Chapter 37

Chapter 37

As Blight got to class, he sat down as usual and looked around, he saw Lydia not here and didn't think much about it as he knew why, he then looked at Allison, who was glancing back at him while smiling, so he smiled back at her. Blight went and took out his notebook, he then saw the Julia come in and as he did, he looked at her normally, and she, well, when she saw him, she paused for a bit while looking at him, before she started teaching normally.

As the class finished, Blight didn't leave immediately and Allison appeared to want to stay and talk to Blight, but as she saw Malia, she looked at Blight and smiled as she said: "See you later Blight" and left. Blight watched as everyone left the room, he then saw Malia looking at him as she was ready to leave and he was just sitting there and so he smiled at her before he noticed the Julia walking up to him and as she did, she stood in front of him. Blight looked at her and saw her staring at him, he then said "Take a seat" and as she heard this, she looked at the desk right in front of him and was about to sit down, but then she heard him say "Not there" and as she did, she looked and saw him sitting sideways on the chair, with his legs facing out, and as she saw this and thought what he meant by that, she said as she looked at the door "I..-I can't...other people could see" and as she said this, she saw Blight rest his head on his hand while he stared at her, and as she saw him not speaking, she looked at Malia, but she was just looking at this situation with curiosity, she then glanced one more time at the door, before she went and sat down on his legs.

Blight looked at Julia who sat down on his legs, he then went and hugged her from behind and rested his head on her right shoulder as he faced Malia, and as he looked at Malia, he saw her smiling at him, so he smiled back, he then said to Malia, "Were gonna visit a vet today" and as they both heard him say that, Malia asked "Is it because of me?" and as Blight heard that, he smiled as he said "No, The vet were going to is a special place...well, the doctor is..., he's a druid Malia, and he knows about that day with your family, so will go ...and ask him about it" and as Malia heard that, she stopped smiling, she then nodded to Blight, he then looked at Julia who was looking at him with surprise.

Blight as he held Julia tighter, said into her ear "And after we're done, he'll be your sacrifice...and it's either a guardian or a healer he could be, it's your choice really" and as he said that, she said "Your...gonna kill him?" and Blight gave out a small laugh as he said "Me? You're the villain here, and I'm...well, here for the show" and as she heard this, she didn't reply, but she was a bit excited, she planned it go at it slowly, but with his protection, she didn't have to be afraid.

Julia thought of how to speed things up with Blights protection now, but she then heard Blight say "Now to discuss your punishment Julia" and as Julia heard that, she shivered as she thought "Why?", she then heard Blight says "When I say something, you do it without question...isn't that right Malia" and she then saw Malia eyes glowing at her and heard her say "Yeah or there's a punishment given" and as Julia heard that, she turned her head to look at Blight in fear, she then heard Blight say "Since this is your first time, It will be an easy punishment, next one though... will be a brutal one...hmm what should you do...oh yeah, Malia has alot of my semen dripping out of her, go lick it all out and don't be shy to drink it all up" and as Julia heard that, she couldn't believe what he just said and as she looked at Malia, she saw her going to sit on the table and opened her legs, showing what was underneath her skirt, she then saw somewhat drenched panites and something falling down her legs, she then heard Malia say "Blights being really nice with his punishment with you, since this is normal at our place" and as she heard that, she looked at her weirdly, she then felt Blight let go of her, and so she looked at Malia's legs and at the open door, she wanted to say something, but she then remembered his words and so she went and looked at Malia's panties, before she moved it to the side and saw something white leaking.

Blight watched as Julia started licking Malia and Malia, Well, she went and pushed Julias head even closer to her vagina. Blight was ready to break a few of her bones to experiment on her regeneration speed, but it would seem he wouldn't...for today that is, Blight watched as Malia started moaning and a Julia licked the inside of her pussy, and soon, Julia stopped and as she did, she looked at Blight and said "I...licked it all out and drank it...Blight". Blight looked at Malia who got horny again, he then looked at Julia before he stood up and got ready to go to his next class, and he told Julia, "After School, I'll come to find you so we can go meet the other druid" and Blight as he walked out, glanced at her and saw her licking her lips, and he smiled as he remembered how he made his semen have a high dopamine effect to the brain with a taste that is unforgettable to that specific person's biological chemistry.

