Chapter 44

Blight, as he drove to school, kept looking at his ring finger and as he did, he heard Malia asking him about the tattoo and he said: "Why not?" And after that, she appeared to be thinking, he then smiled but inwardly, he was trying to understand what this all meant, as in "Was she real? Or was she fake, just a toy for him trapped in a dream...or even worse..., she is the Amara from this world..." And as he thought of this, he kept glancing at his new tattoo, and as he did, he tried again to remove it, but nothing.

Blight thought "What was the surprise gift? To marry the beginning and what should be the end?...or not?.... these annoying questions... I gotta go there and find out soon" and as he thought of that, he got to school, and as he did, he stayed in the car to think, and as he did, he glanced at Malia who was staring at him, and as he did, he thought "I'll deal with it when the time comes...but the question is...can I devour the darkness ...can I devour Amara...." and as he did, he smiled while looking at Malia, and as he did, she smiled back before giving him a kiss.

Blight as he stopped the kiss, said to Malia, "It seems like people will be bothering us usual…" and as he did, he looked at the school's entrance and Malia looked where he was looking at before saying "Why not just kill them?" And as she did, Blight said "I like watching heroes get cocky as they become something else" and as he said that, he saw Malia looking at him weirdly, and so he said "Soon sweetie, you'll understand, now let's get to class" and as he did, she smiled before giving him a kiss and then leaving the car.

Blight randomly glanced to his left corner and as he did, he looked away before getting out of the car, and as he got out of the car, he went and told Malia something before he left for the woods and as he did, Malia smiled as she walked away, but as she did, she stood in the path of Scott and Stiles that wanted to follow Blight, she then said "Blight said if you follow him now, that I can kill Stiles" and as she did, her eyes glowed red.

Blight watched this with his abilities and sensed around before he went even deeper in the forest and as he did, he stood in front of a tree, and said: "So are you gonna show yourself, or are you gonna keep hiding?" And as he said that, he saw Kate coming out while looking at him, so he said "Katarina?" And as he did, he saw her smiling before walking up to him, and as he did, he thought "Good thing I didn't play the drama betrayal card when I manipulated here...I'm not sure if I would have killed her if I did...don't need the drama play right now" and as he thought of that, he glanced at his ring finger before looking at Kate or the so called Katarina, and as he did, he saw her standing right in front of him before she put her hand on his cheek and went for a kiss, and after the long kiss, he heard her saying "I missed you so much Bernard…" and as she did, he smiled and said "Blight, call me Blight" and as he did, she smiled and said "You never liked that name did you" and as she did, she gave him a kiss, before she teared up, and said "I'm sorry...about.." and as she did, Blight just put his finger on her mouth, and said "Shh, it wasn't your fault...and you know I'll never blame you" and as he did, he saw her tears falling and as he did, he wiped them away, he then said "But you know, I like this life, and this harem this boy has...well I added a few myself" and as he said that, she laughed as she said "You and your always did like collecting" and as she said that, she stared into his eyes and he smiled as he saw her sad smile, he then said "Don't fret about it it alright, it wasn't your fault" and as he said that, he hugged her and she hugged him back, he then said "My emm collection already know about you, so come and stay with me alright" and as he said that, she said "Mmm" and as she did, Blight smirked, he then said "But yes, the man who almost took you away from me, I left him alive for you, and will pay him a visit later tonight alright?" And as he did, he heard her saying "Alright...can you stay with me...for a while...Ben..Blight" and as she did, Blight smiled and took her to sit down with him by a tree and reminisce about the bullshit past he made up, and he then texted Malia that he would be late, and as Kate saw this, she asked him about his collection, and he smiled as the time he made her "remember" had polygamy, as it was a thing back then, so he told her and she said "You've got quite the collection this time" and as she did, he laughed and said "I love hearing your jealous voice…, but shouldn't I be the one who is do after all love women in that regard as well..." and as he did, he saw her leave the hug they'd been in for the past hour, and get on top of him, she then said " That's why you and I match so well...that we are destined for enernity….you know…, I do remember the me, before remembering everything, telling you to try and break, you wanna break me?" And as she did, she got on top of him, while she continued saying "Don't you wanna break the new me?" And Blight smiled as he said to her "Badly" and as he did, he pushed her down.

Blight got to his 4th class and me with Malia, and as he did, she asked about what happened, and he told her "Remember I told you about a member of the…' pack' being injured, she came to meet me now that she's all better, and I told her to come home" and as he did, Malia got excited as she said "Can I play with her?" And as she did, he smiled and said "She's into women, so yeah" and as he did, she told him she couldn't wait, and all he did was keep smiling.

Blight smiled as he played with Kate's mind with a method he always wanted to try, but couldn't in his previous world as hypnosis, wasn't real and even with all his skills, it couldn't work as he couldn't instill so many fake memories into a person. Blight then glanced outside and saw the worried Scott, and as he did, he smirked, he then thought "It's time for Melissa then and to get rid of those useless side characters along with her...then Scott himself...well, they will die on the same day, so at least their sadness and grief won't last long...heh...but since I got Kate out...I deal with it tomorrow...and that's before the weekend, so that's a bonus" and as he thought of that, he smiled.

