Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Blight thought of seeing Marin as he left the room, but thought against it as he had his fun, so he started to leave School, but he then saw Stiles and as he did, he smirked as he walked up to him and as he walked up to Stiles, he saw him cower and so he tapped his shoulder and whispered in his ear "You wanna see your worst nightmare? Go to coaches office, I just left after having my fun with that whore..., it's funny, right? We just talked about it like an hour ago.., but that just shows how easy she is....and oh, take a few pictures while you're at it, less work for me... or if you want, you can have at it, like why not? she is a whore after all" he then chuckled next to his ear, before patting his shoulder and walking away.

Blight left as he finished having his fun with Stiles, but he smirked inwardly as he used his abilities to watch as Stiles went to the coaches office, and as he did, he watched as Stiles opened the door and saw Lydia nude, covered in semen, sweat, and piss, while she still moaned in the after taste of pleasure that Blight gave to her, he then closed the door and looked down at the floor, before he started to tear up, he then grabbed the door with shaky hands before he let go of it and walked away, and as Blight saw this, he thought "You could have scored yourself some points there...or had some fun, but poor Stiles…, he only has that humor of his going for him...,weakling"

Blight then left the school to meet Malia and as he got there, he put her the food as usual and petted her as she ate, he then thought it was time to play with Malia, he then said as she finished eating, "Malia" and as the coyote heard this, she looked at Blight with her eyes glowing, Blight then said "I know you're afraid of..., what you think you've done..., you think you murdered your mom and sister don't you, you think you were the cause of your family's misfortune" and as Blight said that she started giving him a low growl sound as she was getting angry and sad, he then said as his eyes glowed red "I'll help you remember...Malia" and as he said that, he touched her head.

Malia started to see scenes when she was young and in the car, she all of a sudden saw another car's headlight, showering light at their car and a woman holding two guns, she then saw the woman shooting at them and her mother getting shot before they got into an accident and as it got too there, Blight stopped showing her, her past and as he did, he saw the Malia crying in her coyote form and so he hugged her as he said "Everything will be alright Malia" and as he said that, he felt something, and moved his body back away, he saw and felt her shivering, he then saw her reverting back to her human form, and as he saw this, he thought "Well, less work for me now" and as she reverted to her human form, she looked around shaky and then at Blight and as Blight saw her, he smiled as he hugged her, he then said"You don't have to keep blaming yourself and hiding from what you think you've done..., you didn't hurt your family Malia..., but someone did, now the question is, who did?" and as he hugged her, he felt her wrap her arms around his back as she hugged him, he then heard her crying and so he started patting her back.

Blight stayed in this position for around 10 minutes, he then felt her let go of the hug and move back, so he looked at her, and as he did, he saw her not saying anything, but stare at him, so he gave her a smile and as he did, he saw her smiling back at him. Blight went and grabbed his bag, he then gave her his gym clothes to wear and his hoodie, he then took her to the police station and was able to settle this with the sheriff as used a bit of hypnosis about the whole situation and as he did this, it seemed Malia just stared at Blight as she stayed close to him, not paying much attention to anything else.

As Blight was about to leave, she asked him one thing and those were actually the first words she spoke since she became human again, it was "Name...your name?" and Blight smiled as he said "Blight…, my names Blight..., take care of yourself now Malia, alright" and as he said this, he left, but he felt that she was staring at him till the very end.

Blight thought of the possibility of her being sent to Eichen house like in the show, so he then thought of the benefactor and teleported to her room as he saw her in a solitary room by herself and she was talking to herself as well, and as he got there, he sat down and as he did, Meredith stopped talking as she heard some noise, she then turned around and looked at Blight and as she saw Blight sitting on her bed, she then looked at the door and saw it still closed. Blight looked at Meredith, he then said "Have you ever wondered how it would feel like to be eaten on the inside by bugs while you're still alive?" and as Meredith heard that, she said "...N-no.." and Blight said in a sympathetic tone "Well, it would have been better if you have said yes,'ll be finding out in the it feels" and Blight's eyes flashed purple for a second, and Meredith didn't understand what Blight was saying and was creeped out on how was he even in her room as this was a solitary room and the door was still locked, she then felt something in her body move and some pain, so she started grabbing her stomach and as she did, she started to feel pain all over and started crying out in pain.

Blight watched as the bugs he spawned in Meredith ate her alive and just a few minutes later, he teleported home as he heard her somewhat chewed on heart stop beating. Blight, as he got home, sat down and sensed around the train station where Derek hangs out, Blight always wondered something in the show, and that was, what happens if the venom never did affect Jackson, so he waited until Derek fed Jackson the Venom and as he did, he made Jackson immune to it as it entered his mouth, so as Blight made Jackson pass the test, Derek's eyes turned red as he started to shift, and Erica/Issac followed right after, and so all there attacked Jackson before he could say anything.

Blight watched as they attacked Jackson without even trying to listen to what he has to say, and it would seem that Jackson couldn't defend himself or transform while he was in danger and with that, it didn't last long till he was killed, and as Blight watched this, he thought "That's it? So the show's random shit saved him? Boring, I was expecting someone dying with him at least..." and as he saw Jackson's heart stop beating, he then thought "Pathetic" and as he did, he looked for Allison's stalker and teleported him into the middle of the sea, as he was now useless, and might as well let him live out his worst a parting gift to Jackson of course, since Jackson's dead, why would there be a need to let him live any longer?

