Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Blight had plans for Zander, as he aged the baby until he was 23 years old, he then gave him all of his memories before his death and as he did this, he went and got him a bite from a mind-controlled Derek and after the bite, Blight teleported to an open field and laid him on the floor and waited till he woke up, but as he saw him nude, he then clothed him in the clothes he had worn before his death, and as Blight waited, he noticed difficulties with the development of Zanders brain, and thought this was a logical complication and so he healed any complications that he found, even the hunger part that he found Zander having, and so he speeded up the time around Zander, and after 10 minutes of waiting to Blight, he saw Zander waking up and so he restored the time to it natural order around Zander and thought "It took him two days, just to wake up" and as Zander woke up, he looked at Blight calmly, he then looked around, he then said as he looked back at Blight "Hmm, I haven't see you in court or my office..., nor do I think I've messed with you..., so you gonna tell me who you are?" and as Zander saw Blight not replying, he then continued with "Or we could play the silent treatment, I do like myself some peace as well..., but I'm really curious, how did you get in my place?" and as Blight heard that, he said as he's eyes turned black "Well, that wouldn't be a problem for me if I actually did that" and as Zander heard this and saw his eyes, he looked at Blight as he stood up, he then just walked around and started looking for something and as he found nothing, he went back to Blight who was watching him, he then sat down on a small boulder and said "You are?" and as Blight heard this, he said "It's not who I am, its who you are?" and as Zander heard this, he nodded and said "Alright, let's change the question to where are we?" and Blight said "A forest in Beacon hills" and as Zander heard this, he looked around by turning his head, he then said "Beacon hills huh? That's your choice of words? You a teen wolf fan pal? Because buddy, I didn't like it that much, kinda retarded to be honest...and why would a demon be in Teen-Wolf?...unless you aren't one..." and Blight just shook his head as an answer, he then asked "Do you wanna make a deal? Zander Peil" and as Zander heard this, he gave him a creepy smile as he said "Nope, not really interested fam, so kill me or do whatever you want, I'm not weak minded to sell my self to a demon...unless it's free of that would be rude of me to object generosity form a demon" and as Blight heard this, he smiled as he said "Well, I already did give you power" and as Zander heard this, he stopped smiling as he looked over his body, he then looked at Blight and said "What kind?"

Blight started to explain that he gave him a Bite from an Alpha and as he didn't die, he's one of them now and as Zander heard this, he grabbed his finger and broke it, and didn't grunt in pain as he was used to it, since he's done this a few times, as to use in court since he did like himself some pity points, he then watched as the finger healed and marveled at that fact as he touched and moved it, he then grabbed that same finger and broke it one more time and watch the process of healing repeat itself, then he all of the suddenly, felt his facial mucles moving and thought he was shifting and as he did, he looked at his hands and then saw it turn into a dark green color with black spots and as he saw this, he thought "Were-Jaguar?" he then looked at Blight and thought "Well, not suprising" and saw Blight conjure a mirror and light throw it at him, and as he caught it, he gave his reflection in the mirror a look, and started moving it as he looked at his appearance from different angles, he then looked at Blight and stayed quite as he saw Blights eyes turn to normal.

Blight looked at Zander and guessed of why he was being quite now, so he said "I'm not god, you don't have to be respectful to me" and as Zander heard this, he said with a curious expression "What do you want from me then...and how are we here? Well, the better questions are, why is this even happening, how does this place even exist... and Who are you...but you prob..." and as he was about to continue with his chattering, he heard Blight interrupt him by saying "Who do you think is your worst enemy" and as Zander heard him ask this, he closed his mouth and then felt something, and so he looked at his hands and saw himself reverting back, he then guessed Blight was the cause since he didn't try influencing it, he then said "...Yourself..., or a mind reader, as he will know all your secrets, so basically, someone that Knows all about you, other than god of course" and as Blight heard this, he said "I know everything about you" and as Zander heard this, he said while not being surprised "Well, I think you know that I already knew that, but thanks for telling me anyway, that is some nice manners you got there my friend" and as he said this, Blight said "Well, I love intelligent people not just attacking randomly and talking things out.., but well, it's because you know you can't win against me, so you gave up and just wish to study my facial expression as to understand me and to understand the situation your in" and as Blight said this, he saw Zander smile as he said to him "Well..., wouldn't you do the same? And like you said, I'm keeping it civil...and what else am I supposed to do?"

Blight looked at the smiling Zander before his face started to change into his old self, and as Zander saw this, he put his hand around his chin, he then said "Is there a need for this?" and Blight said "You said it yourself haven't you? Your worst enemy is...Yourself" and as Zander heard this, he finally looked a bit shocked, he then pointed at Blight and then himself and as he saw Blight nod, he then smirked at Blight and said nothing and as Blight saw this, he smiled creepily as he said "Well, I would just roll with it as well if I were you, like why would you believe I'm you when I know everything about you and with you thinking I'm a demon and all...but think about it, why would I need you? My own self for?" and as Zander heard this, he became quiet for a bit, he then said as he thought what he do if her were in the other guys position "For an experiment" and Blight nodded as he heard that, he then said "What type?" and as Zander heard this, his eyes started glowing as he said "To find out, what you would have become if I, meaning you, were to be bitten in teen-wolf, but you don't have that chance as you are a demon or something...and with that, your either immune, or don't want to be bitten...or theres no point to it...but as you can see, We've become like Kate, not something new like we gussed as we watched the show...truly disappointing is it not my apparent self?" and as Blight heard this, he started clapping his hands at his old selfs intelligence, he then said "Yes it is", and as he stopped clapping, he continued with, "Do you know, what you are now... to me that is?" and as Zander heard him say this, he looked at his hand that was holding the mirror, he then looked at Blight and gave him a knowing smile as he said "A person that's in the way"

