Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Blight felt Malia sniffing his neck, he then thought of how easily she gets horny, he then went and sat on the chair and made her sit on the chair while facing Julia, who just now finished strangling Alan, who was now dead, Blight then saw Malia not caring about this scene as she rubbed her head on Blight and Blight looked at Julia who closed her eyes as she felt her power increase, but as Blight saw the amount, he thought "Pathetic" and so Blight watched her and ignored Malia who kept rubbing herself on him and soon Julia opened her eyes and looked at Blight and she would occasionally look at the walls with all the cracks, but she then went and stood by Blight, waiting for him to tell her what to do.

Blight saw there were no cameras in this room or nearby, so he got up and said "Let's go" and so he started walking out as Malia held his arm, Julia looked at the Alan and the cracked walls, and as she felt her new power, she smiled, she then followed after. Blight as he got to the car, heard Malia say "Blight...can we please?"

And as she said that, Blight looked at her, he then looked at Julia and gave her the keys telling her "You drive" and so he got in the back with Malia and as he did, he looked at Alan and teleported his soul into his own body and fixed the building, he then smiled as he found out that the ritual takes only a small piece of the soul from whoever's being sacrificed.

Julia drove the car, but as she never got an address from Blight, she started driving to her place, and she kept glancing at the rearview mirror as she drove and watched Malia who moaned loudly as she moved up and down Blights penis, and as she did, she started touching herself for some reason as she drove, as then drove to her place and parked, after she parked, she watched as Malia and Blight had sex and she continued to touch herself. Blight, as he saw they were parked, told Malia to stop, he then saw Julia looking at his nude self, so he said "You too?" and as Julia heard that and saw Blight naked, she nodded. Blight looked at her, then at Malia who was still looking at his hard penis, so he then said "Let's continue at your place then" and she nodded and Malia put her clothes on before they got out of the car, and as they got to her condo, Blight went at it with them for the whole night, and he did so especially with Julia.

The next morning, Blight looked at the two who were licking him off, he then used his ability to watch Scott as he went to his workplace and saw the police all over there rolling out a dead body and as he learned it was his boss, he looked at this scene in denial, and then Blight saw Stiles talking to Scott, telling him that this wasn't done by the alpha pack but someone else, and it might be Blight who did it, but as Scott heard that, he asked "Why would Blight do this, I know you don't like the guy...neither do I, but you said this was a ritual right? Then why would he need to do that? He's already a werewolf and an alpha at that, why would he do this...or any of the recent killings?" and as Stiles heard that, he said "What if he gets his power from sacrificing people? It wouldn't be surprising...and your boss was one of the few people we could have asked...but now he's dead...and we only got Peter left, and don't forget, Blights smart, really smart, and he's Sadistic and Evil, I'm sure of it, like have you seen his face, it spells out evil"

Blight listened to their conversation before he stopped looking at them and looked at the two in front of him, he then saw Julia sucking him off while Malia licked out her semen from her vagina, and drank it all. Blight looked at the two, he then just ignored them as he laid his head down and thought about how to proceed with his fun, as now, without Alan, the druid, they can't access the Nemeton, opening a door to their minds, and that means no fox spirits or season 3 part 2 at all, but Blight planned to end it this play at Season 3 part 1, instead of the planned 4 since he was getting bored and he would like to try something before he leaves this world.

Blight then cumed inside Julia's mouth, he then heard his alarm and as he did, he then told them "Thats enough for now" then he went to take a shower with the three before he went and drove them to school and as they got there, he let Julia out a bit away from the school and she looked at his window as she got out and Blight rolled it down as he pointed at his lips, and as Julia saw that, she went and kissed him, and as she did, Blight induced pleasure into her before he stopped the kiss and drove away, and as he did, he looked at the side view mirror and saw her standing there, staring at the car, and so he smiled, he then looked at Malia and said "We're gonna go soon to Mexico in a few days" and as Malia heard that, she didn't understand, and after she asked, Blight said "Well, your biological mother lives there, she is after all called, the desert wolf and I heard of her living there" and as he said that, she saw her stop smiling, he then parked the car at the school and looked at her as he held her cheek, he then said "I hate it when your about a kiss? To make that smile that I love to come back" And as Malia heard that, she looked at him and smiled as she kissed him, she then said "Thank you..for everything Blight" and as Blight heard that, he said, "What did I tell you about thanking me?" And she smiled as she said "I shouldn't as we are lovers" and so he smiled and saw her going for a kiss, and they kissed for a bit before going to class, and in class, Blight acted normally as he looked at Julia, but he saw Malia smiling as she winked at her a few times and he laughed inwardly as he saw Julia's embarrassed but hidden reactions, Blight then looked at Lydia and Allison who kept glancing at him, he then smiled as he looked at both of them and so he did, they seemed more cheerful.

