Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Blight sniffed her neck as he moved her hair backward, he then said "I can smell so many different emotions from you, are you gonna try to run away? But you'll betray your own oath if you do that..." and as Blight said that, all he felt was her shivering in response, so he licked her neck and said "But I won't stop you though, because it's more fun when you think you can run from me" and as he said this, he turned her around and lifted her chin up and stared into her fear-stricken eyes, he then smiled as he moved closer, and as he did, he kissed her nose, before he gave a light chuckle and walked away.

Blight, as he walked away, watched her with his abilities and saw her slumped down on her chair shaking in fear, but as he kept watching, he heard her say "Monster...what is he though? Such power..." and he saw her starting to hold herself, as if to stop herself from shaking and as she succeeded, she looked at the door that Blight left at and as she did, she smiled in fear of the thought of a stronger monster than Ducalian, she then thought of how to act in front of that...Monster.. and as she thought that, she thought at least they will all they were in that Monster's territory and as she thought of that, she thought she was as in his territory as well...and she remembered him smelling her, so she knew she couldn't run... but as she remembered his words, she then thought of her next sacrifice for power. Blight watched her and read her emotions as he was expecting her to do something while he waits it out, but it appears she's gonna do the same thing, wait it out as she continues gaining power from the sacrifices, and so he left, but before he did, he left a few precautions in her and then went to meet Allison for a boring day of exploring and helping.

As Blight drove and picked up Allison, she questioned him about the car and his 'new' life, as in his romance, and so he started giving her vague answers, but he did tell her one of his girlfriends was super reach and as she heard that, she dropped the subject, and as they got to the bank, they started exploring it and found no dead body as there was supposed to be in the show, but that dead body was supposed to e Erica though. Blight sensed Scott and Derek falling for Deucalion's trap and Deucalion leaving with Marin, he then saw Allison attracted by the noise of the howls coming from downstairs as she went for it.

Blight looked at Allison and then followed behind her, he then saw her do the same thing she did in the show, she opened the circle of mountain ash, and as Blight saw this, he thought "So there on friendly terms? Or is she just trying to be a hero?", he then looked at new guy from Derek's pack, and as he did, his eyes flashed purple and the new guy from Derek's pack, got out of the vault and went for Allison, and as he tried to attack Allison, Blight stopped his hand right before he slashed her face by grabbing it, he then had his other hand grab the guys neck and snapped it before letting him fall down to the ground, he then looked at Allison, and as he did, he gave her a sad smile as if he didn't want to do that in front of her, he then walked up to her and said "Are you...alright?" as she heard this, she didn't respond as she was still in shock.

Blight looked at Cora, and as he did, he heard Derek say "Don't touch her" and as he heard that, he looked at Derek, then at Scott. They both looked at the dead man beside him that was named Dylan, then they looked at Blight. Derek was about to say something, but Cora ran off and so he chased after her. Scott looked at Allison, then at Blight, he then went chasing after Derek.

Blight looked at the two then at Allison, he then went and held her closer to him as he gave her a hug and as he did, he soon felt her hugging him back, and for a while, it was just a silent hug, but he then thought of trying something. Allison, as she hugged Blight in the quietness of the bank, felt something hard touching her and as she did, she knew what it was, so she asked Blight about it, and he said "'s smell so's my new nose... super smell and all..." and as she heard that... she smiled as she grabbed him tighter in the hug, she then thought of how he protected her and how he wouldn't have had to give her that sad smile as he didn't have to kill anyone...he came as he worried about her after all... as she thought of this, she had one hand reach for it and grab it, and as Blight felt this, he smirked.

Blight left the building with Allison a few hours later and as he did, he looked at her flushed face and smiled, Blight went really rough on Allison this time as he didn't let her go and as they had sex, they talk a bit at the end and when they got to the part about him having other women, she then just got quite about it again, but she said suddenly as they walked "I hate the Idea of you having other women...but I can't help but still love you...and I shouldn't hate you...since we were never really toghter...but I do...weird..isn't it?" and She then looked at Blight and saw him giving her a smile, she then heard him say "I like weird" and as she heard this, she smiled back at him as she gave out a small laugh.

