Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Lydia was about to say something to Blight, but she noticed someone sat at the seat next to her and saw that it was Allison, and she was looking at her then at Blight, he then heard Malia say, "Do these two have feelings for you, Blight? They both smell like there in heat as they look at you" and as both of them heard that, they looked at Malia and she looked at them confused, she then looked at Blight, and as she did that, Lydia and Allison did so as well, and Blight smiled at that, he was about to say something, until their phones rang, he then saw the text and as he saw it, he heard there 'special' teacher come in and talk about the quote in the text she sent all of them and that this will be the last text they will be getting in this class, and as she talked for a bit, he then saw Scott leaving after the teacher called him out and right before he left the classroom, he glanced at Blight and as Blight saw this, he thought "So it follows the story, even now? Well, Melissa told me about her son as she trusts me with everything...naturally this was because of me doing a little manipulation here and there...and I told her I knew about the supernatural stuff going around in this town, and she seemed happy that I didn't think her son was a freak, but it's still funny how fate works, even though the story looks the same from the outside, it actually isn't, just these two sitting in front of me proves that as well as other things"

The professor came back in and started writing her name on the board as well as a few other things..., Blight didn't watch the teacher as she wrote the books name on the board, rather he looked at the window and watched as he saw the first crow flying closer and closer, until it hit the window, and this shocked the whole class and the teacher, and after he saw this, he then told Malia, who just opened her Notebook "Follow me" and as he stood up, Malia looked at the window oddly before she followed Blight without question.

Blight paused and looked at Allison and Lydia who were looking at him, then said to them "You guys should leave the room for a bit..., it's not gonna be safe here for a few minutes" he then looked at the teacher that was named Jennifer Black, also known as The Darach or her real name, Julia Buccari, he then smiled as she looked at him and so he took Malia's hand and walked out and Julia looked at this weirdly, she then looked back at the window and saw a lot of crows flying to there direction.

Blight said to Malia as they were outside "I'm going to lie now, so don't expose anything alright?" and as he saw her nod, he saw Allison come out and Lydia soon after, and 35 seconds later, they heard screaming and things breaking, and so the three girls looked through the door's window, then they heard him say "Well..., I know Imma be leaving early today" and as Lydia and Allison heard this, they didn't say anything as they watched what happened and as it died down after a few minutes, Allison asked "How did you know?" and Blight said to her as he smiled "Remember I left for a while? After you got out of the hospital...well, I went to meet my only best friend and found out that he was a werewolf and the thing is, he told me he was an original type werewolf and not like Scott and the rest, he then told me trouble was coming to beacon hills and that he couldn't be there to help me as he had family issues, so he just bit me and left…and the the funny part of this story is before he just left after biting me, he told me that I had a 3% chance of surviving the bite...and that mother fucker acted so casual about it as he left, leaving me in exrusating pain" and as he said that, Allison and Lydia looked at him surprised and Allison said in an weirded out tone "So you're one of them now?" and Blight said as he smiled at her "Yeah and I said, I was bitten by an original, so I'm not sure...but let's just roll with that for now because I don't know what I am...I need to find him, so I can find out more about myself" and as he said that, he saw them looking at him confused, so he changed the topic and wrapped his arm around Malias shoulder in front of them and said "This is my mate/girlfriend, Malia Tate, she's a were-coyote by the way...and she's really honest, so don't mind her weirdness" and as Malia felt Blight hold her closer, she then smiled brightly as she said "Hi" to them both while not noticing anything about what Blight said about her.

Allison and Lydia looked at this weirdly, but Allison looked at Blight with a sense of sadness, and as Blight saw this, he said, "What? I just came back to town a few days ago and I told immediately as I saw you, so don't give me that look, I didn't lie, I didn't want to be one of them, he just randomly bit me without my consent..., it's not like I wanted give me some credit, I'm not hiding it, I even showed Scott as he smelled me and Malia" and as she heard this, she thought she had no right to complain to him as he did nothing wrong, but she thought "That's not what I'm sad about...", she then glanced at Malia, and said "What happened with you and...Jennifer?" and as Blight heard this, he said "Nothing, were in a non-monogamous relationship, well, strictly speaking, I can have others and while she won't, as she doesn't want to lose me, anyway, she's the one who brought it up actually, as she kept bitching to me that It doesn't go down and she was tired from all day sex...,well ever day, all day sex to be precise, and since she didn't want to lose me, she told me that I can have more girls and I just had to promise her that I wouldn't leave her for another girl" and as he said this, Malia pitched in saying "Yeah, One time, he went with me for 5 day's straight, I couldn't move for a day even with my regeneration ability, but it good, I lost count of how many times I orgasmed after the first few hours and he wouldn't let me was the best day of my life..." and as she said this, she saw both of them looking weirdly at her, but she smiled at them as she felt pride in having a man like Blight.

