Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Blight, as he looked in his rearview mirror and saw Lydia, he smiled as he drove off, he then heard Lydia say "Why the woods though?" and Blight said "Because Malia gets off at that, she loves it when I fuck her like an animal in the woods" and as Lydia heard his answer, she looked at Malia, then at Blight, she then said "The woods...really?" And Malia turned and looked at Lydia, she then said in an excited voice "Yeah right, I can't wait, how about you?" and as Lydia heard this and she looked at Malia weirdly and said "About the sex, yes, the woods part, no" she then said to Blight "How about we got to my place instead?" And as she said that, she saw Malia looking at her with her eyes glowing blue, but before anything happened, Blight said, "Malia, what did I say about this before?" and as Malia heard Blight, she stopped looking at Lydia and looked at Blight, she then grabbed his shirts side and said "I'm sorry…, please don't cancel sex" and as Blight heard this, he stopped at a red traffic light, he then turned and looked at Malia, and as he did, he pointed at his lips and as Malia saw this, she got happy as she kissed him on his lips and the kiss lasted until Lydia said "The light turned green like 20 seconds ago" and as Malia heard this, she still kept kissing Blight, and Blight bit her lower lip lightly, she then got off of him after he did that. Blight turned and looked at Lydia, he then said "Jealous much?" and continued to drive.

Blight as he got to the woods, parked the car wherever he wanted, he then got his arm grabbed by Malia, and he could smell her in heat, it would seem anticipation for wild sex in the woods has her hornier than usual. Blight turned and saw Lydia get out of the car looking around, she then looked at the floor and looked a bit regretful, Blight smiled as he saw this, he then went and opened the truck and got a few Blankets out and as he saw Lydia looking at him holding a few large blankets, he then said to her "We're gonna fuck like animals, but in the end, were half animals, did you really think we were gonna fuck on the ground? We aren't savages you know...but still..., I don't mind...getting dirty" and he got Malia to close the trunk as he laid down the Blankets nearby the car, he already made sure the area around them by a whole mile was clear of people, he then set a barrier so no one would bother him.

Blight sat down on the large Blanket, he then said two the two "Strip" and as he said this, he saw Malia striping and Lydia watching Malia as she stripped and threw her clothes randomly, and as Malia stripped, she went up to Blight and started sniffing his neck before she started kissing it. Blight looked at Lydia as Malia kissed his neck, he then said "You're not gonna join us? The cars still unlocked if you don't wanna." and as Lydia heard this, she looked around, she then went back to the car and opened it as she put her bag in there and the clothes she started to take off as well, and as Blight watched this, he smirked, he then grabbed Malia's head and looked at her with his eyes glowing red and as she saw this, she came a little, she then heard him give her a deep growl and so she turned around and aimed her ass at Blight expectantly.

Blight looked at Malia who he tamed over the course of a few months since he's been with her, he then smiled as he took off his clothes, and as he did, he could hear her starting to breathe roughly as she looked at his thing, and so he got on top of her in a prone position as she laid her whole body down on the blanket, he entered her, Blight increased her sensitivity to pleasure to 10 times her regular amount and start fucking her roughly and he then went to her ear and gave her a low growl and as he did, he could feel her pussy getting tighter while he was in her so he grabbed her head and pushed down hard, Blight then looked at Lydia who now just sat on the blanket, next to him, and as he looked at her, he had his eyes still glowing red, so as he looked at her, he the said in a deep voice "Come closer" and Lydia did as she was told, as the whole situation made her feel excited.

Lydia came closer to Blight as she stared at his red eyes, she then felt her head get grabbed and got pushed closer to him before he started kissing her and as she got kissed, he felt him let go of her hair and his hand going down her body to her ass, then to her pussy, and as he got there, he started to finger her and as he did, she felt extreme pleasure going through her whole body.

Blight then grabbed her closer to him as their bodies touched, he then put Lydia's body on top of Malia, and as he did this, he took out his dick from Malia and looked at the two, he then smiled as he looked at his choices.

5 hours passed, and as they passed, Blight got his bro out of Lydia and looked at the two who were out of breath, panting and still moaning from the after taste of sex with him, he then looked at the stream of water nearby and took a dip in it for a while. Blight, as he got out, looked at the two, he then saw Malia panting as she looked at him with glowing blue eyes, so he went and lied down on the blanket next to her until Lydia recovered, but by that time, Malia got on top of him and started moving up and down again after asking him if she could. Lydia, who finally got a hold of herself, saw the two of them going at it, she then went and lied down next to him and so he looked at her and chatted with her as Malia kept going up and down on his bro, while staring at the sky moaning with her eyes glowing blue.

