Chapter 31

Chapter 31

As Allison sat next to Blight, Blight smiled as he said "Hey there" and Allison smiled as she moved her hair behind her ear while saying "Hey Blight" and so they started chatting and as they did, Blight increased her smell of love for him, as Scott could smell it, he then smiled as he sensed Scott's emotions of denial, so he then asked as he smiled inwardly, "How're things going with Scott?" And Allison said to him "I'm tired of acting around him...but I've been letting him know that we aren't as we used to be and we should just end it as is…, but he's trying you know, and I don't wanna hurt him" and as he heard this he could sense sadness from Scott, he then said, "Well, be upfront about it before you regret anything" and as he said that he went back to looking at his book, as he read. Allison watched as Blight turned the page of the book he was reading, she then said after some thought, "Do you wanna hang out sometime? As friends of course" and Blight looked back at her and said "Well, you remember the last time we did that? wasn't exactly what friends would do you know and I have a girlfriend now, so I can't go out with you" and as Allison heard that she looked a bit awkward about what to say next, but in the end, she said "You don't even sound happy in your relationship, shouldn't you be with someone you could talk to, someone you could trust?"

Blight smiled as he looked at Allison, he then said "Well yeah, but I know I know I can trust her, and why should I throw her away, she's a hot piece of ass that I can fuck whenever I want?" and as Allison heard this, she was about to say something, but Erica came and interrupt them.

As Erica came, she looked at Blight, she then looked at Allison and said " Hitting on Blight are we, Aww, what happened with poor Scott? Cheating on him already are we?" and as Allison heard that, she looked angrily at Erica, but she then saw Erica smirking at her as she looked in another direction, and so she followed where she was looking at and saw Scott and Stiles, she then saw Scott walking away and went and chased after him saying "Scott wait"

Erica smiled as she saw this, she then looked at Blight and went up to him and kissed him, she then said "I'm going to be the one stealing you away and no one else" and with that Blight winked at her as he said "I'll be night that is, come over whenever you want and good luck stealing me" and as Erica heard that, she smiled as she gave him another kiss and took his number before she left saying she's got things to do.

Blight already knew Erica was here, spying on their conversation and he knew she was going to take Jackson for the test, and that test, tested if he would be resistant to his own venom as to know if he was the Kanima, so he let it play out, her kidnapping him that is, he then thought Erica was a feisty girl that he wouldn't mind playing with. Blight looked at Erica's ass as she left, he then looked at Stiles, and as Stiles saw Blight looking at him, he started looking around awkwardly, Blight then called out to him as he gestured him to come, and as he did this, he saw Stiles pointing at himself, and so he nodded.

As Stiles saw this, he went up to Blight awkwardly and sat down, he then said "Hey Blight...what's up?" and Blight smiled at him as he said "You and Scott are terrible at stalking people, do you guys get caught a lot?" and as Stiles heard this, his reactions to this where funny to look at as he looked a bit shocked and moved around awkwardly again, he then said "No..., ok sometimes we do, but not all the time…it depends on how you define getting caught, maybe we wanted to be caught, have you thought about that?" and as Blight heard this, he smiled as he asked "Do you know, that I know about Scott, that he's a werewolf right? That I know everything about the weird shit going around in this town" and as Stiles heard that, he said "Yeah...Scott told me that, and he found that out from Allison" and as Blight heard this, he said, "Great then, this makes this so much easier, so let's get straight to the point, shall we? I'm not controlling Jackson and before you give me one of your stupid retorts, think of why would I kill anyone that Jackson has already killed, for one, I've never met them, nor do I have issues with anybody in this town to have revenge on and you should know that, the Kanimas weakness is water as I saw you and Derek stuck in that water and he couldn't go in, so that means whoever is controlling him can't swim and has a fear of being in water, and you should know that master weakness becomes that of the Kanimas, as Jackson can swim and Yes, I know, 'How do you know' and the answer is, I have my own bestiary that I found and it's translated." and as Stiles heard this, he said after a while of thinking "Why didn't you do anything that day, you just smiled and left, you could have helped me and Derek" and Blight gave out a small chuckle, as he said "You actually expected me to do something? Like what? Hit Jackson with a baseball bat? And are we friends? Like why would I risk my life for someone I don't know? We don't even talk" and as Stiles heard this, he said "Because it's the right thing to do, but how would you know, apparently you just walked off to the sunset, what? Was there a book on sale somewhere? Or was the library still open for another 5 minutes?" and as Blight heard this, he smiled even more as he said "Well, at least you have something going for you, your humor that is, other than that, nothing, nothing at all, because your just poor Stiles" and as Stiles heard this, he asked "What do you mean by that?" and Blight who was putting his stuff away, heard Stiles question him, he then got real close to Stiles and as he said "You've got nothing going for you, you love a whore named Lydia who doesn't even look at you, you're best friend is getting all the attention, he even gets the girl...well kinda, but that's beside the point..., have you ever thought, if you were the one who was bitten, wouldn't you get the whore named Lydia to love you, she was after all, all over Scott and he didn't even try going for her" and as Stiles heard this, he said "Don't call her a whore, and I don't need you telling me anything about anything" and as Blight heard that, he said in a mocking tone "My weakness is honesty you see, and when I see you, I see a human being that is so pathetic, that it almost brings tears to my eyes, you keep doing you alright, hide behind your humor, watch as the whore you love, gets fucked by all the men around you, who knows, I might give her a try as well, as she is 'open' game after all" and Blight then saw Stiles getting angry, he then said "You feel that anger Stiles? It gives you the strength to do the unimaginable, normally you would never think to attack someone big as me, would you? But anger would make you do so, anger is what makes us strong, so don't forget this feeling Stiles, and don't worry, when I have fun with that whore, I'll be sure to send you pictures, alright?" and after Blight said this, he saw Stiles stand up, and so he bent he back, back up and then looked down at Stiles which showed the height difference between them and so Stiles started to cower and Blight said as he patted his back "But anger can also cloud our judgment, good thing you didn't attack me, or well, it would have been disastrous...for you that is"

