Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Lydia who followed Blight tried calling out to him and she saw Blight stop and take out one headphone out of his ear and started looking around and as he saw her, he said, "Did you just call me?" and she smiled as she fixed her hair and said "Yes, I wanted to talk to y.." *Ringggggggg* the school bell interrupted her and as the school bell ended, Blight said "Talk about bad timing huh" and she looked at him with a kinda pissed of smile and before she said anything, Blight just walked away and she stood there watching this as she couldn't believe he just did that to her, again.

Blight, as he got to class and sat down, saw that they were having a pop quiz today, so he answered the questions in a few minutes and put his pen down as he started to think about Lydia

"Lydia won't have anybody else soon and I can swoop in and manipulate her…., but she's smarter than those fools, and acts the way she does for Jackson, but the question is, should I manipulate her? Is there a point....? Even playing with her sounds boring...., I'll just keep ignoring her till I need her or something" and Blight saw the teacher pass by him, asking "Are you done?" and Blight smiled as he gave her the paper, saying "Yeah, I'm already done" and she didn't look surprised as she took the paper, she gave it a quick look and said "Another 100 Mr. Blight, well I would expect nothing less" and she took his paper happily as she walked away, Blight then took out his book about psychology on human behavior and started reading it and the guy next to Blight said "Fuckin Nerd" and Blight glanced at the kid as he thought "Really? Did this ape just call me a nerd? Oh yeah, this fool is failing the class…pathetic, him with his jealousy..., pointless to even retort" and looked back at his book, but he remembered something and thought "...Oh yeah, if I get into a fight, I can meet her...., heh, this idiot is actually gonna be useful" and he turned and whispered as he smirked at him "Nerd huh, well, your mother called me a stud as I railed her tight pussy last night, and by the way, I cumed inside her, so you might as well call me daddy, like she does" and the guy looked at Blight, and seemed surprised and angry at his retort, and as he got angrier after looking at Blights smirk, he gave Blight a fist motion and said "What did you say, I dare you to say that again" and Blight smiled even more as he increased his anger with his abilities and said "Well, here it is in 'stupid terms', I'm saying, I fucked your mom so hard, that she called me daddy all night long and Oof, was her ass juicy" and the kid went and shoved Blight as he got up, and Blight smiled inwardly as he got pushed and as he fell down do the ground, he moved and fell down on his left hand while his body hid it from eveybody else, he then broke his his pinkie and ring finger by disloacting them with his powers, he then saw the kid rushing up to him and going to attack him, so Blight waited until he got closer and kicked the guy down as he was close enough, he then stood up, and as he stood up, he let the guy stand up as well and waited for him to attack again as he increased his anger again ,and as the idiot attacked again, Blight dogged tilting his head and threw a punch to the guys lower jaw and as the kid fell down, he stopped moving and Blight thought "Knock out huh" , Blight then looked at his left hand and everybody else looked where he was looking at and showed wierded out expressions, Blight looked and saw at least two people who were recording, and he then saw the teacher pick up the phone and call for security and an ambulance, Blight then saw security come in minutes later and look at him and the knocked out kid, they then approched him, but as they saw his hand, they didn't touch him as they didn't want any trouble, leagaly wise but one of the stayed with Blight as the other two checked the guy who was knocked, Blight then looked at the guy who stayed standing next to him and sat on an empty chairs desk as he held his hand and made himself appear in pain, soon enough an ambulance came and took him to the hospital and he saw another ambulance come as well, but he ingored that.

