Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Blight today went to school after stretching for a bit, and as he headed there, he sensed and saw that Victoria Argent didn't wound herself this time to meet Melissa in the hospital to talk about Allisons and Scott's relationship and he thought about it for a bit as he continued walking to school and as he got to school, he went to his classes and after he finished them, he talked with Allison by his locker, Allison asked how'd his date go with Jennifer, and Blight said "It was fine I guess" and he made it sound vague but also made it sound like he didn't like it that much, Blight then asked her how her relationship with Scott was going and she told him, "It's fine, but I think we're gonna break up soon…, I don' him as much anymore...but he's trying yeah" and they talked for a bit on that subject before he left.

Blight went and met Jennifer, to see how much she changed over these past few days and as he saw her, he noticed she was in love with him and how she acted now changed compared to her old self, he smirked inwardly as he noticed something and gave her a kiss, he did so as he noticed Erica was watching him, he then went on his way. Erica watched as Blight left and had her claws out instinctively as she looked at Jennifer, she then thought about Blight not seeing the new her and chased after him.

Blight went to the gym room as he saw it was empty, he started taking off his clothes and headed for the shower, as he showered he said "You know, this is the second time you followed me, Erica, now you're even watching me as I shower, you do know that's sexual harassment right" and as Erica heard that she stopped hiding behind the wall while watching him shower, she wanted to talk to Blight, but as saw him get undressed, she hid and watched.

Erica went out in the open and watched how Blight washed his hair, before turning around and looked at her, she didn't even try to hide it as she stared at him, but she then heard Blight say "Eyes up her sweetheart" and then Blight saw her looking at him while she bit her lips, he then squinted his eyes at her and then said "You...did you get your hair done? Your new hair looks good on you, must be getting some attention now right?"

Erica looked at him weirdly as she played with her hair, she thought "That's all he noticed...or do I just look the same to him?" and she then saw him turning off the water and put a towel around his neck after drying himself and left his lower self nude, she then saw him walking up to her and felt him grabbing her chin while pulling her face up to look at him, she then heard him say "Well at least now, you can show off right? And when you do, remember, showing off is a privilege we good looking people have..., so abuse it all you want, it feels good as hell" and she felt him let go of her chin and walk away.

Erica looked at his ass as he walked away, she then went and pushed him against the locker, and had her hand that held him in place, move around and feel his chest, she then said "Don't... you want me now? I'm the hot girl, so you don't have to worry if anyone says anything, I'm not the sick Erica anymore, so let's go out Blight"

Blight said to Erica as he grabbed her hand that was molesting his chest "But I always thought you were pretty, it's just you never asked me out, and you got all weird on me when I was around you, and now that I'm dating someone, I can't" and as she heard that, she said "Dump her and you can have me" and she then started touching his bro with her other hand and said "All of me" and Blight smiled at her as he said "Imagine you were her, how would you feel if I did that to you" and Blight fixed her hair and said "Sorry" and as Erica heard that, she let him go but kept looking at him, Blight went and gave her forehead a kiss, but as he did, he smirked inwardly as he induced lust into her, and Erica, after getting her forehead kissed, felt really horny and as she saw Blight turn and take off his towel around his neck, she then saw him sit down and grab his boxers, and as she looked at his bro, she then thought "He's mine" and went and sat down on his legs and before he could say anything, she began kissing him, and as she did, she let go and said "I've had this crush on you since that day you helped me…, can you please…, just this once.., she doesn't need to know Blight...I promise I won't tell her...I love you" and Blight looked at her and saw her giving him a sad look, Blight then wrapped his hands around her waist and said "Just this once alright" and as she heard that, she smiled as she began kissing him again.

Blight grabbed his clothes and took Erica into Coach Finstocks office and had his fun with her for a while before they left, and as they were about to split, she kissed him and said to him "I'm gonna make you mine, just you wait and see" and left without hearing his response. Blight watched her leave and then left as well, Blight then walked to the forest to meet with Malia, as he brought her food and water that he conjured and after staying a bit with her, he left and as he did, he noticed 4 people in a Jeep without doors driving near him and as one of them saw him in the forest, he told the rest "Found him" and the driver turned and drove into the forest where the guy who found him, pointed at, and as the driver got near Blight and saw him not moving, he stopped the car and they took out bats and a metal chain as they got out of the car and walked up to him, Blight watched this and thought "Aren't they…" and paused as he sensed Malia coming to him, he then made her fall asleep in the bushes nearby and looked at the group of 4 that were approaching him.

