Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Blight looked at her and said "Do you still want power from a devil?" and he saw her snap out of it and look at him, he then saw her smile as she said "Won't I go to hell for that?" and Blight smiled as he said "Sweetheart, you're already going there" and as he said that, he saw her laughing, she then smiled again after laughing for a bit before she said "Alright then, let's do it" and so Blight opened his legs a bit and told her to sit in between them and she did after taking off the towel wrapped around her hair.

Blight went and held her with his free arm, and with the hand holding Alan's soul, he went and pushed it inside her chest and as he did, he fused it with her strength/power and not her soul as that could affect her emotions and he didn't want that and after he finished, he made sure everything was fine, he then noticed Julia chest stopped being bent towards his hand and went back to resting on his chest, he then heard her panting and moving around as she said "That...felt amazing Blight, ohhhhh" and as he saw her looking at him, he saw her eyes were glowing fully white rather than just the irises, he then said as he hand went down there, "Wanna feel even better?" and as he did, she smiled as he held down his hand there saying "Yesssss" and he smiled at her as he thought "Her increase in strength isn't as strong as I thought it would be, she's weaker than a pitiful demon ..., but that was just 1 soul, imagine more? But I have 16 million in me and I only felt a slight difference…., well, she's a lot stronger compared to her old self in the show, before she was killed by Ducalian"

Blight as he rubbed her clit, heard her say "Do you mind me coming with you to Mexico?" and as she said that, Blight said "Why not? The more the merrier?" and as he thought about it, he whispered in her ear "You like Malia, don't you?" and as he said that while rubbing her clit, he heard a moan as she said "Yessss" and so he asked her who did she like more, him or Malia, she then said him and as she did, he pinched her clit and said "Good answer" and she started squirting and so Blight stopped after that.

Blight went and got here to test out her powers on him, at first she was awkward about it as she didn't want too but she couldn't disobey him as she remembered he gives out punishments, and so she stood up and asked him if he was ready, but as she did, she heard him say go for it as he grabbed her book and started reading it. Julia looked at him awkwardly as he just does whatever he wants, but as she thought about it, she smiled, she then tried to use a little of her power to push him but saw nothing happen, she then kept trying as she increased her power, but even at max power, Blight and the bed were fine but her room was destroyed, she even saw him conjure a drink, and as she smelled the aroma, she thought "Hot chocolate?" and as she saw this, she saw him put the book down and stand up while taking a sip, she then heard him say "Anything else you wanna try?" and as she heard that, she looked at all the glass around her, and started making them float, she then looked at Blight to see his reaction, but he looked like he was enjoying the show, as he poked one that floated nearby him before walking a bit away, she then heard him go "Go for it then" and took another sip.

Julia, smiled at that and threw them all at him and as she did, she saw the glass break as they hit him, and she saw him using his hand to cover his cup and after they all broke, he just looked below him and took another sip before he looked at her and said, "All done?" and she blankly nodded and saw him snap his fingers, she then saw her room restored as if nothing happened and she really was fascinated by that, she then saw him walking up to her and as he did, she saw him looking down at her and heard him say as he had a hand going down her shoulder to her breast "You sure your all done?" and as she felt this, she licked her lips as she said "I do have a few things I wanna try"

Blight went and got dressed a few hours later, and as he did, he looked at Julia who was passed out with tears drool all over her face, he then snapped his fingers as he cleaned her up and dressed her, he then teleported them to that car and as he did, he looked at Malia who was still asleep, then at Julia who was in the back seat asleep, he then snapped his fingers and made snacks appear and as he looked at his house, he created a barrier around it, just in case, and started to drive to Mexico but on his way, he did make a stop at the forest, to be more precise, the Nemeton.

Blight was right now at the Nemeton, he thought of the Celtic religion the druid practiced and then looked at the tree and as he did, he smiled as he touched the trees stump, he then felt a small resistance but easily destroyed it and made this dead tree his own, and after he did, he smiled as he thought of something, he then watched as a fly came flying from a crack on the trees stump and so he grabbed it and looked at the so-called nogitsune he released from being trapped and he looked at it as he held it from its wings. Blight could feel something's trying to enter him from his fingers that were holding the flys wings, but his body, by itself, resisted it as if it was nothing, he then smiled as his eyes flashed purple as he looked at the fly, and after that, he let go of the fly and watched it fly away in a certain direction, he then looked back at the tree and started walking back into the car to continue his drive to Mexico.

Blight as he drove for a few hours, heard Malia groan and saw that she woke up and as she did, she rubbed her eyes before looking at Blight, she then looked out the window and saw buildings she never saw before and as she did, she looked at Blight and asked where they were at, and she heard him say "Bakersfield, California" and as she heard that, she had no clue where that was, so she asked why they were there and he said he was driving them to Mexico, and as she heard that, she stared at him for a bit and then asked "You know...where she's at?" and she saw him nod, and she then said "...Alright…." and as she did, she saw him looking at her, she then saw him smile and as she saw that smile, she couldn't help but smile as she loved him alot, and she loved it the most when he smiled as he looked at her, she then went and gave him a kiss on the cheek as he went and looked at the road, but as she did, she saw Julia at the corner of her eye, and she looked and saw she was sleeping, she then questioned Blight about it and he told her that she said she wanted to help her, and as she heard that, she smiled as she looked at Julia, she then heard Blight say "How about you go to the back and sleep with her, it's gonna be a long ride, and if your hungry, I got you your favorite snacks as well there to" and as she heard that, she got even happier as she went and kissed his cheek, and then went to the back and slept on Julias legs.

