Chapter 39

Chapter 39

As they got there, Ducalian smelled...cake? And lots of it apparently, he then heard a boy say "And what can I do for my two stalkers?" and as he heard that, he smiled as he said "And you are?" and he heard the boy say "I'm Blight, a junior in this school" and as he heard that, he said "Blight? What an odd name?" and as he said that, he heard the boy say "Oh, but you have no right to say that, and if you want an odd name, try looking at Scott's best friends full name, now that is an odd name" and as Ducalian heard that, he laughed as he said "Leaving the Jokes aside…" and as he got to here, his voice turned serious as he said "Who are you?" and as he said that, he heard the boy say in a mocking tone " I heard you were blind, not deaf, I'm a student named Blight, that's a junior..., what don't you understand? Need me to spell it out for you?" and as he did, he didn't speak for a bit as he thought he was playing with him as in words, as in to be more specific with his words, and so he said "I'm talking about you being an alpha, especially in these parts, I've never heard of you" and as he said that, the boy said in an amused tone "Oh, that, why didn't you just say so? Well, I was bitten like what? Two weeks ago, and my eyes started out like this, so that's why you've never heard of me" and as Ducalian and Kali heard that, Kali said "Impossible" and Ducalian stayed quiet.

Blight looked at the school and then at the two and said "It seems those two merged and are attacking Scott and Issac, Well, aren't you lucky the cameras were removed last week, if not...that would have been awkward to explain, am I right?" and as those two heard that, they heard a roar, and Ducalian started walking without Kalis help to that Direction and as Blight saw this, he said "Byeeeee" and Decualian stopped for a second before continuing on and not replying. Kali looked at Blight as she glared at him for his impudence, but as she did she heard Blight say "Oof, staring at me like that, your gonna make me blush, I'm feeling all tingly inside now" and as she heard that, she stopped and looked at him weirdly as she thought "What..?", she then heard him say "I can't wait to fuck you, oh I'm gonna make you scream for me all night long, Do you like anal by the way? You seem like the type, and I have this position I like called the piledriver, I can get really in there if we do it" and as she heard that, her eyes glowed red and Blight just smirked at her, she then heard Ducalian say "Kali, enough" and as she did, she looked at Blight and started walking away, but she heard him say "Aww, the big bad alpha spoiled the fun, too bad..., but I heard you have a lover called Enis right? I can't wait, to meet him" and as she heard that, she stopped and looked at Blight, she then heard Ducalian say "Kali" in a deeper tone and so she left, after glaring at him.

Malia looked at Blight and saw him eating his cake as he watched them leave, she then saw him looking at her as he chewed and said "They didn't attack, how boring right? I even tried to get them too, but I think he was onto me, so sad" and as he said that, she saw his eyes glowing red and continued saying "Let's go meet her lover then to make up for it" and as she heard that, she saw him smile, and so she got excited as she smiled and said "Yeah" and she then saw him getting up and as she did, she said "Now?" and she saw Blight smiling in such a pure way, that it didn't fit his next words "Well naturally, we gotta leave them a present at home don't we? Or we would seem rude, unlike those uncivilized people that can't even say goodbye as they leave..., we are, well, let's just say, the nice neighbors and what do the nice neighbors do? They do...home welcoming gifts" and she saw him reaching out his hand to her before she heard him say "You coming?" and as she did, she smiled as she reached out and grabbed it.

Blight drove to where they hung out, as he did, he went in with Malia as he erased his presence and as he got there, he went inside the place he never saw in the show and as he did, well, he smiled as it was a penthouse suite and as he got in, he saw Enis eating and as he did, he allowed him to sense him, and as he did, the man looked at them and was shocked, he then heard Blight say "Hello gift, you don't mind me using you right? After all, I do like gifting those who are rude…, I'm such a hospitable guy, don't you think?" and as he heard that, he saw Blight eyes glowing red while smiling creepily.

Blight left with Malia soon after and as he did, he saw Kali driving with an SUV with Ducalian and the twins and as he left, he drove past them and waved at her before driving away, and as she saw him, she was weirded out by the coincidence of him being here, and she told Ducalian and as Ducalian heard him being here, at the hotel they lived at, he said "Oh dear…this doesn't seem good..." and Kali didn't understand until she got to there suite and as she did, Blight could hear a loud sad roar, and so he smiled as he drove home, and he didn't leave any scent or anything, rather he just carved a few words on Enis body, and that was "Welcome to Beacon Hills, hopefully you'll enjoy your...stay" and as he did, he saw Malia looking at him with glowing red eyes as she got in heat, so he fucked her on the table nearby and left after more fun in a specific bedroom, apparently she got off of the power he gave her as he wasn't the one who killed Enis, but she was, as Blight held him down and told her to kill him, and as she did, her eyes turned red and as it did, she started getting in heat which led to sex, and Blight made sure to do it in Kalis room after carrying her off the table, he even left her a note saying "This beds nice as I tried it out with my girl..., Do you mind when we do it, we do it here? oh and make sure to clean up the dining room, I left a mess over there...hehe xoxo,

"Ps. Sorry about the bed, my girl liked her new eyes and we went hardcore on it...I even did the piledriver position with her, jealous much?"

