Chapter 29

Chapter 29

She looked at Blight then at herself, she then thought, "Change isn't a bad thing" and Blight who saw her staring at herself said, "I made you into a Hell-hound by the way" and thought "I was going to make her my first demon, but someone with that much power like Lilith is a bit much in this world, and why should I make something from another world here, now that would be confusing to other's, how else would they think of ways to kill her, anyway I didn't want a werewolf but I wanted something considered strong in this world, so an edited Hellhound will do" and he heard Clara ask "Hellhound?" And Blight said "Yes, a Hellhound, an edit one at that, you won't be bound be there laws, but naturally you're bound to me, and your heat/flames won't burn your clothes but it will protect you as it should and its color will be Violet as will your eyes and I did a few things here and there"

Clara didn't understand what he meant by that and so she told him that, Blight grabbed a lit candle near by and he gave it to her as he said "Try burning yourself" she looked at him and then put her hand on it, and as she then felt nothing, she was surprised and started testing it out more. Blight made a mirror and stood behind her as he said "Look at the mirror" and as she heard him say that, she saw her eyes glowing violet I'm her reflection, Blight then activated her shift, and she then saw herself on fire with Violet flames and her eyes glowing violet as well, she then saw her monster-like teeth, and as she saw this, she opened her mouth for a closer look, she then looked at Blight who was reflected in the mirror and looked at him with amazement and she then understood some of those wierd books she found in Eichen house but thought that they made no sense. Blight looked at her and then went back to eating the food that he took from her, and as she was done looking at her shifted state, she looked at Blight and asked "Do I still call you Blight? Or what would you like to be called?" and Blight, as he swallowed said "You can call me Blight, only one girl has this fetish about calling me her master" and as she heard that he had other girls, she didn't ask about it as it seemed reasonable, like who wouldn't?

Clara looked at the mirror and then back at him, she then asked, "Why me?" And Blight looked at her, he then pointed at her mother and said "Basically chance, and that chance came because of her, nothing much really, you weren't chosen or anything and I was bored, but you did interest me with your words and actions, so there's that" and as she heard this, she kinda thought she was chosen, she then asked "Can I ask what you are?" And Blight as he finished his food stood up and looked at her and said"I'm a devil" and as he said that, he went and looked in the pot inside the kitchen and started putting more food for himself, Clara saw Blight putting more food, she then asked after he finished and sat down "Devil? As in Lucifer?" and Blight smirked at her as he said "Sure, why not...., you could think of me like that, but I'm not him though, so don't mix me up with him" and he went back to eating his food and told Nora "This is really good" and he got a smile from her and her telling him that she could make him more if he wanted, and Clara, as she was all this, she thought "Are devils like him?" and she then heard Blight say "Not really, we're all different due to the decisions we make" and Clara was a bit surprised that she knew what he was thinking but she remembered his words about her being an open book to him, and she then heard Blight say "See, now that makes this easier for me as I don't gotta re-explain" and as she heard that, she became somewhat fascinated by who it worked. Blight finished his food and said, "Are you ready to go get your revenge?" And she looked at her mother, then at Blight and her eyes glowed Violet while she said "Yes" and Blight looked at Nora before his eyes flashed purple and then he stood up and looked at Clara who's new body was as tall as him, he then said, "You can't wait can you?" and she responded " Yes.., but I'll do whatever you ask of me" and Blight said as he pinched her cheek "Good answer" and went and stretched for a bit.

Blight said after stretching, "Well, let's go" and he teleported with her, and as he appeared in front of a house, he said, "Well, this is all you, and here" Blight used his abilities to make her learn how to shift to a Hell-hound, he then muted the area around the house as well as putting a barrier, he then told her "Have fun and don't take too long, but you can be loud as you want in there" and as she looked at the house and the area around them, she looked at Blight and then went to the door and she put her hand on the handle and broke the doorknob, Blight then thought "Jennifer was a failure, so I used her for something else, but Clara, well she's more fun.... anyways I'm in Boston right now"

Blight turned his head to the direction of NY and thought of something before teleporting away and as he left, he appeared back at the same location 10 minutes later and thought "So I don't exist here as there are no records of my birth, but there were records of one of my parents, but it seems like my mother doesn't exist, only my father...., interesting..., but I would really like to see if another me, the old me existed here..., but a shame, it appears he doesn't...unless I create him that is...."

Blight then looked at the house, and dropped his random thoughts and entered it, as he walked in, he saw a few bodies, he saw the two dead people sliced and diced and burnt all over, he then started walking upstairs to the screaming and crying of a two different people and as he got there, he saw her ex-lover, and a pregnant woman, and as the two saw Blight, they started asking him for help, and as Clara saw Blight, she stopped herself from breaking another bone of the man and looked at Blight.

