Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Blight then watched Allison as he thought "So the "Because I love you" paper in her locker didn't happen? Scotts was supposed to leave it in her locker… interesting, did she not look for Lydia yesterday? Is that why?..... Scotts not grabbing her into a classroom to chat...., it may be because her heartbeat is steady this time, unlike the show, or it could be because they're having relationship problems" and Blight felt something as he looked to his right, it was Scott looking at him, Blight smiled and waved at him, and then looked away as he went to his next class.

As Blight finished his last class, he went to the swimming pool and watched as the swim team practiced, he saw that Jennifer was fine apparently and that the coach had a bruise on his face, so he sat down and waited till they were finished, and as the coach saw the sheriff arrive, he blew the whistle and said "That's enough for today" and started walking to the sheriff, Jeniffer looked at the sheriff and didn't appear suprrised rather, she appeared calm as she dried her self, but as she turned to the stands and saw Blight looking at her, she appeared affraid, and Blight smiled as he waved at her thinking "I already gave that man a story to tell, about him finding drugs in Tom's and Lisa's locker on the night of the formal, and Tom attacking him before he ran with Lisa, and as they did have drugs in their locker, it has some truths in it and a good lie has to have some truth to it" and Blight then glanced to his right and saw Jennifer that was walking up to him and as she got there, she said "H-hey Blight" and Blight smiled as he tapped the seat next to him, she appeard hesitant, but still sat down and as she did, she said "I didn't say anything" and Blight said as he looked at her confused "You think I'm here because of that? Do you think anyone would believe you even if you told them? I'm here to see how you're doing, and you seem fine" and as Jeniffer heard this, she said "Y-yeah…I am,... I'm the captain now of the swim team…, coach just told me today.., thank you" and Blight smiled at her in response to that, Blight then glanced at the sheriff before saying "Well, its been fun but I guess we're done…, take care of yourself Jen" and Blight stood up and stretched, and as he was about to walk away, he heard her say "W-wait, what do you mean by that?" and Blight playfully said as he turned and looked at her "Well, our relationship was based on that deal right? It ended, so we have no reason to meet anymore" and he crouched down and looked at her saying "This is goodbye Jen" and he gave her a kiss on her forhead, before walking away and as he walked away for a bit, near the swimming pools exist, he sensed her behind him and he heard her say "Blight wait" and so he stopped and turned to look at her, and as she came upto him again, she said "Let's have a relationship then" and Blight smiled as he said "You want what happened last time to be a thing? Me breaking your finger as I fuck you?" and Jennifer looked somewhat happy and scarred as she said "I don't mind, If it's you" and Blight said to her with playful tone "Oh but I mind, I'm already in a relationship" and she looked surprised as she said "Y-you are?" and Blight smiled as he said "Yes, and quiet a few at that actually" and Blight walked up to her slowly and went and grabbed her hand, he then played with her finger as he said "Did you think I wasn't? Sadly I am, ...well my relationship with them is a bit special you see, they're not my lovers, they're my toys, and I play with them however I want to play" and as he said this, he went and gripped her finger and continued saying "Do you want that? Where you become one of my toys? If you do, I may break you…, completely" and as she heard this, she was staring at Blight hand that was holding her finger and started shaking, Blight then said "What will it be? Be my toy? Or don't be my toy? And mind you, I only give one chance" and Jennifer just stared at his hand that was grabbing her finger as shivered even more, Blight could sense love, fear, lunacy, longing, and lust and he heard her say "Toy…, I wanna be your toy" and Blight's smile turned cruel as his voice turned demonic and said "Are you sure? I tend to break my toys" and he gribbed her finger even harder.

Jennifers body started shaking even more as she started leaking a bit down there, she then said "Y-y-yesss" and as he was about to break her finger, he saw the sheriff coming in, and he let go of her and hugged her as he whispered in her ear "Well, don't worry, I won't break you to fast" and he felt her shake even more and as the sheriff passed by them, he glanced at them before walking away and Blight thought "She's useless to me now that shes broken, and the funs over in just a week, pathetic, but she still has her uses, I might as well test this tattoo on her, let's see wither hypnotsim or this tattoo is better" and he let go of her and said "I'll play with you later" and Blight used his ability to mark her pelvis area with a tattoo, it was a purple tattoo shapped as a goat with long horns that was chained in a pentagram, this tattoo would slowly corrupt the mind of whoever was marked into making her think that every word he says is right and to want to please his every desire, while loving him and only him in this world.

Blight, as he saw the tattoo appear, made it invisible and he sensed around as he was about to leave, but he saw Allison looking at him from a corner while hiding and Blight smiled as he went and kissed Jeniffer, and as he kissed her, she went and kissed him back as she had her arms around his neck and Blight saw Allisons face getting a angry and he could smell the jealousy she was giving off. Blight stopped the kiss and said goodbye as he walked out, but he kept watch of Allison with his ability, and as he watched her, he saw her staring at Jennifer and so he thought "Well, I guess Jeniffer can be even more useful now…..and in more ways then one" and he simled as he walked away.

