Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Blight gave off a pure smile as he held the bat that he took from Stiles and tapped it on his shoulder, he then said: "Is it that hard to understand something so simplistic?" And as he said that, he swung the bat at Scotts lower leg, but not with much force as he only wanted to break the bone badly and as he did, he saw Scott falling down, he continued, saying "It's not that hard? really" And as he did, he kicked that huge werewolf face and made him move back again, he then said: "Malia, is it hard to understand 'Don't touch me'?" And as he did, he heard Malia say "No...but you're nice to touch though… you're really soft and warm too... so it's kinda hard if you told me too not touch you..." and as he heard that, he stopped for a second before saying "Well, you get the point right Scotty?" And as he said that, Scott growled at him, so he smiled and raised the bat before he smacked his face with it, and as he did, Blight said "Ohhh, your lower jaw disconnected... Oof… that's gotta hurt" and as he saw that and said that, he smiled as he smacked Scott at his lower kidneys side with the bat and as he did, he saw Scott throwing up blood, he then said "That's not healthy Scotty… you should really check that out" and as he did, he hit the same spot again, and after that, he saw Scott turning smaller, so he tapped his shoulder with the bat again and waited for the change to finish, he then walked to his seat and looked at the bloodied nude Scott with one arm and said "So, how's it feel to kill someone tiger?" And as he did, he looked at Scott who got on his knees while staring at him with dead tired eyes that showed pain, he then heard Scott say "...Why...Blight?...Why?" And as Blight heard that, he smiled and said " I would love to answer that, but I love saying this more…' Why not?' " And as he did, he let out a small laugh, he then looked at Scott and heard Scott say "Fuckkkk…...uuu Blight, jus...t kill m...e" and as he did, Blight looked at him oddly and said "I'm not gonna kill you" and as he said that he saw Scott looking at him with tired eyes that showed confusion, he then pointed behind him and said "But he is" and as Scott heard that, he weakly turned around and saw Stiles and as he did, his tired eyes turned into shock, he then said "Sti...les?" And as he did, he heard Stiles say "Sorry Scott, but well...not really" and as he heard that, he saw Stiles smile, before Stiles plunged his hand thorough his chest and grab his heart and as he saw this, he stared at Stiles and wanted to say something, but as he tired, he coughed up blood as he stared at Stiles, he then he closed his eyes and as he did, he's pulse stopped as well.

Blight watched as Stiles took out his hand from the dead Scott and as he did, Blight watched as Scott fall down, he then looked around and took all the souls into his body, and as he did, he looked at Stiles, and as he did that, he saw Stiles looking at him normally, before he started looking around and as he saw Stiles looking at him, he then said "Hey Stiles" and as he did, he heard him say after looking at the dead bodies "This is gotta be another dream….nononononon" and he fell on to the floor, on to Scotts blood and as Blight heard that, he smiled and said "Stiles, count how many fingers you have, and you'll know if this is a dream or not" and as he said that, he saw Stiles looking around, then at him, before actually looking at his fingers and as he saw Stiles finish counting his fingers, he then saw him pause in shock before he started counting again...and again and as he did, tears started falling out.

Blight stood up and walked up to Stiles, he then crouched next to Stiles and said "You know, I really did like you Stiles...really did, but you came and annoyed me… and well, I thought, 'Why not?' so here we are...and you wanna know something fun, look at your phone's pictures...there something there about your dad" and as Stiles heard that, he paused before he started to shakily take out his phone, and as he did, he struggled to open his phone as he kept failing, so Blight smiled as he helped him out and took him to his gallery, and as he saw the picture Blight clicked on, he just stopped and said "…" and as he did, Blight said "Aww, now don't be're gonna be joining him soon...probably, but I wonder what you'll tell Scott and your dad as you were the one to kill them" and as he said that, he saw Stiles drop the phone and start counting his fingers again... and again and as Blight saw this, he raised the bat and as he did, he stopped and looked at Stiles, he then thought "Hmm, well no...." and as he did, he raised that bat and smashed on Stiles' head and as he did, he smiled and thought "That hit felt really good…, mhm, and letting him live, yeah no, I'd rather kill my victims than leaving them broken and alive, and this way, it destroys loose ends as well" and as he thought of that, he took Stiles soul and looked upstairs, he then saw Malia clapping saying "Blights number one" and as he did, he smiled, he then looked at Julia, and as he did, he heard her say "That was… so one-sided" and as he did, he said, "What did you expect?" And he heard her say "From the TV shows, the hero should have but more of a fight, but you just smacked him around, and you turned his best friend crazy…, you know, I think TV shows are just fake now as I watched this" and as he heard that, he looked around and said "Yup" and as he did, he looked at his new souls, he then grabbed Scott's soul and as he did, he crushed it, destroying it for eternity, he then took Stiles and squashed the fly and as he did that, he smiled, he then looked up and said "Let's go home" and as he did, he saw them coming down and looking around before they headed to the exit, he then followed after with the bat, and as he did, he glanced back at bodies and as he got to the exist he glanced back again and saw nothing there and as he did, he smiled.