Blight looked at the man who looked really happy in a twisted way, he then heard him say "You think I wouldn't find you, bitch, I just had to pay that fucker some money and he told me where you were at, but your lucky I had shit to do with the championship game and now that I don't, I'm gonna make you pay for sleeping with my girl" and he then heard the rest of them saying "Hey, leave some for us, I wanna kick his ass too, mother fucker was sleeping with mine as well" and the rest said somewhat the same thing but one of them said 'aunt'.

Blight then looked back at the man who spoke first, he then heard him say "No one knows where here bitch, so you know what that means right" and the man walked up to Blight and said "Look at you pretty boy, not even gonna talk and say hi to your old pals, don't worry, I'll help you out with that" and the man raised his wooden baseball bat and went to hit Blight on his head as hard as he could, and as he felt he hit something, he heard something break and so he smiled as he looked at Blight again, but as he did, he saw Blight was fine and was just staring at him, he then looked at his bat and saw it was broken and so he thought "What the..." and then he heard his friends say "What the fuck? Dude are you playing around right now?" and he went and turned around to look at his friends, to question them about what they saw and as he did, he saw all 3 of them explode, before he felt something hit his face, and so he closed his eyes on instinct as that happened.


The man named Vinny touched his face and felt it was wet and as he wiped it with his shaky hands, he then looked at his hands and saw blood and as he looked around, he saw blood everywhere and as he did, he heard something from behind, he heard Blight say, "Vinny right? I remember you, oh the old me loved fucking Jenny while you were practicing, I think I came inside her like 30 times or something and yeah, she and her friends were sluts, they kept sucking me dry every week while you and the guys weren't there.., you know, I forgot about you, the last day we met was that day you chased after me, wasn't it? Been a long time Vinny" and Vinny heard his voice turned deeper and weirder as he said "I would even say, It's good seeing you again, old pal" and Vinny turned around and saw Blight eyes were pitch Black looking at him, he was about to yell but found out he couldn't, he then saw Blight walking even closer to him and as he wanted to run away, he found out he couldn't do that as well, he then heard Blight say "I want you to do something for me, Vinny," and then he saw Blight make a gun appear out of thin air, he then saw him put it on his right hand and heard him continue saying "I want you to kill that old caretaker of mine that sold you my location, and while you're at it, make a note about him killing your friends that came with you here, write it was because you guys slept with his wife, and you killed him in fear that he would kill you as well, since you slept with her too and after you make that note, kill yourself and make sure you make a scene alright"


Blight saw Vinny look at the gun in his hand and then at the car before he hoped in it, and drove away, Blight looked around at the things they left behind, as well as all the blood here...and there and so he made it all disintegrate away, he then went to Malia and changed some of her memories, he changed it into them attacking her and him saving her and beating them all up, Blight then wrapped a piece of his shirt that he ripped off around her supposed area where there was supposed to be a wound, in her memories of course.

Blight looked around before he woke her up with his powers, he then saw her get up and ready to attack, but as she saw it was Blight, she saw he was fine and the other people weren't here, Blight then said to Malia, "It's alright, I made them go away, they won't hurt you now" and so he stayed with Malia who kept rubbing herself on him for a while before leaving.

As Blight left, he chuckled inwardly about how the old him slept with so many women with his body, and now, those who chased him before he left, came to get revenge and not just simple revenge..., Blight then thought "Did he impregnate anyone?" and so Blight sensed around and found all the women the old him from this world slept with and as he did, he found out of all the 37 women the other him slept with, 1 was pregnant, but as he checked the baby, he saw it wasn't his, so he thought "Well, less work for me" and he was glad none of them had his number, as he could sense their feelings for him. Blight, as he got home, saw Olivia cooking, he then sat down and watched tv and soon, Olivia came and gave him a plate with food on it, so he ate as he watched, but he saw Olivia unzipping his pants and started giving him oral on her own.

Blight didn't mind as he ate and watched, and as he thought of tomorrow he smirked inwardly. Blight, after eating, had his fun with Olivia before he left to meet Clara and as he teleported there, he saw Clara sitting down on Mary's face, and as Clara saw Blight, she stood up, but she then heard Blight say "You can continue" and as she heard that she looked at him, then back at Mary, before sitting back down and getting her lower region liked by Mary, Blight then heard Nora entering and smiled as he did.

As Nora entered, Blight told her to come and sit on his lap, and so she did, Blight had fun with the three before teleporting home and continuing with Olivia, and as it got to morning, he left and went and took his classes, he then went to meet the school's guidance counselor, Marin Morrell. Blight went and entered as her last appointment, so he wouldn't meet Lydia and he could have his fun, and as Blight entered, he shook her hand, while saying hello to her, and she did the same with him.