As they left, Blight sensed and saw that Derek and Scott, capture Cora with the help of Issac and as he saw this, he smirked at the thought that Julia didn't meet Derek this time and if she did, well, Blight had a plan he would have played out if they did meet, but nonetheless, it didn't matter if they did or did not meet.

Blight drove Allison back home and she gave him a kiss before she left the car and she also appeared to want to say something but didn't as she left, Blight watched her back until she got inside her home, he then went to Lydia's house and as he got there, he texted her he was here and just a few minutes later, he saw her dressed in a nightgown as she opened the door, and as she saw Blight, she smiled but then she looked around and as she saw no Malia, she said "Are we solo for tonight? Or we going somewhere?" and as she said this, she saw Blight smirk at her as he said "Well, I thought I might as well come alone as I wanna play really rough with someone tonight...Like really really rough" and as Lydia heard that, her mouth opened slightly as she was smiling and Blight could see the edges of her mouth twitching, so he walked to the door and saw her walking back and as he got in, he closed the door as he smiled at her.


As the hours passed, Natalie, Lydia's mother came home, and as she did, she heard loud banging and moans from upstairs and as she did, she thought "Really Lydia? How many times does she have to bring them home? Can't she do it at their place..." And as she thought that and heard her daughter loud moans, she continued thinking "Never...heard her this loud before...or like this at all...hopefully this doesn't last long" and so she went to the kitchen and started putting her stuff away, and as she did, she continued to hear the loud banging and moaning, so she decided to take a long shower with music playing and by the time she was done, they would be finished.

Natalie, took a very long shower and thought they should be done by now as she finished showering and as she closed the water and put on a red robe, she could still hear the banging and her daughters even louder moans as she turned down the music, so she looked at the time and saw it was around 2 am, and so she put on her headphones and started reading as to wait it out, as it would be embarrassing for her and her daughter, if she were to tell them to be quiet and her daughter has been having issues lately, so it wouldn't be good if she interrupted.

Natalie got so into reading that she hasn't noticed the time passing and as she looked around and saw the sun rising, she thought "Oh, how time passes so fast as you get older" and so she took her headphones off and as she did, she still heard them going at it, and as she did, she was surprised and weirded out by this situation, so she decided to go check on Lydia to make sure she was alright, and to make sure she was hearing things correctly...., as they have been going at it for a very long time now.

As Natalie went by Lydia's room, she slowly opened the door, and as there was a crack appearing from opening the door slowly, showing what's in the room, she saw a fit teenage boy holding her daughter down as he had his way with her, and as she looked at the boy's handsome face and her daughter's face filled with pleasure, she started feeling something she hasn't in a long time, and as Natalie looked at the teenage boys lower body and saw his penis, she was amazed by it and for some reason, her hand reached for her lower body and she started touching herself as she was already nude under the robe. Natalie had never felt like this, nor did she understand why she was touching herself as she watched the boy ram her daughter however he liked, but as she touched herself, she felt pleasure like none before and so, she couldn't stop herself.

Natalie as she watched the young man fuck her daughter, felt she was about to have an intense orgasm and she did, and as she did, she slumped down the wall due to how good it felt, she then looked at the door with a face full of pleasure and as she did, she saw the door opened and that teenage boy looking at her.

Natalie, as she saw the door open and the teenage boy looking at her, just paused as she didn't know what to do, but she could still hear her daughter moaning but she didn't hear any banging sounds, she then saw the handsome boy stand in front of her, and as she did, she got to see him fully naked and looked at his penis, she then saw him crouch as he looked at her, but as she saw his face, she couldn't tell what he was thinking as he wasn't showing any facial reactions, but she saw him moving his hand and as she did, she couldn't react as she didn't know what to do, she then felt him touching her lower part and felt him put few of his fingers in and as she felt this, she felt indescribable pleasure as she came Instantly, and as she did, she grabbed his hand that was in her and tried to push it deeper for more, but she found out the boy didn't want to as he took out his finger out of her easily, even as she tried to push it in, she then saw the boy look at his two fingers that were just in her, then he looked at herself and as he did, his fingers went closer to his mouth and she saw him lick them, and as he did, she saw him smirking at her.