Blight went to the rest of his classes with Malia and as he finished, he went and found Julia, and as he did, he drove them to meet Alan Deaton, the main 'helper' in teen wolf who helps Scott and his gang in his endeavors of heroism. As Blight drove, Malia asked Blight about the murdered student the lacrosse team found today and so he said "Him? He was murdered by Julia in the back" and as Malia heard that, she looked at Julia and saw no response, she then asked Blight "Why?" and Blight explained to her what Julia was and that she was sacrificing innocent people for power, and as he said that, Malia looked deep in thought before she asked Blight "Is it because she is weak?" and Blight smiled as he said "Yeah", Malia then asked "Isn't it wrong though?" and Blight smiled as he said "Did that man have to do anything with us?" and Malia said "No" and so Blight looked at her and said, "Then what about it?" and as Malia heard that, she kept quiet, she then remembered Blight always telling her, that he would kill anyone who stands in his way, no matter if it was right or wrong, and if he's women were evil, he wouldn't care as long as they belonged to him, so she looked at Blight and said "Never mind" and as Blight heard this, he went and asked instead, to keep her thinking about it "What will you do if you find the person who killed your family?" and as Malia heard him continuing the conversation, she immediately said as she heard the question "Kill who ever it was" and as Blight heard that, he said "What happens if the person you need info from is innocent but won't tell you who the killer is?" and as Malia heard that, she said as if it was normal "Force him...even if he's innocent" and as Blight heard that, he said "But what will you do after he gives your answer?" and then he saw her looking at him confused, so he continued with "You kill him naturally, or else he would try to prevent you, or he could give him/her a heads up, and basically what I'm saying, is he's in the way and what do you do when someone's in the way"

Malia looked at Blight, she then said as her eyes glowed "You kill him" and Blight smiled at her as he patted her head, he then told her "Good Girl" and he then noticed Julia looking at them weirdly, so he said "Isn't she a good girl?" and as Julia heard him ask that, she said "Y-yeah" and so he smiled at her as he continued to drive, but he saw Malia smiling at Julia and saw Julia looking weirdly at her, he then thought of something fun as he said "Malia, we still have a twenty minute drive left, why don't you go and show her some love like you do at home" and as Malia heard that she smiled as she looked at Blight, she then went to the back seat after taking off her seat belt and started kissing Julia and as Blight saw Julia wasn't really into it, he just had to induce some lust into her to fix that.

Blight drove and got to the vet, he wondered how would Stiles find out about the ritual now, so he turned off the car and looked at the back, he saw them rubbing there lower parts on each other, and as Malia saw Blight looking at them, she said "Are you gonna join us Blight?" and Blight smiled as he said "I will later tonight, now get dressed both of you, we're here" and as he said that, he took a picture and Julia seemed surprised as she saw the flash going out. but Malia didn't seem to mind.

They both got dressed and soon got out and looked at Blight who was on his phone waiting for them outside, then they looked at the small store and heard Blight yawning before he started walking into the store, and so they looked at each other and Malia smiled as she looked at Julia, and Julia looked a bit embarrassed, then they both followed Blight in and as they got in, they saw Blight sitting down reading a magazine already as if he's been her for a while, and as the looked around, they saw the room was empty, and then they heard someone say "Give me a minute, I'm coming right now" and as they heard that, they soon saw a man appearing in a white coat, and as he saw the three, he said "Can I help you?" and Julia looked at Blight and saw him ignoring them as he read a magazine, so she was about to say something, but she heard Malia say "I'm looking for someone, 7 years ago, during the full moon, that person shot at a car that had a mother and her two girls, who was that person?" and as Alan heard that, he looked at Malia and said "I think you have the wrong person? I don't know what you are talking about" and as Malia, heard that she started walking up to him before she was stopped by something, she then tried to touch whatever it was and saw her hand no being able to pass the small retractable gate and as she tried attacking it, she got pushed back a bit, she then heard the man say "As I said, You have the wrong person, now please, leave, we will be closing early for today...I don't wish to...insist" and Malia stared at the man as her eyes glowed and roared at him, she then looked at Blight, but she saw him not even looking at her as he flipped the page, and as she was about to say something, she saw Julia walking up to her and she put her hand on the gate as her eyes glowed white and as Alan saw this, he said, "Darach…" and as he did, he saw her attack the gate with her magic, opening it, and as it opened, Malia smiled as she went and slashed at Alan.