After class ended and he talked and said goodbye to Lydia and with Allison, as she saw him talking to Lydia, she glanced at him as she left but she saw as she glanced at him, he was smiling at her so she looked down as she left with a small smile. Blight learned from Julia that her target today was the science professor that he had with Lydia and he smiled as he knew who was the soon to be substitute teacher and so he told her "Alright" and got ready to leave, but as he did, he saw Malia kiss Julia, and as he did, he thought of the bisexual he created and just rolled with it as he didn't care much, but he then saw Julia getting into it, and as he did, he took a picture and after they saw the flash, the stopped and looked at Blight who didn't give them much of a reaction other than saying "What?" And Malia just smiled as she asked him to send that to her and as Julia heard that, she looked at Malia weirdly, but she kinda really liked this girl, she then looked at Blight and saw him smiling and she was afraid of his smile, while she started to like it as well...and mostly all the pleasure he gives her, and as she thought she wasn't alone now..., she smiled, she honestly smiled and Blight looked at her and kept smiling while he inwardly laughed as he thought the antagonist of the story is having a happy moment, so he pointed at his lips as he looked at her and Julia, as she saw this, looked a bit embarrassed this time and went to kiss him and as she did, she felt Blight hugging her and she felt...warm and naturally this was due to Blight, as he smiled inwardly.

Blight ended the kiss and said "Happy killings alright" and Malia said the same thing before they left and she looked at them awkwardly before she laughed and as she did she laughed happily, and hasn't done so in 8 years...she then thought of the two before she thought of the next sacrifice and so she said "Happy killings huh…"

Blight, as he left the room, stopped the illusion he made around the door and headed to his next classes and as school ended, he noticed Julia doing her thing and saw a few people stalking, and as he saw that, he glanced at Malia, and saw her focusing too much on hugging, that she didn't notice or maybe it was because she was with him and that's why she's not afraid...Blight doesn't remember her ever showing herself being afraid when she was with him and as he thought of that, he thought she was truly adorable, and as he thought of that, she apparently looked at him and smiled and he did so as well as her apparent timing was funny to him, he then went and kissed her and she hugged him as they did.

Blight went and took her to the fields where the lacrosse team practices but they already did earlier so it was empty except for some joggers and so they sat by the bleachers and opened there bags, as their bags had candy and snacks, apparently she had followed his ways in his choices of food when he takes her for food shopping, but she liked Caramel sponge cake more than his Oreo cake, and so they ate as they chatted about the food, but he randomly pointed at a direction and made a gesture to come, and as Malia saw this, she looked at that direction before looking at two people she's never seen before, they were Ducalian and Kali, today was the episode where Ducalian came to stop Eithen and Aiden from attacking Scott and Issac in there merged form and as he saw Kali, he always wondered how he got here, well they say he's blind but not always, but that was like for a minute or two, he then looked at Malia, since those two were taking their sweet time getting here and said as he made them have the illusion of them just eating and not caring about them walking to them "A female Alpha...don't you think we should play with her, love?" and as she heard that, she smiled as she faced him and took a bite of her cake, asking "Will you fight their leader and take her from him?" and Blight told her as he ate his cake "Well no, I'm going to rape her and then maybe kill her, depends on what Julia wants, you see, Julia was betrayed by her previous alpha and was injured and you know I have some special powers right? I healed Julia, and she hates this woman and the pack she's in" and as Malia heard that, she looked at Kali with shock and Blight waited for her reaction.

Malia looked at Kali with anger before she looked back at Blight and ask "Did Julia betray her first? Or was she the cause of the betryal?" and as she questioned Blight, she saw Blight shaking his head, she then heard him say "It was to prove her allegiance to that blind man over there" and as she heard that, she got even angrier as she looked at Kali and Deucalian, she then heard Blight say "That man's much stronger than you, He's an alpha of an alpha pack, you would even lose to that woman beside him...but Clara, she could kill them both, and I...there not even worth my time" and as she heard that, she looked at Blight and felt pride, she then got closer to him and said "Beat them up for me then Blight, and let me hit them a few times, especially Kali" and so he smiled as he said to her "Be a good girl for now alright, I wanna play with them slowly, you have to savor your food, I told you this many times Malia" and as he said that, she started pouting and so he smiled as he rubbed her heard, Malia then smiled as he did and watched as they came, but she looked at them angrily, she then whispered to Blight, "When you rape her, bring me and Julia alright, I think she would like that...and I wanna watch, it sounds fun and new" and as he heard Malia say that, he said "Alright, anything for you" and as he said that, she smiled and kissed him in response.

Blight made the illusions of them that appeared in front of them, too change positions as Malia got closer to him now, he then undid it and looked at them as he ate his cake, and Malia did the same as well, but she didn't even try to hide her angry face as she ate her sponge cake.

Ducalian was intrigued on how Eithen and Aiden told him about another two werewolves that they smelled at School and one of them smelled weird to them and they even told him that they once showed them his eyes so he could back off, but his glowed red as well as if he wanted to show off. "So there's was another player in town" Ducalian thought, but he has never heard of this Alpha, and as he stalked the boy with Kali, she told them what they were doing, she then told him that alpha gestured them to come and as he heard that, he said, "Then, by all means, let's go meet this mysterious alpha, Kali" and she then helped him move, he then heard her say that, the mysterious alpha wasn't paying attention to them rather was happily talking to another werewolf? She smelled different, he then told Kali, she was a were-coyote, and that they are rare, you don't see much of them.