Blight looked around and saw a chair, he then grabbed it and sat down, and as he sat down, he looked at the three, before looking at the two while saying "Hello there, the names Blight, nice to meet you" and as he got fearful reactions from them but no reaponse, he then looked at them more closely, he first looked at the man's wounds and his cut off the ring finger on his left hand, he then looked at the pregnant woman who he never saw in Clara's memories, but as he saw she had a ring in her ring finger and looked at the guys cut off ring finger, he smiled as he looked at Clara.

Blight then said to Clara as he patted his legs, "Come here and sit" and she looked at him and she stopped her transformation before going to Blight and sitting on his lap, Blight then grabbed her from behind and muted the sound around the two and said "Does he even know who you are?" And she said "I told him but he didn't believe me, so as I tortured him, I told him about our moments and how he treated me after the accident and as he realized it was me, he started apologizing, as he started begging for his life and his pregnant wife's life as well, it seems he got married and is about to have a child in 2 months"

Blight listened to her, and started playing with her ear and as he played with her ear, he said "So what do you wanna do to her?" And as she heard that, she looked at the woman and then at her belly and said "I didn't plan for a baby, but I did guess he could have have another girl by now, but didn't plan on the pregnant part" and as Blight heard that, he gave out a chuckle and said to the other woman "Come here" as his eyes flashed purple. The lady stood up and walked to Blight, and as she got there, Blight used a mental hypnosis command on her, "Answer what ever I ask you truthfully and do whatever I ask of you" and as he sent that, he said "What's your name" and as the lady gained control of herself, her legs started shaking as she looked at Clara, but she still answered "M-Mary" and Blight smiled as he reached for her belly and as he saw her about to move, he said "Don't move" and as she stopped moving, Blight smirked as he rubbed her stomach, Blight then saw Clara looking at him, he smirked at her and moved in for a kiss, and as he kissed her, Clara noticed her body was feeling pleasure all over, and as he let go of the kiss, she felt a blissful after taste, as her body shaked from pleasure. Blight smiled at her body reactions as he added that while he edited her body, Blight then said "Go have fun torturing the guy, I'm going to have fun with Mary over here as you do that" and Clara who was having an orgasm from just a kiss, nodded after a few seconds as she gained control.

Blight felt her get off and so he disintegrated all of Mary's clothes, he then said to Mary "Come here and sit on top, were gonna have sex" and as he said that, she started moving to Blight, the man called out to Mary and even stood up to stop her, but was kicked in the stomach by Clara, and Mary faced her but his direction but Blight said "No, facing me" and so she stopped.

Mary turned around and saw him smirking at her, she then slowly got on top facing him and Blight could feel her body shivering in fear, Mary wanted to run but her body wouldn't listen to her as she followed Blights every order. Mary slowly went down as she held his bro in place to her hole, Blight increased her sensitivity to pleasure by 5 times and turned off her pain receptors, he then moved his hand and pushed her down and as he did that, he heard her say "O-ohhhhhhh" and had her tongue come out, Blight then used his other hand to grab her head and pushed her closer for a kiss as he used his other hand to lift her up and down.

Blight, as he fucked and kissed her, felt nothing much change in Clara's emotions, as he was using this to test her, but he did feel more lust from her and as she started and Blight smiled as he saw her lifting the mans head to watch his wife getting fucked by another man and saw her enjoying his reaction. Blight didn't focus on having sex with Mary, rather he listened to the words that were being said into the mans ears by Clara, and as he heard them, he smiled even more as he increased his pace. Blight liked Clara's understanding of the human mind and how to break them, but her start was recent and was not like his…so there methods are different.

As Blight was fucking Mary, he increased her sensitivity, to 7 times, and felt her body twitching even more, and as he felt his chest getting wet, he stopped the kiss and took a look, he saw her breasts were lactating milk and so he went and grabbed one for a drink, Blight tried it for a bit and didn't like it and so he went and looked at her expression and thought "Let's go even harder" and so he moved Mary on top of the bed, and got on top of her and fucked her roughly, and he did so for a while till he noticed Clara was right next to him, nude.

Blight then glanced at the guy and saw he saw still alive breathing, but most of his bones were dislocated and he was bleeding too much, and most of that bleeding came from his lower region, "She ripped it off" Blight thought, Blight then went and got out of Mary and sat facing Clara, he then gave the man a closer look and thought he would die due to blood loss in around two minutes, and so he looked Clara, he then said "Done?" and she, who was facing Blight this entire time, looked back at the man, before saying "Yes, I'm done" and she then looked at Blight and then Mary.