Blight went and sat down, and Marin started to discuss about Blights fight with Jayden, she then asked about how he felt after the fight, and as she saw Blight staring at her, she thought he was thinking about his answer, but then she saw him rest his head on his hand as he stared at her without saying anything, she then asked "Are you alright?" and Blight smiled as he said "I'm peachy" and Marin looked confused, she then asked "Are you gonna answer the question?" and Blight smiled at her and asked "Why should I?" and as she heard this and saw him smiling at her, she said in a professional way "So I can understand you better and write a report for the school" and Blight said to her in a playful tone "Well, in the end, I have the law by my side, so I don't really gotta say anything about anything" and as she heard that she stared at him and asked "Are you afraid of the consequences of your answers to my questions?" and Blight said as he looked bored "Me? Afraid? I'm not afraid of anything?" and Marin looked at him with a small smile as she said "Everyone's afraid of something"

Blight stopped smiling as she said that and didn't give her a retort, and as she saw that he wasn't gonna speak, she was about to say something, but she heard Blight say "I... I actually am afraid of something, well it's more of a phobia" and as she heard him respond to her and look as if he was taking this seriously now, she then thought she could use this topic to get him to talk to her, she then said "And what might that be?" and Blight said in all seriousness " I have Sciurophobia " and as she heard that, she looked at him even more weirdly, and as she saw his face and saw him being serious, she asked "You're afraid of....squirrels?" and Blight immediately stated "How could you understand my pain? Lately I've noticed more squirrels around the school, and I have an extreme fear of them..., they truly, truly frighten me...., as I can't seem to focus on anything other than my own safety while leaving this just the other day, one chased after me, and I had to run for my life..., Like what if it bit me..., Would I have died? Or have gotten Rabies? Who knows what's been in its mouth and its eyes scare the shit out of me when I look at them" and as Marin heard him, she didn't know whether to question him, about his honesty or not, and as she looked into his eyes and saw nothing wrong, and she saw nothing wrong with his facial expressions as well, she then thought of discussing the topic with him, she then asked "So when did you become aware of this fear?" as she took out her notebook to started writing.

Blight heard her question and smirked inwardly, he then said as he laid his back on his chair, 'What fear?" and as Marin who was writing something down heard that, she then said "Your fear for squirrels" and Blight smirked at her and said, "I never said that" and as she heard that, she stopped writing and looked at Blight who smiling at her, she then heard him say "Now, if you can't even tell that I'm lying, how are you gonna do your job counselor? And by the way, fear of the consequences of my answers? What is there to fear? Do tell? " and she saw him chuckling at her.

Marin looked at Blight who was smiling at her and thought of how he played her, but she started writing something down, but as she did, she heard Blight say " Able to control his emotions, able to tell lies with full control of his facial expressions, your probably thinking Sociopath or Narcissistic personality disorder, but your putting consideration that I'm just playing around with you, and with how young I am, it's probably a stage in my life, am I wrong or am I right?" and as Marin heard that, she looked at Blight and said "You're quite smart, but to me, it seems this is all a game to you" and Blight smiled at her creepily as he said "Well, reading the school rules, I have read that if we get into a fight, we'd have to meet our dear school counselor, and so I had to just get an idiot pissed just to do that, it wasn't so hard, but it's funny since there was an easier way to meet you, and that was just to make an appointment, but the other way was so much more fun, I even got benifits out of it"

Marin looked at Blight and kept her cool, but she had her hand reach under the table for her bag and as she was about to put her hand in the bag slowly, she heard Blight say, "How long are you gonna take to pull it out, I'm here being polite and waiting on you to take out your vial of mountain ash, but like, could you hurry it up? It's rude to make people wait, like seriously, I ain't blind, your table has an opening from my hello?" and as she heard that, she saw him looking her table, she then took out the mountain ash vial and smashed it on the ground below her, and as it spread around her to form a circle, she then asked "Did Duqalian send you? Who are you? and you're the rude one"

Blight looked at her, he then stood up and looked at the circle of mountain ash around her, he then walked over it and ignored her shocked look as he sat at her table right next to her, he then said, "Well, how about we have a nice chat, shall we now" and Blight muted the room and looked, Marin, he then told her "Well, how about we first start with your clothes, take them off, I don't wanna do it myself, or apparently, I would seem ruder to you" and as she heard that, she looked at him, she then looked at the door and as Blight saw this, he stood up and said "You can try, but it won't work" and as she heard that, she stood up and started taking off her clothes, and Blight smiled as he knew what she was gonna do, and as soon as she took off her shirt, he held it in one hand as she lowered her hand to her pants and as she looked at Blight and saw him staring at her pants, she then threw the shirt in his face before going for the door.

Marin tried to open it and saw that it was locked, she then heard a chuckle behind her, and as she looked behind her, she saw Blight smelling her shirt and after he did, he started smiling while saying "I do like your smell" and his smile turned even more creepy after that.