After a while, Lydia and Malia went for a dip in the stream, then they left shortly after as he went and dropped Lydia off at School to get her car, and Blight dropped off Malia at her father's place as she wanted to be with him for today, so she kissed him goodbye as she smiled and left the car and as he left he saw Malia's father come out, he smiled as he waved at the guy and the man smiled as he waved back at Blight.

Blight drove to Allison's house as he read her text while driving back to his own place, he then snuck inside and talked with Allison, he then said to her as she asked him to be in a relationship with her and her alone "I'll do that, if you could do one thing for me" and she said as she held his hand "Anything, I'll do anything" and Blight said "Keep up with me..., I have those many lovers because I can keep going and they can't keep up, I even keep going sometimes as they beg me to stop" and as Allison heard this, she moved closer to him and said " let me win?" and Blight said sadly " was the old me...then maybe...but the new me can't stop anymore Allison …" and as Allison heard this, she teared up and Blight kissed her forehead as he hugged her, he then said "I'm sorry"

Blight hugged Allison for a while, he then heard someone coming up, so he told her that and told her, he was leaving and Allison just stared at him with sadness, she couldn't accept the fact that the man she loves has other lovers than her, so she didn't say anything as he left and as Blight left from the window, he glanced back and smirked as he thought of the many possibilities that could happen in their relationship, and so he thought about it, as he went and got into his car.

Blight drove back home and as he got in, he saw Erica, Olivia, Abigail, Clara, Nora, Mary, Jennifer, and Amber apparently and Blight was intrigued by Amber as he never used Hypnosis on her, even when Amber came to the new house and Blight introduced all the girls as his, she appeared shocked but she then asked him "You can handle this much?" and Blight said as he grabbed her from behind "It's more like, they can't handle this much" and his relationship with Amber, without hypnosis, intrigued him as she loved him...naturally but as she saw him as a lover and someone that she could trust, she came to him whenever she struggled on a case, and Blight didn't mind this as it was a simple thing for him to do, and whenever he does, she would be really happy as she got the answer and took his word for it before she got on top of him for some action, and this was the same even when she was infront of the other girls.

Blight thought the women he hasn't used Hypnosis on to love him other than Amber, and they were Clara, Malia, and Abigail, so he then thought Abigail, she loved him in a fanatic type of way, as he was her dream type of master , and with Clara, she feared him as she felt he was someone important and felt as if her very being belonged to Blight, and Malia, well, she loved him naturally and submitted to him, as a wild animal does to there pack Alpha, but her submission to him was to her very core, and her love for him, matched even Olivia's, who pure love for him was still growing.

As Blight saw his women looking at him, he then smiled as he said to all of them, "Who's up for some fun? And let's go for an all-nighter this time, alright?" and as he said this, he started heading upstairs without looking back, but he smiled as he heard them following and heard the fanatic say "Master, me first please" and went after him, but as he saw her son, Blight smiled as his eyes flashed purple while looking at him, before heading to his room, and Ben went to his own room to sleep after looking at Blights eyes.

In the room, loud moans could be heard from several women and this kept going for the whole night, and as the sun rose, Blight looked at the window, before looking at Clara who was the only one still awake, sucking him off, Blight then looked at the few women sleeping on his body and the rest that was sleeping all over the place, as well as the one who passed out on the floor. Blight looked at Clara and smirked on how her edited body could have orgasms from just her giving me oral, he then pushed her head down hard as he increased her sensitivity to 50x and as he did and release it inside her mouth, her eyes rolled up as she passed out from too much pleasure.

Blight got up and dressed, he then went today to school and took his classes with Malia, and it would seem that Julia asked Blight to meet her either after school or after class for a chat, and Blight told her he could meet her after School as he wanted to have a nice playful conversation with her, and as Blight went to his classes, Allison met with Blight after she saw Malia head to the bathroom and told him she was going to the bank to see about the trapped werewolf and as Blight thought about it, he wondered if they still needed Chris's help just to deal with one werewolf, this time instead of two as Boyd was dead...unless there are two werewolves..., but who could the second one be if there was one? And as he thought about it he decided to check with his abilities and as he did, he saw Cora and some other guy and as he saw this, he read the new guy's memories and found out he was someone Derek turned after Boyd died and as he found that out, he thought "I should have paid more attention since everything is a little different..but no matter...I can use this to my benefit", and so he told Allison "I wouldn't suggest that, and I think the alpha pack caused this for a reason" and as Allison heard this, she said to him "I still plan on going...and I just wanted to see if you'd come with me" and as Blight heard that he said "Will you still be going if I say no?" And he saw Allison nod as she heard his question, so he said "Alright...I'll go...I can't help but worry about know" and as Allison heard this, she looked a bit happy and sad at the same time, and as she was about to say something, she saw Malia come out of the bathroom, so she said "I'll call you later for the meet up" and left after glancing at him once more.

