Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Blight looked at Kate who just kicked Peter across the room while she kept talking about how he would have never thought she was still alive, and bringing up the Hale family fire, and as she did, Peter roared at Kate before getting kicked in the face by Kate, and as Blight saw that, he looked around the expensive apartment, he then looked at the kitchen table and saw pizza and as he touched the box, he felt it was still warm, so he opened and saw anchovies and pineapple and as he did, he closed the box and looked at Peter for a bit, before he tapped the box and re-opened it to see a plain cheese pizza, he then took a slice and watched the show.

Blight ate half the box, and as he did, he heard Kate saying "He won't say sorry Blight" and as he did, he said as he ate his pizza "Burn him alive then" and as he did, Kate smiled as she went to the kitchen, and as he saw the beat-up Peter looking at him, he said, "It probably doesn't matter, but you should know, I'm dating your daughter" and as he saw him looking at him in shock for a second before groaning in pain, Blight said "I know, I know, but your sister has a tendency to play with people's memories no? But don't sweat it...I'm taking really good care of her" and as he said that, he smiled...before taking another bite of the pizza.

Blight watched as Kate dumped oil on Peter and after she did, she took a lighter and a deodorant spray, and as she was about to aim it at him, he started to apologize and asked for a different type death, but Kate just smiled as she said "Aww, but I want you to feel the flames...again, and I wanna hear you scream" and as she did, she let it rip on him.

Blight looked at this before he grabbed another slice, he then looked around and thought "This is a nice apartment... how much is the rent?" and as he did, he eyes flashed purple on the smoke alarm, before he continued to watch the laughing Kate, who was having her fun.

Blight finished the box and stood up, he then sensed around and found nothing of interest in his home, he then said to Kate who was staring at the burnt dead body "Let's go home?" And as he did, she turned and looked at him, before saying "Alright" and as she did, she even went up to him and said "Why not use some of that magic you learned, and clean up all the evidence" and as he heard that, he smiled as he snapped his fingers and fixed everything while destroying the dead body, and as she saw that, she said, "It seems you got stronger in that regard...I like it" and as she said that, Blight teleported them and the car to their home and as he did, he looked at her and saw her surprised face, he then walked closer to her and she stepped back and as she did, she hit the car, she then looked at Blight who put his had on the car while staring at her and all she did was stare at him back while glancing around, she then heard him say "My power is now strong enough to keep us more more more you leaving me again...I... don't want you to leave my side...anymore Katarina...Kate…I.. won't let you leave me again" and as he said that he used his free hand to lift her chin for a kiss and as he did, she hugged him, he then saw her tearing and as he did, he smiled inwardly as he looked down on her, he then said after the kiss "Let's go inside...I want you to meet you didn't earlier today...and this is our new home, so I need to show you around...and to our bedroom" and as he said that, he grabbed her hand and lead her in.

The next morning, Blight looked around him, and saw nude women, he then looked at Kate and saw her hugging his legs as she slept on top of Olivia, he then looked around before he headed to the shower, and after the shower, he looked at the full-body mirror near the sink, he then looked at the Mark of Cain on his shoulder, then his ring tattoo and as he did, he looked at himself for a bit before he got dressed.

Blight, as he got to School, saw Scott heading to his car with Allison kinda behind him and as he did, he got out in a relaxed mood, he then got grabbed by Scott and heard him say "Where's my mom?" And as Blight heard that, he saw Malia gonna attack Scott and as he did, he looked around and then smiled at her and as he did, she stopped, he then stared at Scott while he smiled, and as he did, Scott looked around before he let go, he then saw Allison catch up to them, and as she did, she couldn't look into his eyes, and said nothing.