Hours later, as Blight was about to leave but Marin grabbed him and gave him a kiss and said "I'm gonna miss you my love" and Blight smirked as he grabbed her ass and said "We'll see each other soon" and left after that, Blight planned to use her for future use, so he made her his easily with hypnosis and had some fun before telling her a few things to do for him.

As Blight left the office, he looked and still saw people around and thought of the game tonight, so he thought about it and went back to Marin's room and he wasn't worried about the camera, since he cut it's wire earlier today, as well as a few others at random locations, and as Marin saw him come back in and close the door, she smiled as she looked at him with love in her eyes and she heard him say "Well, I did say soon"

As it got around night time, after 4 hours since Blight re-entered Marins office, Blight was now watching as Marin kept moving up and down with him inside her while she kissed his neck, she apparently drank something that kept restoring her exhaustion after every hour and as Blight noticed the time, he then grabbed her hair and pulled her in for a kiss, he then started sensing around the pool area and saw that the Kanima was walking around and that Darek and Stiles were stuck in the water, he then made an Illusion of himself appear there on the 2nd floor and as Stiles saw Blight's illusion, he made that Illusion smirk at Stiles before walking away.

Blight then stopped the kissing and moved Marin on top of the table, he then went on top of her and started going rougher with her, and as he did, her moans got louder and as it did, Blight smirked as he watched her facial expressions that kept changing, Blight then left a while later after he got her to clean him off, and he started making his way home, but on his way, he got a text from Amber and as he read it, he sensed where she was at and found out she was in her own private office, he then teleported near the area before he started knocking on the door, he then heard a grunt before he saw her open the door in a pissed mood, but as she saw it was Blight, her facial expression changed into a happy one.

As Amber asked what was he doing here, Blight said "I just got your text and I was nearby…, so I came to check on you as I saw some of the lights still on" and as Amber heard that, she gave him a loving smile before looking left and right, and then invited him in, as Blight got in, he heard her locking the door and saw her walking to her office and gesturing him to follow and so he did, and as they got to her office, she went and closed the door, before locking it, she then went on her computer to do something and Blight went and sat down on the couch, he then took out his phone to respond to any texts he got, and he then saw Amber next to him, she slowly got on top of him, she then started giving him kisses while saying "I got really stressed out today, but just seeing you is already making my day better...and it's gonna get even better in a bit"

Blight thought of something, so he went and lied down, while he held her in a hug, Blight had yet to use hypnosis on her, and as she was easy to manipulate and didn't even care about the age difference by herself, he wanted to test something out, he then said "What got you stressed out?" and as she heard that she moved her head and kissed him on his neck while saying, "Let's not focus on that, let's just focus on us sweety" and Blight smiled as he held her closer and said "You know I could help you right?... I don't like seeing you stressed or sad" and as she heard that, she saw he was giving her a small smile while caressing her back, she thought about it, and then told him about her case and told him not to tell anyone.

Blight heard the story, he then sensed around for the man he saw in her memories, and read that man's memories, he then told her what to do, and as she heard him say that, she said, "How do you know he was there?" and Blight gave her an address and told her she could get a video of him being around that area and that's all she needed, and as Amber heard that, she asked "Are you sure?" and Blight said "Wanna make another bet?" and as she looked at him, she then laughed and said "Sure, what you wanna bet this time" and Blight said as he grabbed her even closer "Well, all I want is you" and as she heard that she stayed silent and after a bit, she then said "That's cheesy you know" and went to kiss him, and Blight smirked inwardly as he kissed her back and felt her start to touch his body.

As it got to morning, Blight was about to leave, but he looked back at Amber who was only wearing her bra and he then smiled as he approached her, he then held her from behind and said "Text me later when you see that I won our bet" and as she felt his hug and heard his words, she rubbed her head on his as she laughed and said "Alright" and Blight let her go, she then turned around and wrapped her hands around his neck and her chest was pressing against his, she gave him a kiss as she said "Even if you lost, I will still belong to you" and Blight smiled as he wrapped his hands around her and gave her another kiss, and after the kiss, he felt her touching his bro, so he smirked inwardly and went one more round with her before he left.

Blight went straight for school after and he cleaned himself with his abilities on his way there and as he got there, he took his classes like normal and sensed Stiles following him with Scott, so he did what he always did, he went to the library to read and he kept his senses on them, and as Scott looked away, to look around them, Blight gave Stiles a quick smirk before going back to reading, and Stiles got creeped out and he went and told Scott about it, but Scott just saw Blight turning the page of the book he was reading, he then told Stiles he was just seeing things and there was nothing wrong with Blight, and as Scott was looking at Blight, he saw Allison appear and as she appeared, she looked at Blight and smiled before she went and sat next to him.

To Be Continued