Blight thought about it and looked at Malia, who was cheerfully holding his arms after leaving the bathroom, Blight then went to the rest of their classes, and talked to Lydia, she apparently asked him to come over to stay the night and she said he could bring Malia over if he wanted to, but Blight told her, he'll see and took her number for now and after school ended, Blight told Malia to go home by herself and saw the school becoming more deserted as everyone started leaving, Blight then went to meet Julia.

As Blight saw Julia working on her paperwork in her classroom, she appeared ready for Blight as she had a chair right next to her desk, and as she saw Blight, she told him to sit down and as he did, Julia started discussing Blights language during that day and that there could be repercussions from cursing a teacher or cursing someone in general, she then said she likes giving second chances and as she got to this point, she stopped talking and looked at Blight with an annoyed look as this whole time, he was looking at his nails and didn't seem to care about this conversation or even want to look at her, so she said "I'm trying to be nice here as I'm new here, but the way you're acting is very irresponsible and could you at least look at me as I'm talking to you, Blight, this is very rude behavior and it is unecpatable" and as she said this, she heard Blight say as he turned his hand and looked at his nails from another angle, "Have you looked in the mirror lately? It's a struggle to look at you" And as she heard that, she was baffled as she said: "Excuse me?" And then she saw Blight finally looking at her as he said "Your magic doesn't work on my eyes, so I can see your ugly ass face, it's quite disgusting honestly, have you ever thought of plastic surgery, my cousin's sister's twin brother's uncle's friend knows a guy that knows another guy that could help you with...Well, let's just say everything..." and as Julia heard this, she was first shocked, then baffled at his response, and so she stood up and stared at Blight, she then said, "A druid?" and she saw Blight smirking at her, she then saw him point at her chair and look back at his nails and as she saw this, she thought about it and sat down, she then heard him say "I can sense the Nemetons power in you..., so you survived those wounds by leaching on that almost dead tree... lucky you..., and the virgin you killed yesterday? You're planning on sacrificing people for it to deal with that alpha pack that just came into town?" And as Julia heard this, she was startled and her eyes started glowing white as she looked at Blight, but as she tried to use her magic on him, she found out she couldn't, she then heard Blight says "If you try to do anything without my permission again...there will be consequences" and as she heard this, she stopped trying to empowering herself with magic and looked at Blight, she then said "Are you going to stop me?" and as she said this, she saw Blight looking at her weirdly, she then heard him say "Why would I do that?" and as she heard that she asked, "What do you want from me then?" And as he heard that, he said "For you to belong to me of course" and as she heard that, she thought of it logically and said, "You wish for me, a dark druid to be your emissary?" And as Blight heard that, he shook his head and said "Do you think I need an advisor? A babysitter? That's funny, now what would I need that for?" And as Julia heard that, she said "Then do you a lover?" and as she thought about it, she thought she was wrong as he could see through the facade of her magic. Blight, as he heard her, chuckled, he then said "No, but as a pet...or a slave, there both the same to me either way" and as she heard that, she couldn't believe him, but she then heard him say "You face is truly hideous for my taste though, and since you will be joining my collection, I might as well fix that, but your original face isn't to my liking either, so will keep the facade one as your new orginal face" and she then saw him snap his fingers and as she saw that, she heard him say "Much better" and as she heard that, she felt nothing different and so she looked at the mirror and saw her true face become the facade she had on this whole time, her face became Jennifer Black, a women she once met and killed as she used her face for her own schemes and as she saw her face permanently changed, she wasn't happy but frightened instead as she looked at Blight in fear, she then saw his eyes turn pitch black as his irises glowed Bright red and then heard him say "You will be part of my collection now, won't you?... Well, to be don't really have a choice in the matter" And as she heard this, she started shaking even more in fear, she then saw Blight stand up and as he did, she tried to move but couldn't.

Blight started walking and as he stood behind her, he moved her hair behind her ear and whispered in it "Continue with your three fold death sacrifices, but belong to me now and so you can't escape, but you won't leave, will you? You wish for revenge, don't you?, but I should warn you, you can't escape me...even in death... and if you don't understand what that means..well, let's just leave that as a surprise alright..." and as he said that he breathed down her neck, he then grabbed Julia's hair and pulled her hair back as to face him, he then said in a demonic tone "Were gonna have so much fun, you and I" and as he said this, he saw her shacking even more.....

To Be Continued.