Blight then said as he continued smiling "Mom?" And as he did, he heard Scott telling him about it and Allison telling him about her mom not coming home while giving him a sad face and as he did, he took out his phone and made a call, and as he did, he smiled as everyone looked at him, and he had it on speaker, he then heard *Beep* * Beep* *Beep* and as he did, he looked at them, before he dialed another number and as he did, someone responded, he heard the guy saying "What up?" and as he did, he said "Hey Vlad, what's up with Warren? He ain't answering my call?" And as he did, he heard Vlad say "Warren? He's having fun right now, mother fuckers moans are fucked up though, what the fuck is arf? He keeps saying that every 5 minutes...." and as he did, he asked if they kidnapped people, and then got a reply back "Yup, we need a few more sacrifices, and we needed to hurry up, Theo's getting impatient" and as he did, he heard Scott screaming about his mom, and as he did, he heard Vlad say "Is that who Theo called "bitch boy' ? Haha? Did we take his mom, awesome" and as he did, he heard Scott growling, he then saw Allison's sad face, so he said "Vlad, can you do me a favor?" And as he did, he heard Vlad stop chuckling and say "Sure….Hey Warren, shut the fuck up already, stop humping that chick like a dog you mut…., alright, what's is it Blight" and as he did, he started detailing Victoria's looks to Vlad and as he did, Vlad said, "What about her?" And Blight smiled as he said, "Can you release her and get someone else?" And as he did, the line got quiet for a bit before saying "Only her...alright Blight?" And as he did, Blight said "Yeah, no problem...thanks Vlad" and as he did, he heard Vlad say "Alright...I'll help you and hide it from the way, what's bitch boys moms name?" And as he heard that, he heard the Scott say "Melissa, now release her and everyone else, what your doing is wrong, you don't need to do this" and as he did, the call got quite before he heard Vlad laughing like crazy, he then heard Vlad say "Yo Blight, That dude is funny as fuck...and yeah, Warren is starting to piss me off with whoever he's raping and his arfs sounds..., anyway, Imma go deal with that Victoria chick before Theo comes back and...Imma have some fun with that Melissa chick...hehe, later Blight" and as he heard that, the call ended.

Blight looked at the shocked Scott and said "Are you that retarded? You do know he's either gonna kill or rape your mom now right?... Well, good luck with that" and as he said that, he looked at Allison and said "You're lucky that Vlads pretty chill, because I'm cool with mostly Warren...but he's a bit messed the head, anyway, your mom will be alright now ok? Don't bother with that group...they aren't to be messed with, alright?" and as he said that, he saw Allison looking at him blankly before giving out a small nod, he then was about to move away, but Scott grabbed his arm in anger, and as he did, Bight grabbed that arms wrist and squeezed it a bit as he broke it, he then heard Scott grunt and as he did, Blight said "Don't touch me" and as he did, he didn't see Allison try to defend Scott but rather, just look at him worriedly, he then said to Scott, "What do you want?" And as he did, he heard Scott trying to breathe as he gave an angry look while facing him, he then heard Scott say "I wanna know where she is, where they are, That's my mom Blight...please" and as he did, Blight said "You're too weak to do anything though" and as he said that, he saw Scott's eye glow red for a bit, and as he did, he said "Oh, you're turning to a true alpha..., maybe that's why Deucalion is after you...your eyes are glowing he came for you, he wanted to add you to his collection…a special alpha in his pack..hmm" and as Blight said that he saw Scott giving him a weird look, he then said "I'll tell you where they're are...but it's up to you if you wanna save them...and those three are strong… especially Theo when he gets mad...I suggest you get Deucalion on your side…, it should be easier as long as you join his pack" and as he said that, he told Scott their location and smiled as he continued saying "You got till tonight probably...but, as you told him her name...I'd probably go as fast as I could if I were you" and as he said that, he pointed at the twins before he smiled and left, and as he did, Malia followed but Allison didn't and as he saw this, he smiled.