Blight, as he left school, started heading to the forest to meet Malia with the food he conjured, and as he met her, she didn't appear defensive, or frightened by him, he then opened the plastic around the deer meat and sat down with his back lying on a tree, he put the food on the floor and water in the bowl that he left here last time, he then saw her walking to him and he had his hand out so she can smell him, and she did sniff him a bit and rubbed her head on his hand before she started to eat. Blight petted her for a bit before he put his headphones on and listened to music as he started to read a book he borrowed from the library.

Blight stayed for a few hours as he petted Malia that was resting her head on his lap, he then saw it was around 8 pm on his phone, so he petted Malia telling her he had to go, but he left her some food and water in her bowl before he left after waving goodbye to her, and Blight then headed to the Nemeton and went down the cellar where Derek killed his first girlfriend, he then saw Lydia sleeping there and as he did, he took a picture of her before he noticed her walking up, he then smirked as he made her go back to sleep, then he started sensing around and saw Scott fighting the omega werewolf and so he went and carried Lydia after covering her with his sweater and left.

Blight as he got far enough from the Nemeton, got to where he could see the road and he took out his phone and called 911, and around 4 minutes later did an ambulance come and as well as the sheriff and Stiles, and as they did, the sheriff asked Blight questions about where he found her and what he was doing here, Blight said he comes sometimes to feed animals on his free time as he reads books and told him he found her lying by a tree, nude and he carried her to where there was connection and called the them, and after a few more questions, he asked Blight if he needed a ride home, Blight said "That would be great" and he saw Stiles entering the ambulance only to be dragged out by his dad, and Blight used his ability to wake her up after the ambulance the doors closed and left and he entered the cop car thinking "In my old life, I would have never thought I would get a ride from a cop other than getting caught and going to jail".

The sheriff drove him home and Stiles thanked him before he left, Blight waved goodbye before going inside and as the sheriff looked at the house, he had an odd expression for a second before he started driving away, Stiles noticed this and asked what was that about and the sheriff said "Thats a home for orphans that aren't really wanted by the system" and as Stiles heard that, he looked back at the house for a bit before asking his dad to drop him off at the hospital, only to be told that he had school tomorrow.

Blight got home and didn't bother to check on Kate since this whole time she's been there were only a few minutes to her since time was slowed down by him, Blight planned to play with her for a while and see the choices she makes in his game. Blight, as he closed the door saw Olivia walking around in a robe and as she saw him back, she gave him a kiss before she started warming up his food, Blight went and put his stuff away before he went to eat, and as he sat and ate, Olivia sat next to him and watched him eat, Blight ignored her and her recent changes, and after he ate, he put the dishes away and Olivia grabbed his hand and said "Let's go to bed" and she started leading him to his room, and as they got to the room, Olivia started helping Blight take off his clothes, and as he got on the bed, Olivia took off her robe and got on the bed and kissed his neck, but she stopped and looked at him and said "Blight, If you don't mind today…, can you not take me to my room after sex, I would like to wake up beside you for today" and as Blight heard this while on hand groped tits, he smirked as he thought "Her love is going against reason, interesting. Logically, she wouldn't even suggest this, as Jessica could find out and we could be separated...but what if I reject her, and use Jessica as the excuse ? Would she start to hate Jessica? Or maybe she already isn't this fascinating" and he kissed her as he said "Alright" and as he said that, she went and got on him and was really passionate during the kisses she gave him.

Blight watched as Olivia passed out after a while of sex, he then just left her tucked in beside him and had her head on his chest, and as he thought of sleeping, he thought of the Mark Of Cain and thought against it for now.

Blight started playing with Olivia's hair as he got on his phone and started reading online articles, he then read for the whole night, and as the sun rose, he noticed Olivia moving and thought she was about to wake up, and a minute later, she did wake up and as she did, she looked at Blight and smiled, she then moved and gave him a kiss, and said "Good morning" and Blight said as he smiled back to her "Good morning" and she went and lied on his shoulder and watched him, she asked for the time and he told her. Blight glanced at his door and smiled.

Blight looked at Olivia as he said "We got some time before we get ready" and he went on top of her and started kissing her as he went for it. Blight had a quick round with her before he went to shower and as he was about to shower, she came in with him, which led to another round of sex, and after the shower and sex, Olivia went downstairs to cook. Blight got ready and started heading for the stairs and as he passed Jessica's room, he stopped and looked at the door while his eyes turned purple, he then used hypnosis on the shocked girl hiding behind the door, and then continued heading downstairs to eat, he then saw Jessica come down to eat, she happily chatted with Olivia and Blight as nothing was wrong and Blight smiled.

Blight drove Jessica to school and they split after he parked the car, Blight who was about to go school thought "Today's the day Lydia comes back..., will Allison be with her?" and he waited outside and saw her coming to school by herself and Blight watched as she was the last person to enter the school and then he started heading for the entrance as well and stopped, he used his abilities to see through the door and saw Lydia being stared at by everyone, and so he went and opened the door after putting headphones on, and as he got in, he saw everyone staring at him and Lydia looking at him as well, Blight gave them a surprised look, but he then smiled as he started walking to class, and Lydia looked at his back, before she followed after him.

To Be Continued