Chapter 27

Chapter 27

The lady started to weigh the pros and cons but as she saw Blight smirk at her, she got irritated and said "Follow me" and led Blight to her car, and as she reached her car, she told him to get in and started driving. Blight got on his phone and started texting Melissa, he then asked the Lady "Your name?" And as she heard him say that, she glanced at him and said "Amber…, and I already know yours" and as Blight saw her glancing at him, he smirked at her as he said "Papi? Daddy? Hey, I'm fine with Big Daddy as well" and as she heard this and saw his smirk, she got pissed again and ignored him for the rest of the ride, but she did hear him chuckle at her, and so she started speeding up. They soon reached her home and as they did, she told him to get out of her car and Blight did so in a non-chantilly attitude, and Amber started fuming a bit as she walked inside and ignored him and as Blight saw her walking into her house, he smirked as he walked in after her.

Blight, as he got in, heard the lady say "Close the door and lock it, I'm upstairs" and he did so, and as he headed upstairs, he looked at the only lit room and walked in there, he then watched as she closed the door and started to undress in front of him and so he started to do so as well, and as he got nude with only boxers on, he looked at her sexy underwear and said "Were you expecting someone else?" And she replied a bit later as she looked over his body, she then said "That's none of your business" and Blight walked up to her and as he got to her, he was gonna go for a kiss but she stopped him saying "No kissing" and Blight stopped moving his head, but continued moving his arms to her back, he unhooked her bra and and said get on the bed, and get on all fours and as Amber heard this, she went on the bed and thought after glancing at his bulge "Hopefully it ain't big as it looks..., this is gonna be harder than I thought, hopefully, he doesn't know how to use it....please be small" and Blight watched her move her as she got on the bed, he then teleported his phone and made it invisible before he put on record and made it levitate in his direction.

Blight got on the bed and grabbed her big ass and felt it all over before he started to finger her, and as he fingered her, he found her acting like she felt nothing as her pussy got wet, and he heard her say in a somewhat hopeful tone "Is that your dick?" And Blight smiled as he said "No, gotta get you ready for it" and so he started using his finger to rub her g-spot and soon enough, she had an orgasm, she then thought "This kid is good, and that means…fuck my life..., I am not gonna be his bitch..." and so she started to feel regret about taking the bet and hoped his a quick shot, Blight then took out his bro and made her 5 times more sensitive as he said "Ready?" And before she could say anything, he went for it and as he did, he felt that she was really tight, the tightest he felt ever since he came here and so he smirked as he grabbed her hair and turned off her pain receptors, and Amber, on the other hand, was screaming as she had a few intense orgasms in a row and Blight started to rail her roughly while his other hand grabbed her waist to push it in deeper.

Hours passed and Blight already got her to call him Daddy/Papi in the first 10 minutes of it as he said "I'll stop if you don't call me Daddy or Papi" and she didn't hesitate to start screaming it for him, over and over again, and she passed out from orgasming to many times in just 13 minutes and Blight woke her up as he continued to fuck her till she passed out again and again. Blight kept at it till he was bored, but that was hours later, so he didn't wake her up again for the 11th time, rather he called the police station after saving the recording, asking for that officer and told him he was dropping the charges and as the officer heard that, he sounded a bit too happy about that and Blight just thought of how she was dressed and put 2 and 2 together before he hung up the phone, and just 10 seconds later, her phone started ringing and Blight stood up and saw that cops name appear on the phone, he then turned off her phone and got dressed before he teleported away.

Blight as he got to his room thought "I'm quite interested in knowing what will she do after knowing about her son and the after taste of 'my' sex, well..., she is just a sideshow, I got someone much more fun to play with soon" and Blight went downstairs but then paused, he looked towards the direction of the school before teleporting away again, he went to where he killed Lisa and as he got there, he saw the same reaper he got to send the message, and standing in front of him was a female reaper, an old one at that, Blight looked at the two, and they didn't notice him as he erased his presence, Blight looked at the old lady and walked around her, he then noticed ghost riders appearing and as they did, she just waved her hand and they disappeared, Blight wasn't really interested in ghost riders, so he never tried to interfere or play with one.

