Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Blight looked at Malia who was taking a nap, so he woke her up with a kiss, and got kissed back as she woke up from the gentle kiss, they separated, she smiled and said "You should do that more...I liked it" and so he smiled as he said "Sure" and got out of the car and as he did, he saw the twins staring at him, so he smiled and waved at them, he then went to class but before he did, he smiled as he looked back at his car, he left 3 action figures in the back seat, and he did make a few changes to the three as he now understood more on how to his power, as even with knowledge, you still need put it to the test, and the Barbie doll? Well, after he heard her skill about fashion sense, he remembered giving it Arnold after destroying it's sentience, but that didn't matter as he didn't need her, and if he wanted, he could create her with just a thought, he then smiled as his eyes flashed purple and left with Malia to class.

Blight, as he got to class, he said hi to Lydia and Allison, he then smiled as he chatted with them and then saw Lydia handing him a note in secret, he didn't open it yet as he saw Scott and Stiles entering the room, staring at him, so he smiled at them before opening at the note, and saw it saying "Coaches office later?" and as he did, gave it back after writing something on it, he then looked at the two who were still staring at him, and as he looked at Stiles who was looking at him with suspicion and anger, he then saw his mouth curve into a smile for a second before going back to being suspicious and angry and as he did, he looked away and thought "Now who didn't like Void Stiles? Well, the only bad thing about this, was the nonsense of a sword-wielding fox girl that was Japanese...? well, I'll be paying them a visit today" and as he thought this, he then saw Julia come in.

After class, Blight, winked at Julia before she did so as well, he then left but saw Scott following him with the new Stiles, and as he did, he saw the twins doing so as well, and well, he did what any other person would do, go to his next class and ignore them, and as he did, he heard the bell, and sensed them leaving, he then looked at Lydia who sat in front of him in there science class as well and Malia who was on his right, he then looked at the window as he was in a corner and as he saw there new teacher, Malia's mother, Natalie, and then Lydia's surprised face, and Natalie? Well, she came in and smiled as she saw her daughter, and as she saw Blight, she stared at him blankly for a bit, before she fixed her hair and glasses, she then looked at the class and said "I will be taking place as your previous teacher is still missing, and today will be a an exam so I can know where your at in this class, but it's based on what they told me your up to and with the previous professors notes" and so she started handing them out and as she did, she gave Blight his slowly as she smiled at him, and he looked at her and smiled, and then took the paper from her.

Blight answered all 30 questions within two minutes and wrote a side note on the last page, and after that, he called for her, and as he did, she asked "Do you need help?" and as she got to there, she saw his name on his paper and said "Blight?" and as she did, he smiled as he said "I'm done" and as he did, she looked at his papers, and saw the first page fully bubbled, she then got closer and flipped to the second page and saw his answers, and as she did, she felt someone touch her ass, and so she let out a small yelp sound and quickly turned and saw it was Blight, she then looked around and saw no one looking at her and sighed in relief, but as she did, she felt Blight rubbing her ass as he squeezed it too, and as she was about to stop him, she started feeling good, so she read his answer while looking around and as she did, she turned it to the last page and felt herself getting a bit wet and as she did, she saw something written down and as she read it, she looked a bit awkward at it, she then looked around and went and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before looking around again, and as she did, she left after taking his paper and glancing at him.

Blight smiled as he watched her leave, he then touched Malia's thigh under there connected table and saw her smiling as she went and held his hand for a bit before taking the note that he always gives her for multiple-choice questions, and then she started filling up the bubbles slowly and he smiled as he glanced at her, he then felt his phone vibrate and as he did, he smiled as he looked at Natalie, he then winked at her, and as she saw him doing that, she looked down and tried fixing her hair with one hand as she put her phone away with the other, Blight was expecting much more resistance from her, but it seemed that's all he needed to do that day to make her... desireful.

Blight left the classroom and looked at his phone, he then read the message and put away his phone, he then went to his next class and after that was lunch, he then went outside again to eat with her, but at a scheduled area for...funs sake, and as he did, the 4 usual suspects followed him, so as he got there, he lied down on Malia's lap as she started feeding him, and as he sensed his followers, he sensed the twins and Scott and Stiles talking to each other as they bumped into each other as they followed him, he then took out his phone and sent a text, before looking at Malia, he then said "Kiss?" and as he did, Malia stopped eating her cake and kissed him, he then saw Scott, Stiles, and the twins next to them, so he looked at them and said "You mind? You're interrupting me" and as he did, he went back to kissing Malia, but the twins let out a low growl and Scott said "Don't", and as the Aiden, was about to attack, someone grabbed his shoulder, he then turned and saw a teenage boy holding him, and the next second, he saw himself flying before he hit a tree.

