Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Blight stretched as he got off the bed, he then looked at the two bodies he rapped for the past 6 hours before he smiled, he then looked at the floor, and saw most of Noshikos teeth there as when he forced her down his cock, she tried biting with full force, but let's just say... it didn't work as much as she thought it would, and afterwards, he rapped her on top of her dead daughter. Blight then looked at the husband's dead body that was just outside the door, he smirked as he remembered the kitsune she prayed to her ancestors for, just like she did with the nogitsune in the 1940s, but the one they sent was a strong one, but to him, it was nothing, they sent a Jikan (Time) kitsune from the 13 different species of kitsunes, it tried to undo everything he had done and his very being by sacrificing himself, but Blight just opened his palm and looked at the so-called fox she kept praying for as he just teleported the spirit from the husband body to his palm, and he smirked as it tried escaping the orb of light it was in, he then moved it closer to his mouth and ate it, and as he did, he heard a fox cry in his body before silence and as he did, he smiled. Blight made her pray again with hypnosis and as she did, he felt a connection to where she was praying to and smirked, he then heard a bunch of foxes hissing at him before he smiled and opened his mouth before devouring them all, and as he did, he took the last two, Noshikos, and Lastly, Kira's Sanda (Thunder) one, Blight then thought "When she prayed last time for a strong fox to take control of her for revenge, it went for a human body instead, and now this time when there were two dead bodies, a human and a kitsune, it still went for the human body… It seems there cannot be two foxes in one body for some reason, and even with Kira being dead, it didn't choose her...well, I did leave her soul till now, maybe that's why, but nonetheless, the experiment was successful" and as he did, he stretched as he felt not stronger but more in control for some reason, and as he inspected his body, he smiled. Blight got dressed and as he left the room, it started to burn, and as he did, he looked at the sushi he conjured earlier today, downstairs and thought "I don't really like sushi" and as he did, it started to burn as well, he then looked at the burning house, before he looked at his shadow that housed a few new...followers, and as he did, he thought "They are pretty much useless to me...but in the end, they are mine and they can be of use" and as he did, he smiled as he left the house that started to show smoke, he then thought "What a nice day no? Nice weather too… and these new neighbors were really…hospitable...hmm, anyway, now I just gotta wait, until they get everything done, so I should play around more" and as he thought that, he teleported to Lydia's house, and as he got in, he just took her straight to her bed and fucked her for a while, before he told her about how he fucked her mother, and at first she didn't believe him, he then told her to look at that door, and as she did, she saw her mother masturbating as Blight fucked her, she then saw Blight gesturing her to come in and as he did, she saw her mother coming in.

Blight answered a call, and started talking to Malia, she then asked what he was doing and as she did, Blight looked down at the two, one was sucking his dick and the other, his balls, so he told her he was having fun, and as he did, she asked if she could come, and he said "Well, no need, I'll be home in a few hours, alright?" and as he said that, he talked for a bit before ending the call, he then thought of how he Lydia got mad and said no to the three-way before he just left her and went with her mother to her room, and after that, she came in begging to join, it was kinda pathetic how whorish this girl was, and how obedient the mother is. Blight looked at two before sensing around for a bit, he then said "I got a few hours before I go, and I've given you guys too many breaks, so no stopping this time" and as he said that, he started with the mother first.

Blight went home soon after, and as he did, he saw Malia asleep and her mother awake staring at her, but he knew it was fine as he made her not being able to hurt anyone in this house, he then erased their presence and went behind the nude women and looked at Malia and said " If you could, you would have ripped that throat, wouldn't you? " and as he did, Corrine jumped from shock and as she turned to look at him, she appeared afraid, Blight smiled as he looked at her, he then said, "You want that meager power you lost back from having her…, heh you muts are pathetic in my eyes, but you are so much fun to play with, I'll I gotta do is throw a bone and you'd be all over me" and as he said that, he went and lied by Malia, and as he did, he stared at Corrine and said as his eyes turned pitch black "Like your daughter here" and as he said that, he kissed Malia softy and woke her up and as he did, he eyes turned to normal before Malia held him and kissed him for a bit, and as she looked at her mother's face, she stopped the kiss and said "What's wrong with her?" and as she did, Blight smiled as he said "Well, I told her I was gonna fuck her tight ass after you woke up and she appeared like this after...but there's nothing to fear...right Malia?" and as he did, he looked at Corrine and smiled, before he heard Malia saying "Hehe, were gonna have fun".

Blight, after hours of fun, smirked as he looked at the two on the bed before he got himself dressed and went downstairs, and as he did, he looked through the walls, at the neighbor's house and saw the firefighters and the police around and as he did, he went and ate, before having more sex with the women who waited until he finished, and as he did, he kept sensing around, watching the 3 do their jobs and get the finale ready, and as he did, he teleported after having his fun, and that was to his old home.

