child coming to the door, so he put the child to sleep and teleported him to room that looked like it was for a kid and continued breaking his pet, and after a while, she passed out, but Blight woke her up, and this kept going until it was morning, he then stopped and saw that her body was giving off a bit of steam, and was sweating alot, Blight looked to see if anything was wrong with her body and fixed a few problems he found, he then left Abigail, who couldn't stop twitching as she was still awake while having non-stop orgasms as she grabbed the bed with her hands, he then looked at the bathroom and went for a long shower, and when he came out, he saw that she was still twitching, but was asleep and as he looked at her face, he saw a blissful smile on it and thought "Truly endearing aren't you my little pet", he then covered her up, before going home and start getting ready for his first day back to school.

Blight got ready and went down stairs, he saw Jessica wasn't here and thought she already left, and he saw Olivia waiting for him at the door, and as he stood in front of her, she kissed him as she hugged him, and said "I'll be waiting for you" and Blight smirked at this weird variant Olivia that he made by accident, he then turned her forcefully around and said "How about we have a little fun before I go" and he went at it with her for a bit before he left and before he left, he gave her a long kiss goodbye. Blight planned to see how much her love could grow for him and as he drove to school, he saw the lone omega werewolf that dies at the end of today and smirked, he then went to his classes, and as he saw Allison's soon to be stalker talking to her, he then went and left but he left his senses around her as he noticed she heard the two girls talking shit behind her back about her aunt, and then Blight saw Allison glance at them and just walk away without much of a reaction.

To Be Continued