Blight sat down on the same stone, where he watched Jennifer kill Tom, and watched the Old lady talk to the male reaper and as he heard her words, he then knew he guessed right and made himself appear in front of them, and as he appeared, the old lady quickly turned around and looked at Blight and the male reaper followed after the old lady, and turned around.

The old lady looked at Blight and then at the reaper and said: "Is that him?" And he said "Yes it is him" and Blight looked at her hands and then back to her and said "You're not Death" and the lady looked surprised as she said "How do you know that?" and as she got no response from Blight, she then said "He's been sealed since long ago" and then Blight looked at the male reaper and as the lady saw this, she said "He did not know of this as he became a reaper only a few million years ago, and those who are like him think I am death as I control the order of reapers in the world of the living"

Blight looked at the old lady but snapped his fingers, and as he did, the reaper vanished into a puff of smoke, Blight said in a demonic tone "You think ignorance is an excuse? I could say the same about his death" he then stood up and started walking to the old lady, he stood a few feet away from her and said "Where is death?" And the lady was shocked as he could kill a reaper so easily, she was frightened by him and asked: "Who are you?" And Blight raised his hand and made a grabbing gesture, and as he did, the old lady grabbed her chest in pain and Blight said "I asked you a question" and as his voice turned more demonic as he continued saying "Where is death?" And as old lady heard him, she started shaking while grabbing her chest and screaming in pain, she then said "Sealed in hell"

Blight stopped and lowered his hand and watched as the old lady tried to breathe, he then said "Sealed in hell? Well, that's not surprising, where is…..God then?" And the reaper who looked at Blight frighteningly said "God.., after sealing both heaven and hell, left...but that was a few billion years ago" and as Blight heard this, he went and grabbed her by her hair and lifted her up, he then said "Hell is sealed? Completely? Is that why there are no demons here?" And she was surprised at his words but said "Yes"

Blight thought "So that's why I could sense both but not go there, I never tried going to heaven due to God, but hell, I did try that and as I failed, I didn't try again, or try attacking the seal, as I didn't really need to go there, it was just a test" and Blight looked at the woman and asked "Do you know of the darkness?" And she looked at him confused and said "No" and Blight looked into her eyes before he put his hand on her head and read her memories but as he did, he saw many things, from the olden times, before even man existed, he even saw purgatory, any many intresting things, and the most one that interested him was that there was no original sin in this world, and Lucifer was forgiven by God and was made to rule hell, not be sealed in it, but hell is sealed in general but the same is for heaven, both cannot interfere with this world, Blight then got a lot of information from her and as he opened his eyes, he saw her shaking even more as she saw his eyes, pitch black and glowing purple, he then smiled as he found out something from reading her memories and opened her mouth and his own and absorbed the souls she devoured over all these years that made her more powerful than the other reapers, she usually only devoured parts of the souls that were destined for hell, before sending them to hell, but as long as you collect enough parts, you can make a soul from it.

Blight finished absorbing around 16 million souls, and as he did, he felt stronger and different, he then felt the presence around the woman becoming the same as that reaper he killed, he then had his hand grab her face and he slowly started squeezing it as he smiled at her, she grabbed his hand and tried to stop him and Blight just gave a little more to the squeeze before *Splat* and as that happened, Blight made everything of her burn into ashes as she fell down.

Blight looked at his hands and dusted himself, he then said "Come out" and as he did he looked at his hand to make sure no old lady blood was on him, and around him appeared ghost riders, and as the ghost riders saw Blight, they knelt around him. Blight looked at them and as he saw them kneeling, he then said "Leave" and so they all started to disappear.

Blight teleported home and went to shower and as he finished, he saw Olivia on his bed, he looked at her before his eyes flashed purple and she started to leave on her own, Blight sat down on his bed and started to think as he conjured an old book he used to always read in his old life, and read it as he thought of everything and tried to fix an anomaly.

