Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Blight looked at his hands that were grabbed by Amara, then at his plate of food, he then smirked as he made the piece of cake levitate to him, and took a bite of it while thinking "It seems the mark affects her the more we touch and the longer we touch, but it seems even more effective through skin contact" and Blight took another bite and saw her glance at what he was doing with his food, she then copied Blight with her strawberries, and as Blight saw this, he went back to watching, but he had his hands pull her closer to him, while putting his cheek on top of her head.

Blight kept watching with her as he ate, but he had one hand play around, touching her, that hand started from her arm to her stomach, then to her chest and as he grabbed her breast, he didn't see much of a reaction from her, but he noticed her mark starting to glow even brighter and his as well. Blight stopped what he was doing as he didn't like how the warmth felt, so he went back and his hands on hers, but Amara grabbed his hands and put them back on her breasts and as she did that, the mark glowed even brighter and Blight heard her breathe faster than usual , but he ignored that as he used his abilities to suppress the mark, and as he saw it diming, he found out it was actually quite easy to suppress it, he then smiled, and as he looked at Amaras, he saw her mark was fine, still glowing brightly, he went and squeezed her breasts, and smirked at her small moan, he then went and moved his head to her neck and licked it before kissing it and Amara let go of one of his hands as she put it on his head and pushed him even closer to her neck.

Blight smirked as he bit her neck and as he felt resistance, he bit even harder and heard her moan, Blight was about to do something else but stopped as he heard his alarm go off, he then stopped biting her and he used his hand to remove her hand that was pushing his head to her neck.

Blight said "I have to go again Amara" and Amara turned her head to look at him and said "Stay a bit longer" and Blight smiled as he said in reply, "Don't worry, I'll visit you again soon, now come here and give me a kiss goodbye" and Amara looked a bit downcast, but she still gave Blight a kiss as she wrapped her hands around him. Blight noticed she wasn't letting go of him and moved his head as he got away from the kiss and moved to her ear and said: "I'll be back soon, will you wait for me again?" And Blight held her head in place so she doesn't move, she said to him in his ear "I will" and Blight disappeared after she said those words. Amara looked even more downcast, as she lied down on the couch, she then grabbed a strawberry and ate it as she looked at the couple kissing in the movie and heard them say, "I love you" to each other.

Blight woke up and saw Olivia waking up as well, they both looked at each other, and Olivia started to smile as she closed in on him and gave him a kiss. Blight, as he got kissed, saw her getting on top of him, and felt her rubbing her lower body on him, he then went and grabbed her as he smirked.

After sex, Blight went and had another round with her in the shower before heading down to eat cereal, he then went to school but on his way to school, he was called by the cop he met the day before yesterday and was told that his report will be given in after a week and that if he wanted to, he could call and ask for his name to drop the charges and was told that the guys mom wanted to talk to him and Blight responded to the man "I'll think about it" and he hung up before the man said anything.

Blight continued on his way to school, and as he got there, he had to go first to meet the new principal before he could go back to class. Gerard, Allison's grandfather talked to Blight about his fight, Blight smiled as he said "It was all self-defense, as you could ask anybody in my class, he started it and I only Initiated when he attacked me" and Gerard smiled as he said " I have read all about that, and you will not be given any punishments, but I've heard you were pressing charges on the student who attacked you" and Gerard started to look at his files and held one up and he did that, he said "Jayden, yes I would like you to talk you out of pressing charges on the young man, it was just a fight, no need to go that far" and he started talking to Blight about it.

Blight stayed quiet as he looked at Gerard, but he had a smile on as he listened to Gerard's 'speech' and watched as he acted as a caring principal. Gerard looked happily at Blight as he saw him smiling and listening to him, he thought that Blight would drop the charges and so he said "Well young man?" And Blight smiled even more as he said: "I'll think about it, anyways, I got class now, is there anything else?"