As Blight got home, he looked at the bat and smiled as he stored it in his room closet, he then looked around at all the women and as he did, he smiled, he then snapped his fingers and as he did, he smiled even more as he saw all the women around him groveling as they grabbed their lower bodies, he then grabbed a chair and sat down, he then folded his legs and rested his head on his fist as he looked at his so-called women, and as he glanced as Abigail, he noticed she had an orgasm as he did, he then smirked at her, and she gave him a perverse face, and Blight stayed seated as he looked at each an every one of them for a bit, and after he did, Blight smirked, he then said, "Today ...well, for the next week actually, we won't be leaving my room, so let's have fun shall we?"

A week later, Blight looked at the mess he left behind him and then at his ring finger tattoo, and as he did, he went and took a shower, and after he did so, he smiled and teleported away. Blight teleported and looked at a huge gravestone and as he did, he put his hand on the gravestone and sensed the strength around it, and as he did, he thought about destroying the seal, and as he did, he eyes glowed purple for a second before he stopped, and as he did, he removed his hand from the stone and looked to his left, and the direction was to Pots Diner, and as he did, he teleported there and as he got there, he looked around and saw it was empty, but one booth wasn't and that was the booth he sat at all the time and as he did, he went and stood there and as he did, he looked at the man who was eating pancakes, he then looked at the food that was where the free seat was, and it seemed to be what he always ordered from here. Blight didn't sit down, but rather just stared at the man and didn't speak, and as he did, he watched the man eat a slice before he gestured Blight to sit, and as he did, Blight looked at the seat and then sat down, he then looked at the food and ate, and he did so until the man spoke, and the man never spoke until he finished, but when he did, he heard him say "To think there could be another Darkness… or are you something else…, you are not… just Darkness… but so much more aren't Abomination of sorts?" And as Blight heard that, he thought "Why would he think I'm Darkness?... is it the ring finger? Or the Mark of Cain on my shoulder?... maybe doing all those things with Amara is making him think I'm Darkness...but for one thing… he ain't my god it would seem" and so he smiled as he said "An abomination? Well, I do myself like that term…, but to think you would come and meet me, God" and as he said that, the man said "Call me Charles, and we wouldn't have met, if you weren't trying to destroy the seal I placed on hell" and as he did, the man stopped for a second before saying "The cosmic universe think it could make something like you…, but I understand, without Darkness, there can be no true order, and after I killed my brother 16 years ago, in a faraway place, you would seem that, there must be order…, or not, I'm not too sure of this my self, but by killing you, I might learn about it" and as Blight heard that, he smiled even more as he asked "Care to try?" And as he did, he and Charles stared at each other for a bit, before Charles said " No, my brother who broke the seal that I put him in 17 years ago, wished to destroy my creations due to jealousy… but you had the chance, and did nothing… rather you just played around with a few of them…" and as Blight heard that, he said "Well, of course, it would be boring after all if all life disappeared... I have no interest in destroying all life" and as Charles heard that, he stayed quiet and Blight just kept smiling.

Blight looked at Charles and thought "If he...attacks, and appears to strong for me, then I must run away to supernatural… I was supposed to go after seeing hell… and what would happen afterwards …, but now…, this happened" and as Blight thought that, he said "You said something to me that is...interesting... if you killed your brother, the first Darkness… and I appeared after..., then what would happen if you died..., would everything just wither away, just to be recreated by another God?... truly intriguing is it not?" And as he said that, he saw the Charles look at his plate before saying "I'm not so sure about that myself…, maybe? Or maybe not?, Have you ever heard of a god dying?" And as Blight heard that, he smiled and said "I have never heard of the Darkness dying either… how did you do it by the way?" and as Blight said that he thought " A god dying...Yes, Chuck almost died..., but he was healed by Amara… and anyway… A true god cannot die… but apparently, this show follows supernatural as well… maybe it's because of me…or God from my world, he is a true God after all, so this would be simple to do" and as he thought of that, he heard the man say "...By sacrificing someone important to me ..., but enough of that, let's get to the point, shall we?" And as Blight heard that, he smiled, and as he did, he heard Charles say "I won't interfere with you, but you must do so as well, simple right? I don't mind what you've done till now, humans and monsters kill each other all the time, but I would like to keep the natural order going, so no opening hell or anything to disrupt the natural order…, nothing too much… and you haven't really done so till now" and as Blight heard that, he stayed quiet for a bit, and after he did, he said "So be it" and as he did, Charles smiled and as he did, he glanced at the ring tattoo for a second before he disappeared, and after he did, Blight looked and saw people appearing in the Diner, and as he did, he smiled as he ordered another meal, and it was the same meal, and after he did, he ate it before thinking "Well… time to go" and as he did, he left Pots Diner and teleported away, and as he got to the Nemeton, he went and sat on the edge of it before he looked in front of him, and as he did, he raised his hand and focused on opening a path to supernatural, and after he did, he saw a tear in the air, and so he smiled as he went in it and left TeenWolf.

To Be Continued.