Blight read as he thought for the whole night, he didn't bother to answer any of his texts nor even look at them as he listened to music and read, and as it got to morning and became 1 minute before his alarm rang, Blight closed the book and looked at his phone as he closed the alarm before it even rang, Blight then looked at his texts and closed his eyes as he implanted memories on the girls he had sex with other than Olivia, Amber and Allison, he then went and got ready for school, and as he did, he saw Olivia cooking and Jessica not here, apparently she left earlier, Blight looked at Olivia up and down and stood behind her without her noticing, he then raised his hand to her and grabbed her…shoulder and Olivia jumped as she was startled, and as she turned and saw it was Blight, she said as she smiled "You scared me, Blight" and Blight smiled at her as he kissed her, he then said "Let's have fun" and turned her around.

Blight, after having a quickie with Olivia, left for school, and on his way, he thought of the yesterday night, where he stayed up all night reading his old book while destroying all those new emotions he felt from watching those memories, he felt the memories and the souls start to affect him in a way he didn't like, so he destroyed the new emotions and suppressed the souls and felt back to normal again, but he felt something weird with his powers, but didn't understand, so he left it for later.

Blight reviewed the memories as well while he was at it, too see if it would affect him again and saw he was fine. Blight got to school and went to his classes and as he finished most of his classes, he heard a siren and thought of Erica, he then went and left the school and felt Amber was following him again, so he did the same thing as he did yesterday, he walked to Pots Dinner but he didn't wave at her, but he rather just looked at her car and then went in.

Blight sat at the same booth as last time, and not long after, he saw Amber come in, she appeared to have more makeup on compared to last time and was dressed rather nicely, but showed off her body more, and as she sat down, she said "Hey...there" and Blight smiled at her as he said "What's up?" And started looking at the menu that was under the tables glass , Amber looked at him and did the same thing, and as the waiter came, he asked if they were ready, and Blight order "I would like a chocolate chip cookie Sundae and a banana vanilla milkshake" and as the waiter wrote that down, he then looked at Amber and said "And you?" And she said "I'll get the same sundae and that's about it" and the waiter went and left after writing that down.

Blight looked at Amber and watched her facial reactions, he could sense many emotions from her, and as he sensed her emotions, he heard her say "You dropped the charges?" And Blight said "Yeah, I did" and she said in a confused manner "Why? I-...I lost the bet" and Blight said to her "Well, you were never gonna honor our bet anyways and you probably thought you would have won easily from the very start until it got to sex time" and as she heard this, she looked down and said "So you knew about that too…you're not mad? You even dropped the charges…but why? Don't you want something from me?" And Blight just said "Nope" and he saw there food coming and smiled as he started to drink his milkshake, Amber saw him smile as he drank his drink and she started to smile as well as she went to eat, Blight then said after taking a bite of his Sundae "So how'd it go with Mark by the way" and as she heard that, she stopped eating and said "I told him if he could get you to drop the charges, I would go out on a date with him, and he tried telling me how he got you to drop the charges...but the time he told me he and you talked was when…. you were with me...on my bed" and Blight listened as he ate and thought "Bad timing choice" and then he said "Well, too bad, so what did you do?" And she told him that she confronted Mark about his lie, telling him that she gave me money to drop the charges and he started acting awkwardly and got someone else to help her with her son.

Blight finished eating his Sundae and started to finish his drink, he then said: "So?" And Amber said "So…?" as well , and she then said after looking hesitant "I don't mind honoring our bet" and Blight finished his drink and said "It's cool, I don't really care, I...have issues with girls,...but that doesn't mean I don't have any, I got quite a few actually" and as she heard this, she looked surprised and kept quiet as she looked at him calling the waiter for the check, she thought of his looks and the sex they had and thought he was a player…, but not the bad kind, just had manner issues...and plenty of it.

Blight then took two 20s out and left them on the table next to the check and said "Goodbye Amber" and started walking out and as he did, he sensed Amber chasing after him and thought "This never gets old" and he then heard her say "Blight, wait up" and so he did and as he did, she asked "Would you like a ride home?" And Blight looked at her and said "Sure" and walked with her to her car, she then drove him to his place as he gave her the address, she then asked, "Is anyone home right now?" And Bligh sensed inside and saw Jessica wasn't here, nor was Olivia and said "Nope" and she looked at his place before looking back at him, asking "Can I come in?" And Blight said "Sure" and left her car and went inside his home and let her in.

To Be Continued.