As Gerard heard this he seemed a little startled as he looked at Blight, he then said, "Well, I can't stop you if you want to press charges, but he's 18, it would be bad for him, if you continue to press charges...., and one more thing before you go, you must see the schools guidance counselor 3 times within 30 days due to school requirements" and after Blight heard that he smiled as he stood up, he then said, "Alright" and left after that. Blight went to class, and dealt with people asking if he was alright or praising him on his ass kicking and Blight played it out normally and didn't say much about it, he then met with Allison, that tried to talk to him as he was putting his books in his locker, she asked if he was alright and looked at his hand.

Blight said he was and then she started talking about random things before she asked about Jennifer. Blight said to her about Jennifer "She just asked me out apparently, I think she's into me, so I'm going to go out on a date with her soon and see how it goes, if we're good then I'll keep dating her, if not, then oh well, she's not the only girl in the world" and as she heard that she said "O-oh, good luck" and gave him a weak smile and Blight smiled as he said "Thanks" and he closed his locker and said to her "I gotta go" and left.

Blight went downstairs, to a quiet area, where he sensed nobody and this was because he sensed someone following him, and he knew who it was, so he wanted a few minutes alone with her, so he turned a corner and waited, soon he heard footsteps getting closer, so he turned his head and saw Erica looking at him, Blight smiled as he put his hand on the wall and to stop her from ruining away, Blight looked at the frail Erica that was panicking as she looked at his arm that was blocking the way and back at him, he then said to her "So why are you following me?" and as he said this, he saw her breathing even more unsteadily as she said "I..I was worried about you" and Blight looked at her weirdly as he said "Why?" And she looked even more panicked as she stuttered "B-b-because...I...I" and then he saw her shaking, it seemed as she was about to have a panic attack, so he thought "Oh I'm gonna miss this frail version of her" and went and gave her a kiss, and as he kissed her, she stopped shaking as she stared at Blight who was kissing her, she then she closed her eyes.

Blight, as he stopped the kiss, said, "Well, I can tell from the way you've been looking at me in our history class how you feel about me..., but I can't be with you, someone else asked me first and I'm sorry I frightened you, Erica," and Blight fixed her hair as he continued to say "I'm fine by the way, so you don't need to be worried about me, and are you alright now?" and he saw Erica who was spaced out, nod to him, Blight then smiled to her and said "Sorry about that and take care alright" and he then proceeded to walk away as he waved his hand to her.

Blight left the school and started walking home but as he did, he noticed something, so he started walking to Pots Diner, and as he got there, he turned and waved at a car and then went inside and as he got inside, he sat down and waited. Blight then heard the door open a few minutes later and saw a gorgeous woman coming in and as she saw Blight, she went and sat at his booth, she was the kid's mother, the lawyer.

Blight smiled at the lady and saw her looking at him a bit confused, and as she was about to say something, a waiter came and asked if they were ready, the lady said "No" while Blight said "I'll have a medium size Oreo Milkshake and Brownie Sundae with vanilla ice cream and fudge on top" and as the lady heard Blights order, she then looked at the waiter and said "Black coffee then" and the waiter wrote it down and left.

Blight looked at the silent lady and took out his phone and started texting Olivia that he may be late today, he then looked at the women and smiled as he looked at her rack, he then started staring at it, as the lady saw this, she thought "Horny teenagers, this is gonna be easy".

As the lady laughed inwardly at Blight who was staring at her chest, she then said "I would like you to drop the charges on my son" and Blight who was ogling her chest, stopped and looked at her, the lady saw him looking at her, she then said, "What will it take for you to do that?" And Blight said as he played the hurt victim "Assault and battery, it's even worse since he caused me an injury while I'm a minor and he isn't, so let's just say, he's fucked" and Blight saw the women look at him with a defeated expression, but seemed to push out her chest even more, and as she did that, she said, "Can you tell me what you said to my son?" And Blight smiled as he said "You mean after he called me a "Fucking nerd"? Well, I told him that I fucked you so hard that you called me daddy all night long" and as the women heard this, she then said "What do you want from me to drop the charges on my son" and Blight, as he stared at her breasts pervertedly , smiled and said "50k in cash and you still have a week before the report goes in, so you better hurry up and I want some action with you, and not just a one night stand" and the lady looked shocked as she said " So you want 50 thousand and to have sexual relations with me for you to drop the charges?" And Blight started getting bored with her terrible acting as he said "Yup" and as he said this, the lady stood up and left after smirking at him.

