Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Blight, as he got in, looked at the receptionist as his eyes flashed purple and she smiled as she handed him a key and he entered the elevator with the two, and pressed the second-highest floor number, the 11th floor and as he got there, he went to a room and put the key card in and as he did, he paused, he then looked at the door and smiled, he then said "Move to the right you two" and as he said that, they looked bewildered but did as he asked and as he opened the door, bullets started raining down on him, only to be deflected back into the room and soon a grunt was heard as she was shot by her own ricocheting bullet.

Blight looked at his clothes and then at the two, he saw Julia flabbergasted and Malia, well, she ran in, Blight then watched as Malia clawed her mother at her legs, but she aimed at her chest and hit her legs due to her mother dodging, but that didn't stop her as she, kicked her stomach, he then looked at Julia and said "Let's go in" and as he did, he saw Julia trying to poke his body and he let her and then went in and felt her still poking him.

Blight saw Malia screaming at her about what she did and as the mother heard Malia say she was her daughter, she said "You're still alive, oh how I should have made sure you were dead you leach" and as she did, Malia punched her face and kicked her as she was down, she then growled at her and as Corinne saw her eyes turn red, she said "Impossible, how did you kill an alpha?" and got a smack in return.

Blight sat down on a chair that he found near them and then looked downstairs, his eyes then flashed purple before he continued to watch this Malia and as he did, he smiled inwardly at this dark and weird Malia, he then saw Malia laughing as she said: "Do you wanna know how?" And then saw her grab her mother by her hair and drag her in front of him and as she did, she let go of her hair roughly and sat down on his legs as she faced her mother and started rubbing herself on his left leg, she then moved her head back as she touched Blight's head and pulled him in for a kiss and after the kiss, she said "Meet my mate, he's my pride, my love, my everything, and he's the one who helped me, took care of me, taught me, and even gave me this power, this is my Alpha, Blight" and as she said that, Blight smiled in a twisted way, but inwardly though, as he kept a straight face to them and he grabbed Malia in a hug with one hand, he then looked at Corinne and said "Nice to meet you, aunty" and as he did, he let out a small laugh and Malia kept rubbing her lower self on his leg faster, and Julia, she well she saw everything was under control and looked at the bullets that hit Blight.

Blight ignored Julia as he found out from her memories, she was a curious girl but stopped being so 8 years ago after the incident, but as she opened upto him, she was showing this annoying side again, Blight then felt Malia cum on his Jean's, he then saw her get up and say "I came again...just being with him makes me feel good" and as she said that, she pissed on her mothers legs and as the mother saw this, she tried to dodge but it still hit her, she then said "You crazy whore, how dare you piss on me, your mother, and to think you would do such a thing in front of me, disgusting" and as Malia heard that she laughed even more as she aimed and pissed at her mother, she then heard her mother cursing her even louder, she then said "That felt good..., I really had to pee" she then went and grabbed her mother by her hair and dragged her back infront of Blight, but as she did, she had her mothers face on his crotch, she then said "You see my mate loves sex as he always gives it to me, I want him to feel the hole I came out of, I want the man I love to have everything from me" and as she said that, she started to unzip his pants and Blight wasn't influencing Malia rather she is what he slowly turned her into, the perfect mate, well kinda, she still has a few flaws. Malia took out his dick, she then looked at him and said "She won't be wet for you, so let me help you" and so she started giving him a blowjob.

Corinne said as she looked at this scene disgusted and frightened a bit by his size, "Your crazy, I'm not letting him fuck me, just kill me you whore, to think I birthed you, disgusting, I should have made sure you were dead that day" and as she said that, she saw her daughter stop sucking his dick, and say "You don't have a choice Bitch, but don't worry, after he has sex with you, you won't be able to forget it, he is my mate after all, he can do anything..., and I can't kill you yet, he still hasn't tried you, he needs to know where I came from, after all, I offered him my everything" and as she heard that, she saw her daughter smile creeply as she tore her clothes apart, she then tired to run as she crawled a bit, but she felt some sit on her and saw it was her daughter, she then saw that thing near her hole and said "Nooooooooo" and felt it get rammed inside her.

Blight fucked Corinne at 12x sensitivity and kissed Malia who was wetting herself on her mothers nude body as she heard her mother moan from Blight fucking her, she apparently loved how this felt and got really off from it, and she got up to Blight as she removed his shirt and aimed her drenched pussy at him and said "Do both, both please Blighty, I'm so horny right now" and so he started doing both of them and then felt another nude body on his back and as he did, he smiled, but then he felt Julia biting him hard and thought "Still at it huh?" And Blight didn't stop having sex for 3 days, even as he slowed downtime, he looked at the 3 nude women who were passed out and he made a invisible leash around Corinne and her holder was Malia, as she asked him too, and one that couldn't break, and Malia, well, she seemed to be in real heat this time as she hadn't left him alone till now.