Zander glanced at the mirror one more time before he dropped the mirror and looked at Blight, he then said as he smiled creepily and opened his arms wide open "Well, isn't this a new experience, anyway, it was nice meeting my you, myself...or whatever you are" and as Blight heard that, he said "The feelings mutual" as he snapped his fingers and watch Zander explode and as he did, he picked up his soul and devoured it as he left, he then went home as he changed back from looking like his old self too being Blight again and after that, he looked at his bed and smiled, as he went and had fun with his women, before getting some sleep after they all passed out.

During the time skip, Blight learned he could slow down time in his dream world, so when Blight takes a few weeks from not seeing Amara, he would find out that he's only been gone for a few hours than the actual amount of days she hasn't seen him as he asked her, and so Blight met her 3 times during these few months and for her though, it's only been around 6 days, and Amara thought Blight was visiting her more, as he was technically visiting her more often than what she was used to, and so, she became happier in general and on the 3rd day that he came to meet her, her lips never left his and Blight went for it as he felt up her body and felt her starting to do the same with her hands, but he didn't have sex with her that day, as he wanted to play with her a bit more, as this will help him understand her more in general, so he could try this on the real Amara in supernatural...unless this was her…, but he didn't belive that as supernatural should be on pause until he gets there.

Blight woke up after having his fun with Amara and looked at all the women who were sleeping on his bed, he then looked out the window and thought "Season 3 starts today and many things have changed compared to the series, but all in all, who cares, the alpha pack is here, and the Darach as well, I'll end this soon....real soon"

Blight got up and showered and went to School in his white 2011 Dodge charge that he used when he took Jennifer to the formal, he had Abigail buy it for him when she came and bought a mansion in Beacon Hills, Blight then drove to School with Malia and Jennifer and he already arranged that all Malias classes are to be with him, and naturally, their first class, as in their english class, would be with Scott, Allison, Lydia, and Stiles and so he got to his class early that day with Malia after splitting with Jennifer, he then sat in the back and Malia sat right next to him, and so he looked at her, then at the door as he watched as others started to come in the class, and as he did, he saw Stiles and Scott coming in, he then saw them looking at him, and so he smiled and waved at them and got an awkward hi from Scott, but no response from Stiles and so he thought "Aww" and then he saw Malia looking at him as if she was questioning him about that, so he muted the area around them from Scotts ears, he then said to her "He loves a girl you see, but that girl is a whore and I slept with her to prove that anyone could, and I even showed him, and now he hates me…, but don't mind it, it's cute really, just let him do what he wants" and as Malia heard this, she looked at Stiles, then back at Blight, she then said confused "How could he have the right to be mad at you? He's a weakling and you were helping him out too, he should be grateful" and Blight smiled as he said in reply "Well, you could blame ignorance I suppose or...defiance, it's basically his thing by the way" Blight then winked at her as he moved closer to her and whispered in her ear "Only you and a few people know about my strength, and even then, you don't know my full strength..., like think of how Clara's stronger than you..., and her strength compared to mine is nothing, and so in the end, she submitted to me because of did you..., and your body" and as he said that, he breathed down her neck and noticed she was starting to get wet, he then said "I'll take care of you later...we will, after all, leave early today" and so he sat back in his seat, but he saw her pushing her chair a little closer to him.

Blight then saw Scott looking around the room weirdly, he then thought he could smell another werewolf...since he made himself smell like a werewolf, while Malia was already a were-coyote, so Blight watched as Scott looked around and as he looked at his direction, Blight smirked at him and as Scott saw this, he gave him an unbelieving expression and Blight put his finger on his lips as he said "Shh" while his eyes glowed bright red, and as he was about to give Scott a creepy smile, he heard some screeching sound next to him and saw Malia's chair right next to his, so he stopped bothering with Scott and looked at Malia who looked happy as if she did nothing wrong but instead, a good thing. Malia, as she saw Blight looking at her, smiled in response as she grabbed his arm, and started rubbed her head on it as she looked at him with a happy expression.

Blight was about to say something to her, but then he saw Lydia come in the room and as she did, and saw Blight, she paused there staring at him...and then at Malia who was rubbing herself in him. Blight looked at Lydia for a second, then he ignored her as he told Malia she couldn't be this close or the teacher would say something about it, Malia then said in a curious tone "We can just ignore her, and If anything...I can just get rid of her" and as Blight heard this, he said " Move it back alright, and remember, no turning in front of people or hurting them if they don't listen...unless I tell you of course....and don't touch her...I have plans for her after all" and as he said this, she moved her chair to its original spot while making more noise, but as she did this, she kept looking at him with puppy dog eyes, but he just ignored that as he saw her moving her chair back to its original position, he then saw Lydia walking up to him, and sat at the chair right in front of him, Blight watched her with curiosity as he hasn't talked to her once after that incident, he then saw her put her bag down and turned around to stare at him, and Blight just stared back...but he noticed Stiles looking at them, and so he smirked at Stiles as he waved at him again and gave him a knowing wink.

To Be Continued.