Blight, as he got to the hospital, when into a room and a doctor met him, the man looked at Blights finger and said some words in a calm tone as if to make him feel everything would be alright, and he told him to get ready as it would hurt a bit, Blight said "I'm ready" to the man and smiled as to reassure him, Blight then saw the man pull the finger as he tried to put the bone back in place and as he saw the man struggling to pull the finger, he thought "Oh…." and looked at the doctor as his eyes glowed purple for a second, he then watched as his fingers just fixed itself and the Doctor who looked out of it for a minute, looked at Blights hand that he was holding and smiled as he said "See, all done and just a little pain, now a nurse is gonna come in and wrap it up as you shouldn't move it much for the next few weeks" and he said a few more words before he left, and as he left, Blight looked at his fingers and played around with them as he waited for the nurse to come in, and as she came in, Blight saw it was Melissa coming in saying as she was looking at a folder with papers, "You know, you have the same name as someone I kn…" and she paused as she looked at Blight, she then went and looked at the paper again and she said "You're in highschool Blight, and you're 16?" and Blight watched her for her later reaction as he remembered telling her not to focus at the age aspect in their relationship and he thought "It shouldn't affect her than" , he then saw her smile as she said "You don't look that young, I was guessing 18, but know we gotta keep this a secret alright, until you turn 18" and then she came up to Blight looked worried as she held his hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek before she started working on his hand.

Blight looked at Melissa and smiled as he saw her wrapping 3 fingers together and he made the supposed hurt ones appear blue and swollen and thought, "Well, this wasn't planned, meeting her...., but I do love how convenient hypnotism is" Blight then grabbed Melissa's chin and gave her a kiss saying, "I should get myself hurt more, If I can get a room with you all by myself" and she smiled as she said "You better not do that, and I know we can't meet much because of my son Scott..., I didn't want him to know yet, but now, he can't find out with how young you are..., he wouldn't understand and others as well, But we could have fun here or meet at a motel alright, and don't get yourself hurt again, or I'll get mad at you" and Blight smiled even more as he said "Maybe I will get hurt again, so we can have angry sex" and she smiled as she playfully smacked him his unhurt arm, he then went and kissed her for a bit, before she stopped him and said "Let me fix you up first, and stop fooling around" and Blight said "Alright" and let her finish up.

Blight then saw he got a phone call from Olivia, so he answered and she immediately asked if he was ok and Blight said he was fine and he was already being taken care of by a cute nurse and as he said that, he saw Melissa smiling at him and he heard Olivia talking to him and gave Melissa a kiss as he listened to her, he then stopped the kiss as he responded to Olivia telling her "It's fine, take your time getting here, I want you to be safe after all, and I love you too" and he hung up the phone and saw Melissa was done warping his three fingers together, he then said "I waited right? Come her now" and she looked at him and looked at the door, she then went to lock it and as she locked it, she went back to Blight and moved the patient privacy screen to cover them, before getting on Blight's bed.

Melissa opened the door and left after giving Blight a kiss goodbye and fixing her clothes, Blight then waited a few more minutes till Olivia came, and the person who escorted her, left as Olivia went in. Olivia got in and hugged Blight tightly saying she was worried about him and Blight smiled as he hugged her back while smiling inwardly as he thought of all the fun he was gonna have at school soon, Blight then moved back and gave her a kiss and said "I'm gonna be fine, but can you do me a favor" and Olivia looked at him as she held his supposedly hurt hand and said "Anything" and Blight said "I'm going to get my revenge on that guy, so anything I do, I want you to stand behind me and listen to everything I say alright" and she said "I'll always stand by you Blight, I just don't want you to get hurt" and Blight smiled at her as he grabbed her closer for a long kiss, and as they kissed, they heard the door being knocked on and separated.

They two saw an officer come in with Melissa, Melissa took Olivia to sign some papers and the officer started talking to Blight about the fight, Blight smiled as he thought "So no sheriff? Well, Isaac's dad was murdered so he must be at school talking to Jackson" and so he said "I wanna press charges" and the officer tried to talk him out of it, but Blight didn't want to and the officer started writing the report and Blight told him everything and said "If you need any witnesses, you got my whole class and the teacher, but I think you already got that as you're trying to get me not to press charges, rather than hold me in custody, and the video I saw people taking should be online by now as well" and the man looked at Blight for a bit, before he continued writing some stuff down, Blight then thought of using hypnosis on the guy, but gave up on the idea as he wanted to see how it goes naturally, Blight then thought of the 16 year old kids life he was about to ruin and thought "Meh, Gotta have a first time right? Might as well start now....well not really a first...or 10th time...what number is it at...well, never mind that" and so he smiled as he saw the officer leave.

