Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Blight watched as Scott kept glancing at his mother and his anger kept rising, and as it did, he saw Scott's red eyes expanding to his sclera, and as it did, he saw Scott's face morphing a bit, and as he saw this, he thought "Oh, now this is...will give them hope…" and he thought this because, everyone keot calling out to him, and even saw the amazement if a few people's eyes.

Blight looked at the two beside him and said "You two stay here, Imma be going down to have some don't interrupt" and as he said that, Malia asked, "Are you going to save Allison?" And as she said that, Blight smiled and said "No, she's not part of the…' pack' so why should I?...She's standing in the way Malia…, I got her mother freed, and look what happened… Malia… didn't she betray me? She joined Scott's side, even after I told her not too" And as he said that, he saw Malia realizing what he said in shock, her eyes then glowed red as she said "That bitch" and as she did, she looked like she was about to head down, but Blight said "Malia... don't ruin my fun" and as he did, he saw her stop and look at him, she then gave him a pouting face before she went and grabbed Julia's arm, and as he saw this, he smiled and said "Good Girl" and as he did, he saw her smiling again, and he did so as well, before going down.

Blight, as he got down, saw Deucalion, facing Theo, but not fighting, rather chatting before a fight, and as he did, he heard Allison call out to him, and as he did, he saw her walking up to him with tears falling down her eyes, and as she got there, Blight said "You came...huh?" And as he did, he saw her looking at him in regret before she said "I couldn't let them sacrifice these people...I'm sorry Blight" and as she did, Blight looked at her sadly as he said "I even helped you, and look, you came back and now your mothers dead...I even said they were strong, I warned you Allison…" and as he said that, he saw the tear fallen Allison shaking her head before saying "Even so, it's not right...I'm sorry Blight...but they killed my mother...please help me... please Blight" and as she did, she walked up to him and held his hands as she stared into his eyes, Blight smiled as he held her hands, he then said "Alright" and as he did, she smiled and gave him a kiss as she let go of his hands, and as she did, Blight held her face with both of his hands and as the kiss ended, they stared at each other with a happy smile. Blight kept smiling as he said "Goodbye Allison" and as he did, he snapped her neck.

Blight smiled as he watched Allison fall down, with her eyes still open, and her mouth still smiling, and as he did, he heard two voices say "Allison" and they were Scott who was morphing even more now and Chris, and as he looked at Chris, he saw the man with an angry face and tears falling out, aim his two guns at him, and as he was about to shoot, the fully turned Warren got a jump on him as he slashed his throat out. Blight then turned and looked at the merged twins and Derek who were fighting Vlad, and as he did, he glanced at Scotts who was still morphing as he kept glancing at his mother and Allison, and as he saw this, he thought "Heroes really do need time for there epic transformation huh? Or is it because he just turned into an alpha...hmm..., is he turning like Peter..., never seen the morphing completed in the show" And as he did, he looked at Theo and saw him taking off his shirt before he started morphing, and as he did, he saw Deucalion morphing as well, but even though Theo grew bigger, he wasn't as strong as he used to be as Blight made him just a bit stronger than Deucalion as to prolong the fight, and Blight made Vlad fast, but only as strong as a normal alpha, and Warren, he was as strong as an alpha but more resilient and faster.

Blight then walked away and sat on a pipe as he watched and as he did, he heard Deucalion complementing Theos strength before Theo complemented Deucalion's strength, he then started to hear Scott's bones cracking, and Deucalion talking about how this was gonna be fun. Blight then glanced upstairs and saw Malia waving at him while pointing at Allison and then making a thumbs up gesture and as he saw that, he smiled, he then thought "The new Kate doesn't seem to care about Allison as I told her she betrayed me...she even said make her niece's death painful ...hmm, my experiment was truly a success it would how fucking long is this kid gonna take" and as he looked at Scott, he folded his arms and thought "Any day now.." and as he thought of that, he was interrupted by a loud grunt, and as he heard it, he looked and saw Deucalion being thrown away, by an even bigger Theo as it would seem Theo was geeting impatient and angry, and as Theo looked at him, Blight smiled, he then saw Theo glancing at Allison, before nodding at him and looking away, Blight smilied even more as he saw these things he made, live out these emotions that he gave them, he then looked at Warren, and saw the huge wolf get off of Chris and the glance at Stiles who was holding a metal baseball bat, but as Blight saw he was gonna go for Stiles, he's eyes flashed purple, and as it did, Warren stopped and headed to help Vlad, as Vlad just kept moving around dodging, not being able to attack much.

