Chapter 28

Chapter 28

As Amber got in, she asked about Blights parents, and he told her that this was a home that adopts orphans, and he was an orphan ever since birth, Blight then started heading upstairs too put his bag down, he noticed her still following him, and just let her follow as he said nothing and as he got to his room, he then put his bag down, and looked at Amber, who was in his room as well, and said, "You even followed me to my room, so you gonna tell me what's up?" And she looked at him with a sympathetic expression as she said "I wanted to talk to you....first of all, I want to thank you for not continuing to press charges, and I don't mind following our...agreement..., I lost after all and I don't go back on a deal...I just didn't want to at the time because you were a ...dick...but I think I'm wrong about you" and as Blight heard that he looked at her and started walking up to her and she looked at him, expecting him to hold her, but she saw him heading for the door, so she was about to say something, but then saw him closing the door, and stopped herself.

Blight thought "Hm....what to play? Can't do blackmail when she wants it, hmm, mother...sounds fun" and Blight went up to her and grabbed her by her hand and pulled her onto his bed, he then got her on the bed and got on top of her, Blight then said as he took of her top "You know, I just wanted to sleep with you yesterday, but then you tried playing me and got me mad, I was never gonna really press charges, it was a dumb fight, and I was pissed that day, but as I saw you at the hospital..., I got jealous...." Blight then went and started taking off her skirt as he noticed she was focused on what he was telling her, he then continued with "I was jealous because he had a mother and always wanted a one..., but I never had a chance...I always got transferred away from the homes I lived in..., this is actually my 9th home, so I hate it when I see others having what I always wanted..." and he started rubbing her clit as he raised her sensitivity, he then went for a kiss, as he never kissed her yesterday, and as he kissed her, she didn't reject him, rather she grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer as she kissed him back, Blight then took down his pants and went in her, and continued saying "That's why I wanted to have sex with you...I can't experience how a mother would love her son but I can taste another type of love from a mother" as he went rougher with her.

Amber, said as she moaned "I'll be ...., if you want" and Blight smirked as he said "Me and your definition of a mother is different..., you see, for me, to have a mother, I have to make her mine, so I have to dominate her, own her, so she won't leave me" and Blight increased her sensitivity as he increased his pace, and she wrapped her legs around him as she said in between moans"I'll... be your...s, I'll... be yours…. sweety" and Blight started going even rougher as he kissed her neck and said "Ready for an all-nighter?" And she said screaming in pleasure "Whatever you want baby, just don't stop" and Blight kept going at it with her, and an hour later, he noticed Olivia was back, he then smirked as he thought "Let's see" and he healed some of Amber's exhaustion, and kept fucking her and as Olivia came in his room saying "Blight, are you…" and as she saw Blight fucking another woman who she remembers as the mother of the boy who hurt Blight, and as Amber saw Olivia come in, she said "Wait, it's not what it looks like" and she tried to move but Blight he was holding her down and she said "Blight let go" but she saw Blight look at her with a smile, he then said as he looked at Olivia "Come here and close the door" and as she heard that she looked and saw Olivia closing the door, she then saw her walking upto them, Amber looked at this wierdly, Blight then looked at her and said "Remember what I said, I had to dominate my...orphan mother...I don't want to lose her, so I made her mine..., so she would never leave me..." and he told Olivia "Come here and give me a kiss" and Olivia who just walked upto Blight, went and gave him a kiss, after the kiss, Blight said "Get undressed and join me" and he heard Amber say "No way…" and Blight smiled at her appearing sad and said "I didn't rape her or anything like that, it was actually her that came on to me and as I dominated her, I found out, this is how I stay, this is how I can have a ….mothers love...and keep it" and he started moving again and increased her sensitivity as he said "I know, I'm fucked up aren't I" and she didn't respond, but kept moaning, and Blight increased his pace as he continued saying "I tired to get you away, by leaving you that night, and not forcing you to follow the bet, I even tried to tell you, as I didn't want nothing from you, so you don't see how I am, but you asked if you could drive me back home, then you asked if you could enter my house and then you even entered my room asking for more am I supposed to stop myself?" and he went rougher with her and as he did, Olivia got naked and held him from his back, Blight turned his head and started making out with her as he fucked Amber, he then told Olivia "Shouldn't you give our guest a kiss as well" and Olivia looked at him and then at Amber and went to kiss her and Blight increased his pace even more as he induced lust into Amber's body, Blight thought "Looking at Olivia, this is better than I expected" and he started to finger Olivia as he increased her sensitivity, and as Amber had an intense orgasm, he got out of her and fucked Olivia, he had a three way with them all night long and even the next day, Friday, he still didn't stop as he kept at it, but he sent an Illusion of himself to school and made that Illusion avoid the new Erica, and in the end, nothing appeared out of the normal and Blight didn't let the two sleep this whole time and fixed any damages he caused from his extreme playful fun.