Blight started yawning and saw the waiter come with his order and hers, and as he put the stuff on the table, he asked "Is she coming back? Or would you like me to take back the coffee?" And Blight smiled at the man as he said "She's coming back, real soon…, but thanks for asking" and so he started to drink his milkshake, the waiter saw this and thought of the expression the lady gave him before she left and thought "Good looks, but an idiot, that Milf was laughing at him before he left, poor kid doesn't know he got ditched by her....poor coffee, no ones gonna drink you" and so he left after glancing at the coffee.

Blight raised his fork and took a bite of the Sundae, he then saw the lady come back 2 minutes later and started walking to his booth, and as she got there, she started searching around here seat, Blight ignored her as he ate, and as the lady found nothing and saw how Blight is just eating and not reacting to her searching around, she sat down with a somewhat in denial expression, and said "So you were.... playing along? you knew... didn't you?" And Blight smiled at her as he took another bite, she then asked: "And the voice recorder? How did you take it from me?" And Blight said as he smirked at her "Who knows?" And as the lady heard this, her expression became dark.

Blight ignored her as he ate his brownie Sundae, he then heard the lady say "I can do the 50k but I won't have sex with you" and Blight didn't answer her, but continued to eat, and as the lady saw this, her expression got even more darker as she said "I'll give you a boob job, that's it" and as she saw him still ignoring her, she got riled up a bit on her chair, but then she just stopped herself from doing anything stupid, and so she said "Just one time, and we don't contact each other ever again"

Blight said as he was finishing his sundae, "You know, I just said all that before just to see what you would do before you noticed you didn't have your voice recorder, I even stared at you like a little virgin" and as she heard this, she said "W-what? What does that mean" and Blight said "Well, look at me, you think I can't get a woman? And I don't really need the money, I just wanted to play around with you, it's just so funny how you went and pushed out your boobs thinking I was under your control this whole time" and she started getting pissed off at him, Blight then went and called the waiter saying "Check please" and waited for it, he then heard her say in an angry tone "What do you want then?" And Blight smiled at her but didn't say anything and as the guy came with the bill, he gave him a 20 and told him to keep the change, he then stood up and looked at the lady and said "I'll see you in court" and Blight started walking away. The lady looked at her coffee and saw her pissed off expression in the reflection, she then went and followed him.

The waiter thought "Shit, I missed out on the drama...." and then he glanced at the coffee and looked around before he went and drank some of it.

Blight walked out and heard the lady say in a really angry tone "Yeah, I'll see you in court motherfucker, and you fucking me, making me call you daddy, funniest shit I ever heard, you couldn't make me call you daddy if you were the last man on earth and you think looks mean everything, bitch please" and Blight who was texting Melissa stopped at that and turned around at the angry women, he then walked up to her and said "You wanna make a bet?" And the lady who was pissed off at Blight, calmed down a bit as she said in an annoyed tone "What bet?" And Blight smirked at her saying "If I can't make you call me daddy as I rail you, then I'll drop the charges" and as the lady heard this, she got less angry and thought about it, and after a minute of staring at him while thinking, she said, "And if you win?"

Blight smiled as he said, "You'll be my bitch that calls me Papi as I take you whenever I want to" and as the woman heard that, she smiling, while thinking "Smart ass kid has pride problems, but to make me call him daddy? Kids these days don't understand how fake porn is" and she then said, "Alright, but how do I know you'll keep your end of the bargain?" And Blight smiled as he said "Well, you don't, but don't forget, you tried playing me first..., and I won't lose.., so are we gonna do this or not, I don't care either way"

To Be Continued.