Blight then looked to his right where Malia was sitting while holding his hand as he sensed her staring at him, he then said "Did you have fun?" and as he did, he saw her eyes glowing red as she said back to him "Yup...especially after on the bed…you got really rough...and was really good...really really good" and Blight smiled as he said " Well, as long as you're happy...I'm happy" and he felt her grabbing his hands tighter, she then said "I'm always happy when I'm with please...never leave me...alright?" and as Blight heard that, he smiled and said "I won't, your mine after all" and as he said that she said "Mmm" and she fell asleep in the car as she was tired, and as she did, Blight looked at her and smiled and let's just say, it was a good thing she never saw this smile of his.

Blight drove home and left her inside the car, he then got in by himself and had some fun with his women before telling them something, and after he did that, Blight teleported to Julia's room in the middle of the night, and as he did, he sat on her bed and started reading a book he found on the table next to her bed.

Julia, as she finished showering, looked at the mirror as she dried her hair and as she finished wrapping the towel around her hair, she was about to leave the bathroom, but as she did, she heard a page flipping, and she stopped, she then took a sneaky glance outside the door and saw Blight was reading her book as he sat on her bed, she then looked down at her nude self, then at the towel wrapped around her head, she thought of taking it off and covering herself, but thought against it and left the bathroom as he might just take it off of her, and as she did, she saw him not even looking at her as she got in the room, so she went up to the bed and sat down next to him, she then asked "Do you need me for tonight?" and as she did, she heard him say "I'm leaving" and as she heard him say that, she was shocked, she then said " there something wrong?" and then she heard him say "Well, it just during the weekend and the 4 days we have off from school, I'm going to Mexico with Malia to hunt her mother for a few days and I chose this now to piss of the Alpha pack even more" and as she heard that, she was bewildered, she then asked about it, and Blight took out his phone and showed her a picture, and as she saw it, she was shocked, she then heard him say "Well, don't worry, after I have my fun with Kali, I'll let you kill her, or keep her as your dog, doesn't matter to me, but first, Imma piss her off, then rape her as she tries to get revenge for her dead lover, since that sounds freaking fun right? Anyway, Malia asked to invite you to the event, so, you wanna come?" and as she heard that, she just looked shocked, she then asked "Why are you helping me?" and as Blight heard that, he said casually as he read the book, "Because you belong to me

..., you know, lots of people asked me that, and that's still my response" and as she heard that, she stayed quiet, she then asked "Can I ask you a question?" and she heard Blight say "Sure", she then said "Why me?" and as she did, she heard him say "Why not?" and as she did, she gave out a light chuckle, she then heard him say "I won't abandon you, nor betray you Julia" and as she heard that, she stayed quiet and just looked at him, she then saw him looking away from the book and at her eyes, she then heard him say "I know your fear me, and with what happened with Kali, and you think it might happen again as you trusted her like a sister, and If she could betray you, than anyone could and that's why I'm telling you, but know this, disobey me, and I'll punish you, betray me, and I'll devour you. I know you listen to me because you fear my strength and wish to use me for protection until you gather enough strength to get your revenge and after that, you think I'll do something to you, no? You fear me and that's understandable, but I have no need to hurt you, and I'm being upfront with you, you don't need to be alone anymore Julia, I'm here, and there's Malia as well and more at home, you'll meet them soon I suppose, I do have a lot of women, but the point is, belong to me...Julia…, by your own will, I will after all, never betray you, and I'll keep you safe, and give you...a family, you don't need alone anymore"

Julia didn't expect this at all, and as she heard him finish, she just stared at him in silence, she then saw him staring at her without even blinking, so she stared back and so they stared at each other for a whole and soon, she looked down at her legs, she then looked at him and said "Alright Blight...I will belong to you...I you" and as she did, she saw him smiling, she then asked "So no more...sacrifices?" and she said this because she thought he wouldn't want her gaining more strength and as she did, she heard him say in a confused tone "Huh? No, you can keep going with that if you want, I don't care much about that, but you sure you wanna keep going for that measly power, I can give you some power" and as she heard that, and how he said her power she was gaining was weak, she became awkward as she thought she was somewhat strong, she then thought "He can give me power...A bite...or something else?" and so she questioned him, and as she did, she saw him open his palm and a bright white orb appeared and she was amazed at this as she felt it was mystical, she then asked what it was, and as she did, she heard him say "It's a soul of a human, well to be more specific, it's the druids soul, I saw your sacrifice take only 5 percent ish of his soul and so I took it out of him and kept it in me" and as she heard that, she thought "Can you even do that...what is he?" and as she thought that, she heard him say "Do you wanna know?" and she shivered as she heard him say that, she then saw him staring at her and so she stared back for a bit, before she nodded and as she did, she saw his eye's sclera slowly turning black and his irises glowing bright purple and as she saw this, she was shocked by it, she then heard him say "A devil, that's what I am" and as she heard that, she was even more amazed as she never heard such a thing other than in religion, and she never heard that they existed as was taught by her teacher, and she had a question appear in her head, so she looked at Blight and asked "Is God real then?" and as she did, she saw him nod, she then became mind blown by everything as she was a believer of the oak tree and as she thought of that, she heard Blight laugh and say "A sacred tree? Really? I can make one for you if you want?" and as she heard him say that, she became even more amazed...and somewhat downcast.

To Be Continued.