Blight stopped around the morning of Saturday, and as he did, he let them both sleep as he broke them good, Blight then went to shower after he cleaned his room from all the fluids from himself, them, and the bed.

After the shower, he went downstairs and watched some TV and got a message from Abigail saying that she will move here soon, and replied "Ok" and she apparently wanted to ask Blight about her ex's death, but she didn't as she didn't care much about it but was rather happy instead, she then thanked him for the great time she had yesterday and Blight replied to her and started looking at his text with Nora, she apparently told him that her husband is divorcing her and took his stuff and left, and that she doesn't care about what he does and if he wanted too, he could come and go to her place for dinner and some fun time later, she wrote her address as well, Blight looked upstairs and saw the still asleep and as he looked at the kitchen that had no cooked food, he thought "Well, she had me at food" and so he teleported to her place, he then knocked on the door after looking around, and as the door opened, he saw it was Nora and as she saw him, she then smiled as she led him in after giving him a kiss.

Blight went in and looked at the simple but clean house, she wrapped her hands around him as she gave him another kiss, she then said "My daughters here and I gotta cook, but if you want, you could say hi to her, she's watching TV, and will you stay and eat? I really want you too" and Blight said "Of course I will" and grabbed her closer for another kiss, before she broke it off saying "I gotta go or it will get burned" and left after pointing in a direction saying, "There's the TV and here names Clara" and Blight started walking and saw a girl in a wheelchair and went and sat on the couch, she looked at him and he looked at her, and as she saw his looks, she was really surprised, and she asked "You are?" And Blight said "Blight" and she looked at him and said "That explains everything" and Blight said in retort "It actually does" and they kept staring at each other and Blight looked at her disfigured face and thought "Seen worse" and she kept staring at him thinking "Who the hell is the hot kid? Is he moms new boyfriends kid? Or Is mom trying to help me? And I'm getting no reaction from him looking at my face..." and she then asked, "You like what you see?" And Blight looked at her, then at her body and said "Face? No, but your body, it's not bad actually" and the girl smirked as he looked at her body and said "Well, at least you're honest" and Blight smiled as he asked, "How did you become like that?" And she said "You wanna know, Well, I'll tell you if you tell me who you are"

Blight smiled even more at her as he said "Ladies first" and as the girl saw his smile, she said "Now aren't you the gentleman..., I was in a car accident with my ex a while back, he was speeding while drunk and crashed the car" and as Blight heard that, he said "Ex, did he die?" And she laughed as she said "Nah, he actually didn't get hurt like me other than a broken arm and a few scratches, and as he saw my new face and that I couldn't walk anymore, it didn't take him long to break up with me, it was actually the very next day" and as Blight heard that and saw her really dark expression, he said "Bummer" and as she looked at him, she smiled as she said "Well, it's been a long time, I've forgotten about it" and Blight looked at her and smiled inwardly as he could sense her wrath, hatred, and even darkness, but she seemed like she has her emotions in control and he then heard her say, "Now you" and Blight said cheerfully "Me, I'm your mom's boyfriend" and as he said that she looked at him and started laughing, and after she finished laughing, she said "That was good one, you almost got me there for a second, but comon I told you my part, common courtesy please?" And Blight looked at her and said "I didn't lie though, your moms my girl" and she smiled as she said "I know you're a hot kid, but common really? You're sticking with that?" And Blight asked, "Well, why not, I'm the reason your dad left as I'm screwing your mother now, and he feels inadequate, it's funny since he proposed the whole 'seeing someone else' thing, like right?"