Natalie felt embarrassed at this display and thought she should say something, but then she saw him moving those two fingers closer to her and as she did, she saw they were right in front of her mouth, she then thought "No way I'm I gonna lick them" and as she thought of this, she looked and felt herself moving closer to his hand and felt her body yearning for his finger, she then felt as she couldn't control her self as her tongue came out and licked his two fingers, that were just in her and was licked by him and as she licked it, she came again for some odd reason, and it felt so good to her..., Natalie saw the young man smirking at her again, she then saw him stand up and as he did, she could see his penis in full view in front of her and as she thought "I can't...I can't have sex with him, it's wrong...he's too young….but I feel so horny...I can't stop myself when such a big things right in front of me" and as she thought about that, she thought about dealing with the consequences later, but as her hand reached out to grab it, she then saw the boy move back and as he did, she looked up at him and saw him looking down at her, he then heard him say, "Heh" before he went back into her daughter's room.

Natalie just stared at the door, she then thought that what just happand and why did he just leave after smirking at her, and as she thought of this, she heard something at the door, she then thought he was coming out again and thought she should say something, but instead of someone coming out, she heard moans and as she did, she heard her slapping sounds and her daughter moaning, right behind the door, she then stared at the door as she couldn't believe how that boy is playing her, but for some reason, her hand started touching herself again, and this time, it felt even better as she came after just a few rubs, but she noticed even after she came, her hands wouldn't stop rubbing her clit this time as she heard the sounds appear even louder, and as she masterbated, she then had an image appear in her head, and it was the boy licking his two fingers that were just inside her, and as she touched herself while thinking about this image, she had the most intense orgasm, she ever had in her life and passed out right after.


Blight heard his alarm and so he stopped pushing Lydia's head roughly against her room's door, he then went to his phone and saw the time and as he did, he went back to Lydia and grabbed her by the hair and lifted her up to face him, he then saw her broken face full of pleasure and let go of her hair and as he did, she passed out. Blight opened the door after he got dressed and as the door opened, he looked at his right and saw Lydia's mother who passed out from self-masturbation when he increased her sensitivity by a large amount, he then thought about it and took a picture, he then thought about something more fun as he went and pulled Lydia by her hair, and put her right next to her mother and took a picture of them, nude together, he then did a few more things as he took more pictures of himself with them for fun and as he finished, he threw Lydia onto her bed before he left.

Blight went to School early and as he got there, he saw Malia waiting for him outside the school doors and as she saw him, she went and hugged him as they walked up to each other, Malia, smelled Blight as the hugged and she then smiled as she thought "He smells so good" and so she did, she then remembered Blight texting her that he was gonna have fun with Lydia all night, she then asked him "Why didn't you bring her to the house or invite me? We could have all had fun" And Blight response was as he played with her hair "I just wanted to break her to show her I was her boss, and if you came, well..., I would have focused more on you instead of showing her who's boss...after all, I love you too much" and as he said that, he saw her staring at him, he then went and smiled as he looked at her and as he did, he saw her tearing up, and as he saw this. he saw them dropping down her face, so he then thought about wiping them away, but before he could, she went and kissed him, and as she did, she said after the kiss, "I love you, Blight...I love you more than anything...Blight...can we please...I want you...I- I need you …It won't stop dripping after you said that..." and as he heard that, he smiled as he felt her breathing roughly down his neck, so he looked around and saw some people around them but not a lot as there was still an hour till school started, so he went and took her to the woods behind the school and as he got there, he muted the area and saw her eyes started glowing as she stared at him, while breathing roughly, Blight grabbed her and stared at her as his eyes glowed Bright red, he then let out a low growl and as she saw and heard this, she started rubbing herself on him, and Blight pushed her against the tree and breathed down her neck, he then heard her whimpering as if she was begging him for it while breathing even faster as she was filled with anticipation and so he went for it.

After slowing down time and muting the area, Blight went at it with her for a few hours and after they finished, she went and gave him a sloppy kiss, and after they kiss, they got dressed and went to class, and Malia went and grabbed his arm as they did, but as they walked to class, Blight smiled as planned for a major character in teen wolf to die today.