Blight showered and opened his phone and he responded to the texts about whether he was having fun or not and with Lydia who was asking how many women did he bring, he wrote "2, but just had a 4 way", he then looked at Malia and saw her awake looking at her mother and who was still passed out, and Julia, well she was passed out as well, so he went and sat down on a chair and tapped his legs, and Malia walked up to him and sat on his legs while facing him, she then went and put her nose in his neck and sniff it before she said "I thought I would have killed her...but this...this was much better...I couldn't stop getting horny as I watched you fuck her, and as I sat on her face and she licked me off after you broke her...Blighty...I loved that feeling so much, and I don't wanna kill her...I wanna I keep her, I want a dog like Clara, I want her, is that ok?" And Blight kissed her neck as he smiled inwardly and said "Anything you want" and as he said that, he hugged her and stayed like that and he then noticed she fell asleep again, Blight then lifted her up and put her back on the bed but as he saw no space, he kicked off the mother and put Malia on her spot.

Blight looked at Corinne that he kicked off and saw that she had another orgasm, so he went and teleported them back home and his car after restoring everything around them and erasing a lot of memories of people he met in Mexico, and he was now in a guest room and went downstairs and said a few words, he then bounded Corinne's body to the mansion and she couldn't leave now, and used hypnosis on her for a few other things, before he went downstairs.

Blight had his fun downstairs before he left and caught up on what happened as he read Scotts memories, it seems they found out he left and after he did, the killings stop, so there pretty much sure he was the one doing the sacrifices and he then saw Kali, sniffing around his old home where he lived with Olivia and his now trashed room, and so he smiled at her antics, but it seemed she did this behind Ducalians back as he read her memories.

Blight then went out for a walk and looked at his new neighbors, apparently they moved in a few days ago, and as he saw them, he smiled and waved at them before walking away, and as he did, he smiled as he thought of the fun that came with the family, he then went to his old home, and saw Kali still in there thrashing the place, and as he did, he walked inside and watched her, he sat down and conjured some hot coco, and watched her rage around like a child, he then smiled as he looked below him, at his test subject, and what was down there, wasn't Kate Argent, rather it was a Kate who supposedly awakened her memories from her past lives, and naturally with Blights help, he showed her 5 life times of them being together in each and every one of them, as if they were...,destined…, and as he showed her this, and with his previous hypnosis command, it was easy for Illusion Blight to manipulate her into believing it while changing her, and as he watched her, he thought "You're almost ready love" and so he got up, he then saw Kali panting in rage after throwing the kitchen table, before she just stared at the floor, so he stood up, and looked down at the insignificant weakling, he then smiled as he remembered which play he used on her, and so he whispered in her ear "Piledriver" and teleported away, back home.

Blight came back to his room and saw Julia and Malia awake, and as he did, he smiled, he then saw Malia introducing everyone to Julia, and as she introduced Mary to Julia, she was fascinated as she gave out a few commands to her, Blight then saw Malia showing off her mother as her new dog, and Clara, well she smiled as she looked at her mother with glowing green eyes saying "A new pet, how lovely, you'll let me borrow her sometimes right, I wanna play with her too" and as he did, he went and sat down, and started eating, he then noticed, Olivia, who he had to fix, as she became too in love with him, that she would get jealous of anyone who would look at him other than herself, so he toned down her love for him by half, and she became normal again, and Jennifer, she treats him as if he everything to her, and lastly, he looked at Amber, who was now staying at his place as her son went to college on a scholarship, and she knew it was thanks to Blight, so she just moved in, and as she saw him looking at her, she smiled as she left her seat, and sat on his legs facing him, she then started kissing him, and this brought the attention of the other girls, and so Blight had fun all night with them in his room for two days staright.

Blight looked at everyone that was asleep, other than Malia whos was facesitting on her mother and Julia who was chatting with Clara, as Julia was fascinated by what she was as she read about her, and so they talked as they rubbed on each other, Blight then looked at the unconscious Abigail, who passed out just a minute ago as he released it inside her, he then laid down and as he did, he looked at the nude women around him, and then at the ceiling, he then thought " The easy life huh, well, the fun start tomorrow, and then soon enough...the unexpected life" and as he thought about that, Malia came on top of his chest as she carefully moved Abigail to the side, she then smiled as she looked at him and said "Blight, didn't you tell me about the Hale family? She says my father is Peter Hale, it's funny right? Both my biological parents are messed up psychopaths, Maybe that's why I ended up with you, hehe, were fated Blight, that makes me feel happier" and as Blight heard that, he said "Peter Hale? You wanna meet him?" and as he said that, he saw her shaking her head saying "He doesn't know I exist and my dad is my dad, no one's gonna change that…, unless you wanna do that daddy play you do with Amber, she likes it when you do that for some reason" and as Blight heard that, he smiled as he said "Jealous?" and as he did, he heard her laugh as she said "Let's do it now then, before we go to school in a few hours, so I won't be" and she hopped on and started calling him daddy as she brought her mother over.

Blight showered after sex with the two, he then had shower sex with Malia, and Julia before driving them to school, and as he did, he started telling Julia and Malia about what he'll do so they don't think much of it later, and as he got to school, he didn't drop Julia off, but drove her with him to school as he just teleported her in her classroom as they got there, since she asked him too.