Blight waited till Olivia came back and he got outside of the room with her, he then saw the officer he talked to, talking to a woman, he then saw the woman was formally dressed and as Blight looked at the women, he looked at her ass and thought "Juicy ass huh, nice guess I suppose but....she ain't bad at this looks like even more fun" and as the woman saw them, she looked at Blight's hand and looked surprised as she saw it and she became even angrier as she glanced at her son that was sitting down next to her. The officer told her something before walking up to Blight and Olivia, he told them that Blight was free to go and that the mother of the person who assaulted him wanted to talk to him, Blight asked about what she does and he said "She's a lawyer" and Blight then said "I'll talk to her another time, but for now, I'm still pressing charges, and if there's nothing else, Imma go home now" and as he saw the officer say nothing, he then left with Olivia, but he turned and saw the woman trying to catch up to them only to be blocked by the officer.

Blight smiled as he returned home and went to eat, and after eating, he went to his room and sat on the bed, and as he did, he looked at Olivia who wouldn't leave him alone as she followed him everywhere, but Blight didn't mind this, rather he said "Since we have time before Jessica comes back, why not continue where we left off?" and she tried to tell him to rest instead and Blight said "I'll sleep after, now come here" and Olivia told him that he had to rest after and got on top of him as she started kissing him.

Hours later, Blight looked at the sleeping Olivia and smirked as he thought "I made her cum even more times than usual, but she was still awake worrying about me, so this is pure, true love? Seems kinda annoying, so making her sleep was an easy solution to stop her pestering" and Blight then looked at his door as he saw Jessica come in and asking if he was ok, he said he was alright and Jessica asked what happened to Olivia who was nude on his chest sleeping, and he said "We just had sex and she got tired after it, so she went too sleep" and Jessica said "Oh, you should let her sleep then, and you should get some rest as well, call me if you need anything, good night" and Blight smiled and said "Goodnight" to her as well, and she smiled back as she closed the door.

Blight then spent his timing replying to the worried Allison that kept texting him and all he said was "I'm fine, and I even beat him with my hand like that, he just got a cheap shot and don't worry about it alright, it doesn't hurt and my fingers are fine, and no, don't come, the medicine is about to take effect, but we can meet tomorrow, alright?" and as he saw her reply, he went and looked at his text from Jennifer, and she asked "Are you...playing around?" and Blight just replied "Yeah and don't ruin my fun, or else" and she responded "Yes" to him.

Blight went and looked at Olivia and as he looked at her, he looked at the mark on his chest as well, he then saw his phone vibrate and saw it was Melissa, so he responded to her before going to sleep after a quick check on Kate, as this whole time has been less than 10 minutes to her.

Blight, as he woke up in his dream world, looked around and saw everything was fine and thought "Well at least she didn't kill everything again" and he went and saw her eating strawberries as she watched 'The proposal'. Blight looked at her, then at his food section, he then went and grabbed a lot of food and sat down with her, and as Amara saw Blight she smiled and sat closer to him and hugged his arm, and continued to watch the movie as she ate her strawberries. Blight let her do her as he watched as well, but he mostly focused on his food, as he picked up a lot of different varieties, but he noticed that both their marks were giving a dim glow as her skin was touching his and warmth came out and was being spread between them, but he ignored it as he watched the movie and ate, but as he watched the movie for a bit, he kept glancing at Amara who kept moving her body even closer to him, and as their marks grew brighter, the effects became stronger, so she tired moving closer but stopped as she got into an awkward position, so she stood up and put her strawberries to the side, she then took Blight's big plate of random snacks and put it beside her strawberries, and Blight watched as she took his food away and kept his eyes on it, he then noticed, she was sitting between his legs and had her back on his chest as she laid her head on his neck, Blight looked at this, but then went back at looking at his food, so he used a hand to reach and grab a piece of cake and as he was about to touch the cake, she grabbed both his hands and wrapped around her and she held onto them and locked her hands with his and he thought "No, my chocolate moose cake" and then he felt his mark sending even more warmth as it glowed brighter, Blight looked at her's and saw it was shining even brighter than his and as he saw this, he ignored it as he looked at his plate of food that was right beside him, he looked specifically the chocolate moose cake.

To Be Continued.