Blight went to his first class, and as he did, he smiled as it finished, he then sat on his desk and gestured Julia to come to him and as she did, the doors closed, he then looked at the two next to him and said "Tonight...we're gonna have a party at my place, and Julia, come and move in alright?" And as he said that, he saw Julia nodding, he then explained the situation with Scott and Deucalion, and as he did, he said: "So there gonna die soon, and you don't need to care much about your revenge...unless you wanna kill him yourself?" And as he said that, he saw her shaking her head, he then asked: "So… you wanna go watch his death?" And as he did, he heard Malia say "Me, I wanna, I wanna Blight" and as he did, he looked at the smiling girl who was raising her hand, he then heard Julia chuckle as she said "Sure, why not" and as he did, he smiled and said "Let's go then", and after he said that, Julia said "Wait, right now?" And as she did, he nodded, he then heard her ask him for 2 minutes and then she rushed off, and as he saw this, he thought "Oh right, she has other classes to teach" and as he thought of that, he looked at Malia who got closer to him and as he did, he saw her beaming with excitement as she kissed him and sat on his legs, and Blight smiled as he held and kissed her, and he only kept kissing her till Julia came back, and as she did, Blight smiled and left with them.

Blight thought of something and texted someone and as he did, he saw the reply and texted again before he watched as Deucalion, the twins, Scott, Stiles, Derek, Allison, Victoria, and Chris, entered the planned area, and as he did, he smiled. Blight drove and Julia asked him about the sacrifices, and as she did, Blight said "They are basically doing what you did, but not for strength...but for life...they have to make sacrifices, every few hundred years to keep themselves young…, last time I checked, a werewolf alpha has a lifespan of 160-180 years...and those three are around 800-900 years old..., anyway, I heard they made a mistake in their last sacrifice last year, so Theos not gonna play around this time...but to me, they're nothing, so you don't gotta worry about it, but there friends so nothing will happen...but you should see how they act, they act like teenagers of this day an age as they try to blend in" and as he said that, Julia stayed quiet before asking him how old he was, and as she did, he smiled and said "Do you really wanna know?" And as she nodded, he smiled and said "In less than a few months, I'm going to be…" and as he saw her getting closer to him, he said slowly "17" and as he did, he saw her looking at him in denial, he then said "Did you really think I was old? I'm 100% 16 right now, Like really? I'm nowhere as old as them" and as he said that, he heard her say " a devil?" And as he heard that, he said " Yup, I was born 16 years ago, as a devil," and as he said that, he heard her asking about his parents, so he just shrugged saying he never met them, but he knew 'what' he was at the age of 14 and said some random bullshit in the mix.

Blight saw the action happening as he watched with his abilities, and as he did, he was already there, so he took them to the top of the abandoned factory and watched and as he did, he saw a few randoms dead, and those were Chris's followers that he rarely ever took after season 1 and 3, and as he did, he saw Scott's rage full-face and as he saw this, he looked around, he then saw Malissa dead, with her clothes torn apart and semen around her lower body, and as he saw this, he smiled as he could care less about her, and he thought " So I made it just in time, Vlad showed Scott, he was rapping his mother before he killed her...hmm, that's nice, and looking at Scotts red eyes…, and the amazed expressions of those around him, oh this is gonna be sad for them as he fails" and as he thought this, he saw Scott rushing up to Vlad, but Vlad smiled as he disappeared and appeared right before Victoria, and as he did, he heard him saying "I let you leave as a favor for a friend...but here you are.. I don't believe in second chances, and I don't need you anymore" and as he said that, he saw Vlad snapping Victoria's neck, and as he did, he heard Chris and Allison scream "Noooo" and as they did, they shot at Vlad, but Vlad disappeared, and as he did, he could hear Vlad laughing as he stood near Scott, and as Vlad was about to say something, a loud roar came from Scott and as it did, Vlad said "You shouldn't have done I won't have all the fun to my self" and as he said that, a really loud growl could be heard, and it was much louder than Scott's roar and as it did, Blight saw Theo and Warren come in with their eyes glowing.

To Be Continued.