Alan groaned as he got slashed by Malia, and hit the wall by the force of the impact, and as he hit the wall, he slumped down, he then saw Malia, smiling at him as she started sniffing the blood in the air, and as she did, she was about to slash at him again before she heard "Stop" and as she did, she stopped herself and turned to look at Blight who was reading his magazine, she then heard him say "You with your bloodthirst...coyotes with smelling troubles....,Malia, you should you find out who the killer is first before you do that and don't kill him, she will do that for you" and as she heard that, she looked at Alan and grabbed him and threw him on a chair, she then questioned him again, and he said "Your not gonna like the answer" and as he said that, he glanced at Blight as they were both following his orders and he didn't know who he was or what he was to have a Darach with him...following him.

Malia got closer to Alan as she roared at his face, saying "Tell me" and as she did, Alan looked at her and started talking to her about it, he then told her, it was her biological mother who did it, and as Malia heard that, she seemed like she couldn't understand and so Alan started trying to preach to Malia, but Malia ignored him as she went to Blight, Blight looked at Malia, and put the magazine down, and after he did, he opened his arms and Malia went and sat on his legs as she went to hug him, and as Julia and Alan saw this, they kept quiet as the watched Blight caress her back.

Alan looked at this scene, he then glanced at his wound and then at Julia, and as he was thinking of what to do, he then heard Blight finally say something to him, and it was "What is her mother's name?" and as he heard that, he didn't know why, but he said "Corrine…, also known as the desert wolf" and then he heard Blight say to Malia, "Don't worry, I'll help you find her and rip her head off alright?" and as he heard him say that, he saw Malia rubbing her head on his before he heard her say "Mmm"

Blight looked at Julia, as he said, "Well, he's now useless, so get on with it" and as he said that, Julia smiled as she looked at Alan, and before she could move, Alan recited some words and Blight noticed something trying to hold him down, but he noticed it was weak...pathetically weak, but he saw Julia struggling to move as well as Malia who was on his legs, he then saw Alan standing up and looking at Julia before saying "You have fallen to the wrong path Darach, I won't let you leave today", he then saw Alan looking at him, saying "I'll let you two leave, but she must stay and you two shall never return, is that understood" and as he said that, Blight smiled at him, he then raised on of his legs a bit and as Alan saw this, he was shocked, but what shocked him the most was, as Blight lifted his foot, he saw him stamp it lighty on the floor and with that, the building started to crack all over, breaking the seal, he then heard Blight say "She belongs to me, and I don't plan on giving her to anyone you see" and Blight then put Malia who already calmed down on another chair, he then walked up to Julia and hugged her from behind as he put his chin on her shoulder, he then said "Scott Mccall, Derek Hale, and everyone they know, will die soon Alan, and you'll be the first...well, the second really...I did, after all, kill Jackson first, well I caused it, but that's beside the point, the will all die and so will you" and as he said that, he saw Alan staring at him in fear, so he then whispered in Julia's ear "Go" and as he said that, he stopped Alan from doing anything else with the other backup plans he made around this store, he then went to Malia and ignored Julia strangling Alan, and as he did, he looked at her and smiled as he said "I'll find her soon, and we'll get your revenge alright...but I want you to do me something" and as she heard that, she said "I'll always do anything you ask of me, Blight" and Blight said as he smiled "I want you to smile like you always do, I do, after all, love it when you smile" and as she heard that, she smiled as she got up and hugged Blight, she then kissed him as she said "I love you" and so Blight hugged her back as he thought of the choking sounds behind him, and smiled creepily at the thought of who will be his next victim.

To Be Continued.