Blight went around Clara's body and looked her over, he then said "Expecting something from me I presume?" and Clara said "Yes, but I understand I cannot ask, but only take what's given to me by you" and Blight smirked at her as he felt her up, he then went and looked at Mary asking Clara "Do you want a pet? They're such good material to use for experiments and well...other things" and as Clara heard this, her face turned creepy as she looked at Mary and said "I would a pet" and Blight looked at the man and saw thr he finalky died, he then disintegrated him and the two downstairs, before starting a fire in the house that spread everywhere.

Blight looked at the fire that was spreading fast, he then said "Time to go" and Blight teleported them back to her place, and as he teleported back to Nora's place, he saw Nora looking at them weirdly, Blight then walked up to Nora and touched her head before she acted like everything was fine, he then went to Mary and touched her head and then said to Clara "Whatever you say, she will obey it as she will with my orders" and Blight went and said to Mary "You will not step out of this house, You will not try to call for help and you will think house as your new home" and as he said that, he stood up in front of Clara, he then walked around her, and as she saw this, she just stood there and looked at Blight with expectations.

Blight said to Clara as he stood in front of her and held her chin facing him, "Remeber this, the day you bore me or I see no use to you, well…, you'll find out, because who doesn't like surprises?" and as Blight said that, he heard her saying "I understand" and Blight smiled as he heard that, he then sensed at his room and saw them still asleep in his house, and he then saw Nora looking at his bro, and then told Nora "Get undressed," and Blight then looked at Clara after seeing Nora getting undressed "Let's have a 4 way, shall we? Don't you wanna try out that new body?" and he saw her looking at her mother while smiling, she then said "Yes" and so Blight started with her, as he wanted to test out her edit body reactions.

Blight teleported back home after a few long hours, and as he did, he thought of the three broken women he left in that house as he had fun with playing with their sensitivity and smirked inwardly, he then went upstairs and as he noticed them still being asleep, he went to shower, and as he finished showering, he had a towel wrapped around his waist as he left the shower.

Blight looked at the two nude sleeping women on his bed and he woke up Amber with his power, he then went on to get dressed. Amber, as she woke up, she started to look around and as she did that, she saw Olivia and saw her nude body, then her own, she then heard something, and she looked at what it was, she saw it was Blight removing his towel and putting on some boxers, she didn't say a word as she watched him get dressed, while looking over his body and Blight, as he turned and saw her awake, made a surprised look facing Amber, he then smiled as he said while looking at Amber "I kinda went overboard and fucked you both for a whole day, did you miss anything at work?" and as Amber heard that, she said "N-no, I took the week off to deal know" and as Blight heard that, he gave her a smile and said, "Well, I guess you think I'm weird now…, sorry about that" and as Amber heard that, she looked at Olivia and then back at Blight and said "No, I don't think you're weird, just lonely, and hurt…and it isn't you're fault"

Blight smiled inwardly as he heard that, he then went and approached her and sat down next to her. Blight fixed her hair as he stared into her eyes and he gave her a kiss which was well received as he got some tongue action in return which he didn't initiate and as he stopped the kiss, he said "Thank you, you're the first person who ever said that to me, but I think you should leave, if you stay around me…, I won't be able to stop myself...and you could get in trouble" and as Amber heard that she put one hand on his face and said "I - I don't mind Blight… and you don't have to stop yourself around me, I don't mind it at all, and getting in trouble? We already did the deed, we just gotta keep it a secret, right?" and as Blight heard that, he smirked inwardly again as he started to kiss her, he then got on top of her and started railing her again for an hour before she said she had to go, but she gave Blight a big hug and a kiss on the check, but as she kissed his cheek, she looked at his lips and gave him a long kiss there before she left after getting his number.

Blight loved how pleasure can change a person in general, he then went to Olivia and put his hand on her head and felt her emotions from her memories, and as he saw nothing wrong, just a bit of jealousy, he added a few things, here and there before he left her alone. Blight looked down at Kate before going there and playing around with her as he showed her, her past and the hidden meanings in some of them, as he wanted her to only trust one person, himself.

Blight after playing around with Kate, stayed home and did nothing much during the weekend other than returning the car, and meeting Amber and Clara as they texted him, so he passed by them, and met with them. Blight, as he went to Clara, he just went by her place to have fun, and with Amber, well she invited him to her workplace as she had a spare apartment around there, as she wanted to cook for Blight and she did, she then went and watched a movie with him before they had fun all night long, but she acted all motherly the whole time and Blight loved how it was so easy to trick her to do anything he wanted, and the after-effects with Olivia, Well, she seemed more attached to Blight due to Blight instilling memories of him telling Amber that she was his main girl and the person he loved most in this world as they were having there three way fun.

Blight today was going to school, and as he headed there, he sensed and saw that Victoria Argent didn't wound herself this time to meet Melissa in the hospital to talk about Allisons and Scott's relationship, and as he got to school…..

To Be Continued