Blight teleported inside where he manipulated Kate and as he looked at her while she slept, he touched her forehead before he smiled, he then teleported them both to the hospital and as he did, he made a few arrangements before he left. Blight went home and slept and as he did, he met Amara who he hasn't seen in a while, but for her, it has only been 12 hours, and as he did, he looked around this world and thought of teleporting it outside but as he did, nothing happened, so he tried teleporting her, herself outside to his world, but still nothing, and as he tried a few more things, he gave up and went and sat next to her and as she saw him, she went and hugged and he heard her telling him she missed him, so he told her he missed her as well, and as he did, he kissed her, and as he kissed her, the warmth started spreading again and so he suppressed his, and as he did, he noticed Amara getting on top of him as he kissed him, Blight thought of stopping here with her, and to stop coming to this world in general...but he didn't, due to there being a chance she was the real Amara… and if she was, then she could protect him from Chuck as he didn't know if he could die from Chuck, and if she isn't...then well, he had a general idea on how to manipulate her from playing with this version of Amara.

Blight watched as she kissed him and touched his body all over, soon, she then had her hands under his shirt and as she did, Blight watched her mark glow even brighter, he then tried removing her dress and as he did, she removed it for him as it just vanished, he then saw her smiling at him before she touched his clothes and it vanished as well, and Blight knew he could have prevented this, but he didn't want too.

Blight saw her looking at his bro for a bit before she laid down her body on his and as she did, Blight saw the mark glowing even brighter, that it got annoying, so he suppressed hers, but not it's warmth, but rather it's glow as he wanted to see what she would do and as he watched, he watched her not going for sex, but rather just hug him nude, and as she did, she let out moans.

Blight watched this for a while and as he saw nothing is going to happen, he caressed her back as he watched the movie that was on, but as he saw it was the titanic movie, he looked away and just thought of sleeping, and as he tired, he could hear Amara whispering something in his ear, and as he heard it, he said to her "I love you too" and as he did, she started kissing him again after giving him a happy smile, but this time, she had a hand grab his thing...but that was about it, he then thought she didn't know what to do, and so taught her about sex and as he did, he thought he should leave her sex educational videos now, but it didn't seem necessary as he took his time explaining it and...the baby part, and as he did, she seemed interested as she asked him "Can I….We, Can we create life...a baby that is... between the both of us?" And Blight smiled and said, "I don't see why not?" And he said this because he had no clue if they could, as in logically, god just created his children no? And Amara was darkness, so how could a baby live in her? And there's the part where she could just be fake in a dream world, so he had no clue, but giving hope is the cruelest thing you could he smiled as he said: "Wanna try?" And as he did, she rubbed her stomach for a bit, before she said to him, "I do...but...I'm also scared of the fact of having one...I have never dealt" and as she said that, Blight said to her as he fixed her fallen hair "Being scared is natural, but in the end, if you don't try, how will you know?" And as he said that, she stared at him for a while, she then asked: "From these movies I have seen, they say before having a child, that they must marry, do we do that?" And as Blight heard that, he wondered, "Which movie was that? And someone who is the beginning is afraid of the concept of creating life huh? Maybe she never had a chance because of what she is...and marriage...really? Me?" And as he did, he told her about the rings and the ring finger and as he did, she opened her palm and created two rings, she then put one on her ring finger and then one on his, and as she did, she asked: "Now we are married?" And as she did, Blight looked at the black rings she created, he then said "Seems like it" and as he did, he felt something and watched as both their marks glowed, he then saw the ring being absorbed by his ring finger and as it did, he saw a ring-like tattoo with the mark of Cain on top of it, on his ring finger and as he did, he thought "Is this… gonna be permanent again...what is the point of this?...and did I just get married?" And as he looked at Amara, he saw her looking at her finger in surprise, so he thought of something before saying "As I said, we are destined for one another" and as he said that, she looked at him and smiled before holding his hand and looking at his tattoo, she then held his hand with her hand that had the ring and as she did, the warmth became stronger again, and as he felt it, he suppressed it as he thought "This...warmth…it makes it easier to control Amara...but I don't like it at all..." And as he thought about it, he saw her smiling at him before she went to kiss him, and as she did, her hand grabbed his.

Blight heard his Alarm, and as he did, he stopped Amara and told her he had to leave, and as he did, he saw Amara staring at him for a bit while holding hands like she been doing for the past few minutes, she then said as she smiled "Be back soon, alright?" And as she did, he took a second before he smiled and said "I will, for you" and as he did, he kissed her before fading away.

Blight, as he woke up, ignored the nude women around him and looked at his left-hand ring finger, and as he did, he saw that black tattoos, and as he did, he eyes flashed purple for a bit before he thought "Permanent...again…and did I just marry the beginning?" and as he did, he went and took a shower before heading to school with Malia.

To Be Continued.