Blight then smirked at Stiles before walking away, he then said "Don't worry, I'll send you a video if I do play with her, at least you'll have some material to jack off too" and he then left the library, and as he did, he smiled as he stretched, he then went to meet Marin as he had an appointment with her and as he got there, he saw Lydia sitting down, waiting for her appointment and he wasn't expecting this as he never say this in the show, but in the show, they skip days, so he went and sat down 2 seats away from her and grabbed a random magazine pamphlet to read.

Lydia as she saw Blight was here, she fixed her hair and started talking to Blight and as he ignored her, she just said "Thank you for saving me even though you don't seem to care or bother responding...", and she saw him finally looking at her but just got a nod from him before he started reading his food pamphlet again, he didn't seem to care much she thought, she then asked him with a sad and confused expression, "Why do you hate me so much? I see you act this way only around me...but why? I've never done anything wrong to you....have I?" and as Blight heard this, he then thought, "I don't really wanna play with her, she's too easy, unless we play mind games that is" but then he thought about what he just talked about with Stiles and so he said, "Do you really wanna know?" And as he said this, he heard her say "Well yes, why do you think I'm asking", and Blight said to her as he smiled "Follow me then" and he then got up and walked to the door and as Lydia saw this, she thought about it as she looked at Marins office, she then got up and took her stuff and followed Blight, she saw him taking her to the coaches office and as they got in, he locked the door, she then saw him walking up to her, and as he did she started to get excited, she then said "So you wanted to get me all alone to talk? What kinda talk are we gonna have?" And Blight smirked as he walked up to her and grabbed her ass, he then lifted her up onto the table, he then said "The type that will end up with both parties being happy" and he started kissing her and he also got his phone to record while he was kissing her as he didn't feel her rejecting him and if she did, Blight planned to use hypnosis on her, but as he thought, she really was, easy game.

Blight as he kissed her, started taking off her clothes as did she for him, Blight then turned her around before she took off his pants and as he did, he aimed his bro at her hole as he took it out, but before he did anything, he muted the room and whispered in Lydia's ear "I'm going to make you remember today for the rest of your life" and as Lydia heard this, she gave out a small laugh and said "Jackson said that to you know, it's cute how all you guys want to be dominant, but I can't be dominated, but have fun trying, I'll humor you, but don't feel bad ok" and Blight smiled as he pushed her head against that table and whispered again "Oh you'll see'll see" and he rammed it in as he increased her pleasure sensitivity to 20x.

Blight slowed down time in the room and went at it with her for 4 hours, he didn't let her pass out or even take a break, he came all over her body and inside as well, but all the semen he let inside her, he killed them as usual, he then healed some of her exhaustion, just enough to focus, he then dropped her to the ground and looked at her as her body kept twitching, he then said to her "You know why I hate you, Lydia, it's because you're easy game, I only had to say follow me and wallah, you see, to me Lydia, you're nothing but a whore, that I can have whenever I want, but in reality, I could have any girl if I wanted to" and as he said this, he saw Lydia's body still keep twitching while she kept letting out loud moans as if he was still fucking her.

Lydia struggled as he looked at Blight, she then saw Blight taking his phone off the desk by the door and heard him say "I was recording the whole thing, by the way, it was so easy to plan this because I knew you would talk to me, and I knew you would follow me" and she then saw Blight walking upto her and heard him say smile as he took a picture with the cameras flash on, and she tried to move but couldn't as he body kept having orgasms that felt too good that she couldn't control herself, she then heard Blight say as he pinched her nipple and aimed the phone at her as if he was recording again "You see whore, I told you, you're gonna remember today, and from now on, I'm gonna fuck you whenever I want, wherever I want, and naturally you can say no, but I wouldn't suggest that, you see, when someone has sex with me, they can never feel pleasure with another man and by the way, to dominate a whore is easy Lydia, you just gotta treat her like shit, and I'm a natural dom/sadist, basically your kryptonite, so don't take it personally" and Blight grabbed his bro and continued to say as he smiled "I heard it's healthy to piss after sex, I should keep myself healthy, don't you agree with me whore?" And so he started peeing on her, and he aimed all over her body and she couldn't stop him, but she did try to move again, but this time, as she did, she had an intense orgasm for some reason and it felt so good to her, it was actually the best orgasm she ever felt/had.

Blight, after he finished pissing on her, took another picture after he stopped the recording again, he then wore his clothes and looked at Lydia who was covered in sweat, semen, and his piss, he then said "Goodbye whore" and resumed the natural order of time in the room as it's only been one hour outside compared to the room as it was slowed down, but his eyes flashed as he looked at her, he made her body, from now one only feel pleasure with him and no other, and also for her to feel longing for all this pleasure again, whenever she thinks of him.

Blight thought of seeing Marin as he left the room, but thought against it as he had his fun, so he started to leave School, but then he saw Stiles and as he did, he smirked as he walked up to him and as he walked up to Stiles, he saw him cower and so he tapped his shoulder and whispered in his ear...

To Be Continued