Clara, as she heard him say that, knew he wasn't lying as he knew something he shouldn't and she said in a shocked tone "You're the guy she told me about? I thought you were his kid, how old are you?", Blight smiled as he said "I'm 16" and as she heard that, she said "16, how the hell…" and she then said "Mom" out loud and as Nora came, she said, "Yes dear?" And Clara said, "You're dating a 16-year-old? You can't do that" And Nora looked at Blight with shock as she said: "You're 16 Blight?" And Blight glanced at her as his eyes flashed purple, and Nora looked out of it for a second before looking back at her daughter and said "Well yes sweetheart, age shouldn't be a major issue in relationships, and I love him, so don't be rude to him about his age and don't tell anyone alright" and as Clara looked at her mother's change from surprise to berating her and she then looked at Blight and saw him smirking at her, Blight then asked Nora, "Hey babe, is the food ready?" And Nora smiled as she looked at him and said: "I'm putting it on the table right now, so just a few minutes alright dear" and Blight gestured her for a kiss and got one before she left.

Clara watched as Blight just deal with her mother so easily and even got a kiss from her, right in front of her and as her mother left, she said in amazement "You did something, didn't you" and Blight smirked as he was bored and thought, "Playtime?" and so he said "Yeah hypnotism, neat right?" And she said "Hypnotism..., as in with the clock moving left and right thing?" And Blight laughed as he said "Nope, I can hypnotize people with my mind, and more on a deeper level and much stronger than that bullshit trick" and as she heard that, she scoffed as she said "Prove it" and Blight eyes flashed purple and he said "Done" and she felt nothing wrong and said "Done? Done what? You didn't do anything?" And Blight pointed at her body, and she looked down and saw she was flashing him her breasts, she tried to move her hands but couldn't, she then saw him smirking at her again, she then said "How are you doing that and...could you please stop it"

Blight stopped his hypnosis on her and saw her lowering her shirt and then heard her say "Blight right? Is there a limit to that power?" And Blight smiled as he shook his head saying "Nope, I can use it however I want and how many times I want" and he knew where this was going, as he asked, "You want revenge right?" And she looked at him as she breathing turned faster and said to him "Yeah" and Blight said, "What do you want my power for? Make him kill himself?" and her reply was something he didn't expect, she said "No, I want you to use it on me, to help me heal and after I heal, I'll do it myself...I wanna break him...slowly" and Blight smirked at this response as he thought "Someone with a brain, you shouldn't just kill who you want revenge on, you gotta make it slow, painful, agonizing or how else would it be fun for them and memorable for the victim", and so he said "To do that, we will have to break the bones again, and using hypnosis on the mind to heal is just a theoretical hypothesis" and as Blight said that he saw her take out a book from her under the table, she showed it to him and said "There were times when others tried, some worked, some failed, but the reasons of the failures were because the hypnosis wasn't strong enough, and breaking it again...I know...we have to break it again so it could heal properly" and Blight looked at the book that had no cover and opened it and started to read it, and as he saw the year and the experiments, he looked at her and smiled as he asked "Where did you get this?" and as she heard that she said "Eichen House..., I was there for a few month's after the surgery...I found it there, hidden in the library and studied it" and Blight smirked at her and closed the book, he then said "Interesting, but what could you offer me?" and as she heard that, she said "You like my body correct? you can have it, as well as my obedience" and as Blight heard that, he chuckled while saying "I could have that easily, even without your consent, just like with your mother, but I didn't use hypnosis to make her love me..., just to not focus on the age aspect on our relationship" and she replied quite fast to his response, she said "Yes, I know that, but I'll be yours to command, no matter the command without hypnosis, isn't better to have someone without it? I'll be a better playmate then the competition" and Blight liked that response, but he sadly said "I have that already, anything else you got in that head of yours?" and as she heard that, she went silent for a bit, before saying as she bowed to him " I've read, In front of absolute power, obedience comes first above all, as well as, If you want something so badly, you must offer everything for it, so I offer you my everything, even though you could own it with just a look, I ask of you, to let me prove my worth, by requesting me to do anything you wish to prove myself"