Blight then looked at Scott and saw his mouth shifting into a large wolfs, he then saw Scott looking at him and as he did, he winked while smiling, he then looked at Deucalion, who said to Theo, "Do you mind just forgetting about this… I will walk away and never return" and as he said that, Theo grabbed him from his neck and said "Pathetic, can't you die with honor, with your strength, I wouldn't mind letting you join my pack, but seeing you now, cowering like this, you shame our battle…, you shame me and yourself" and after he did, Blight watched as Theo tore off his neck and as Blight saw that, he could hear Malia saying "Ohhhhhh, did you see that Julia, he's spine came out, omg...I wanna try doing that" and as he did, he ignored that for now as he watched as Theo looked at the morphing Scott...who was still taking his sweet ass time, and as Blight looked at Theo, Theo said to him "Is he yours to fight with Blight?" And as he did, Blight smiled and said "He's all your's friend… I know you like a challenge" and as he said that, he saw the huge Theo nod at him and then fold his arms to wait for Scott to finish.

Blight looked to his right and saw Vlad drinking Derek's blood and Warren tearing off the twin's neck and as he saw this, he thought "I made them based off an alphas strength, but even then they still won...even when they were out numbered … it was supposed to be Theo soloing everybody as I made him somewhat immune from bullets...but it seems not, but no matter, Scott is showing an anomaly from this, so this should be good...but this all happened due to Victoria… maybe I should have killed her earlier… why was she even here, did Warren harass her...or did he rape her...hmm" and as he thought of that, he looked at Warren who was looking at him, he then saw him smiling and waving at him, so he did the same.

Blight looked at Vlad and Warren and saw them fist bumping, and as he did, he kinda made them based on the personalities of best friends that he watched from many Tv shows, and as he looked at the Two, he heard Scott roar, and as he did, he went and looked at the huge...ugly wolf Scott became and saw him rushing at Vlad with super speed, and he was even faster than Peter in season 1 and as he did, Blight saw Vlad, being caught off guard, and getting his head torn off by Scotts huge claw, he then saw Warren staring at this blanky before he roared and tried to attack Scott, but as he did, Warren could only get a bite in before he got his neck chewed off by Scott and as Blight saw this, he started clapping as he thought "Look at this, I have succeeded in making the hero into a killer, and look at his strength…, he dwarfs the orginal him from the series, my goodness. I am amazing at what I do" and as he was lost in his own thoughts, he snapped out of it as he heard grunts from the now, even more enraged Theo as Theo grew to a height of 6 foot 9, the same size as the new Scott, he then watched as the two battled with equal strength and as he did, he thought "Perfect, just how I wanted it for the end part" and as he did, he conjured popcorn and ate as he watched the show.

And as Blight watched the show for a while, he laid his back on the wall as he was starting to get bored as all they did was slash, throw and heal, and as he looked at his empty XL popcorn bag, he threw it to the side and glanced at Stiles who was the only one left Alive and as he did, he thought of something before he silently got behind him and attacked stiles by stabbing his hand through him, but he stabbed through him from the side as to not kill him, and as Scott heard a grunt and looked behind him, he saw  Blights arms going through Stiles left lower side and as he did, he gotten even madder, he then heard Theo saying "Looking away from me bitch boy, how dare you" and as he did, he could hear Malia saying from upstairs "Yeah, how dare you" and as he did, he let out a loud roar and went at it even fiercely with Theo as he didn't care about the wounds he may get and as Blight saw this, he took out his hands from Stiles and grabbed his metal bat and walked away back to his seat, he then used his powers clean of the Blood on him as he watched the even more savage fight, and soon enough, Scott got one of his arms terribly clawed by Theo, but as he did, Scott tore of Theos neck as he bit it.

Blight, as he looked at this, thought "Finally" and as he did, he saw the huge, transformed Scott staring at him, after glancing at Stiles who was laying in a pool of his own blood, and as he did, he dropped the cake he conjured 5 minutes ago to the side and started clapping, and as he did, he clapped even harder as he said "Bravo Scott, look at you, being the last to survive, my goodness did you do well, and look at how big you are, jeez" and as he said that, he saw Scott walking up to him slowly, he then smiled as he said  and played a video "You know, about your mom… I kinda slept with her as well, even before all this and Oof was she tight down there, and yesterday, I shared her with Vlad and Warren..., and just so you know, I even told them where to find her…." and as he said that, he saw the ugly wolf Scott stopping and looking at his phone as a video of Blight showed fucking Melissa in a bathroom stall, before he started walking again, but faster this time, and as he did, Blight continued saying after changing the video to Allison, to the time where she had her formal dress on "And Allison, Oof, now she was a whore..., even when she was dating you, she was sleeping around with me, and I didn't care, see after your sad little date at the formal, she came to me begging for sex, so sad no? Can't you hear those moans? Shows how much she loved it no?" And as he said that, Blight looked at the huge, ugly ass wolf in front of him and continued to say,"Poor you right?" And as he did, he saw large amounts of drool falling out as Scott opened his mouth and steam coming out of there as well, he then saw Scott's huge hand grabbing him and as he did, he looked at the two who were watching him upstairs and smiled, he then looked at the Scott who seemed to wanna eat him and said "What did I say about touching me?" And as he did, he flicked the hand that grabbed him, and as he did that, Scott's hand that was lifting him up, exploded in to a pool blood, and as it did, Blight fell down slowly and Scott started screaming from the pain.

To Be Continued.