Days past, and Jackson's death was blamed as an animal attack, and Lydia turned even crazier after that, but she was still being used by Peter Hale and it would seem other than Scott, Danny, Lydia, and Jacksons family, no one else was affected by his death, and it didn't seem like anyone really cared about him and Scott started having even more discord with Derek because off Jacksons death, and Gerard had a chat with Scott like in the show, where he threatened to kill Scott's mother, but in a different location this time. Malia was sent to her adoptive father's house and was still sent to Eichen house, Blight let the days pass with him not doing anything other than having fun, he let it play out without his intervention since, everything was different than the show as Scott and Allison weren't together, Malia was reverted back to her human form earlier by a whole year, Jackson died and a few other things, but it seemed Lydia still revived Peter even after Jackson's death, she just appeared crazier than usual, but that is kinda normal, as she was always crazy..., well continuing on..., Victoria Argent was still alive, and with all these things happening, Blight let it all play out, as he played around with his women while manipulating Kate from her very core, Blight slowly trained her, and as he did, she started to change, and drastically at that.

After Peter was revived, Lydia appeared all alone, as no one would talk to her other than Stiles, but even then, Stiles started to treat her differently than how his usual self does and Blight smiled as he let her remember that day, when she was with him in coaches office to be her main support, to keep control, and as the days passed, Erica came to Blight after looking for where he lives from the schools records, she came, asking him to run away with her, Blight thought about and questioned why would she want to leave, she apparently told him that she couldn't handle Derek and wanted to be free, and as Blight heard she was leaving even if he wasn't coming, he then smiled as his eyes flashed purple and let her come inside his home, Blight edited her looks a bit and kept her as another pet, and Blight inwardly laughed at her words as he thought "Wanna be free? That's funny".

As Monday came, Blight went to all his professors and use hypnosis on them as to make them give him A's and his attendance as he ditches the last 2 weeks of school and just watched as the show progressed on its own, without him being there and as it continued, Blight watched as Gerard forced Scott to lure Derek out as he kidnapped his mother, Melissa, and as Scott did, he then captured Derek and made him bite him and this time, Gerard was able to turn into a werewolf, curing his cancer, but he was soon killed by his own son as Gerard was about to kill Derek that escaped from him that day, and this was all happening a few days after the bite incident, and this was due to the fact he lusted for more power and that was to become an alpha of course, but he injured Allison and killed Boyd while he was at it, so Chris read him the code, before killing him with the help of Victoria, Scott, Derek, and Issac.

Blight paid a visit to Allison while she was in the hospital during the summer and had romantic interactions with her, while Scott tried to get back with Allison, but now, he gave up as he saw Blight talking with her happily when she was in the ICU…, and Malia, who was still sent to Eichen house, like in the show, well, he visited her there and taught her things, he taught her control, he taught her understanding, and he taught her to only ever trust him as others would instill lies into her.

Malia kissed Blight one day and Blight told her as he was an alpha and that he had many women, and he told her he didn't believe that the strong should have just one woman, and those that had one woman are just weaklings and he was not, he then told her she doesn't have to be one of his women, and that he would still help her no matter her choice, but she said she wanted to be with him and so Blight stared at her while his eyes started turning red, he than said to her "I will have as many women as I want and if you chose to become one of them, know this, you will never be able to leave me if you become mine" and he got even closer as his voice turned deep and continued with "Never, do you understand" and as he said this, he saw her eyes glowing blue, she then said "Mm" and went to kiss Blight and Blight thought "Was gonna use hypnosis if she said no, but well, I guess she's tamed, or just in love..., well..., let's keep it at that" and so he took her virginity that day, while he planned inwardly for his pet coyotes future.

After that day, whenever he had sex with Malia, he would show her his eyes glowing red, and deepen his voice as he took full control during their fun and he did this because, he was showing her, who was the dominate one in their relationship, as she was a coyote most of her life and like an animal, she should submit to a stronger mate , and she would have to follow his every comand no matter what..., though she already submited, Blight wanted to play a werewolf Alpha, since any of his future enimes in this world would think he's a werewolf and try to kill him as if he were one, and that would make things so much more fun as they try and kill him, but this was beside the point, Blight wanted to keep Malia in her animal state, since in the show, they tried to humanize her, and so she started acting like one and split with Stiles, but that wouldn't have happened if she were still like when she first turned back into a human, as she first started to date Stiles and follow his every word, and that was because Coyotes have one mate for most of their life time and would only change their mates when their mates do die, but in the show, they broke up, so Blight wanted to test this out, but he found out when he had sex with her and as he roared in her ear, he would hear her wimper and he never heard that in the show, so he didn't understand what that meant, until he used his abilities to understand, and he understood that she was submiting herself to him in an animalistic way, and as he saw this, he experminted with this whenever they had sex or when he asked her to do things she didn't even like.

Days to months passed and soon the break finished, Jessica transferred to NY state, to go to college as she got an internship, Blight then moved to Abigail's mansion during this, and he brought Olivia, Erica, Nora, Clara, Mary, and Jennifer as well. Mary gave birth to a boy during this and Blight changed the boys DNA into his old lifes DNA and named him Zander, he then changed everyone's memories including Mary about her ever being pregnant, and as Mary looked at the child, she asked who this was and Blight smiled as he took the baby away and teleported out of there.

To Be Continued.