Blight started to like Clara's mentality, and before he said anything, Nora came saying "Foods ready" and so he stood up and said "Let's talk over there as we eat", he then saw here turning her wheelchair and got to a part where there was no chair, he then sat down and saw Nora put him food on his plate and Claras, and saw her looking at him, And Blight said "Nora, don't pay attention to the conversation I have with your daughter alright" and she said "Alright" and continued putting food for her daughter and him, and he then said as he looked at the knife next to her "Stab yourself in the throat and don't reply to me, you said you offered me your everything right? So shouldn't you show me your so-called obedience as you suggested?" and as she heard that she looked at Blight in shock, she then looked at the knife and at back at Blight, she wanted to say something but didn't and thought of many things, and as she saw Blight smirking at her before going to look at his food, she went and grabbed the knife. Blight heard a sound and some struggling but he ignored it as he grabbed his fork and took a bite, he then heard another sound of something falling to the ground.

Blights eyes flashed purple as he looked at Nora who got up, he then saw her sit back down again, smiling as she ate. Blight looked down at his right and saw Clara who stabbed her neck, she was lying on the floor next to him, he saw her staring at him with a knife in her throat, she looked like she was trying to breathe but couldn't and Blights eyes flashed purple again and said "Get up" and started eating again, Blight didn't hear anything for a bit and looked and saw her in the same position with closed eyes, so he went and took off his shoes and used his foot to push on her cheek saying, "Get up, you're not dead" and he saw her opening her eyes looking at him confusedly and went and grabbed her neck and felt the knife, she then heard him say "Take it out" and as she heard that, she looked at him and as she thought about how she was still alive, she then grabbed it and hesitated for a second before pulling it out, and as she did, she felt pain and she gritted her teeth due to it, but a few seconds later, the pain went away.

Clara felt her neck and touched around and couldn't find the wound, she then saw Blight looking down at her as he ate, and remembered his words, to get up, so she used the arm of her wheelchair as stability to carry herself up, but then she heard him say "Use your legs" and as she heard him, she didn't understand as she technically couldn't, but she still tried as to show him her obedience, and as she tried, she could feel her legs moving, it was following what she wanted to do, she could actually control it and Blight who was eating and watching her thought "Is it this slow in the movies and shows? I'm getting bored just watching her" he then finally saw her stand up while staring down at her legs, she then tried walking and as she did, she kept at it and fell a few times but tried again, Blight ignored her as he got bored watching her, but he took her plate of food as he finished his own and as he finished half of her plate, he noticed she was standing right next to him but was quiet, Blight said "You can speak you know" and thing she asked first was " Is this an illusion of your hypnosis?" And Blight nodded inwardly at her question and said "No, my powers aren't limited to just hypnosis, but you didn't ask about that" and she then raised her hand and Blight said "Just ask me your questions" and she then asked, "Was I really dying back there?" And Blight nodded, she then thought for a bit and then asked: "...Are know...God..?" And Blight shook his head, she then said "Oh...,...did I heal just now?" and Blight smiled as he said " "Well, I changed your body, so yes, yes you did and by the way, as I did that, I marked your soul and your new body as they belong to me after all, and if you don't understand, it's like this, with just a thought you could die, but even then, I could have done that without marking you, you see, I marked you so I could read you every thought and you're every emotion, without even trying, so to me, right now, you're an open book" and as she heard this, she stayed quiet and soon nodded at his words, but she looked at Blight and asked "Changed my body?" and Blight made a mirror appear which suprised her and he told her to look at herself, and as she did, she saw her new face, and her body was taller, she was bigger in those parts and she looked hot, like really hot, like who the hell is that hot and as she touched her face, she saw that was her, Blight then told her, "I changed you into my your old face wasn't bad, but since you belong to me, you'll stay by my side, so you better have my preferred taste in appearance, and might as well since I made you into something else as well, and it would look nice in that transformation"

To Be Continued