Blight glanced at the humanized Theo, before he glanced at the two beside him, and as he did, he looked at Malia, he then saw her gesturing him with her eyes, and he smiled as he did, he had told Malia and Julia that people he knew would be coming to meet him today, and he did that since he didn't want them to know that he had the power of creation, but in a sense, no one knows what he is, neither does he, as he was technically the first of his kind.

Blight watched as Ethan roared at Theo, and then Warren coming in and roaring louder while his sharp, monstrous teeth appeared from his mouth, but before anything could happen, Vlad appeared behind Ethan, and held his neck with his claws, he then saw Vlad licking his neck before saying "I wonder how a dog taste like" and as he did, he saw Vlade squeezing his sharp nails into Ethan's neck while saying "Ah, Don't move now, or something terrible might happen", and Blight heard Vlad saying and doing this as Ethan tried to move. Blight then saw Scott trying to tell everyone to stop, so he stood up as he started to laugh, and as he did, he looked at Scott and said "What right does a weakling have in this situation, huh Scotty? Run along now and let the big boys play" and as he did, his eyes started glowing red.

Blight, then saw Stiles try and take Scott away, but Scott stayed and said "Why are you doing this Blight, this is wrong?" and as he heard that, he smiled, he then said "Wrong? You know stalking is wrong right? I just came to eat with my girl in a quiet place till a few friends of mine came, but here these two are, attacking me, so I'll just break every bone in their bodies and send them right home, I'm not doing anything's called retribution" and as he said that, he heard Scott talking about hurting people is wrong and that he didn't have to do this, and as he did, he thought "But they attacked me first no? What kind of logic is that?" and as he did, he walked back to Malia, and sat down as he rested his body on her, he then said "Hey Vlad, hero boy here is playing peacekeeper, so be nice..." and as Vlad heard, he smiled, he then threw Ethan to his brother and he did so with force as they both collided and flew for a bit.

Blight looked at Scott and said "Now run along beta, and next time you come, bring your alpha with you, like you, by yourself? Well, what about you actually… you're nothing, I'm being nice to you because of Allison, but that doesn't mean I'll always play nice" and as he said that, he saw Scott being quite, he then saw Scott looking at the knocked out twins before looking back at him, he then heard him asking "Did you have anything to do with...Dr. Alan's death? Are you the ones sacrificing people?" and as he heard that, he looked at him confused and said "Dr.Alan? Never heard of him, and sacrificing people? No clue what...wait right" and as he said that, he looked at Theo and asked "Is what he saying have to do with you guys? The summoning thingy you guys wanted to do?" and as he said that, he heard Theo say "Well, it's just the start, we still need a few more people to break the seal" and as he heard that, he then said to the shocked Scott who was staring at Theo "Well, I heard about them needing sacrifices, but I didn't know they meant people, well too bad about your emm, friend or whatever, but that's life, anyway, wasn't me, but I'm with kinda is me...hmm, I'll get back to you on that actually" and as he said that, he saw Scott ignoring him, as he started at Theo with yellow eyes and his canine teeth popping out, he then saw Theo laughing before saying "A beta bearing its teeth at me, listen here, I don't mind smacking a bitch around, but be cocky with me and I'll tear off your throat" and as Theo said that, he eyes glowed green, and as Scott saw that, he started looking at Theo weirdly.

Blight looked at the knocked out twins who were at the side, before he told Malia "Your gonna go home by yourself today, alright? Just skip our last class, and take care of yourself on your way there, alright?" and as he said that, he saw Malia looking at him before she nodded and kissed him before leaving.

Blight then stood up and looked around before he started walking away, and as he did, the three followed, he then heard Scott asking about the sacrifices, and then Vlad saying "Why the fuck would we tell you dumbass? We ain't that bored" and then they continued walking away, and as they did, Blight noticed no one was around them, so he looked at the three before walking away, and as he did, the three started going there separate ways, and he, well, he went back to school, to a bathroom that is rarely used due to its location, and as he got in, he knocked on the only closed stall, and as it opened, he saw Natalie, and as he did, he smiled at her before going in and closing the door.