Blight drove for a while and smiled, he then heard Julia say "Blight, where are we?" and he said "LA" and as he said that, he heard ask "Why?" and so he looked at the red light, he then turned and saw her petting Malia's hair, and so he said "Prostitutions legal here, hello?" and as he said that, he saw her just pause, he then smiled as he said in an amused tone "Mexico, remember? I'm driving us there" and as she heard that, she said as she looked at him and gave out a light chuckle, "But why drive, can't we fly there?" and as she said that, he said, "Well, I could teleport us there" and as she heard that, she looked shocked as she asked "You can teleport that far?" and as he heard that, he asked "Can't you?" and apparently she couldn't, she could only teleport a mile away from where she's standing and that's after a long chant and as he heard that, he thought "So that's why she died...or were her powers just overrated?" and as he thought of that, he said "And why didn't I teleport us you may ask? Well, because I wanna waste time naturally, Kali should be looking for me and if she can't find, won't she get even angrier?" and as he said that, he turned around and saw it was a green light, and so he started driving. Julia seemed super interested about teleporting with magic incantations apparently as she kept asking questions about it on a scientific level and if it was molecular teleportation and how he felt and more about it.

Blight played around with his answers and soon Malia woke up from all the noise, she then looked and saw Julia looking at her, so she rubbed her eyes as she said "Hi" and as she did, Julia looked at Malia and thought she was truly adorable, she then saw her coming closer to her before Malia wrapped her hands around her and she gave her a kiss, and as she did, she then felt Malia move back as she left the kiss and as she did, she saw her smiling before she went and kissed her again but as she did, she felt one of Malia's hands going under her jeans and start rubbing her down there.

Blight looked at the back and saw them kissing, he then saw Julia looking at him, so he said "She's adorable isn't she? Well, have fun you two, we still got a while" and then he winked at Julia before he went back to driving, but he did hear her muffled moans for a bit before she just let it out and Malia asking her to take off her shirt, and these two went at it for hours and well Blight, he played some music, and got on the empty highway and started driving till he saw a red light and stop, and as he did, he noticed they went at it for a long time, and then slept after. Malia and Julia woke up 3 hours later, and he smiled as they ate, and Malia, went and fed him his snacks as he drove, Julia asked if he wanted to sleep as she could drive and he replied he doesn't need sleep, and as she heard that, she was amazed as usual, and as she was about to question him on how that worked, she heard Malia say "Blightyyy, switch with her please, I wanna have sex…I want you..please?" and she looked at this girl with amazement on how she just does what she does, she then saw Blight park the car, and tell her lets to switch and she was amazed this works.

Blight started driving again three hours later, as while he was having sex with Malia, Julia got to into watching that she almost crashed, so he got her to come with him in the back for sex, and he did them both at 50x sensitvity and got them passed out in less than 30 minutes, he then used his abilites to clean them and the car since it was all wet from the girls, and as he drove, he texted the girls he never told about him leaving, and as he did, he told them it was just the weekend and they responded to be safe, while Lydia asked why he didn't invite her, and he just said it was personal bussiness and that's why and that she should wait for him to be back like the good little bitch she was, and as he wrote that, he saw she responded with a wet emotiocon, and so he left the coversation Blight then let go of his phone and kept driving for hours and as the hours passed, Julia was sitting in the front seat as Malia was still sleeping and she asked questions to Blight about teleportation again, she then asked if he could teleport them, and so he did, he teleported them ahead by a mile and as she saw this, she felt a bit weird as she kept asking about it like a child, and as she did, get got a bit to excited as she was looking at him, she then started touching him, before he unzipped his pant and gave him a blowjob and as he came in her mouth, she drank it and as she did, she became addicted as she didn't stop doing so after hours.

After she finished, as she seemed full, he then thought about something as he saw the open road and said to Julia who was on his right and Malia, who just woke up a few minutes ago and was right now behind him, sniffing him "You guys are bored, right? Let's have some fun then" and so he pushed the gas pedal and his eyes flashed purple as he looked at the car's speedometer and then its max 220 km/h turned into 820km/h and as he reached 400 km/h, he heard Malia howling and Julia laughing and as he reached 600, let's just say, it started to get weird and so he decreased the speed and kept it in the 400s as Malia asked him to slow down as she wasn't feeling well, and so he did.

Blight made so much ground with that play, and got to the border and showed his I'd before he was allowed to go in, and soon he got to where he needed to be in Mexico, Mazatlán, a city in Mexico and one of the most dangerous, Blight parked the car and got out with the two, he then saw the hotel and got in and as he did, he saw men holding guns and they didn't do anything to him as they saw his car and thought he was from money and they were the guards for the hotel.

To Be Continued.