Blight smiled as he said "After the transformation, it doesn't go down anymore...well it never really did in the first place, but I get horny now easier...and much rougher as I get into it, so there's that" and as he said this, Lydia looked at him with a weird seductive look, but she was giving him this look ever since she heard him say he was free to date other girls and got more perverted as he said, he's bro doesn't go down and he's much rougher now during sex, and Allison looked at him like that as well for a bit, before she got sad at the fact he had other women now, as she wanted him for herself...., she then remembered something about what he said, but as she was about to question him, the Sheriff came with his men and soon, her father did as well. Blight then re-entered the classroom and saw the police looking at the situation and questioning the students.

Blight looked around, and saw his stuff were untouched, he then grabbed his books and waited for Malia to do so as well, and as he was about to leave with her as she already packed up, he then heard the Sheriff says "Blight, Wait up" and so he did, he then got asked if he knew if the crows were about to do whatever this was, since he left right before the situation happened, by one minute and with a few others no less. Blight looked at him with a tilted expression as he said "How could I know about that? I saw a crow hit the window, then I saw 50 more coming, excuse me if I didn't act like these dumbasses, they just stayed and watched the show, I thought of it logically and left the room with my girlfriend and I told the closest ones near me as well, and as I saw all those crows coming closer, I left immediately" and as the Sheriff heard him say this, he then looked around and was glad no one was looking at them, it seemed no one else heard Blight call them dumbasses, but as he looked at the teacher, he saw her looking at Blight weirdly, he then thought he messed up, and so he turned and looked back at Blight and Malia and as he looked at Malia, he saw her giving him an innocent smile, so he awkwardly smiled back at her not knowing what to say.

Sheriff Stilinski told them that they were free to go, and so Blight walked out, but Allison chased after Blight and so did Chris as he called out to Allison and chased after her as he saw she wasn't listening to him. The Sheriff looked at this scene oddly before he then went up to his son, that looked downcast and so he asked what's wrong and saw his son dodging the question by asking him a question.

Blight, as he left the class and walked a bit, before he heard Allison calling out to him, he then stopped with Malia and as he did, he saw Allison walking to him, he then saw Chris as well, right behind her, and as Allison reached Blight, she then asked "What do you mean when you said 'Trouble was coming'?" and as she said this, she heard her dad say from behind her, while surprising her "Trouble coming? What do you mean by trouble coming? And hello there Blight" and Blight smiled as he greeted Chris, he then introduced Malia to him, and as Chris said hi to the girl, he then asked Blight about the trouble and he heard Blight say " Well, it's not coming anymore, it's already here" and as Chris heard this, he looked confused and so he said while looking at Blight, straight into his eyes "What's here?" and Blight playfully said "A pack of alphas" and as he heard this, he looked surprised, he then looked at Blight, then his daughter, he then said "I thought you knew something..., but how do you know about this pack...of Alphas?" and he heard Blight say "My friend told me as I visited him a while back" and Chris asked as he gave him a questioning look, "This friend of yours, who is he?... Or should I ask... what is he?" and Blight respond after seeming like he thought of his answer, "An original werewolf, and no, don't ask me as I'm currently in the dark of what that is, but that's what he called himself apparently" and as Chris heard this, he looked even more confused as he never heard of this before, he then thought of the problem at hand, so he asked "Do you know where they're at now" and saw Blight nod while smiling.