Blight left the bathroom a few hours later, and then went to visit his neighbors, who he let borrow some of his trees power, and as he did, he saw Kira and her father driving in, and as he did, he couldn't sense the mother at home, so he smiled, he then conjured something as he watched them go inside there home, and as he looked at his home welcoming gift, he went for it, and as he got to the door, he rang the doorbell, he then saw Kira opening the door and so he smiled, he then said "Hey there, I'm your neighbor and I thought I would welcome you guys" and as he did, he gave them a huge box of sushi, and as he gave it to Kira, he saw the father and smiled at him, the father took the box from Kira and smiled as he asked him to come in after looking at his shy daughter and as he did, Blight smiled and said "How lovely"


Noshiko came home after buying some groceries and house supplies as they just moved in and needed somethings, and as she rang the bell, no one answered, she then tried one more time before glancing at her husband's car, and as she got no response, she started putting down the groceries and opened the door, and as she got in, she tried calling out there names but got no response, she then went to the kitchen and saw her husband lying on the ground with his neck twisted, and as she did, she dropped the bags and called out to him, she then saw he was dead and started to tear up, but as she did, she then thought "Kira?" and rushed upstairs to her room, and as she did, she opened the door, and could hear noise..., it was screaming sounds from her daughter as she begged someone to stop, she then saw her daughter being raped by a young man and as she did, rage started to build up, she then saw something and understood, it was the boy's face, the boy turned to look at her, and as he did, she saw his eyes and teeth and said "Nogitsune" and as she did, she flicked her hand and a sword appeared, she then rushed at him and tried to stab him, and as she did, she saw the boy smiling as he fucked her daughter rougher, and she got angrier as she stabbed with full force, and as she did, she saw her sword breaking as it touched him.


Blight, watched as her sword broke, he then laughed as he said "This body isn't like my old one, this one is much more powerful…, I've met your family Noshiko..., your husband.., well, it was nice meeting him and your daughter..., well, as you can see, I'm having a blast with her" and as he said that, he kept fucking Kira, and he was rapping the girl, he didn't use hypnotism on her. Blight, as he got in their house earlier, he snapped her fathers neck right in front of Kira, before smacking her and dragging by her hair upstairs to rape her, and Noshiko, well she came an hour after, and he sensed when she did, so he changed his teeth and eyes to the nogitsune.

Blight looked at the shadow wielding ninjas she made appear in the shadows of the room, so he smiled as he moved his hands and open the blinds and as he did, they disappeared as sunlight was their weakness, he then changed his position as he got out of Kira and grabbed her neck, he then said as he sat on the edge of the bed "Just a little squeeze, and the baby fox dies Noshiko" and he saw Noshiko appearing desperate as she said "No please stop" and as she did, Blight smiled as he continued "I started to change as you sealed me down that tree for so long...I became... fustrated... and so I thought, 'Why not use the bitches family who sealed me there for so long'... and now here we how about you start sucking me off Noshiko, and I might not kill her" and as he said that, he saw her staring at him in disbelief, he then started squeezing the crying Kiras neck, and as he did, Noshiko begged him to stop, and so he did, he then said "On your knees fox" and as he said that, she did, he then smirked at her as he saw her looking at him, he then glanced at his thing, and as he did, he saw her picking up a piece of the fallen blade and stab it at his balls, and as it hit his balls, the sword piece broke into smaller pieces, and after all this happened, he laughed and said "Not even the shadow warriors would have harmed me if I let them Noshiko..., but it seems like you don't understand...well, I'll just rape you after killing your daughter, now say goodbye Noshiko" and as he said that, he started squeezing Kiras neck harder, and as he did, Noshiko grabbed his hand as if to pry them off her daughter but she couldn't no matter how much she pulled or punched Blight, she then started begging as she cried, since Kira was starting to look a little blue and started staring at the ceiling, so he stopped and let her breath, he then said to Noshiko "This is the last chance, get on your knees and do as I say" and as he did, he saw her trying to pacify her daughter as she rubbed her daughter face from her tears and snot, he then heard her telling her daughter everything will be alright and as she did, she got on her knees and grabbed his cock, and as she was about to put it in her mouth, she heard *Snap* and as she did, she looked at her daughter and saw her daughters head facing sideways with open eyes, she then heard Blight say "Oopsie" and as she did, she was about to scream but felt him grabbing her head and pull it down on his cock.

To Be Continued.