Blight as he got out of class, got his handheld by Malia and as he looked at her, she smiled and as she did, he smiled back. Blight looked to his left and saw Scott, Scott stopped him, telling him they needed to talk and as he did, Blight smiled, he then said "Well, not really, I don't care what the other three are doing in this town...and I certainly don't have to talk to you Scott, and basically, why should I care?" And as he said that, he heard Scott saying "Because it's the right thing to do" and as he said that, Blight let out a small laugh before saying "How old are you? Like did you actually just say that?" And as he did, he patted Scott's shoulder and said, "Well, good luck with your 'right thing to do' and by the way, their much stronger than I would like to see how that would work out for you" and as he did, he walked away.

Blight finished his classes and was right now talking with Julia as Malia was in the bathroom, and as he did, he told her "I got something to do tonight, but I'm planning to meet Kali right now, so you coming?" And as he said that, he reached out his hand to her, and as he did, he saw her grab it, so he smiled as his eyes glowed red and said "It's gonna be fun" and hers glowed white as she said "I can't wait" and as they stared at each other, they heard Malia calling for them, as there was no toilet paper in her bathroom stall, and as she did, Blight smiled while Julia laughed, she then went into the bathroom to help Malia and as she did, Blight stopped smiling as he looked in a certain direction while his eyes flashed purple and after he did that, he laid against the wall, waiting for them to come out and a few minutes later they did.

Blight drove to his old house and as he did, he said, "Well, let's go in...she should be coming soon...after all, I did leave her a message" and as he said that, he got out of the car and got in his old home, and as he did, he saw the two right behind him, and as he got in the house, he conjured some food on the table and went to eat as he sensed Kali coming after leaving that lovely note in her room.

After Blight ate, he then erased the presence of the two and told them to go upstairs, as their guest has arrived, and as they heard that, they didn't question him as they went upstairs, and as they did, Blight went to the connected living room and turned on the TV and as he did, he waited a few minutes before he said "Not listening to Deucalian now are we? The mans smart enough not to mess with me even when I killed one of his own people, and there's a reason for that, he's scared of me, well, he's scared because he never heard of me" and as he said that, he looked at the bare feet woman who was growling at him and as he did, he said "Well, I guess you got nothing to say huh? Well, you guys can come down now" and as he said that, Malia and Julia came down, and as she looked at them, she was surprised as she could only smell and hear Blight, she then said, "You think because there's three of you, I'll be afraid?" And as she said that, Blight stood up and said "Oh, there not joining the fight, there going to watch me as I rape you...and probably join in" and as he said that, he saw her looking at him weirdly, he then started walking up to her and as she saw that, she looked at the two behind her and saw them doing nothing, so she went and attacked Blight with a jump kick and as she did, she saw Blight grabbing her leg before he lifted her upside down, and as she saw this, she tried clawing Blight or kicking him with her other leg, but as she felt her self hitting metal and saw nothing happening to him, she then heard Blight say "He was right to fear" and as she did, she felt Blight crush her ankle and as she did, she screamed loudly from the pain, she then heard a laugh before she was thrown before someone she has never seen before, she then heard Blight say "Julia, how about you introduce yourself to your old alpha" and as he said that, she looked at Julia in shock and as she did, she saw Julia crouch to her level and lift her chin, she then heard the woman she thought might be someone...she couldn't kill say "Hello sister" and as she did, she couldn't belive it, she then heard the other girl say "Fun time" before she tore off her pants as she laughed.

After a few hours, Blight texted a new number he got from Kate, and as he did, he told her where to meet him, he then looked at the dead Kali as Julia wanted to kill her and brutally at that as she wanted to test out absorbing a soul, but all she did was damaged the soul before it left, but he grabbed it and gave her what's...left of the soul..and it was less than 1/3rd of it, but even then, she got stronger and as she did, she smiled before she burned the corpse and after, she went and gave a kiss to Blight asking if they were gonna have sex tonight after he was done, and he told her "Sure, and you'll be meeting someone new as well" and as he said that, he gave them a kiss goodbye before teleporting then home and as he did, he disintegrated the burning body before resorting the somewhat destroyed living room, and after he finished, he drove to the city, and as he did, he met Kate.

Blight met Kate in a cafe, and as he did, he saw her eating cupcakes, and as he did, she told him as she saw him, "Now with the new me's metabolism...Imma be eating this without care anymore" and as he heard that, he sat next to her and ate a few with her, and as he did, she kissed him, before she continued eating and as they finished the 13 cupcakes, she grabbed her jacket before saying, "Now, let's have some fun" and as he got to the car, he saw her smiling at him before saying "I'm going to make him say 'I'm sorry' just like he did to me...before ripping his throat out" and as Blight heard this, he smiled, he then went and dealt with it, and he didn't really care about Peter's surprised face or even help her as he was weak, and she asked him not to help her as well, and rather, he was more focused on getting tomorrow ready as he watched Vlad kidnap Melissa while she left the hospital, and a few other major characters in the show, even one who shouldn't be alive, Allison's mother, and as he saw them all being kidnapped successfully, he smiled.

To Be Continued.