Chris was waiting for more of an answer, but he just saw Blight staring at him, he then said "...Where Blight?" and Blight smiled as he said "Right here" and as he heard this, he squinted his eyes a bit as he said "Right here?" and Blight said "Yup, there in this school, all 5 of them" and as Chris heard this, he was a bit perplexed on what to do, but as he thought about it and said " Now how do you that?" and Blight smiled as he said "Because I can smell them" and as Chris heard this, he looked at Blight in shock and so did Allison, as she didn't think Blight would tell her father about himself, but she saw Blight giving her a sad smile and thought about what that meant, she then thought he was doing this for her, to prove himself, and with Chris, he looked at Blight and saw him smiling while being calm, not even caring that he just told a hunter what he is.

Chris looked at Blight and said, "You...when?" And Blight smiled as he said "Just a few weeks ago by that friend of mine, long story short, he bit me after telling me trouble was coming, and he did it without my consent....and oh, by the way, my girlfriend Malia here, is a were-coyote, just so you know" and as Chris heard this, he looked at Malia, he then saw her already looking at him and she said "Hi" while smiling innocently.

Blight smiled inwardly as he saw her reaction, he then turned to Chris saying "We hunt those who hunt us right? I've never hurt a human since I've turned, neither has she, and didn't your father become one of us before you had to kill him, even the best of us want power, so it's not surprising, but don't worry, I have full control during the full moon, and so does she, and I won't hurt a human or your family and especially your family as a really good friend of mine, but anyone who stands in my way? Well…, let's just say, I'll show them the monster I've become"

As Chris heard this, he looked at Blight seriously, and as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Braeden, the mercenary, she came asking Allison for Scotts location and as she saw Ethan and Aiden, she ran away but she gave them a note and Blight grabbed it as he was closet one to her and as he grabbed the note, he thought this was different compared to the bruise she gave Lydia and Allison in the show, and as she left, Blight opened the note and read the words before anyone else could look, he then crumbled the paper and put it away, he then saw Chris walking to where Braeden ran too, he then walked up behind Allison and grabbed her ass as he whispered in her ear "I told your dad just for you, I don't want to lose your trust as you are my first friend in this school…and you mean something to me..., but now that I'm a werewolf, I can smell the jealousy you've been giving off since you heard that Malia was my girlfriend and that I had others, I can even smell your hate you have for about we meet later tonight for that ones we had in the hospital when you were injured..." and Blight felt her up before he let her go as Chris came back.

Chris looked at his daughter and saw her behaving strangely, he then looked at Blight, and as Blight saw this he looked at Malia and then said to her "Let's go home, no need to play with the Alpha pack" and as Blight was about to leave with Malia, he heard Chris say "Your not gonna stay?" And Blight smiled as he asked instead of answering "Are you?", he then heard Chris say "What was in the note" and so he said "Its about a werewolf being trapped in Beacon hills first national bank, but it ain't my problem as I don't know her" and so he left with Malia while holding her hand, and he noticed Allison looking at their hands with an annoyed look, so he smirked as he left with Malia.

Blight, as he got in the car, he turned on the ignition and as Malia got in, he heard her ask "Aren't you gonna fight them?" And as Blight heard this, he asked: "Why?" As he looked at her and she said in a confused manner "Because they're in your territory?" and Blight smiled as he heard that, he then caressed her cheek while he said, "When you were a coyote, you protected your territory from intruders right?" And as he said this, he saw Malia nod at him he then continued with "What about the bugs or insects in your territory?" And Malia looked at him weirdly as she said: "What about them?" And Blight smiled as he said "My point exactly" and before he started to drive, she said "I don't get it" and Blight laughed as he was about to drive, but his window got knocked on, he then looked and saw it was Lydia, so he made the window go down and said "Yeah?" And she smiled as she said "I with you..about us" and as Blight heard this, he said "Which type of talk?" And she smiled as she said "An actual talk and then a talk which maybe ends with both parties being happy" and as Blight heard this, he said "Oh, well get in if you want, but I'm taking Malia to the woods, and we're gonna fuck like you could join us if you want" and as Lydia heard this, she looked at Blight and Malia awkwardly on how the could just say weird things without caring and as she noticed Blight was gonna leave without her due to his facial expression, she then opened the back seat and quickly went in as she couldn't help it...she tried sleeping with other men during there summer break and couldn't feel better, but whenever she remembered that day with Blight, she felt that she needed him and a few perverted emotions as well, like wishing to be dominated again.

To Be Continued.